Hello, when I get bored new story ideas pop into my head and I have to post them. I will still be doing Collision and Snakes Chamber, just going to have to update three stories instead of two. I really would like reviews on this story. I own nothing about Divergent other than the plot twist and such, thank you for reading and please review. It will be from Ava's point of view unless said otherwise. -Lillianpeace

'Today is the day' keeps being repeated in my mind, it's a reminder of the choices I have to make, the choices that could ultimately ruin my life or bring everything together for me. Mother Johanna assures me I will find my path. Today is the day of the aptitude test, it will show me which of the five fractions I belong in and tomorrow, at the Choosing Ceremony, I will decide on a fraction; I will decide the rest of my life; I will decide to stay with mother Johanna or abandon her.

Even though I know Mother Johanna wasn't my real mother I couldn't imagine a better one. To raise a child not of your blood from birth, the love and care she has provided me here in Amity, my faction, my home, astounds me. I don't know if I could ever muster up the courage to do that. I looked out seeing the maze of large trees, the fruit was ready for tomorrow's harvest; all the crops were. At times I felt at peace here but other times I could barely stand how serene everyone was, I wanted to be able to be that calm but I'm not good enough, more often than not I've had to take the peace serum for my ill temperament.

"My child," I turn with a smile seeing Johanna, the scar makes her more beautiful, gives her face more character. "You look nervous, you shouldn't be. Go in peace and love, you will always have a home in Amity." Her eyes gazed into mine.

"Mother, would you still love me if I wasn't in Amity?" I could barely look at her, I was terrified. "Oh child, I don't believe in this faction before blood, love is love my child, and you are my child," it was easy to be peaceful, to be everything amity was about, when Johanna was around.

"Go, Haily will be waiting it is time for school with the other children. Go with peace and Love Ava," I flashed a bright smile.

I wondered who my real parents were, if I would ever meet them or if they were even still alive. All I had from them was my looks. I had a mess of curly and wavy brown hair, slightly tanned skin from working in the fields, muted stern/angular features, and my big eyes were a vivid blue. I wasn't very tall, Johanna had measured me every year on my birthday; I stood at 5'0' with a slender build. I gave Johana a hug before running down the wood paneled halls to join the other girls.

"Come on Ava, again you keep us waiting," Kyle smiled as he took my hand helping me onto the truck. We lived further away from the other factions, we were closer to the fence that separated us from the desolate world that was beyond it. The Dauntless guarded the fence, I always wanted to know what was beyond it and why it needed to be guarded. The Dauntless were brave and fearless, most were tattooed and pierced and all wore black clothes. Their primary purpose is to guard the fence that surrounds our city and keep the factionless from hurting anyone.

It wasn't too long before we arrived at the school. It is made of glass and steel, in front is a large metal sculpture that the Dauntless climb after school, daring each other to go higher and higher. I remember with a clench in my stomach our classes are cut in half today so we will attend all before the aptitude tests, which take place after lunch. I already feel my heart exploding in my chest, I was only sixteen, too young for a heart attack.

I am just too curious about so many things, I dared to do things that other Amity wouldn't. Mother Johanna always said my eyes wonder seeing the faces of the other sixteen year olds Candor's in their black and white, Erudite in blue, Amity in our red and yellow, Abnegation in their dull grey, Dauntless in their black. I don't see the Dauntless yet, but all their faces look as if they are devouring as much as they can get on this last day. It is very likely that we will not walk these halls again after the Choosing Ceremony, once we choose our new fractions will be responsible for finishing our education.

"Are you happy?" Haily poked me, she was her normal bubbly self. I hated that my natural reaction was to ball up my tiny fists "I am Haily, thank you. Go in peace and love," I smiled before walking off, a little jump in my step. The halls were filling up, I stopped when I saw a rude Erudite boy knock into a girl around my age "Out of my way, Stiff," my eye twitched, something about this injustice, it isn't logical to hurt another and proceed to goat them with glee.

The girl looks back as my foot snakes its way out as the boy watches the Abnegation's girl's embarrassment with glee, I have heard about Erudite feud with the selfless Abnegation. He doesn't notice until he was already falling, his glasses breaking on the floor, his blue sweater now had a tiny tear, and his books cascaded on the floor. "Oh no, how silly of me not to be watching," I giggled, he just stood up brushing off his clothes, his friends helped him gather his books.

"It was my fault as well, I am very sorry," he wasn't rude to me at all, I just glided away toward the girl who was watching something out of a window, something I myself have done many times before. For some reason I didn't think she'd be returning to Abnegation after the ceremony.

I watched as I heard the train whistle blaring, the sound resonating in my chest. The light fixed to the front of the train clicks on and off as the train hurtles past the school, squealing on iron rails. When the last few cars pass a mass exodus of young Dauntless, both female and male, in dark form fitting clothes hurl themselves from the moving cars, some dropping and rolling, others stumbling a few steps before regaining their balance. They should offend me because I was raised with the peace loving Amity, most stayed away from them and their crazy ways. I wonder what courage, which virtue they most value has to do with a metal ring through your nostril, I wanted to know and I wanted to know how it was done. Instead of fearing them or thinking they were crazy my eyes clung to them, curiosity peaking whenever I got a good look at them. They were walking pieces of art that had a death wish.

"I watch them too," the girl turns, her blonde hair in a knot, her dull grey clothes too baggy, her nose a little big but to me she is very pretty.

"But you're Amity?" she looks as if she regrets her words the moment she speaks them, I smile "I am Amity, as you're Abnegation. But I am naturally very curious," with that I hurried to class and the girl to her's. The palms of my hands wet my stomach was churning, the rest of the day my red strap dress felt like nothing like it was burning up in here as lunch came.

Amity sat in a circle playing a game but my head was jumbled, jumping into too many directions at once so I stood seeing the girl from this morning sitting and looking nervous along with a boy. I walked over to them, taking a seat next to her and gaining a few looks. "Hello," I smiled.

"Hello, I am Caleb Prior, this is my sister Beatrice Prior," he smiled giving me a simple nod as their faction does, I forgot they aren't ones for touching, how stupid of me.

"I am Ava, Caleb we have a few classes together. Beatrice how are you?" I asked her with a bright smile.

"No, how are you," she said I saw her eyes dart to her brother, he gave her a smile "Oh, I am well thank you,"

I lean in close "I can see you're nervous, I am too. I'm scared too," Beatrice looked at me with relief "Glad it isn't only me," barley above a whisper when another group of names is called and my heart drops.

"Ava," was all that was said, it was a member of Amity, there is a row of ten rooms in the school, and they are separated not by glass but by mirrors. I watch myself pale and horrified walking toward one of the doors, I walk into room 6 where a Dauntless women waits for me.

She is not as severe-looking as the young Dauntless I have seen. She has small, dark, angular eyes and wears a black blazer-like man's suit and jeans. It is only when she turned to close the door that I could see a tattoo on the back of her neck, a black-and-white hawk with a red eye. I was trying to judge if it would be wise to ask if it meant something, things like that usually meant something.

It was an odd thing, mirrors covering the inner walls of the room. I can see my refection from all angles, scabs on my knees from falling two days ago, my knobby knees. The ceiling glows white with light, in the center of the room is a reclined chair like a one a dentist would use, with a machine next to it. This wasn't a place where peace, love, or any kind of harmony happened.

The women was looking at me "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt," but I wasn't worried about pain but I say nothing, instead I study her noticing her hair is black and nicely streaked with gray that seems to sparkle when it hits the light at the right time.

"Would you like to sit and get comfortable?" she asks "My name is Tori," but she eyes me and my clothes, the way she is looking at me she is judging me on my solemnness. So I sit, laying my head in the headrest trying to calm myself, the light didn't hurt my eyes since I was used to being in the bright sun all day. I could hear Tori making herself busy with the large machine on my right, I try to focus on her and not the wires she carries in her hands.

"Why the Hawk?" I ask in what I think is a calm voice but its sounds more loud "Never met such a calm Amity, you guys are so...well we just don't mix," she smiled.

"Understandable," so much about me was a mistake, a betrayal of Amity values.

Humming a little, she presses another electrode to my forehead and explains, "In some parts of the ancient world, the Hawk symbolized the sun on me, I wouldn't be afraid of the dark," I gasped, she looked so strong.

"You're afraid of the dark?" she raised her brow "Curious as well, I was afraid of the dark," she corrected me as I gave a firm nod, overcoming your fear is a sign of bravery. She presses the first one to her own forehead, and attaches a wire to it. She shrugs "Now it reminds me of the fear I have overcome,"

"Very brave of you, it takes strength to overcome fear," I said as she came to stand behind me she gave me an odd look, I squeeze the armrest so hard my knuckles are pure white. She tugs on the wires pulling them towards her before attaching them to me, to her, and to the machine behind her. Tori passes me a vial of clear liquid.

"Drink this," she tells me but half of me doesn't trust whatever it is "What is it? What will it do?" I question her eyeing the vial in my hands.

"Can't tell you that. Just trust me,"

I press the air from my lungs and drink the contents of the vial shortly after my eyes flutter shut. When they open again I find myself in a plain white room with glass panels, outside I see Amity people passing by as if they don't see this strange new building. I turn around to see a small table with two baskets, one holds a rather long knife while the other holds a chunk of cheese.

"You must choose one." A woman said, I couldn't see her.

"Why do I need to choose?"

"Choose!" she screamed. I shook my head not looking away from the baskets, I didn't want either of them. It didn't feel right. "Fine, have it your way." The baskets disappeared.

I turned again when I heard the doors open but I swear there were no doors before, I turn to see a large dog snarling. His body language conveyed anger, maybe fear? I thought back to my lessons, easily remembering that animals could smell fear. I watched him as he came closer, his lips curled back to show his off white but very sharp teeth. I understood why the cheese and knife would help me but for some reason it still didn't feel right.

I took a deep breath, calming myself before slowly lowering myself to my knees. I knew to not look him in the eyes, he valued his alpha status and if I challenged that, challenged his safety I doubt I'd last very long. I bowed my head after giving him a quick look. I heard his paws pound the ground, vibrating every bone in my body. Once again I calmed my breathing and kept myself bowed, next thing I knew the dog had tackled me and was licking my face. Giggles escaped my lips, "Oh my, you're so sweet. Such a good boy!" I pet him before cautiously standing up, I didn't want to scare him.

He jumps up, his paws on my shoulders, "Such a good boy" he sniffs me before nuzzling me.

Suddenly a little boy appears, he smiles and toddles forward "Puppy!" the dog turned, and his muscles tense as he pounced. With speed I didn't know I had I tackled the dog and threw him to the side, quickly I moved off of him and stood between him and the little boy who now clung to my leg.

"No!" my voice was stern, "Back, now!" the dog whined and laid on the floor. I stepped forward with the little boy, "Don't be scared, bow to him." He did as told, the dog licked his face in turn. With a deep sigh and a blink I was on a bus, gripping a pole. I looked around until I met the eyes of a man.

This man looked angry, his body tense, his burned hands gripping a newspaper with such force I was surprised it didn't rip. "You, do you know this guy?" he asks anger clear as day in his tone. I scanned the headline, it read "Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!" I've seen this word but only in books, it has been so long since someone was murdered, I then looked to the picture under the headline; it was an older man with a white beard. A pang in my gut told me I knew him but it also told me not to tell this man, this intense feeling of dread passed over me. Something bad would happen to me, to someone, if I told this man anything. But maybe nothing would happen, I guess I would have to see what happens and hope I don't die.

"Yes, I have seen this man" my heart was thumping wildly, there was no point in lying, it would cause more harm than good.

"You have saved me," was all he said, a smile appearing on his face.

I woke with a start, my palms were unusually sweaty. I moved off the chair after Tori removed the wires from my head. I stood and wiped off my sweaty hands on my dress. When I looked up I saw that Tori was looking at me with a mixed look of awe and sadness, she pinches her lips together but then she moves fast the electrodes come off our heads. I sit here waiting, waiting for her to say something anything about the test that it is over, or that I did well, but how could you do poorly on a test you can't prepare for?

I sit forward my hands wet with sweat, I feel as if I have done something wrong, she is too silent they way she is moving around the room, the look on her face. I wish she would just come out with it, tell me; tell me already Tori.

"That," she says "was perplexing. Excuse me Ava, I will be back in a few moments," she was gone out the door leaving me alone to my jumbled thoughts. Perplexing?

What if my result was nothing, I had gotten no faction. Was that even possible? Mother said I would always have a home in Amity, without a faction I would have to live on the streets with the factionless. Without my community, in poverty, but no mother said I would always have a home in Amity. I would find a way to get back there and live among them without anyone finding out. I wanted to run from the room, I wanted to run until my legs gave out or until I was back in mothers' arms. I didn't like this, I didn't like how long she was taking or that my result was perplexing.

Once I was told we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction we have no purpose and no reason to live. I push the thoughts away because all they do is hurt me and make my heart thump wildly, I take a deep breath and calm myself.

I could hear the small creak of the door as it opens, and Tori walks in I stand ready, ready to hear what she has to say "Just tell me," I say, my curly hair wet with sweat, I push it from my face.

"Sorry to worry you," Tori says. She stands two feet away with her hands in her pockets. Her face is now pale like mine and her body is tense.

"Ava, your results were inconclusive," she says. "Typically, each stage of the simulation eliminates one or more but in your case, none have been ruled out," I stepped back staring at her, this is impossible.

"None?" my throat is so dry I feel as if I am swallowing my tongue, making it difficult to talk.

"Normally the simulation progresses in a linear fashion, isolating one faction by ruling out the rest. The choices you made didn't even rule out a single one, even with the insistence with dishonesty you chose honesty." She half smiles.

I feel close to getting ill on the tile floor.

"Which gives us a problem,"

My mouth fell open.

"On one hand, your intelligent response with the dog indicates strong alignment with Erudite. But not running from the dog and standing up to it shows Dauntless, being selfless enough to through yourself at the dog but not kill it is both Amity and Abnegation. And not lying to the man was Candor. I have no idea what to make of your indecision in stage one, but,"

"Hold on Tori," I interrupted her. "So you have no idea what my aptitude is?"

"Yes and no. My conclusion," she explains "Is that you show equal aptitude for Erudite, Abnegation, Candor, Amity and Dauntless. People who get this kind of result are…." I watch but she looks over her shoulder as if we are being watched, as if someone might appear behind her at any moment, maybe they might. "…are called…Divergent," the last word was barely said above a whisper, I had to strain to hear her, her tense, worried look returned. She walks around the side of the chair getting close to me, I just stand there looking at her.

"Ava," she says "Under no circumstances should you share that information with anyone. This is very important," by the look on her face I believe her.

"Divergence is extremely dangerous, you understand?" I did "Yes because I am very scary looking," she gave a small laugh.

"But yes, I understand,"

"I suggest you go home. You have a lot of thinking to do, and waiting with the others may not benefit you," I gave her a look.

"I can't we all ride together, we live very far,"

"Fine," her face turned soft.

I walked out thinking.







Later that night finds me sitting at the long wooden table, we do not talk of the test at this table, but you could tell by how silent it is, it is resting on their minds. I firmly believe none will leave Amity, we have the least amount ever to leave.

I don't touch the bread, I never do because I have seen them make it. I know the Peace serum is placed in it keeping us happy. But another thing weighted on my mind, Beatrice Prior walked from the school not very long after me, leaving the same room I did, number 6.

"I will ask for all our younglings to stand," I stood from my spot stepping away from the bench "Tomorrow is a very special day for you, the Choosing Ceremony. Go with peace and love," it was our dismissal to bed to rest for our day tomorrow.

"Ava," it was mother Johanna a smile always on her face her shawl draped around her "Yes mother?" I questioned "A word of advice my child, choose for yourself," then she walked off talking to others all smiling, I frowned walking to my room to be alone.
