Chapter 49- Plots and Power Plays

Sorry for the lack of update for...gosh, a long time. I entered college and just couldn't really bring myself to write any more on my fanfics until recently. Now that I've adjusted, I'm hoping to update more frequently, although probably not every month.

If there was one thing that working for Ames after he'd killed her sister had taught Layla, it was how to hide her disgust. She crinkled her eyes as she raised her hand to her mouth to make him think she was hiding a smile when in actuality she was covering a scowl. She learned how to mask hatred with reverence and calculation with admiration. Layla acted straightforward primarily because she didn't like the way she'd learned how to hide her emotions, but it certainly did come in handy. Plus, as a low rate prostitute she could get away with 'accidentally' spilling wine onto someone and masking insults in compliments in a way she wouldn't have dared try with Ames.

Ultimately, while Layla resented acting as if she took part in a profession that- due to prior exposure- put a bad taste in her mouth, she knew it was necessary. 'Anything for Kiran'- that was the way it was. Just like it had been 'anything for Nebet' and 'anything for my sister'- Layla was nothing if not loyal.

Although, Layla didn't know if Kiran even wanted her help, considering what she'd almost said to her- would have said had it not been for Seti.

Seti, Layla hid her longing expression by tucking her face into the sleazy messenger's shoulder, what would he do if he saw me now?

A bitter part of her thought 'nothing', because if there was anything Seti could sympathize with it was doing all for those you care about. She heard he locked Ramses and Kiran in a room just to end an argument between the two…

"I wish I had been there to see that." Layla whispered. She counted it as a blessing when the messenger assumed she was talking about a story he was bragging about. She hadn't even heard him…

'I'm distracted.' Layla realized with irritation as she put on a smile and drew her face away from his shoulder.

She ran one hand up his arm in a flirtatious way as she used the other to carefully poke around his pockets. She resisted the urge to groan as she found the message at a pouch on his waist, tied tight and close. He wasn't an idiot, a fact which did nothing to make her respect him as he drew one of his arms around to touch her ass and the other up to cup her chin like some sort of pet. It was so demeaning that Layla almost slapped him, but instead figured this was the perfect opportunity to slide her arms around his sides to grip at the back of his shirt,carefully unlatching the pouch as she did so. He didn't even flinch so Layla was assured that he hadn't noticed. She looked around and found the barmaid Neferet had employed, signaling her by nodding her head to the cups on the table.

The barmaid walked over and began collecting the cups from the table. When she 'dropped' one, Layla made a noise of surprise and momentarily unlatched herself from the messenger to help her pick it up. As their hands brushed over the cup, Layla slipped the small clay tablet into the palm of her hand, covered by the cup as the barmaid gripped it.

"Thank you, my apologies." She stated nervously as she walked away with the cups (and the message).

Layla smirked at the ground before schooling her features and rising to distract the messenger again. Part one was done, now all she had to do was distract him until she could get the message back to him and-

Layla's smile froze on her face and she stiffened as she spotted Seti across the bar. His eyes met hers and Layla noted that he looked distinctly pissed. Then, she glanced past him and noted keenly that Neferet looked in on them from a window, looking like she was having the time of her life. With restraint Layla didn't even know she possessed, she relaxed herself and draped herself over the soldier again, determined but feeling sick with Seti's hazel eyes looking on at her. She was going to kill Neferet.

'That meddling bitch!' Layla thought as she flirted with the messenger some more, trying very hard to ignore Set's gaze.

He was mad. Why was he mad? He certainly understood why she was doing this. What right did he have to be mad, anyway? He didn't even respond when she confessed to him! Okay, maybe she hadn't given him a chance, but- that kiss...she was sure he had only done it to stop her crying! Only...what if that hadn't been the case? What if…? Layla mentally shook her head. It didn't matter. This situation wasn't about her or Seti, it was about helping Kiran. She would worry about their nonexistent relationship later.

Layla watched as Neferet looked to the side and her image pulled away from the window. She had the message.

Layla flinched a bit as the messenger ran a hand through her hair and pretended to smile nervously at him. Let him think she was uncomfortable because she was inexperienced, it only helped her cause.

Just a moment later, the barmaid entered her field of vision and walked towards them. The messenger shouted in surprise as wine was spilled on him- which Layla managed to avoid. In the commotion, the barmaid slipped the tablet back to her and went to get a towel while Layla pretended to fret over him, using the opportunity to slip the tablet back at his side. Now all that was left was to make her exit in a non-suspicious manner. Easier said than done.

Before Layla could think up an acceptable excuse and take her leave, she found her arm grasped and she was pulled back away from the messenger. Layla look up in surprise to see Seti's burning gaze fixed forward on the man while his arms tightened around her waist.

"We're leaving." Seti stated and Layla wasn't sure if it was for her benefit or the messenger's. If it was the later, it hardly helped.

"Wait a minute!" The man shouted in outrage and stood, but as his hand reached out to grab Layla, it was met with a sword instead. He just managed to stop his hand in time for it not to meet with the tip of Seti's sword.

He gave a cold smile as he raised the sword to the messenger's throat and said, "My sister was just trying to be rebellious, you should be careful not to mistake it for anything else." Then, he returned his sword to his side and began leading her out. "Come on."

Layla didn't resist, looking up at him in shock that wasn't receding. In fact, the shock increased as she briefly thought, 'Was he jealous?'

Unfortunately, there was no more time for that once they both made their way out of the bar and ran into Neferet, looking a lot less smug than Layla would have expected after not just getting the information, but inciting the scene with Seti.

"Did we not get the right person?" Layla questioned cautiously. They'd better have, Layla didn't want to find out that she'd spent so long flirting with that disgusting man for nothing.

"We have the information." Neferet assured, if you could still call it that with the bitter edge laced in.

Layla felt a rush of relief before it was swallowed up by doubt at Neferet's foul mood, "Then, what?"

Neferet looked distinctly pained as she stated, "We're going to have to ask Ameny for help."

Layla felt Seti stiffen as she bristled at the thought. This was going to be fun.

Extra- Anyone Else Missing Harres and Nebet a Little?

Harres lingered in the hall as he listened to the commotion. His servants were trying to clean the child assassin.
"Hold still!" He heard one of the servants shout through the door.
"We're just putting oil in!"
Harres pondered over the reason the girl was making such a commotion before realizing that the only oils this child had probably ever worked with were poisons. He sighed before walking in.
"Lord Harres!" Both the servants shouted before bowing, which was practically prostrating themselves due to their already kneeling positions. The child assassin just sunk into the water until only her eyes were above, her prominent blush still visible beneath the water.
Harres took the bottle of oil and kneeled in front of her so she could see him properly. He saw her rise a bit in curiosity so that her nose was also above the water, or maybe she just needed to breath- He doubted it though, it was likely she could hold her breath much longer. Then, Harres dipped a finger in the bottle- making sure to show her that the oil was on his finger- before touching it to his tongue. He mentally grimaced at the taste- it was oil for hair, not for food- not showing it outwardly on his face. The girl's head was now fully above water, a stunned expression on her face.
"You may leave." Harres dismissed his servants, who got up and left quickly. Then, he turned his attention back to the girl. "Turn around." Harres said, just soft enough not to be taken as an order. The girl hesitated before doing as he said. Harres proceeded to wash the girl's hair before thinking back to how he had met her.

That moment when she'd held a knife to his throat and how angered he had been that someone had sent a child to kill him, how he swore that they would die, how he'd said she could repay him in five years.

Of course, he kept his promise about those people who made her into an assassin being killed, he might have even been telling the truth when he said 'within the hour'. Now, as he was spending time with this girl, he hoped that five years never came. Wait...what was this girl's name?

"I might be late in asking," Harres broke the silence in the bathing room and the girl tilted her head a bit to show she was listening. "but what is your name?" The girl hesitated for a bit before answering.

"...Nebet." She said tentatively, almost testing it, as if no one had ever asked her for her name. The possibility that they really hadn't made Harres ache and burn with an unsettling anger and made him vow to call her by her name every day for the rest of his life.

"Nebet…" Harres said the name, testing it. He was surprised that the new name didn't feel odd or even new, but just felt natural, felt right.

' suits her.'

Somehow I managed no Ramses and no Kiran in this chapter, so I hope you all like Layla, Seti, Neferet, Nebet, and Harres well enough. Next chapter I swear there will be at least one of the main pair.

Neferet isn't a huge fan of Ameny, like just about everyone because he's a cunning bastard to most people at the best of times and their most terrifying enemy at the worst.

Please review!