I do not own Star Wars Rebels or any of these characters.

Wow, you guys are so nice! I wasn't expecting anything from my last story, but you were all so nice! Everything was just "awwww"s and "so great"s. Thank you all so much! You guys probably don't realize how awesome I felt after reading your reviews. You're the best!

And, sorry, but now I am going to try to rip your hearts out and make you cry. ;) Love you!

I will take some liberties with Ezra's past. In the show, he just keeps saying that he grew up alone and on the streets. He also keeps mentioning that he survived. I am going to delve deeper into his past. It will be very sad. Just as a warning. Ezra makes me want to hug him and bake him cookies and tell him everything's going to be okay, love! Dang it, Disney!

Just to warn you, this chapter is mostly for exposition. It isn't that good, but they will get better, I promise. Please read and review!


The stars twinkle in the small window as the Ghost floats through the endless universe. Well, it may not be endless, but it is constantly expanding. (Shush, logic). In my bunk, though, space seems as clear and cool as it did when I was little and gazing up at its magnificence. You could climb there and drink in all it had to offer. Wonder filled my eyes as I stood, toes curling in the crisp grass, reaching up and pretending I was there. I would forget to breathe for a moment, then gulp down the fresh sweetness as I stood awe-struck in my back yard thinking how big and beautiful everything really was. Such was the night. I could live forever here, my thoughts running rampant, without any person to stop me or make me defend myself, however unnecessarily. (Shush, logic. My walls protect me. I made them because I needed them. They aren't coming down any time soon.) Now, though, I am not thinking of the galaxy's wonders, but of my loss. And it hurts.

I cannot believe that my home planet is now off limits to us. That's where my whole life was centered! That's where my house is (was)! That's where my parents were! That was where I grew up! How could this have happened? Now everyone there thinks that we are crazy and volatile, about to explode at any moment, shrapnel ready to fly at and mutilate them. The people, MY people, have rejected us. What the heck!

The truth (and reality) (shut up, mind) slowly dawned on me. I realize my error, sighing at my ignorance. Lothal WAS my home. True, I've only been here, with this ragtag (but somehow endearing) bunch, for a few months, but these people have become my family (was there ever any doubt?) (there still is whispers deep down in my suppressed mind) and wherever they are is my home. The place doesn't make the home, the people do (These awesome, accepting, loving people). They are my new people. Besides, Lothal never really treated me well, anyways. He he. Eeeeh. I laugh a little nervously, but it just turns into a grimace.

What I fear most is that the memories will come back. It's really more anxiety than fear: a cold, nagging feeling. Sometimes I remember the bad days, when it was just me against the world and I was losing. Badly. Those memories are the scariest. The thought of them terrifies me and can even freeze me in the moment, unable to even move as my mind works up and my body joins in on the fun. How nice.

The strangest thing is that, around these people, it is getting harder and harder to shove (grunt) my emotions (uh-ah) down. The longer I am with them, the more these seem determined to rear their ugly head. I keep locking them away, but they keep demanding to be acknowledged. Why is it that these people are making me a big softy?

Still, I can't share these with anyone. The pain and fear of reliving these memories would kill me. Plus, it is more than a little bit embarrassing. All I can do is force them down for long enough to breathe, though now I feel rather congested, then hope that the day will help me forget or dull the pain. This is probably not the healthiest way to deal with it, but since when have I been healthy?

Who knew beds could be so comfy? Honestly, this still shocks me, even after a few months.

I'm just glad, I thought as I drifted off to sleep, that I finally found a place where people don't want to kill me all the time.

Well, there we are, people. I hope you liked it. Enjoy the Thursday! I will be super-busy (when am I not?), so I will probably only be able to update once a week. Super sorry. :(

Love you all! See you next week!