The End

*Warning, talk of suicide and mental illness.

Roman screamed in pain, sitting up in his bed and scanned the room in terror. Everything look the same, basic wooden desk with a wooden chair, a white drawer across the room. The plain, gray walls still ugly since the first day he had arrived. Very little material goods, just the basics, the basics was all he needed these days. He closed his eyes as he tried to control his heart rate. The nightmares wouldn't go away, no matter how many drugs they fed him or how much therapy he sat through it didn't go away. That night that forever changed his world just wouldn't go away.

Roman heard a knock that broke his concentration, he looked up as Nancy with her little nurse's hat poked her head in. "Breakfast time Roman!" Nancy said with a smile.

"I'm not hungry!" he growled turning around so he didn't have to see her cheerful smile.

"Roman you know that if you don't come to breakfast then no outside time."

Roman's eyes flew open and he tossed the sheet off of his body. Outside time was his favorite time of the day. He wouldn't miss that for the world. "I don't even know why I go to breakfast; you give me so many damn pills I'm full before I get any eggs or bacon." Roman grumbled as he went over the drawer and pulled out a white t-shirt and white pants, all that is wardrobe consisted of.

"Hurry up, you have 5 minutes." Nancy said.

Roman nodded as he quickly dressed. He brushed his hair and teeth before making his way to the nurse's station so that he could take his pills for the day. He took the cup of pills and threw them back like a champ before taking a cup of water Nancy handed him to help wash them down.

Roman was then escorted to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. It was always bittersweet when he went to breakfast and dinner, he got to see Seth. Well what was left of Seth. Seth was sitting in a chair over by a window staring off into space. He was never the same after that night. He didn't talk, he had to be fed through a tube, he just sat there oblivious to the world. Roman tried repeatedly to reach him but all to no avail. Seth had shut down. Seth had shut down some due to that night but Roman knew the real reason Seth had shutdown, he was heartbroken. They both were heartbroken.

Roman fixed his plate, he wasn't really hungry but he put a little of everything on his plate so that the nurses and doctors would be happy. He had been there in the institution for one year now but it felt like a lifetime ago. He knew he was never leaving. He didn't want to leave. Roman looked over sadly at Seth but Seth just stared out the window in a daze.

Roman sighed as he sat down to eat his breakfast. It didn't take him long and his nurses escorted him outside to the courtyard. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Roman could hear the birds chirping the breeze was slightly blowing. The courtyard was a beautiful area for the patients with blooming flowers and benches. Roman took off for his favorite bench.

As soon as Roman walked over he saw him, he was laying on the soft grass wearing his signature black, leather jacket, jeans and a plain gray shirt. His shades hid his beautiful blue eyes and Roman watched as the wind whipped at his curly auburn tendrils. "It's about time you made it!" Dean's raspy voice made Roman smile.

"Sorry, I had to be reminded why I get out of bed every day." Roman's voice was silky soft against Dean's ears as he dropped down and began crawling over Dean's smaller frame. Roman took the shades off tossing them aside so that he could see his beautiful blue eyes. "I missed you!" Roman's voice was husky with need.

"Careful Casanova, we're being watched." Dean said hungrily as he kissed Roman tenderly.

Roman looked over to his nurses who stared at him with concern. "When is he going to realize there is no one there?" Kenny said as he tried to look away from the gorgeous Samoan man who was laying on the ground as if he was cuddling with someone but there was nothing there.

"He hallucinates but it's the only thing that gets him moving." Nancy said as she stared at the former wrestler with sympathy.

"But there is no one there."

"I know, the doctor said as long as he is not hurting himself he is fine."

Kenny just shrugged as he looks back as Roman kisses thin air.

"I wish they wouldn't stare at us." Dean says as he moans into Roman's kiss.

"They're jealous." Roman says as he kisses Dean's nose.

Dean just laughs. "Whatever, they think you are crazy."

"You know I am not though." Dean cradles Roman's face between his hands. Roman's long soft hair falls in waves giving them a little privacy.

"I know Big Man!" Dean winks and kisses Roman's soft lips.

Roman enjoyed feeling Dean's body beneath his. These moments with Dean was all he had these days now that everyone and everything was gone. "I wish you would stay with me at night."

"You know I am busy at night. Which by the way, Randy was getting it good last night by at least 8 ugly big dudes, I don't really have to do much to make his life a living hell, being in prison is making his life suck even without my help. Now that Dave died in that airplane accident trying to flee persecution, I don't have to worry about him either."

"I don't want to talk about this Dean, I just want to be with you." Roman said huskily.

"I tried to talk to Seth again."

"Did you get through to him?" Roman wasn't very hopeful.

Dean shook his head sadly. "No, he is still mad at me and I am sure he is doing this to punish me."

"I'm still fucking mad at you." Roman said unhappily. He still remembered the day they went back to the motel and saw Dean's lifeless body sitting in the bathtub full of bloody water. Seth pulled Dean out and sobbed uncontrollably over his lifeless body as Roman tried to see if there was any chance to save him but he was already gone. Seth from that day on went from almost functioning to not functioning at all and he had been a shell of a man since.

"I don't blame you if you hate me Roman, I hate myself. If I knew this would have happened to Seth…"

Dean turned away, Dean couldn't lie, he would have still killed himself, maybe by not slitting his wrist but he would have found a way to get the job done. "I've always been disgusting and filthy but you and Seth made me feel perfect and they came in and tarnished what we had." Dean's eyes teared up. "They broke us!"

Roman didn't have the heart to tell Dean that he broke them fully but Dean was always holding on by a thread anyway and HHH, Randy, and Dave knew that Dean would be the first to crack. "Hey, we still have each other." Roman said softly to Dean. He leaned down and kissed Dean softly.

"I'm going to try and talk to Seth again."

"Stay the night with him."

"I can't Roman."

Roman sighed. "Because of your work?"

"HHH is so close to joining me in limbo. He had the gun to his head last night, I hope to push him over the edge soon. Stephanie left with the girls and said that no sex fiend would ever be around her daughters. He will never see his girls again. His daughters were the only people HHH loved and now they are gone, he is all alone!" It was some revenge that Dean could find some joy in but Roman felt none. The moment he held Dean's lifeless body to his he had known that he didn't care about life or revenge anymore. "I'm going to get Seth back to you Roman, so maybe you two can be happy together."

"We wanted you to but you took that from us." Roman couldn't help the hurt and the anger.

Dean ignored the pain he saw in Roman's eyes. "I got something for Seth, I think he will really love it!"

"Roman! It's activity time we have to go." Roman sighed as he heard the nurse. He didn't want to leave Dean.

Dean just pecked Roman on the lips. "I will be here tomorrow."

"Dean please, leave HHH alone, I don't want that Fucker getting to you and if he is in limbo as well…"

Dean placed a finger over Roman's lips. "Then I will be staying with you at nights." Dean winked.

"What about Randy?"

"Well Randy being labeled as a rapist and sex offender has him very unpopular in prison, he is constantly getting his ass beat and gang banged so I won't worry about him for at least 10 years."

Roman planted one more kiss on Dean's soft lips before reluctantly having to get up. He hated activity time. "You better be here tomorrow." Roman said as Dean got up as well brushing the imaginary grass off of his clothing.

"I will Roman I love you!" That declaration of love melted Roman's heart and he nodded.

"I love you to Dean!" Dean kissed Roman on the cheek before picking up a small white bag and then he headed off to the other side of the courtyard where Seth would be. Since Seth was in a different ward, Seth wasn't with Roman most of the time.

Dean found Seth sitting on a bench all by himself staring up at the clouds. It broke Dean's heart that he was the main cause for Seth's complete breakdown. He fell to his knees in front of Seth sadly. "Hey Seth!" Seth didn't glance his way.

"Roman misses you, I wish you would talk to him." Dean was hoping for some type of response but nothing, no recognition at all. "Seth I am so sorry; I should have never given up the way I did. If I knew how much it would have hurt, you I wouldn't have left."

Dean looked down at the grass. He took the small stuffed, yorkie out of the bag. "I got you a present, I know how you always wanted a little dog so I got his for you just until you are well enough and you can go home with Roman, then you can get a real dog. I will make Roman let you have one but you have to come back Seth." Dean placed the soft dog in Seth's hands. There was no sign that Seth heard Dean at all but at least he didn't drop the yorkie.

"I have to go Seth. I love you!" Dean got up, leaned down and kissed Seth on the cheek before heading off.

A few minutes later Seth's nurse walked by. "WOW! That is a pretty stuff dog Seth, where did you get it?" The nurse tried to grab it just to look at it but Seth wouldn't let it go. His nurse raised her eyebrow and smiled. "So you like little dogs!" The nurse tried to grab it and pull it but Seth refused to let it go and she smiled. "It's nice to see you Seth!" The nurse was happy to finally see some progress in Seth. She walked away as Seth caresses the soft furry toy with his thumb and he hummed as the wind blew gently.

*Well that is the end everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed, I know it wasn't quite the end everyone was expecting but surprises are sometimes better. Please leave a review or pm me if you want to leave a little message. Thank you everyone for reading. I appreciate all of the responses. I have received.