So now a kid thinks he can single handedly destroy a whole fleet?


Kallus ordered their destruction, gripping the metal bar and smirking. There was no way they would escape alive.

Sabine loaded the canon. She aimed. Years of expertise zeroed in on her target.


The package drifted out, hurdling into a small receptor. Green energy thrummed and a wall of green electricity ran across the starship. Zeb fired at the command center and a new tie found its mark. Her newest creation worked. The shield was down.

But their enemies weren't totally incompetent. Alarms blared. They were hit. Hera squeezed the controls, pulling up with all her strength. She yelled, willing the ship to get closer. They could not crash. They were already dead.

Ezra, your plan better work!

Ezra grit his teeth. He and Kanan sat side by side, reaching out together.

Just a little bit more.

The Ghost pulled even with the starship, racing only a few feet from the metal surface. It approached a fleet of tie fighters. The green fire was held, however.

We are too close. They wouldn't risk damaging their mothership. They need to be closer.

But Ezra didn't.

Suddenly, the ties broke formation, scattering and going berserk. Sabine watched, awe struck, as they arranged into an entirely new formation. Seven ties around five. It was a shell within a shell. The ships sped toward the Ghost, swooping close, but gracefully gliding in a loop right back to where they came from. She could make out the pilots, frozen but not rigid, totally rejecting the empire for which they fought. They approached the bridge.

The Ghost race into the light of the docking bay. Troopers raced around, ships flying everywhere, but the Ghost had no problem maneuvering around. Sabine shot down several ships in beautiful explosions before their ship came upon the opposite opening. Well, they had to make her own. Six ships crashed into the wall, Sabine's last target ramming through into deep space. The stormtroopers raced for cover as the vacuum of space sought to consume them, many thrown out into the freezing darkness. Sabine jumped, landing on the back of a tie. Zeb pushed her in.

But the Ghost went on its own.

It cut right back up, barely clearing the mass of metal before coasting alongside it again. Enemy ships approached, but none could fire for fear of damaging the starship and losing their lives. The empire's command by force and threats were bound to be its own downfall.

Ezra held his concentration. Sabine was almost ready.

Their personal fleet fired on their enemies, creating confusion and mayhem once again. Explosion after explosion dragged the empire's might to its knees as the once great fleet fell. Only two ties fell. The rest raced away, pursued by the majority of the remainder of the fleet. The ties twisted, coming near to the Ghost again. They slowed. The others caught up.

Suddenly, an explosion ripped through the side of the ship and engulfed half the fleet. The remainder barreled into the side of the bridge, snapping command and control.

The Ghost raced towards the descending carnage as it erupted into flames. It flew into the hangar, barely stopping just as a tie pulled even with it. Ezra and Kanan were ready, arms extended. Sabine jumped, Ezra grabbing her wrist and pulling her to safety. Zeb barreled into the ship and Kanan hoisted him in. Then the doors were shut and the Ghost was fleeing. The heat from outside radiated in the ship. But they were too late. The bay exploded just as the Ghost left. Power went out, the crew was flung to the ground, and the Ghost hurdled off into space.


Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't updated. Life got in the way. Honestly, it was insane. This year, I decided to take four AP courses, which I have adjusted to, but that was a lot for me at first. (Why do I keep ending clauses with preposition?). To be honest, though, some crap happened and I had to struggle through it, but I am much better than before. Actually, I'm better than I've ever been. It's really amazing. Things are looking really good.

And I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I can't wait to see your replies! The next update will come soon, I promise!

So, in the meantime, I want to tell you something. You are beautiful. You are loved.

See you soon, gorgeous ;)