It's been three months since Fitz sacked Mellie out of the White house. Olivia has been alternating houses, her apartment and the White House, and now things are getting frustrating for both Fitz and herself. Mellie's adamant to the divorce signing was nothing short of vengeance. Mellie, determined to give them hell, determined to make their lives miserable as long as she lives.

"Are you coming over tonight?" Fitz asked Olivia through the phone.

"I don't think so. I'll be working late. I'm exhausted right now" She answered, wearingly.

"Are you Ok? I know you said you're exhausted, but you sound…. You sound different, hard day? Fitz inquired

"You can say that again…."

Quinn stuck her head through Olivia's door and interrupted the phone conversation, "Liv, our client is here"

Olivia shook her head in acknowledgement. "Fitz, I have to go, I have a client. We'll talk, later?" She asked him.

"Ok." He answered.

Olivia, approaching her client, "Mr. Walters, I hear your girlfriend is blackmailing you?

"Yes Miss Pope and I want this handle with her still being my girlfriend, and this should not reach the media."

Olivia chuckled inwardly. "I will see what I can do. You have to tell me everything about your relationship with her and your wife's position on this."

"My wife is not aware of this. And I want it to stay that way"

"Is Ok, my job is to serve you" Olivia replied

Mr. Walters told Olivia everything about his relationship and what he wanted from Olivia. Olivia walked with him to the elevator and assured him everything would be fine and if she needed anymore information she'd get in touch with him.


Olivia was instructing Quinn, Huck and Marcus about what they needed at the moment, when she became weak on her heels and searching for a balance. Huck and Quinn rushed quickly to her side.

"Olivia, are you Ok?" They both asked in union.

"I'm fine. I think my stomach is empty. I haven't eaten since yesterday?" Not entirely true, she has been feeling under the weather for some days now, but didn't have the time to dwell on it.

Quinn chuckled "Do you ever eat? No offense but I haven't seen you eating, like ever"

Huck poked Quinn. "Can I get you your wine?"

Marcus who was eating a Burger said. "Here, take this, have a bit. You can eat it all if you want"

Olivia became nauseous at the sight and the smell of it "Take that thing away from me" She sounded harshly than intended. She then realized her over reaction. "Is ok, I have to get some rest. I think I'm just tired."

"Are you tired or hungry?" Marcus asked, confused

Olivia, now irritated with all their concern, ordered. "You guys should stop worrying about me and get to work. I will be back in the morning and I need solutions for Mr. Walters when I step in here first thing in the morning" She finished.

"Can I drive you home?" Huck asked.

"I can drive myself thank you very much, you guys should get to work, NOW." She shouted again and they all dispersed.


Olivia opened the door to her apartment and rested her back against the door, thinking about what could possibly be wrong with her. She was certain something wasn't right somewhere but dreading the inevitable. She made a prayer inside her head. God, please let me not be pregnant. She sat on the floor, feeling tired and weak, with her head in between her legs.

Fitz came into the main hall from the kitchen and saw her on the floor. He rushed quickly to her. "Livve, are you Ok?"

Olivia was a little startle. "What are you doing here? I didn't see the secrets service outside"

"I told them not to crowd your door. You sounded tired on the phone. I wanted to prepare something for you to eat when you get back. I know you haven't eaten"

Olivia was overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness. She rose her hands for him to help her up. Instead, Fitz went down and scooped her up from the floor. She held him tightly.

"I've missed you" Olivia said.

"Hey, I've missed you too" he felt her how warm her body temperature was "your temperature is high, are you Ok?" He sat on the couch with her on his lap, his hands wrapped around her.

Not wanting to set an alarm of the possibility of being pregnant, she decided to change the topic. "Did you talk to Mellie today?" Olivia asked.

"Yes I did, but nothing good came out of it. She's still insisting she won't sign the divorce papers until my term is over. She says she'll destroy you if we go public with our relationship, that we can only go public after my Presidency or else she'll tell the world you were pursing me when we were married. She made mention of having some kind of an evidence to show the world. But honestly, I don't care."

"How long is this going to go on? I have a feeling even after your term she won't let us be?" Olivia got up from Fitz's lap and sat on the opposite chair.

"Olivia, you are the one delaying all this. I'm ready to introduce you to the world, with divorce signed or no divorce signed."

"Yeah right, we both know the world is likely to forgive you but not me. You're not the one the media is going to bash; you're not the one whose career will be destroyed. Talk less how the news will be all about how a black woman destroys a white republican President marriage. Every black person in America who looks up to me will be disappointed and hate me forever. After all the hard work I've put in to make a name for myself, to be respected, I can't just take any chances, Fitz. Destroying someone's marriage is no joke to the American public" Olivia ranted.

Fitz has listened to this particular rant like a million times. "I keep saying you didn't destroy my marriage. It was already destroyed before you got into the picture. You know that"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "I know that, you know that, Mellie knows that but who else is going to believe the black housebreaker over the white first lady?" She asked, with tears filled in her eyes.

Fitz walked up to consoled her but Olivia stopped him. "No, I don't need you to do that, don't console me, I knew what I was doing whispering your name in the campaign bus, I knew what I was doing entering your hotel room. You didn't lure me against my will, Fitz. I don't blame you for all this. Is just that, it's really frustrating. I know I always say normal is overrated, but I just want some of it right now in my life, why is that too much to ask? Why can't things be normal with us?"

"What do you want from me Olivia? I don't know what to do that would be enough for you, because it seems no matter what; you're the one who's going to get more hurt. I've filed for divorce already, the world knows this. It has been three months and the world is aware Mellie and I are no longer together…..."

"Yes, and now the world want to know what happened to your marriage. When you're legally divorce, it will be different. I won't have to explain myself to anyone then, but now, everyone will see me as a home wrecker not an ordinary home wrecker but someone who destroyed the marriage of the most powerful man in the world. Does Monica Lewinsky ring any bell?"

Fitz let out a sigh of frustration and walked to the window. "You're not Monica Lewinsky," he said. They were both tired with this topic. "You have to eat something. You look a little pale" Fitz continued, then turned to her.

"What did you cook. I'm starving?" She asked, smiling to calm the atmosphere down.

He welcomed the smile and answered "spaghetti squash"

"Hmmmm" Olivia murmured, walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

They went to the kitchen together. Immediately Olivia laid eyes on the spaghetti; she rushed out of the kitchen heading to the toilet, telling Fitz she'd be right back. Fitz called after her, "is anything the matter?" Olivia said no he should serve the food she'd join him soon.


After she was done throwing up, she called Abby immediately. "Abby, I think I'm pregnant."

"What? Are you sure?"

"I think so, definitely. I'm two months late and I've never been late, like ever."

"Whose baby do you think it is?"

Olivia was a little annoyed by Abby's remake "You know I've been exclusive with him for the past three months, what kind of question is that."

"I'm sorry; you've been hanging out with Jake in the last two months or so, and considering your history with him"

"Nothing went on with Jake not since after my kidnap."

"OK, if you say so, but if you're pregnant, with his baby" Abby paused and continue "you know who I mean, are you going to keep it? The media has been asking me questions behind the podium whether you're the reason he want a divorce, whether you two are together. Mellie has been telling people she's willing to work things out with him." Abby said.

Olivia was silent like for eternity, then she replied. "I can't keep it. I want some normal in my life right now. A baby is going to just complicate things the more. And look at me; I don't think I'll make a good mother. It'll be unfair to bring a baby in this mess, this will just be selfish. Any child shouldn't go through this mess. I can't allow my baby to be bullied for the rest of it life, 'President Fitzgerald Grant's bastard,' I can't do that. If only he was legally divorce then this discussion wouldn't be happening. Oh my God" Olivia just had an epiphany, "he's going to hate me forever, killing his kid again"

"You didn't kill Jerry. But you have to talk it out with him before you do anything, don't you think so?"

She was contemplating whether she should tell Fitz, but knowing how Fitz has been talking about having a baby with her, she knew he'll never agree to an abortion, and if she does it anyways, Fitz would never forgive her. "No, he'll want me to keep the baby. I won't tell him. He has been talking about having a baby with me like forever. I want that too but not now, like when he's out of the White house"

"Olivia, when he finds out he's going to hate you forever"

"That's why he will never find out. Well, maybe I'll tell in the future if we one day have a baby. But for now, no; I'm good at covering secret. This is what I do best. He won't find out."


Fitz was leaning against Olivia's toilet door, listening to her talk with Abby. He felt betrayed by her. Olivia opened the door and found him there. "I was coming to check on you. Is everything Ok?" Fitz asked her, pretending as if he wasn't eavesdropping.

"I don't feel good, I'll like to take a bath and go to bed, sorry for all the trouble you went through, cooking for me and stuff"

He touched Olivia forehead and her temperature was very high. "Don't worry. Can I call you a doctor? Your temperature is really high.

"No, don't" She answered quickly "I'll see a doctor tomorrow if my temperature is still high"

"I'd like to be there when you do" Fitz said firmly.

"You don't have too. You have the world to run, remember?"

"Olivia, don't fight me on this. Let me prepare you the bath, ok?" He left before Olivia could protest further.

"Then I have to be creative" Olivia said to herself after he left.


Fitz went into her bathroom with many thought running through his head. Should I tell her I overheard her conversation with Abby? How can I stop her from killing my unborn child? Why can she just talk to me so we can figure this out together? Will I be able to forgive her if she goes through with this? Is this going to be the end of us? Is it fair for me to force her to bring a baby into the world that she doesn't want? I have to be away from her right now, to figure this out. Maybe is a good idea for her to see a doctor alone.

Fitz left the bathroom and told Olivia her bath was ready. "Hey you, your bath is ready. I have to go now; maybe you'll have to see the doctor without me tomorrow, just like you wanted." Fitz was gathering his stuff to walk out when Olivia begged him to stay.

"Please, can you stay for tonight? I need you." He saw the vulnerability in her eyes and accepted to spend the night with her.

"Let's take the bath together" Olivia said.

"I'd love that"

She chuckled "I know you would."