Alright here's chapter 14!

Astrid and Hiccup stood with their dragons and watched the ship sail away, the men abord it were glad to be free of Avor and agreed never to return to Berk. The men had said there had been word that Berk was abandoned and had come to scavenge what they could. The village seemed to have been empty for a few weeks before they burned it down. Astrid was relieved to hear this, there was hope of her family and friends still being alive.

Thet stood watching the boat until it was a speck on the horizen, then they made their way into town. The mead hall was the only building standing, so they had made camp there. Hiccup helped Astrid to a seat and put soem wood on the fire, they were silent for what seemed like ages, both too lost in thought to hold proper conversation.

After awhile Astrid spoke up, "Do you think they'd accept us, I mean they wanted the dragon man right? So if we went looking for them they'd listen to us, wouldn't they?" She looked doubtful of her own words. She knew they'd be happy to see her and Hiccup, but would they accept the dragons?

Hiccup pondered her questions, trying to find an answer that would be true and held some hope, "Some of them will be so happy you're back that they wouldn't care you were riding a dragon, and others would think you're crazy. They would have to be willing to change, you were willing to try, so they might too." Astrid nodded, leaning her head on Hiccup's shoulder and letting herself fall asleep. She was still exhausted from her fight yesterday and the blood she lost. Hiccup gently set Astrid down on her bedroll and brushed the hair from her face, smiling to himself.

Toothless grinned at Stormfly, the dragons knew it was just a matter of time for their hopeless humans to admit their feelings. For now they'd watch and let them do their weird rituals.

New Berk

Thanks to the lack of dragons, the vikings were able to start building, they made the mead hall first so as to have a place big enough for everyone to stay. It would take another week to finish so they could have a solid roof, but the vikings were proud of the work so far. They had plenty of food, and the weather had been fair so far. They couldn't have asked for a better find, and praised the gods for their luck every day.

Old Berk

Hiccup and Astrid had agreed to setting off to find their families after Astrid was healed. This gave them time to prepare, and hiccup was going over his maps of island's around Berk. There were a handful, but he knew they wouldn't want one with lots of dragons, or any dragons for that matter. That left three possibilites, one in the North, one in the South, and one to the West. It would be hard for them to be in the nothern island, it was always covered in snow so no crops could be grown, and the ocean iced this time of year. They had stopped at the one in the West, but they could have missed the vikings, so it'd be best to stop there again and check it out, then head South if they don't find anything. He relayed the plan to Astrid, she liked it, "We should send word to Chief Ironbull, he may have gotten word of where they went." Hiccup agreed and wrote out a brief letter to let him know what had happened and if he knew anything that may help. He called a carrier Hawk and sent it on its way.

Two Weeks Later

They hadn't heard back from the chief, so the riding duo decided it was time to search for the Berkians, it had been a long time and Astrid wanted to see everyone again. Hiccup wanted to see Gobber again, he wanted to makesure the old viking was alright. So they took off to the Western Island, it was a couple hours of flying, but they made it before the sunset.

A quick scope of the island and it was obvious they were alone, there was no trace of human life, let alone animale life. It was eerie how silent the island was, unnatural for such a vibrent island. The Dragons happily changed course for the Southern Island, wanting to escape the Island that reeked of death. "Something terrible happened there, all I could smell is blood. We should be careful." Toothless alerted Hiccup.

The rider was quiet for awhile, pondering the dragon's words. Finally he spoke, keeping his voice low so Astrid couldn't overhear. "Was it human?" toothless shook his head no. Hiccup sighed in relief, relaxing a bit. He still wanted to investigate, but first he had to find the Hairy Hooligan tribe, he had promised Astrid. After that, well, he didn't want to think about it.

Astrid had her mind on her family, she'd never been away this long, and though she'd never admit it out loud, she was scared she'd never see them again. She had to stay strong, even when she felt weak, Vikings couldn't be weak afterall. 'But...', Astrid couldn't help thinking, 'am I even still a viking?'

Here it is, Chapter 14!