Hey I changed a chapter or at lease deleted the last one...OOPs sorry. But this is the last chapter, so enjoy!

Dan spoke to Danny in a very hypnotic voice, so soft that Batman's cowl enhanced ears barely picked it up, "You will forget, everything, except me. No Batman. No Bat Family. No Jazz. Especially No Vlad. and No Bruce Wayne. All you will remember is Walker throwing you in Arkham. I rescued you from all the evil dangers of the human world. You never want to leave the ghost zone. You don't want to leave me. I am your father, danny."

Batman yelled, "NO! Don't listen to him!" as he raced towards the little halfa. Dan didn't even lift a finger before Batman and the Bat Family froze where they were.

Since Danny had been in Arkham, Dan had collected a new...type of power. Clockwork was absorbed into him, along with his powers. He didn't even need the time staff.

Dan said to everyone in the room, except danny whom was passed out against Dan, with his little crown working its hypnotic magic to alter his rebelious 16 year old mind. "You will forget all about Ghosts, Halfa's, Jasmine Fenton, Vladimer Masters, Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, and the Ghost Zone. There was no one supicious in Arkham. All the inmates where hallucinating. Nothing was out of the ordinary for the past month. "

Each member of the Bat Family glowed bright red, as Dan's powers zapped any and all precious memories of Danny from their memory. When the glow retreated, they were zapped back to the Bat Mansion, forgetting everything about their recently adopted family member.

Dan was unstoppable.




At least until Danny broke the crown on accident, and all his erased memories returned. By that time Dan was the most powerful being on Earth, and the Ghost Zone. Rivaling the Justice League combined. Danny knew that he had to find Dan's weakness to set everything straight. Until then though, he just had to sit back and wait it out. Watching everything like a parade, just like his psuedo God Father-Clockwork.

Hey Guys!

Wow! Its been a long time. I decided that I would leave the story as this and with the completed stamp. Hate me if you wish but, I've really just enjoyed reading others stories...I think I'm ranging near 3000 favorites. And like I promised I never discontinued it. However, the reason I wrote this was from a review, about having so many updates or non-chapters "cluttering" the story. 5:21 chapters of updates is not cluttering thank you very much, but I also see your concern. I hate stories that is one or two chapters (really good ones too) and the other 3+ chapters being updates with more and more disappointments. I know its not the best ending for the story but hey I finished it. I really doubt anyone really reads these notes at the beginning and ends of the stories, I know unless I notice something I won't so Hopefully, you will read this.

Thank you all for your support and guidance through out this process, it has been a pleasure but I think I will stick to being a reader and not a writer.

:) :) :) :)

Whhsswimmer11! 3