Felicity Smoak was a nerd...deep down she knew that of course but having two of the hottest friends in school kind of shielded her from that fact. She wore baggy clothes, dark eyeliner and her hair was dyed a raven black despite her natural color being more of an ashy blonde. It wasn't that she didn't put any effort into her appearance it was just that she didn't think it would be of any use if she did. Sara and Thea had often tried to trick her into a makeover but she was smarter than that and always managed to weasel her way out of it by telling her friends that they didn't like her the way she was. They would automatically back off and tell her they loved her and only wanted to help make her feel more confident. She would reply that she was plenty confident.

That was a lie mostly. She knew she was smart, if her having one of the highest IQ in the school was any indication, she made straight A's in every class, she had...friends, only two of them but they were her best friends, she was a writer for the school paper and she had had boyfriends. Okay...one boyfriend in sixth grade and all they had ever done was hold hands. She didn't share that bit of information openly. Point was, she had a life and everything was going great. Well that's what she thought until she walked into school that morning and straight into Laurel Lance. Her day went steadily downhill after that.

"Ladies," Laurel sung as she approached them, flanked by her 'minions' as Felicity called them, Helena and Mckenna.

She ground her teeth together and clutched her books closer to her chest before glancing at Sara to find her rolling her eyes. Thea had a smile plastered on her face. Though she wasn't Laurel's biggest fan, she knew better than to go against her. Laurel threw the best parties at the school and had the power to make your life miserable if you stepped on her toes.

Felicity didn't hate Laurel. No, she didn't hate anyone. But what she felt for her wasn't exactly pleasant. Gorgeous Laurel, the girl every single boy in high school wanted so bad they practically tripped over themselves to get a glimpse of her as she walked by. Her makeup was always flawless, her nails manicured, her brunette hair always curled into soft perfect waves that in all the years Felicity had known her had never been out of place. As if all that wasn't enough Laurel was tall and skinny but had a figure to kill for...it made her think twice about eating the box of cookies in her locker.

"I'm having a party at my place and I would love if you could attend," Laurel said with a flourish, tossing those darn perfect curls over her shoulder. She snapped her fingers, her nails a bright blue towards one of her minions who hurriedly handed Sara and Thea a pink envelope.

Sara glanced down at the card in her hand. "I live with you Laurel. Was this really necessary?" she asked as she held up the paper.

"It's cute that you think you could get into the party without a invite."

"I'm your sister," Sara replied, her knuckled popping as she clenched her fist.

"Oh I know, it's kinda hard to forget." Helena and Mckenna snickered.

Sara lunged and Thea pulled her back. Once she had her calmed down she opened her envelope.

"Pretty script," Thea said smoothly and Laurel smiled.

Felicity glanced over Thea's shoulder. "A party on a Wednesday? It's a school night," she wondered aloud.

"Yes Fefe, I can do that. Perks of being popular," Laurel boasted.

"It's Felicity actually," she corrected.

"Tomatoes, tomatoes. Anywho make sure you two RSVP."

"Wait, you two? What about Felicity?" Sara asked, her fist still clenched but now hidden behind her back.

"Oh I'm sorry, I have a limited amount of invitations, If anything changes, I'll let you know," Laurel finished, her voice low a sick kind of smugness coloring her tone.

She heard a ripping sound and turned to Thea who then proceeded to hand her half of her invite.

"Problem solved." Thea declared with a equally smug smile.

"Wonderful," Laurel answered tightly, fake smile in place so strained it was practically a grimace. A moment later she swept back down the hall with her goons, probably off to humiliate and terrorize some other students.

She let out the breath she had been hold once she was gone. "How is that your sister?" She finally asked of Sara.

"I have no idea. I'm still clinging to the hope that I'm adopted," she replied as they started towards their next class.

"Maybe you were dropped on their doorstep," Thea jested.

"Or Mama Lance could have had a fling with the pool boy." Felicity interjected and Sara glanced at her with a furrowed brow. "That came out wrong," she jumped to apologize before Sara put her hand up.

"Don't worry about it, besides it could be true, it would explain a lot."

"Your pool boy was kinda hot."

Her and Sara's heads both snapped to Thea who was blushing fiercely. They stared at her a moment before they both burst into laughter. Eventually Thea chimed in too.

They were all still laughing as they strode down the hall when a door opened slamming straight into her, scattering her books across the floor and sending her falling backwards.

"I'm sorry," the boy said as he started to pick up her books.

"It's okay," she assured him. "It was just an accide-" She abruptly cut off as she looked up. Her mouth went dry and her tongue automatically stuck to the roof of her mouth. Her heart beat double time in her chest. Oh no. It wasn't any random school boy she had ran into. It was Cooper Seldon, the boy she just so happened to have a huge crush on for the past year.

"I- uh-don't-um," she stuttered. Her face was flaming and her hands were shaking as they reached for the books he was holding out.

Cooper smiled at her and opened his mouth to say something but the bell rang then and he rose up, without a look back he made his way down the hall and to his own class.

"Felicity," Thea hissed. "Are you ever going to be speak in more than sentence fragments around him?"

She groaned as she gathered the rest of her books.

"Seriously Felicity, it's getting worse."

"Well aware."

"Maybe if you dyed your hai-"

"Nope," she immediately cut her off as the bell rang for the second time. Thank God. "Let's go, we're gonna be late and you know Mr. Diggle hates tardiness."

A hour later she was stomping to her locker. It was just her luck that the teacher would assign her a article about something she, Felicity Smoak who knew everything, knew nothing about.

"What homecoming means to me, really?" She said to herself as she slammed her books in her locker.

"Talking to yourself again Felicity?" asked a familiar male voice.

She froze and pressed her lips together. Could this day get any worse? Now she had to deal with him too? Was it possible to melt into a pool of mortification?

"I really need to stop doing that," she whispered.

"I think it's cute. It's part of your charm."

She sighed and closed her locker before turning to him. Oliver Queen. The hottest guy in school...well that what all the other girls called him. She didn't agree with them. No he wasn't hot at all. So what if he was over six foot tall with sandy blonde hair and had blue eyes that you could drown in. And the stubble... oh man the stubble that had her wanting to run her fingers through it, feel it scratch against her palm. She jolted at that thought. What the heck? This was Oliver. The boy she had known her whole life. They were neighbors and though they had bathed together when they were babies and lived on the same street they certainly were not friends. Not at all.

She quickly schooled her features and adopted her normal attitude towards him. Nonchalance and disdain. It seemed to work. That was until he did...that.

He smiled from his place leaning against the lockers, his arms crossed, biceps bulging against the fabric of his grey t-shirt, his blue eyes sparkling. Her eyes moved to the tiny mole at the corner of those oh so kissable lips. Wait... what? She shook herself again before grabbing her backpack from the floor to hide her blush.

Why couldn't he be some lanky boy with braces and headgear? But nooo he had to look like a Greek god. It was just her luck.

"Greek god huh? That's a new one. I usually get Abercrombie or GQ cover model."

She screwed her eyes shut and counted to three in her head. Would she ever learn to control her mouth.

"What do you want Oliver?" She ground out.

"Can't I just talk to my neighbor?"

"You never have before."

"Now that's not true," he disagreed.

"Oliver if you want something just spit it out."

"I was-" His sentence abruptly ended as Laurel suddenly appeared, her lips covering his own.

She watched as they made out for long seconds and wondered if she'd be able to hit her head on the locker with enough force to render herself briefly unconscious. Laurel's eyes opened and she sent her a self satisfied glare as if to say 'You couldn't have this if you wanted it'. It took everything inside of her not to grab Laurel's hair and slam her into the lockers. Wow. Where had that come from? She wasn't usually a violent person.

A moment later Laurel pulled back and slapped Oliver's face lightly. "Oliver, what have I told you. We are not getting back together." She put one hand on her hip and wiped a smudge of lipstick from the corner of her mouth with the other. Laurel turned to her. "Were you just talking to my ex?"She asked, her meaning clear.

"Uh...yes. Nothing's going on though, he and I. Nope, never. Unthinkable."

A look crossed Oliver's face then but it disappeared too quickly for her to discern what is was. Had he looked...hurt? No. She was seeing things. Maybe she needed to get her eyes checked again.

"Oh I know that," Laurel waved her hand dismissively. "You two together? That would be hilarious and embarrassing."

"Laurel-" Oliver started but Laurel cut him off with another press of her lips. Felicity closed her eyes. If she saw much more of that her lunch would come up nothing like the way it had went down. A few seconds later she heard their lips part noisily and peeled her eyes open to see the brunette stepping away.

"See you tonight," Laurel called over her shoulder as she strutted away.

"Nice," she said tightly as she hiked her book bag higher on her back.

"Yeah," Oliver said looking down at his shoes. It was odd seeing him like that. Oliver Queen was anything but shy. She was just fixing to comment on his attitude when it did a one-eighty. His playboy mask slipped back into place and she had the strange urge to scream...or maybe cry.

"Well see ya," he said with a flirty wink as he also left leaving her standing there in the middle of the hall wondering just what in the heck all of that had been about.

Sara appeared at her side. "What was that about?"

"I have no idea."

"Oliver Queen was talking to you. There had to be a reason."

Felicity let out a sigh. "No reason Sara...no reason at all."

She hated that her voice sounded so defeated. She did not have feelings for Oliver, she told herself. Now if only she could convince her heart of that.