I sat in my chair waiting for the class to start.

Waited for the professor to start lecturing on the economics of the market or something. Isn't that what we're learning about here?

My seat was in the far back in the higher up, raised rows. A whole rectangular desk was in front of the whole row of seats that I was in. I rested my arms on the smooth desk in front of me and laid my head down.

God, I didn't get any sleep last night. Three papers due today, not including this class.

Yup, college was hard. Especially this prestigious college— Half Blood University. It was one of the best schools in the nation, maybe in the world and I got in solely because of my grandfather's generous donations and contributions to the school's funding.

But I managed.

Considering how I was back in high school, that was saying a lot.

The professor started talking again. Oh God, when will this ever end. My seat was near a window seat and I usually let my mind wander, looking out the window at all the hot and pretty girls (The only thing that was great about being here) walking around the campus.

Yes, I'm single. My last girlfriend lasted until last year and she was and is probably going to be my last. I am never going to be in a relationship again. At least not with a girl who was hot and attractive. They are a pain in the ass. I repeat—a pain.

That may just be because of the girls I've dated, who I've only been with because they were hot as hell—but that was it. I was never connected to them personally, only physically.

And maybe that's just my fault, but whatever. I still don't plan on dating again.

"...I expect a paper on this in two days. Class dismissed." The professor said.

I threw my head up from it's resting place on the desk. What? ...Great.

A hand clasped me on the back. It was Jason, my blonde haired cousin.

"You look terrible."


"No seriously."

"I get it, Jase." I flicked his hand off my back.

"How's Julie?"

"Whose Julie?" I sincerely asked running my hand through my hair in my usual habit.

Jason paused for a second, looking confused, then smiled—shaking his head, "You, my friend, are a jerk. A real jerk to all pretty girls, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know that already. What paper was the professor talking about?"

Jason let out a sigh, "I'll show you my notes later."

"Thanks, Jase. You're the best." I said with a mock loving smile.

Jason gave me a disgusted look and a quirk of a brow, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Piper McLean brushed past them and down the center aisle chatting with some other friends. I watched as Jason's eyes followed her every step of the way.

"What are you, twelve?"

"It's not that simple. I can't ask someone who doesn't even know I exist."

I gave him a flat stare, "That's probably the most cliché excuse I've ever heard. My God, Why am I even giving you relationship advice?" I picked up my books and slung my bag over my shoulder, "See you later, Cus. And don't forget to send me the notes later."

"Yeah I will."

I smiled then made my way down the slanted room aisle myself.

-third person from here on out-

It was a cloudy and foggy day, not cloudy enough to rain—you know those kind of days.

Percy's favorite kind of weather, actually.

And he was sleeping, pretty loudly—collapsed front first on his dorm bed. Nico, one of his roommates, shook his head and left him there, knowing that it would be useless trying to get him out of bed. His phone alarm rang and Percy groaned, slapping his phone away—which didn't do much good since it kept on buzzing.

Nico let out a sigh and picked it up himself, turning it off for him.

"Percy, get up. You're next class is in fifteen minutes."

Percy lifted his head up suddenly, his hair messed up. A small part of Nico was jealous though of how good looking the guy was even after he had woken up.

Percy groaned into his pillow then slid off his bed, pulling on a white shirt over his bare torso.

Nico threw him his cell, which he caught with ease even though he was obviously still groggy.

He stumbled to the bathroom.

"I'm leaving without you if you don't come out in five!" Nico called from the door.

"Alright, alright." Percy grabbed his backpack, stuffing his essays into it on the way out.


The professor didn't even look up as Percy came in late. The old gramps kept on talking about Proust and other literature figures.

He knew another essay—no book of research— was going to be put on them again. He slid in his chair, gaining a lot of looks, especially from those really studious students who actually cared about what old man gramps was talking about.

Some girls in the end of the row waved over at him with eyes trying to be flirtatious, but failing. He smirked over then sat in his usual seat by the window, letting his thoughts float then wisp away to nothing.

"Ah, Annabeth! How nice of you to join us. Come, come sit—wherever you'd like."

Percy suddenly heard old gramps voice break from it's usual monotone boredom.

He lifted his head and focused his attention to the front of the room down below as did everybody else.


Now, Percy thought he had seen the height of what beauty was. And he thought that he would no longer be attracted to someone by appearance only, since he had dated his share of gorgeous girls and was done with it all.

But, it was inevitable. It was a fact that beauty attracts.

And the girl standing in front of the whole class certainly was all that of a beauty and... a lot more.

She had old gramps gawking, which was a feat in and of itself. The man always seemed to have a flat face that Percy always thought he was wearing a mask or something. But his face seemed to light up now that the girl was there.

Oh, gross.

What did he say her name was—Annabeth?

Pretty name..

Man, he was getting trapped already. What was it about hot girls that got him weak.

He shouldn't.

Reason overwhelmed his initial reactions.

He really needed to get an average stable girlfriend or something. That would probably be good for him.

The hot girl supposedly named Annabeth came up the aisle and went over to the row in front of him, sitting right next to Thalia—his other cousin.

They're friends? How in the world did Thalia manage to know everybody in this campus.

Percy still watched the girl, eyeing the hot chick's sexy back side. Totally someone he would have gone after before. Man, he really was the major ass.

He was on his way to try and change that part of himself, but—he would do that right after he found out who that girl was.

Percy nudged Nico at his right, "Hey, whose the new girl?"

Nico gave him a smirk, "Oh, she's not new. And—don't you dare."

"I'm not, I swear. I'm just asking."

Nico nodded towards the girl, "Chancellor's daughter. She's considered an academic prodigy."


Nico shrugged, "She's only nineteen. Two years younger than us and she's taking our courses. I think that says enough."

Percy kept staring. The girl was definitely one of those down to earth, totally chill girls who were beyond popular with the guys because of her attractive charms.

Just his type…


He shook his head.

Damn it. He had to resist.

Class ended.

Thalia turned around, "Hey. Nico, you remember Annabeth. From that dinner."

"Ah yes, how can I forget. Lovely to see you as always, Ms. Chase." He swept down in a mock bow.

The girl broke into a fetching smile, the cutest dimples showing in her cheeks,

Oh God.

"Thanks, Prince William." She said, mocking his overly polite gestures

Thalia snickered at that. Nico blushed a bit, but smiled as well.

Her eyes then turned to Percy. Up close, they were grey—a strange yet enticing color to him. And unexpectedly he could see the maturity and cool intelligence radiant in her eyes.

Oh God.

"Oh and this is Percy."

"Yeah, I know. You're grandfather and mine were friends." She said—eyes searching his, looking intense and sexy as hell at the same time.

He felt an instant ache start in his chest.

What the hell.

He needed to get away fast. This girl was bad news for him.

He gave her his usual charming smile, "Nice to meet you, Annabeth."

She smiled back with those lovely looking lips.

Percy knew then. All he felt for her right now was physical attraction that was immediate the minute he saw her. But he knew he would have to avoid her, because Percy knew how these things went.

He would get to know her, then eventually he would fall for her. And that left him in a position where she could easily break his heart.

He was going to try.

But Percy wasn't sure how long he would be able to stay away.


So, here's a new story. I promise there will be very hot scenes, but not crudely explicit. And lots of Percabeth.
Yus, I know everyone likes to hear that. It's been a year I think since I've done another story. Heh, sorry about that to anyone who follows me. To those who don't and have never read any of the few stories that I've done- enjoy :D It will be a sweet, sexy ride. Though there will be some serious, dark moments-it will mainly be pretty lighthearted and make you feel good inside while reading it, hopefully.

This is going to be updated pretty quickly. And by quickly I mean daily or every other day. So yeah, pretty fast updates.

Alright. I've said enough. I'll be back tomorrow. Peace!