"Ok. So is everyone clear on the new curfew? Because I really don't feel like going through it again." Stef finished, while looking at her three children.

"Yup." Answered the twins while they got out of their seats and ran upstairs to continue whatever they were doing before the moms called them down. Once they were out of sight it only left Brandon at the table with them.

"Hey you mind if I go out for a bit?" He asked as he was already half way out of his seat to grab his car keys, looking at his mothers with a pleading look.

"Yeah just be home by..." Lena started.

"Twelve. I know." Brandon finished on his way out the door. He let out a breath of relief as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

It didn't take Brandon more than a mere ten minutes to make it to his final destination. It was dark when he exited the car and walked on the sand towards the lifeguard stand. The sky was almost eerily dark with no moon out but the stars were shinning bright like they always did on these nights.

As he walked up the plank to the tower, he saw her. The gorgeous beauty who had some how stollen his heart in a matter of mere months. She didn't seem to know he had arrived as he approached her and gently wrapped his arms around her tiny frame. She leaned back into him as he placed a feather light kiss on her shoulder.

"Mmm, I missed you this week. How are you?" Brandon mumbled into her neck.

The girl turned her head to place a kiss on his cheek, letting it linger there for a few moments before relying. "I'm great now that you're here. I really missed you too this week. I'm sorry about that."

With a furrowed brow, Brandon turned the girl in his arms to face him. One hand on her cheek and the other rubbing soothing circles on her hip, he lightly smiled at her amazed by her in every way. He placed a sweet kiss upon her lips for a moment and then rested his forehead on hers. "Callie, it's ok. The second I saw you, it was the moment I knew that everything will always work out in the end."