Final chapter! (finally)

I abandoned this story a long time ago because I couldn't figure out how to end it. After some pushing by the same friend who got me to write it in the first place (Hi, Alex!), and with some help from my friend who's a writer (Sup, Kathleen?), I finally produced a final chapter that I'm happy with. Enjoy!

"What do we do now?" the lanky guy asked.

The redhead shrugged. "We wait, I guess."

The doctor bounced his converse-clad feet. "So, do you two travel with the Doctor, then?" He refrained from telling them that they were the same person. Explaining regenerations to new companions was always a headache.

The redhead nodded. "Yeah. I'm Amy, and this is Rory." They shook hands.

The doctor tapped his feet impatiently and huffed. "Martha is in so much trouble. I'm going to make her organize all the clothes in the closet, in chronological order! Or maybe I'll make her clean the Console Room, from top to bottom, with a toothbrush! Or I'll-"

"-All I'm saying is that he'd better take me somewhere nice to make up for this! I want to see the galaxy, and where does he take me? A bloody hospital!"

The Doctor fidgeted nervously. He knew what was coming, and wanted to get them back together as soon as possible. "Let's run, shall we? You'll be together sooner. I'm sure he's worried sick."

"Yeah, right," she scoffed.

"-that'll make her pay, worrying me sick. I've lost too many companions already. Haven't even gotten her out into space and I've already started losing her."

"Oh, you travel in space, too?" Amy asked, swinging her feet on the bench.

The Doctor jumped, breaking out of his rant. He bobbed his head. "Yes, I do. All the time. Gotta get vaccinated before I can go anywhere, though. Do those needles hurt?" he asked innocently, acting as if he were a companion himself.

Rory groaned, gripping his left arm. "It's worse than being stabbed. And I should know. This one here," he ruffled Amy's hair, "stabbed me when we were playing Raggedy Man as kids."

The Doctor raised his eyebrows. "Raggedy Man?"

Rory opened his mouth to elaborate, but then Amy pointed across the lobby. "There they are!" she squealed.

The Doctor turned his head sharply, leapt off the bench and started running. "Martha!" he cried, all anger forgotten. People parted for him as he made his way to her. Once he reached her, he scooped her up in a bear hug. "I was worried. Are you all right?"

"Put. Me. Down." Martha growled through her teeth. The Doctor, knowing that tone, set her on the floor instantly. As soon as he let her go, her arm swung up.


The 11th Doctor, Rory, and Amy all winced at the sound, and at the bright red handprint across 10's face. Martha's face was the very essence of fury. "Where the hell have you been all this time?!" she yelled.

The sting on his face made it easy to slip back into his rage. "Looking for you!" he roared.

Rory cleared his throat loudly. "Shouldn't you be getting vaccinated? You're probably late to your appointment by now."

The 10th Doctor grabbed Martha's hand and led her through the crowd, bickering the whole way. Amy huffed. "You're welcome," she muttered nastily. Her stomach growled.

11 smiled. "Well, Ponds, I think it's time we go. I know a wonderful place in the Toff galaxy that serves inside out spaghetti." And with that, they left.

"- and so then I went off with the future you, trying to find you!" A nurse pushed a needle into her arm. "YEOWCH!" Martha gripped the arm of the chair, ignoring the Doctor's offered hand. "What's your story?"

The Doctor delved into his story, but didn't get very far. "- so then, I happened to pass a little shop. I love a little shop. So I decided to pop in for a mo'."


The Doctor smiled sheepishly. "Yes... But I got you something!" He drew a small bag out of his jacket pocket. He reached into the bag and pulled out two candy bars. He handed her one and greedily unwrapped his own.

She glanced at her own candy bar, wincing as she was injected with another needle, and then groaning as she realized what kind of candy he bought her. Almond Joy. She despised coconut. The Doctor, thinking that her groan was from pain, patted her hand as he gobbled down the Zero bar. "'ere, 'ere, 'artha. Only 'oo 'ore," he said, mouth bulging with white chocolate.

She swatted his hand away. "Go on with your story."

"'y aren' 'oo eatin' 'our 'andy?" He asked, licking caramel off the corner of his mouth.

"Because, Doctor, I'm allergic to coconut. And even if I wasn't, I'm too mad to accept your bribery chocolate." She frowned indignately. He broke off a piece of his own and held it out. She frowned harder. "No bribery chocolate! You're not getting off that easily. On with the story."

He swallowed his mouthfull of candy with difficulty. "Right, so after I left the shop, I went to the bathroom to see if you were there. I waited ten minutes for a girl to come near the loo. When one did, I asked her to check and see if you were in there, and she said there was no one in there."

"And did it never occur to you that I finished using the loo while you were in the shop?" She rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Doctor, for someone so utterly brilliant, you really are thick someti-OWW!" she yelped, grasping at his slightly sticky hand. She sighed and took the bit of candy from his fingertips and ate it. It may be bribery, but it was tasty.

The Doctor smiled, seeing the anger seeping away. "Just one more, and then we can go. Your choice. Anywhere in time and space."

"You'd better take me to a planet made of bloody diamonds for this," she grumbled half heartedly.

"I can, if you'd like. Or, we could go to a planet made of ice and go ice skating. Or, there's this planet called Barcelona, it's got noseless dogs, we could go see them if you want."

The final needle plunged into her arm and she squeezed his hand tightly, gritting her teeth. He winced in pain. She had quite a grip. She sighed and released his hand as the nurse started bandaging her arm. "Ice skating sounds lovely, actually. I haven't done that since I was a kid."

"Yeah?" The Doctor grinned his trademark toothy grin. Together, they swept out of the hospital, headed toward the TARDIS to see the stars.