So I began this story a few years ago and then grew busy with family and school, leaving this incomplete. After reading the comments and remembering the storyline I came up with, I've decided to try my best to write AND FINISH this story. I have a good idea on how I'd like it to go, but, of course, if you'd like me to write about an idea you'd like to see with the characters, go ahead and leave a comment! No Naruto characters belong to me, but the others do. Hope you enjoy!

Kakashi was on a dangerous mission when it all happened.

He was told to gather information on an unidentified person who had been suspected of capturing high level ninja. All of the ninja who were ever captured had never been seen since.

As Kakashi was deep in thought, a series of traps set off. The single moment of vulnerability allowed mysterious shinobi, dressed in navy blue and white uniforms, to surround him and attack the silver haired jounin. It was one against 15, but Kakashi was successfully able to take down the first ten.

With his chakra almost depleted, exhaustion settling over his body, and deep wounds causing him to lose a lot of blood, Kakashi didn't realize that the unnatural drowsiness that took over his body was not an effect of battle, but an effect of an undetected serum that coated the other ninja's blades.

Suddenly, a ninja used his fire style as a distraction while another was able to grab Kakashi and use a paralyzing jutsu on him.

"Looks like Lady Moriko will have another ninja. The Copy Ninja as well. She will be pleased to hear that we've 'found' another poor soul." The ninja who picked Kakashi up said.

Kakashi looked at the ninja. "Is 'Lady Moriko' the person I was sent to gather intel on?" Kakashi thought as the group blindfolded him and ran off into the woods. It felt as if they were running for hours, but considering that Kakashi couldn't move and was extremely disoriented didn't help.

After what seemed like hours, the group finally stopped and undid the blindfold.

"Welcome to your new home, Hatake. Make Lady Morkio happy and you just may avoid angering Master Takeo." One of the shinobi said as they all walked to a gigantic mansion that had a massive

front yard.

The yard had a fountain and dozens of different type of flowers that were every color of the rainbow, along with vibrant green grass. The inside of the mansion was even more beautiful. There was a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling, polished wooden floors, a few paintings that decorated the pale walls, and a beautiful staircase that led to the second floor. The railings of said staircase was painted a beautiful golden color, while the stairs themselves were wood, like the floor, and had a red carpet draped over them. The windows were very large and beautiful, along with perfect red drapes that decorated them.

As Kakashi looked around in awe of the incredible mansion, a beautiful woman came down the stairs. She seemed to be middle aged, older than Kakashi, but she had warm brown eyes and brown hair streaked with white that was tucked into an elegant loose bun along with a thin face that allowed for a bright smile. She wore an elegant navy blue dress that had silver embroidery all around it, a shining gold necklace that had blue jewels in it, and a very expensive looking tiara that had a blue diamond in the middle. The woman walked down the stairs and smiled at Kakashi.

The ninja, who was holding Kakashi, laid him down on the floor and kneeled down in front of the woman. "Lady Moriko, we were able to bring you Hatake Kakashi of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. We found him in the forest, severely wounded and alone." The ninja said as the woman, now known as Lady Moriko, sat down on her knees and looked at Kakashi.

"Oh thank you for saving him. What a horrible state you are in, Kakashi. Goodness, you're so exhausted you can barely keep your eyes open. Let me see." Lady Moriko said as her gloved hand turned a soft blue and she laid it on top of his forehead. "You poor child. You've had such a hard life. Oh, you've never even had your mother to guide you and your poor father. Well, I can fix that. I'll be your Mother now, young one." Lady Moriko said softly as she cradled Kakashi against her, his wounds healing slowly as she used a healing jutsu to mend his wounds.

Lady Moriko then laid Kakashi back down and she used a special jutsu that made Kakashi much lighter. She then used another jutsu that restricted Kakashi's movement and chakra usage.

"There. Now you won't have any of that dangerous chakra to harm you anymore and I've sealed up most of your muscle strength to help you transition smoothly. You won't be able to crawl, walk, or run until I allow you to, my new child." The older woman said as she gently pinched Kakashi's cheek like a mother would to a toddler.

"Martha!" Lady Moriko called as a woman, dressed in a simple black and white gown, came and bowed to Lady Moriko. "Yes, My Lady? " The woman asked. "Could you please clean and dress my newest addition to the family? He's still very young, so do be careful. Isn't that right, my little Kashi?" Lady Moriko said. "Yes Mam. Right away." The maid said as she picked Kakashi up, as if he were a small child. As all of this happened around him, Kakashi was trying to process everything that had just been done to him.

First he was kidnapped. Now he can't talk, move very well, or even access his chakra anymore. On top of that, he is being treated as if he was just a small baby.

The maid then took Kakashi to a large bathroom and started a bath. She laid the silver haired ninja down, took off his clothes, and sat him down in the tub, unfazed by what was happening. Kakashi, on the other hand, was blushing a deep red as the woman washed and cleaned him.

Once the bath was finished, she dried him with a large white towel and laid him down on what looked like a large changing station. She then slid a thick diaper under his rear and powdered the diapered area. Making sure the powder was evenly spread, the woman taped the diaper onto Kakashi, who continued to blush in embarrassment. She then rubbed a thin layer of baby lotion on Kakashi's pale skin and dressed him in navy blue footie pajamas that had a smiling polar bear stitched on the front. Kakashi was then picked up and taken to Lady Moriko, who was waiting for the freshly bathed baby in a nursery room.

"There's my baby boy. Oh, come here little one." Lady Moriko said as she laid the yawning baby's head on her shoulder and held him up with a single hand under his bottom, the other hand gently patting his lower back.

"It's been an arduous day for you, hasn't it Kashi. A nap would do you well. "Lady Moriko said as she swayed side to side and sang Kakashi a gentle lullaby. Kakashi couldn't help but feel himself slowly slipping away into a blissful sleep, and the gentle yet firm pats on his back were not helping him stay awake.

Slowly but surely, Kakashi fell asleep in his new "mother's" arms. After she was sure that her newest addition to the family was fast asleep, she laid her baby boy down in a large wooden crib she had specially made. Lady Moriko then carefully pushed a green pacifier into the baby's mouth and laid a soft white blanket on him.