Aqua lay in bed, she didn't know why she was in bed, but she was. No matter how hard she tried her to get out, her body simply just wouldn't let her.

"Well look who's still in bed."

The voice shocked her. "No, it couldn't be" She thought to herself. She rolled around in bed, seeing Ventus.

"You uh, wanna get up or no?" He said drying his hair with a towel, he was half dressed, missing only his black shirt and his favorite jacket.

Aqua almost fell to the floor as she jumped out of bed and ran towards Ventus to hug him. "You're alive!" She screamed holding him closer to herself.

"Well of course i'm still alive, i only took a shower. Are you okay?"

Things started to shift, the room got darker, almost sinisterly so. Aqua knew what was happening, she was dreaming.

She knew what was happening, she was dreaming.

"You just slept while it happened." Ventus said this cooley, almost like he blamed her, no, exactly like he blamed her. "I was dying and you just stayed asleep."

Aqua backed away from Ventus "It's all my fault." She cluched at her head as a headache started to surface in her brain. "If i had woken up then i could have saved you." She curled up in the fetal position in a corner.

Ventus walked towards her, his corrupted keyblade shimmering into existance, he raised it above his and spoke one last sentence before he swung it down upon her head, killing her.

Aqua shot up in bed, her hand clutching at her throat.

"You were the biggest mistake i ever made."


Yen Sid was practicing his levitation magic when it happened. An aura that dwarfed others he had felt, it felt like the aura of Sora, Roxas, or Ventus, yet modified. It felt corrupted by the darkness, but the light was so strong it restrained the darkness.

"This is strange, there are not many people who have this aura." Yen Sid said to himself as he sat down the furniture. "This needs to be investigated. I can't send Aqua, nor can i send Terra." Yen Sid sat down for a moment thinking about who he could send out to investigate the aura. "Yo! Old man! Where the hell are you?" Vanitas came into the room with a bloody nose. "Where the hell do you keep the peroxide?" Yen Sid just sat there quietly, thinking about the aura. "Yo, old man, bloody nose here, blood can stain the carpet, where's the peroxide? Yen Sid's concentration was broken due to Vanitas' constant birage of the same question. "It's in the cabinet above the fridge, now stop bothering me." Yen Sid went back to concentrating. "Okay okay, sheesh, lousy bastard."

Vanitas walked out of the room almost immediatly after Yen Sid got the perfect idea. "Vanitas!" no answer was given. "Vanitas!" Again, no answer. Yen Sid got up and went to the kitchen. "Vanitas."

Vanitas looks up from the counter with a smirk on his face. "You told me not to bother you, so i'm not bothering you."

"I need you to do something for me, there's a disturbance out somewhere, i'm not exactly sure where, between Hollow Bastion and Halloween Town." Yen Sid said as he stroked his long beard.

"That's a lot of space to cover, how am i going to find it once i get close to it?" Vanitas was skeptical about this, but felt like he should humor the old man, this wasn't the first it had happened according to Terra, he had this "feeling" every other week.

"I assume the aura will get stronger the closer to it you get." Yen Sid continued to stroke his beard.

"Okay old man, i'll get going." Vanitas put down the peroxide. "Looks like i won't be needing this."


Vanitas travelled through space, hopping from worlds both inhabited and not. Talking to people who had grew afraid of the him during his violent spree against the warriors of the light. Almost getting killed by friends of Sora and by both the darkness and the unversed.

The more he travelled the more he felt the strange presence Yen Sid had talked about. "Maybe the old man isn't as senile as i thought." Vanitas travelled towards the source of the aura. It was strange, the closer he got to the aura the stronger it felt, but it was too strong, like it was traveling towards him. Or was it? He wasn't sure anymore, it was moving but at the same time, it wasn't.

"Where the hell is this little fucker? Seriously, i'm going to kill Yen Sid for sending me out here." As soon as he spoke, he noticed a shift, it paused long enough for him to find it. "Oh god not there, please anywhere but there."

"Disney Town"



*Down in Disney Town*

"I hate this fucking place, it reeks of happiness." All the toons walked across the square, Vanitas could smell the gas from the carts, and the sounds of the ice cream machine's music. "Disgusting."

Vanitas could feel the aura closer, it had to be here, but where? Vanitas started moving towards the race tracks. "Apparently it's stronger here."

"Why won't it work Chip?"

"I don't know Dale."

The gummi engineers, they were here working on the karts whenever they weren't working on the ships.

"Chip, Dale, what's wrong?" Vanitas asked as he walked closer. He hated the planet he was on but atleast there were people he could stand close by.

"Vanitas, this silly kart won't get running, maybe if you scowl at it it'll start!" Chip said, sounding almost like he almost believed his own words.

"Very funny Chip. I'm here on oth-"

The aura, it was close, very close, almost on top of him. Was it in an object? He knew heartless sometimes possessed items and furniture, was it so far fetched that this aura could do the same thing?

"Stand back you two, i'm going to blow this thing up." Vanitas said as he summoned his keyblade.

"No, you can't blow it up, we paid good money for this cart!" Dale said with panic.

"Yeah i don't care." Vanitas said as he aimed his keyblade. "Firaga."

The kart exploded in a burst of flame, as the flames released a plume of smoke Vanitas noticed a bright light shining from the car.

Realization hit Vanitas like a bus, he knew exactly what and who the aura was. "Of course it's you."


"Hello Ventus"
