"Good morning."

I close my eyes and roll back on my pillow.

"Really? I just closed my eyes for a minute."

I feel a familiar pair of lips on my forehead and I smile.

"Well, that was a nine hour minute."

I can feel his smile and I can only groan in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry."

He chuckles and pulls me closer to him.

"That's totally fine. I was exhausted as well. I woke up about 15 minutes ago and put some more wood in the fireplaces – we were down to embers."

I curl up beside him, resting my head on his chest. Instinctively, his arms wrap around me and I can't help but sigh.

"This is perfect."

We lay like this, content to be quiet and still in each others' arms for another hour or so, neither of us really wanting to move, or have this incredibly peaceful moment end. His fingers absentmindedly playing with my hair, my fingers drawing lazy circles on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I smile.

"I would love nothing more than to stay here all day, Sean."

"Me too."

"However, you need a new pair of shoes and we both need coffee."

He laughs.

"I can deal without the shoes. Coffee however, well that's just a totally different situation."

"I feel really badly that your shoes are ruined. They were one of your favorite pair."

"In the grand scheme of things Winifred, shoes are completely insignificant."

"I concede that point. I'd still like to make sure you at least have a comfy pair for traveling in. Wearing those boots out there on a plane when we head back to Portland won't be fun. I'll replace your shoes when we get back home because I guarantee you they won't have a store to purchase Prada shoes in town."

"I won't even bother to tell you not to because you'd go out and get them behind my back that way. We'll go shoe shopping together only on the condition that I can get you a pair too."

What did I ever do to deserve this man? He wants to take me shoe shopping. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

"If you must."

"I may get you a few other things while we're out tho, so be prepared."

I look at him with a weary expression on my face.


He nods his head and there is the smirk that I love.

"Well Captain, I believe that you and I need hot caffeinated beverages and probably some kind of substance with nutritional value. I'll head into the kitchen and make something. Come join me when you're ready."

I roll over in an attempt to get myself out of bed and I in less than a second the man that I love is hovering over me, looking directly into my eyes. He puts his hands behind me – cradling my head so that I won't move. We stare at each other for a few beautiful moments before he whispers.

"I think there's something we both need and want more."

With that he places his lips over mine and I can absolutely forget about breakfast now. Yeah, we don't need to eat right now. We just need this.

After breakfast which was more like lunch, and a leisurely stroll through town where we bought what we needed for Christmas Dinner tomorrow for the two of us and new shoes for Sean, we headed back to the cottage. After being together this morning he became quite quiet, which is normal for him but this is a different kind of quiet. This is a pensive, anxious kind of quiet. We talked to be sure, but he has just seemed… nervous. After we ate our dinner we sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace in the Living Room, just relaxing. I put my hand up to him and touched his face as he gazed off into the flames.

"Where are you?"

He shook himself out of his gaze and turned to me with an apologetic smile.

"Forgive me, I'm a little pre-occupied."

He places a kiss on the top of my hand and it makes me smile.

"I'm just concerned, that's all. You don't seem yourself tonight."

"I'll be alright, I promise."

He kisses the top of my head and we both sigh. After sitting together for a few moments, he stands up and takes my hand.

"Come for a walk with me?"

"Of course!"

We bundle up in our warm jackets, gloves and hats and head outside. We walk, or in most places trudge through the snow and after about 30 minutes we find ourselves in a clearing. He stops and stands completely still, taking in the beauty of where we are. I go to speak, but as I look at him he shakes his head.


Wesen generally have more acute hearing than non Wesen, so I stop and listen for what he has heard. I hear the sound of the snow falling, and after a moment I hear it.



"Shhh. Did you hear that?"

I listen more intently, completely still but not letting go of his hand as I whisper my response.

"Yes, I wonder where they are."

He slowly points his hand to the other side of the clearing.

"Right across from us, about 10 yards back from the edge, I'd say."

We wait with baited breath and we slowly see shapes forming along the forests' edge. I know I audibly gasped, albeit quietly, at the beautiful sight.

"Oh Sean..."

"I know."

"It's so cold but I don't want to move. This is so beautiful."

He nods his head slowly, not wanting to startle our company. We stare in amazement as we watch a large family of deer slowly, cautiously creep out of the shadows.

"I count four babies. You?"

He counts then nods his head.

"Yes. Mummy is right behind them too. Look."

"Oh wow."

We watch in stunned silence for several more minutes until Mummy, Daddy and the four baby deer head back into the forest. I'm overwhelmed by how beautiful that experience was and words right now are failing me. Sean glances over at me and in that moment no words are needed. We're both freezing, so we turn and follow our footprints back to the cottage. We get in, and take off our jackets, boots and I head into the kitchen to turn on the kettle.

"Tea, Sean?"

He nods his head.

"Please. I'll be back in a second."


He heads to the bedroom and comes back into the Living Room and sits on the couch.

"It's Christmas Eve, Winifred. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Ooh, that's a great idea. I think I have some popcorn here I can make up too."

"What would you like to watch?"

"You pick. You know how to access the movie files on my computer."

He nods as I hear the microwave beep, letting me know that the popcorn is ready. The water has also boiled so I make two cups of tea, put the popcorn in a bowl and bring everything over to the couch.

"This is just like a little party."

He smiles, but he still doesn't seem to be himself.

"I didn't want to start the movie until you got here."

"Ok. Here, let me get this blanket so we can stay warm."

I reach behind him and get the blanket that's on the back of the couch, putting it over me as I lean against him.

"Can I ask you something silly?"

Ok, now I'm really concerned. I turn to face him as I respond.

"Of course."

His breathing is starting to get faster and more labored.

"What is it, Sean?"

"I just don't know how to do this."

"Do what?"

"Now or never, right?"

I look at him and nod my head, hoping to encourage him to say what it is that seems to be bothering him so.

"Well, you know about my ring."

"Yes. I asked you about when we went to that restaurant the first day we met."

"Do you remember what I told you about it?"

"Of course. You told me that it was a family ring, that the Royals all had and wore one."

He smiles and nods his head.

"That's right. Well, everyone thinks it's a wedding band which its not… and I… I just wanted to make sure that you knew that."

I nod in response. I already know all of this, but for some reason he's having difficulty finding words. After a moment or two of silence he speaks.

"My mother and I would open presents on Christmas Eve. I guess that's the European blood in me. Anyway, since we're here on Christmas Eve, I have a present for you. It might not seem like much and in the grand scheme of things it's not even the amount that I should have spent on a gift for you. But it's something special, and I want you to have it."

Now I'm intrigued.

"Monetary value of a gift doesn't matter to me Sean, and you know that. I'm touched with anything that you give me – whether it's a dozen purple orchids of some wildflowers you saw at the side of the road that you picked because you thought I'd like them. Money doesn't matter to me. I would hope that you knew that."

He smiles as he takes my hand in his.

"I do know that, I just wanted to make sure."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls something out, holding it in his hand so that I can't see it.

"It's not wrapped, it's not even in a box. It's not what it will initially appear to be, so don't worry about that. If you choose not to wear it I totally understand that, but I still want you to have it. Anyway, I've rambled long enough, I suppose."

He unfolds his hand and I see a very simple gold band in his hand. It definitely looks like my size. I take it between my fingers and I see a very tiny inscription inside. I can barely make it out, but it simply says 'Pour ma princesse'. I'm shocked.

"Sean, I don't know if I can..."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure you had this."

"I mean, this is a family ring."

"You're my family and despite the fact that I'm the exiled bastard son of a King, that means Royalty."

Wow. I mean, wow.

"You don't have to say anything, Winifred. I just… one day I'll ask you, you know. I don't know when that will be but I will, you can count on that. If you choose to wear this when that time comes, then that's fine with me. If you choose to wear it now, that's fine with me too. I just..."

I hold out my left hand and look directly at him with a smirk on my face. He looks directly at me, so I wiggle my fingers.


"A little practice, maybe?"

He looks so hopeful.


I smile and nod my head.

"Absolutely. I have Mum and Dad, but you're my chosen family, Sean. When the time is right."

He smiles as he slips the simple gold band on my left ring finger, then he places his lips directly over it.

"One day, Sean. I think you did well for a practice run."

He smiles, proud that I'm wearing this special piece to represent his family.

"So when people ask and I know that they will, I'll tell them that this is a very special family ring."

"I'm so glad that you like it, Winifred."

"Like it? I love it. It's beautiful, and the inscription is really sweet."

"Well, seeing as I'm a Prince that would make you, eventually, a Princess."

Now I have to start playing around with him.

"I should get a tiara."

He smiles and starts shaking his head.

"Maybe a chauffeur, footmen, butlers, a housemaid, a cook, someone to do my laundry..."

He pulls me close to him and holds me in his arms while I laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time. Everything about this feels… right. After an intense hug, I lean forward and click the play button on my computer. The loud gong of the bell at the beginning of this movie sounds, and I instantly know what film he picked.

"What a great choice. It's true."

"What, that it's a wonderful life?"

"It is now. Merry Christmas, Sean."

"Merry Christmas, Winifred."

Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this (either the original character or the Wesen or both!) and if you'd like to see her character develop and mix with our characters we know and love!