Summary: Gin's mother dies giving birth to him, and his father hates him for it. Forced to live his life in the basement, a small window is the only taste of the outside world he gets. Day after day, he stares at that window, hoping something will come and change his life for the better. He gets mmuch more than he bargained for when Hotaru stumbles across the window.


Warning: Angsty stuff ahead.


Gin let out a cry of pain as his father tossed him down the steps to the basement. He yelled something, but Gin was struggling to maintain his consciousness. His silver hair was tainted with red. He felt himself being picked up, again, and thrown into the basement. The door slammed shut and the boy was left helpless on the floor.

Slowly, he reached into his pocket to pull out a small photo of a woman. He only guessed it was his mom. She had the same silver hair and pale skin, but her eyes were different. They were a piercing gold. His father's were a grey. Gin's had come out as a mix. They were grey, but were tinted gold, thus looking like gold from a distance. It really was an interesting color.

He had went upstairs to get the photo, and almost got away with it, but his father had found him. Gin managed to take the picture, but not without a beating. He knew that he wasn't allowed to leave, but his curiosity got the best of him. After all, he was never told what happened to her, and he learned long ago to never ask his father. That always resulted in an extra hard beating with his father screaming "It's your fault," repeatedly.

Gin sighed, before crawling to a corner and gently placing the picture on a small pile of pictures, all having the same smiling woman he assumed was his mother.

He then crawled to his favorite place in the basement, where the moon (or sun in the daytime) shone on the floor through a small window.

That window always gave him hope. Hope for impossible things. A loving dad, a decent meal, a bed, a mom, a friend. But, he knew all of those things were just dreams. He's been dreaming of them for... Was it thirteen years now? He couldn't tell, he lost track a long time ago. In any case, he doubts those dreams will ever become a reality, he's still trapped inside this nightmare.

Gin stared at the moon outside, and let himself get lost in his daydreams, like he did every night, despite the pain throughout his body. He couldn't help but wonder what it was like out there. He could always hear the laughs and yells of other kids in the distance, but he knew he could never join them.


Would he ever get out of here? Would he just spend his life rotting away in some basement? No. Something will change this. But, when? How?

Gin sighed, and closed his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, things will be better tomorrow. Then again, he thinks that every night. Slowly, he drifted off into his sanctuary, his perfect world, in his dreams.

I know it's kinda short, but they'll get longer. I promise. Plus, this is also the third time I wrote this, cause my tablet kept deleting it, so... Yeah. But I finally managed to write it. YAY! Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter! Hope you liked this one! P.S. Please follow, favorite, and review!