Disclaimer: Universal owns all stuff not created by me. #sosad.

Authors Note: Hello all. It's been some time. Enjoy this chapter. I love this chapter. Let me know what you think!

Chapter 8

Grace sat quietly at her desk while Evelyn and Ella stood in front oh her going over the paperwork. She gave Owen a sympathetic smile as they waited. He just watched as he sat on one of the stools with his legs stretched out and arms crossed. There was a thick sense of tension filling up the room. Since the phone call at his bungalow, Ella had been in complete over drive. She had sat in complete silence as he drove her back to the labs, he barely had time to turn off the engine in her car before she bolted out and up the steps. Here is where he found her, nose deep going over files that Grace had prepared.

"You are sure of this?" Ella whispered, taking her documents and placing the pieces of paper onto the table behind her, "No way you could've made a mistake?"

Grace turned her monitor around showing them another graph, "I ran the test 3 times Ella, the Mosa has Mercury poisoning,"

"That's impossible," Evelyn snapped, "I handle that animal personally and there is no way."

Owen raised a hand to speak, "I thought most marine animals have Mercury in their blood already, especially those eating food from the ocean."

Evelyn "And I make sure the food being given is checked for high levels of toxins. We throw out all red flags, nothing in that ice box should be hazardous".

Grace nodded to them both, "That's true, but this is significantly higher than her last test, see this yellow bar," She pointed to the screen, "This shows the amount of metals and toxins found in the Mosa's body on her last check up. This is the levels we have today." Pressing her space bar, both trainers watched as the red bar slid up higher and higher next to the yellow. Owen whistled, scratching the back of his head as he paced around the room. Grace stood up at her desk.

"As you can tell, it's a pretty significant gain."

"Tell me you have a cause," Ella pleaded. Grace handed her another stack of papers.

"The supplements were clear, it's the sharks. Specifically the ones frozen." Ella snatched the documents and tore through them in a furious rage.

"It makes no sense?" Evelyn whispered.

Grace clasped her hands together, "I know, which is why this is very concerning, Ella-" She paused, "Has there been anything different recently, you have been around the park. Notice anything of concern with the animals.

Ella shrugged, "Aside from that herbivore flu from a couple weeks back that took out some babies, no. There has been nothing that has raised any flags, if anyone had concerns I would have been notified and- Wait!" She shouted, causing Grace to jump. Ella pointed her finger toward Evelyn, "Kane. Nathan Kane. Security. He was at the aquatic center. Why would he suddenly have an interest in our food unless told to. Hamada has got to know something is going on."

Owen eyed her suspiciously, "I wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. You are talking about the head of security here."

Ella narrowed her eyes at him, "I know who he is Grady. It doesn't make any difference. He knows something and I intend to find out."

Ignoring the passionate scientist, he walked over to Grace, "So what do we do?"

Grace walked over to the fridge at the end of room and brought out a box marked hazardous chemicals.

"This antidote will counter the poison already inside the Mosa. She will be a bit irritable for the next few days but her levels should start to deplete sooner rather than later. Your girl should be back to normal in no time."

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief, "Alright. Thank you." She took the box from Grace and cradled it close. "I'm going to head out, it's late and I need to be up early to check on the big girl tomorrow." She patted the box, "Thanks for this Grace. It means a lot."

"I'm just doing my job."

Owen cleared his throat and raised his hand towards the door.

"I'll walk you out Evelyn."

She sent him a gracious smile, "Always the gentleman, goodnight girls." Together, Grace and Ella watched as Owen escorted the young woman out of the lab and into the hallways towards the exit.

"So," Grace got up and walked over to the door, eyes peeking through the window to follow Owen now escorting their friend down the hallway. "It's funny how I call you, and you are at Owens." She turned back around facing Ella, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ella grunted and picked up the documents again to go over but reading nothing. Grace walked slowly towards her friend.

"And then you come bursting through my lab doors, which him a close second later. Anything you want to let me know?"


Ella commented while stacking the papers, finding anything to fidget with her hands.

"So there is something to talk about."

Dropping the documents she turned and leaned her back against the counter. "You told me to go home. I was going home. Owen offered dinner and a nap. I accepted. I took said nap. Woke up. Went outside to find him grilling dinner. Then he tried to kiss me. And here I am."

If her eyes could get any wider they would pop out, Ella thought to herself staring at Grace.

"He tried to kiss you!?" She whispered excitedly.

"He would've gone through with it too if you hadn't called. Which is fine, the you calling I mean. I'm pretty sure the both of us are in no place to being having any kind of relationship. Serious or not."

"So," She inferred, "You wanted him to kiss you."

"Yes." Ella knew there was no point in lying now.

"Interesting," Suddenly the door opened and Owen walked through. Grace turned around suddenly and went back to her desk. She picked up a clipboard and cleared her throat.

"I still have some things here I need to check out, and there really isn't much either of you can do at this point. So. You can go.. Leave. Together. I mean. I don't need anyone in the labs now."

Owen raised a brow and looked at Ella who just held up her hands in defeat.

"You sure you will be alright? We can wait till you are done, it's late and I wouldn't feel right just leaving you here alone."

Grace rolled her eyes, "Thanks Dad. But I will be fine. Harry, our security guard is around and always escorts me out after dark. It's sweet of you to offer though. Besides. Ella is tried and needs a lift home. Right Ella."

"I think you need watch it" Ella gritted through her smiling teeth. Grace made no response and went about her business. When neither of them bothered to move she rolled her eyes and pointed to the door.

"Out! Both of you. I work better alone."

"Goodnight Grace." Ella mumbled as she gathered her belongings.

"That was weird, care to explain what just happened back there?" Owen asked as they walked to the car. He unlocked the passenger door and opened it to let Ella slide inside.

"She's just wondering why you tried to kiss me."

Owen paused before shutting the door, "You didn't seem to opposed to the idea earlier."

"I was also starving and delusional." Buckling herself in she looked back up to Owen standing in her doorway, "Also more than likely half drunk on lack of sleep. I cant be held accountable for my actions"

He stood unfazed, "You are still starving now."

"My mind is not wandering at this exact moment. Owen. I really like you, but right now before I make any kind of decision on how I want to handle things. I need to figure this out."

He nodded, "Fair enough." Closing her door he walked over to his own side and got into the drivers seat. Turning on the car he looked back at Ella for just a moment and found himself worrying. She looked exhausted; this could not have been easy for her.

He found himself reaching over to squeeze her hand, "Hey. We are going to figure this own. Okay?"

She just needed to believe him.



Ella found herself the next morning with Clare and Hamada going over her report and findings about the Mosa. She watched as both of the officials in front of her glanced at the thin sheet of paper. Catching their glances toward one another upon the information settling in.

"Funny how you guys don't look surprised at all with my findings."

Clare smoothed her hair down and smiled to Ella, "Dr. Bennett, while we are both grateful for your concern and appreciative of your findings-" Without a second glance Ella reached forward and snatched the paper from Hamada's hand, crumbling it.

"Cut the shit. Both of you" She demanded.

The woman's pleasant demeanor faded as quickly as it has appeared. "Believe it or not Dr. Bennet, there are things in this park that are of no concern of yours."

"Clare-" Hamada sent her a warning tone before giving his attention back to the young woman in front of him, "Don't start. Bennett, yes we had suspicions. There have been other animals in the park that have been found with trace amounts of poison. We didn't want to cause concern so we kept it-"

"Kept it what?" Ella snapped, furious at the information being told to her. "God damn it. This is my job! Masrani hired me on for the well being of the animals and you both are keeping secrets."

"I see now you have a point. But our intentions." He glanced to Clare who gave him a pointed look. Ella was no fool to let it slide.

"What? What else are you keeping from me?"

"Ella-" Hamada whispered.

"Katashi!" Clare snapped at her head of security, he ignored her.

"She has a right to know Clare, Ella. All the animals that have been poisoned have come from your groups."

Ella stepped back shaking her head, "Impossible. I do these checks, two three times a week, I would know if there was a sickness spreading because someone would have." Suddenly she stopped speaking and sucked in a breath, "Oh." She straightened her posture. "Unless someone would let it continue on until there was enough evidence against me to turn in. I see."

Hamada stepped forward, "Ella-"

"I have no reason to harm them!" She exclaimed suddenly, "I love those animals more than most humans."

Frustrated he stepped forward, "That's not what-"

"No!" She whispered harshly stepping back to give her space, "How dare you stand there and accuse me of something so careless."

"Our accusations are perfectly just Ms. Bennet. The animals have had flawless reports since their hatchings and it wasn't until under your care that we have raised any sort of brow."

"With all due respect Ms. Dearing. What on earth could I possibly gain from harming these creatures."

Clare clasped her hands together and looked to Hamada, "Mr. Hamada and I know from first hand experience dealing with employees with different agendas. We are just trying to figure out yours."

Ella opened her mouth to speak but found no words. Here these people stood in front of her and all but accused her of being a radical rights activist. She wouldn't stand it. This was unacceptable. Standing her ground she rolled her shoulders back and stood up straight in front of them.

"Until you are charging me with something. I am going to leave the two of you and go back to doing my damn job and figure out what the hell or who is making them sick. I would suggest the two of you do that same."

With that Ella left the two of them standing there, she wouldn't give them the pleasure of anymore of her time. She had a job to do.