After ensuring that her wife was carefully guarded by hand chosen warriors, Lexa swiftly left her tent in search of Nyko. Scouring the campsite she came across the blonde general, who looked furious.

'Heda, may I speak with you privately?' Anya forced out as she hinted towards the war tent that lay mere meters away.

Nodding silently Lexa began to walk ahead. She had a schedule to meet if her plan in protecting Clarke was to be successful. Nyko needed to be informed of the Skai Prisa's condition. The child was Lexa's priority for now. Her people were safe. Clarke was safe. All that needed protection was safe inside her camp.

The Commander was soon brought out of her thoughts as Anya began to shout quietly. 'What were you thinking? Why have we left the mountain that has been bleeding our people dry for generations Lexa? The people will not stand for this. The Skaikru were our allies by union. Yet you have simply thrown them away like dirty rags. Speak to me, please?' Anya was looking at Lexa now with worry as she wondered what could have cause her second to make such a decision allowing the mountain to live.

'Clarke is pregnant.' Was all she could whisper.

'Wait, but how? She's been unfaithful then?' Anya assumed as she looked back towards the front entrance expecting to see the blonde storm through in any moment.

However she was not expecting her second to be glaring at her as she turned back around. If looks could kill, Anya would not be breathing.

'How dare you? Of course Clarke was faithful. The child was conceived before she rescued you from the mountain. The Mountain man told me, they detected it in her blood. I do not understand, but it explains why she has been feeling nauseous the past few days.' Lexa calmed as she thought about her wife sleeping safely in her tent.

'That explains why you took the deal then. You wanted her safe?' Anya questioned taking Lexa's silence and inability to look towards her as a yes. 'What of the alliance with the Skaikru?' Anya thought off handedly.

'I must speak with Abby. Hopefully after informing her of the child, she will allow leniency. After all it is her family that I chose to rescue.' Lexa tried to convince herself more than her first.

'That will be harder than you think. I forgot to inform you that the Sky Chancellor and her injured party seem to have been picked up, by the mountain, on their journey to the Ark.' Anya rushed out as she watched her Commanders glare turn to her once more.

'Branwada! Clarke will never forgive me for this! Leaving her friends was one thing but her Mother?!' Lexa screamed as she gripped her dagger, forcing her self not to stab her friend in pure rage. 'I must leave immediately. Tell no one. I will be back by morning and do not let my wife leave! No harm must come to her!' Lexa seethed as she stormed out of the tent, leaving a rather confused Anya in her wake.

Meanwhile back in the Commanders tent, Clarke began to awake disoriented. Looking around she immediately realised where she was but it took her a few minutes to realise that what she thought was a dream was not. Jumping up to leave Clarke was hit by a wave of nausea, that would not dissipate. Being overcome with the need to vomit, she ran to the nearest bucket she could find. Her insides felt like they were being torn to shreds as her breakfast was forced out into the bucket.

A few minutes and a full bucket later Clarke was wiping her mouth over her wife's favourite shirt. It was the least she could do. She began to struggle as she still felt nauseous, but knew it would pass now that she'd emptied her stomach. Powering through the haze, the blonde leader straightened out her outfit and stormed through the front entrance. Only to be stopped crashing into what seemed to be a brick wall.

'Move. Now.' She ordered as the guards simply grumbled at her outburst. 'I said move.' Clarke huffed as she watched the men simply walk towards her intimidatingly, causing her to step back into the safety of her wife's tent. Apparently she wouldn't be leaving.

Clarke began to pace as she thought of a way out. Vows be damned, Lexa has already broken them first. This union was simply a failed experiment on Clarke's part. The Commander obviously got what she wanted and was now bored.

Pacing as she thought Clarke couldn't figure out a plan of action. Every time she almost had a plan she was brought straight back to the moment of betrayal. How could she have been so foolish to trust the other woman? She has only known her for a week. What caused her to trust someone so willingly, especially someone who was willing to wipe out her people over a week ago?

Tear continued to fall as she thought that Lexa couldn't even bother to tell her herself. She's hiding away behind her guards while the remainder of her people are drained dry. Looking around the tent frantically, Clarke prayed for a way out to help her people, as she pushed down the nausea once more. Clarke simply presumed the ill feeling was due to being passed out. Maybe she hit the floor and has a concussion. Either way it would not stop her from finding a way out of the tent, that only a day ago made her feel safe.

Back at the tunnels, Octavia was panicking as a new body fell down the shoot. It wasn't her brother but it was her friend; Fox. The mountain men had begun the harvest. Her friends were probably trapped in cages just waiting to be drained of bone marrow. Yet her former first left her behind. Cut all ties as the Trikru retreated.

No, she had no home, no family and no idea what to do now.

With quick steps sounding throughout the tunnels, Octavia got ready for a fight. Assuming it was the reapers she bent in position ready to defend herself. Yet before she knew it the Commander herself was stood before her, gathering her breath.

'Octavia, You're still here? Indra was back in TonDC. Did she send you?' Lexa asked confused to see anyone else waiting to enter the mountain.

'Go float yourself, I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie.' The young brunette spat as she scowled at the woman she grown to detest over the past 48 hours.

'We have to get in there.' Lexa stated as she ignored the previous jab. She knew Octavia was completely true. If it wasn't for Clarke's mother in the mountain she would still be at camp.

'Do you think I'd still be out here, if that was possible?' Octavia scoffed as she turned back towards the door praying her brother would step through safe and sound in the next minute. 'Why'd you sound the retreat?' She asked curiously.

'I made a deal with the Maunon, my people for yours.' Lexa deadpanned. She stared straight at the young warrior who bristled with anger at the information grabbing her sword from the sheath.

'You did what?! After all the planning. Forcing Clarke to marry you. You just dumped her? Some wife you made. Didn't take you long did it? You make me sick. Lincoln would never have gone along with a plan like this.' Octavia was fuming as she stared at the woman before her. The Commander hadn't even flinched yet.

'I did this for Clarke. You have no right to tell me I don't care. If it wasn't for Clarke I wouldn't be here right now in the same position as you.' Lexa fumed. How dare this teenager tell her she's a terrible wife. 'Clarke is safe. That is all that matters to me now. In time she may forgive me, but for now I am getting through that door.' Lexa stated, as she pulled out her dagger ready to tear apart the door.

'That's your plan?' Octavia scoffed before continuing. 'Clarke trusted you, Lexa. You let a bomb drop on TonDC. You let all those people…'

'I made that decision with my head and not my heart.' Lexa interrupted before the guilt could surface. 'You must concede a battle to win the war. Clarke understood that in TonDC. She will understand again in time.'

Suddenly the doors swung open as both women jumped into action, swords at the ready. Yet there was no need to panic as a mop of brown hair jumped down the steps seconds later. Both girls relaxed as Bellamy gave a confused look at the change in plans. 'Where's your army?' Bellamy growled as he thought of the shit show this plan has become.

However before he could be answered his partners in crime pushed past to see his sister. Monty came to an abrupt stop however as he came face to face with the most intimidating sight; The Commander. Gulping Monty soon took a step back bumping into his best friend as he tried to turn back around to get out of the bored death stare that was being directed towards them.

'Bellamy, take me to Dante.' Lexa ordered as she thought of the old man that no longer seemed to be in control of his people.

'He's in quarantine.' Maya piped up as she looked over Bellamy's shoulder hesitantly.

'Who are you?' Lexa spat as she pulled her blade out swiftly.

'Relax, she's with us. This is Maya. Maya, this is the Commander.' Bellamy introduced slowly. As everyone began to relax and plan the sky peoples escape, they were interrupted by a small beeping. Maya's oxygen tank was running out and there was no more replacement tanks.

After quickly discussing there options Lexa ordered the group to split. Jasper, Octavia and Maya would head to level 5, hide out there until ordered otherwise. If possible find another oxygen tank, however Maya wouldn't need it unless she left the level. Whilst the rest of the group would follow the Commander to Dante and then the control room which should be empty due to the level 5 quarantine.

After around 30 minutes everyone had split and Lexa was stood impatiently outside the control room as she thought of her wife back at Camp. Hopefully she made it out of the mountain alive. Yet as long as Clarke was alive and safe she did not truly care about her own future.

'We're in!' Monty cheered as they stormed through to the empty control room. No longer thinking of her wife Lexa pushed the former president through to the small room, sword held to the old man's throat.

New machinery that Lexa had never seen before crossed the wall. Images spread filled with people all gathered in a singular large room, children running round wherever there was space to go. Other images showed the room in which the Skaikru were trapped. What seemed to be around 50 people, teenagers and adults all chained to the wall, as Maunon drilled into one currently lying dead on the table. Scouring the screens further Lexa was staring straight at the reason of her quest; Abigail Griffin. Chained like everyone else, yet bruises scattered her face. Most of which likely caused by refusing to co-operate, but she's alive. Other faces the Commander recognised around the room consisted of the girl Clarke was fond of ; Raven, the honourable Marcus Kane and the ripa; Finn. The Commander couldn't even look at him on a screen, the boy was that pathetic.

There was panic showing on everyones faces as they pulled and struggled against their chains. They were all going to die, unless Lexa did something and soon. 'Monty, can you find the quickest route to this room?' She questioned the young boy quickly. As she thought of all the ways she could stop the mass slaughter that was about to occur.

'Yes. It will only take me about 2 minutes.' The boy stuttered, getting straight to work typing.

'Good. Mr. president, you're coming with me. Now.' Lexa stated, face blank of emotions as she planned out the next few steps in her head. 'Bellamy, I need your communicator thing. Will this allow me to talk to his son?' Lexa questioned, as she looked at the rectangular object Bellamy had handed over.

'Yes, just press this button when you want to speak and then let it go after.' Bellamy whispered as he tried to work out the brunettes plan. 'I'm coming with you.' He stated pulling up the gun, he'd swiped off a dead guard.

'Fine. Monty, I need you too stay here. Don't let anyone in, unless its myself or Bellamy. If we fail I need you to open the outside doors. Can you do that?' She waited until the boy nodded, before asking for the radio from Bellamy. 'If I don't make it, tell Clarke i'm sorry, and that I hope she'll forgive me.'

Meanwhile, Clarke was on a mission. She'd slit a hole in the back of her tent, similar to the way she'd escaped back with Charlotte, and was now running through the woods. She had to reach the mountain before Lexa came back and realised her escape.

Stumbling over tree roots, the blonde had never run as fast. Following through the tunnels, avoiding any ripas that may be lurching in there pits she reached the back entrance. The door was jarred open slightly, allowing Clarke easy access. Bellamy must have left it open, maybe Octavia's team made it in before the retreat. Hoping that she wasn't too late Clarke made her way inside the mountain, weapon at the ready.

'Cage Wallace, This is the Commander of the 12 clans. I have you're father. Let the Skaikru go and I will give you you're father.' Lexa spoke, voice tense with silent rage. The radio buzzed to life once more with a reply.

'I thought we had a deal. Your people for the Skaikru. Now you ask for more. You don't actually have my father you're bluffing.' Cage yelled, as he silently ordered guards to search the lower levels.

'I do not know what bluffing means, but I can assure you i'm not. Here is your father now.' Lexa answered, holding the radio into the presidents face.

'Don't listen to her. Stay the course, Cage!' Dante yelled, before Lexa quickly moved into action and punched the man down.

'Like I was saying. Stop the drilling and your father lives. Otherwise I take him back to my village and show him a real murderers death; by a thousand cuts.' The brunette whispered staring straight into the old mans eyes.

'You wouldn't. We made a deal. Clarke and the child for the Skai people.' Cage yelled, panic seeping through his voice.

'What does he mean 'the child'?' Bellamy jumped in, holding the radio so that Cage wouldn't here the questioning in the ranks.

However, this did not prevent Dante from hearing every word and chuckling as Lexa looked to the floor, terrified of someone else finding out before she could explain to Clarke herself. Yet it was too late. Even if she did shut Dante up Bellamy would not move until he had answers and Monty although silent was just as invested in the conversation.

'It seems that The dear Commander didn't explain why she and her army turned their backs on your people so easily. Clarke is pregnant. Has been since she was last here.' Dante continued to chuckle as he watched more confusion splash over Bellamy's face before anger and rage replaced it.

'What did you do you sick bastard?' He yelled moving to grab the president assuming the deed occurred during her previous stay at the mountain.

'Bellamy.' Lexa warned as she understood his misinterpretation the same time as Dante judging by the horror that flitted across his features. 'It is Finn's.' Lexa growled as she thought of the ripa once more. This however calmed Bellamy down instantly as he understood why the mountain knew. What he didn't understand was why Clarke did not mention the child first. Until realisation hit.

'Clarke doesn't know. That is why I took the deal. To protect Clarke and her child. I could not let her come to war and risk her health. She may never forgive me but it was worth it.' Lexa swallowed as she thought of her wife yet again.

Suddenly Lexa remembered where she was, holding up her mask once more and continued her conversation with Cage who seemed to be calling out in worry of what she was up to in the silence.

'You obviously don't know who I am. Let me remind you. I'm the woman who managed to unite the 12 clans against one singular enemy; you. They would love to have a taste of your fathers blood, or whatever is left of his, after what is my own kru and that of Skaikru is gone.' Lexa chuckled at the morbid joke, forgetting about the tension that had just filled the room seconds before. they had a job to do.

'It would mean the end of our people.' Cage whispered tears building in his eyes.

'Head over heart. I know the burden, but i'm giving you the opportunity to save both. This ends now. Release the Skai people, and I will release your father.' Lexa argued, she could tell that time was being wasted and that meant Clarke's people were slowly dying. Her mother-in-law was slowly dying.

'None of us has a choice here, Commander. We all want to survive, its a part of human nature.' Dante choked as he thought of what may happen to his people should they fail.

Lexa couldn't think straight. Those words resonated through her whole body and the reply she'd heard mere days before thrummed in her heart. Her wife's words. The same wife that was probably locked in her tent cursing everyone and everything, for the way their plan fell.

Taking a deep breath Lexa continued. She wouldn't taint the moment she shared with her wife by repeating the words to such men that do not deserve such gifts. 'We're leaving now. Bellamy grab the president, I need you to keep him safe. My people deserve justice. His blood is just that. Thank you Monty kom skaikru, be safe and good luck.' Nodding to the young boy, who sat stunned at being addressed once more the Commander turned with a swish of her great coat and ran off in the direction of Cage Wallace.

Clarke couldn't believe her luck. Not only had she made it back to the mountain without Lexa finding her she also entered to find everyone had disappeared. She had to take a few breaths to calm herself, in the grounders old chamber, as memories of the betrayal were still fresh in her mind but she passed through quickly. Thinking on her feet Clarke headed to the first place on this floor that she could understand what was currently occurring and figure out what the hell was happening; The Control room.

Moving fast, she reached the door to find that it was sealed shut. The blonde had no idea how many people were in the room or even if they were friendly. Most likely not, but she also realised that if they weren't the cameras would show her as clear as day and they would capture her anyway. Knocking seemed like the only logical option. She needed to understand what was occurring and the only way to do so was see her people.

Yet, what she didn't expect was to see them so soon as the door opened up to reveal one Monty Green. Shock flashed across both faces as they hugged before Monty dragged her back inside and locked the doors.

'Monty, What the hell is going on? Where is everyone else?' Clarke questioned rapidly as she searched the room for any other Skaikru.

'Clarke… you really shouldn't be here. Not that i'm unhappy to see you but it isn't safe.' Monty stuttered as he thought of the conversation he heard mere minutes before.

'What are you talking about?' Clarke questioned as she glanced at the cameras quickly. 'Is that my mother?! What is she doing here? Monty, we have to do something.'

'No, you need to sit down. Stress isn't good.' Monty mumbled as he tried to think of the best action. He couldn't let Clarke worry and especially not leave this room. Judging by the Commanders speech to Cage earlier she would not hesitate to kill the boy for letting her wife die. 'Everything is under control. The mountain men are all trapped on level 5, with our people. Your mother arrived about an hour ago, with Kane and a few others.' He thought explaining the situation would be the easiest way to keep her around but judging by her breathing it wasn't calming in the slightest. 'Bellamy has Dante and is keeping him safe for the grounders to have some retribution or something, I didn't quite understand what she meant.' He continued before Clarke interrupted.

'Wait, the grounders? They left. They don't get to have there blood not after what she-wait. Who told you it was for retribution?' Clarke questioned quickly.

'The Commander. Your wife. She's really scary.' Monty stated as he watched confusion settle.

'She's here? In this mountain? Did she bring anyone? Was she captured? Wait. Of course she wasn't captured they made a deal!' Clarke fumed to herself.

'Clarke, please sit down. The Commander has spoken to Cage she's got a plan.' Monty whispered.

'No. You said they were all on Level 5. Can you irradiate the level?' Clarke questioned as she thought of how Lexa had already betrayed her once. Everyone always betrayed her trust. Her love. First her Mother, then Finn, and now Lexa. It's a never ending circle.

'We really need to think about this. Jasper is with Maya now. We do this and she dies so does everyone else that is trying to help us. There are children. Think about it.' Monty tried to reason. It would not come to this. The Commander would do her thing and help. She has to be skilled if she is the leader of every Grounder around.

'My mother, our friends are in that room chained to a wall, being drilled to death. I will not let any more of our people die because I trusted the wrong person. I know there are kids but give me a better idea to ensure they don't coming back and take more.' Clarke panicked.

She could see her mother being picked next for the drill, obviously being recognised as he mother. Cage was smirking as he thought of the marrow that would soon be flowing through all his people. They would be free.

'Figure it out, Monty.'

Nodding slowly Monty understood that Clarke would not let her Mother die. He just prayed that Lexa would execute her plan and soon. He had watched, minutes before, as Lexa and Bellamy - with Dante- split off at the stairs to Level 5, most likely to find his sister and Jasper. She must be reaching wherever her destination was by now but he had lost her on the cameras.

Starting the process Monty began to type, not as fast as he could but he wanted to give Clarke time to think before she committed genocide. He also wanted to allow the Commander to sort out the situation. He knew that the deaths at the drop ship affected Clarke when she was first in the mountain and he didn't want to see that again. Especially if she was pregnant. Clarke just needed time to process what happened at the entrance. They would figure out the next few hours as they come.

Hopefully with the Commander ending this war, one way or another.

AN:/ Hope you enjoy this one is the longest chapter so far I think! I know now how I want the story to finish so hopefully it'll be a quick update. Just trying to decide if I should have a sequel after? let me know you're thoughts anyway! Thanks!