Author's Note: Some of my readers may be upset with me for adding another story but I have been promising this one, for some time to a fellow veteran who, like me, enjoys Fighting Sail stories and needs the distraction. My problem with the fighting sail stories is the vast majority of them are their focus on the Royal Navy. I'm an American and proud of what our much smaller navy accomplished during its early years. I'm only a couple of chapters into it, so if my target reader doesn't like it, it's coming down.

This is an AU Castle story set during the war of 1812. Since this is an alternate universe not all the historical events occur in detail exactly the same as in our universe but the overall history and major events are the same. Richard Castle is the captain of the forty-four-gun frigate U.S.S. Retribution. Lady Katherine Beckett is a young Anglo-Irish beauty trapped in a loveless arranged marriage to a man 25 years her senior.

Disclaimer: Castle and the recognizable characters are the property of Andrew Marlowe and ABC.

The Captain's Lady


Captain Richard Castle USN stood on the quarter -deck of his ship the U.S.S. Retribution, a forty-four gun frigate. Castle was young for his rank, only twenty-six and a full Captain. (The captain of a ship and the naval rank of captain were often two different things.

Depending on the size of the ship a captain might be anything from a lieutenant to a captain. But in Castle's case he was both the ship's captain and a Captain. He had been recruited into the navy after starting the war as a privateer. In his first six months at sea in his twenty-gun brig, The Viper he had sunk two British warships, two cutters and captured a brig of war. He had also captured ten merchant ships and brought them to port but his greatest triumph was capturing the British forty-four gun frigate Poseidon. The frigate had run aground in a storm, which had sprung some planks in her hull and snapped the foremast off. The ship had been careened to repair her hull and they had just finished stepping a new mast. Caught at anchor with only the watch aboard she was helpless against the Viper.

The British had dismounted four of the ship's guns and constructed a temporary battery on the point. Unfortunately for them, they had treated the local Indians badly. The locals had spotted Castle's ship and sent a boat out to meet him. They had informed Castle of the existence of the battery. With a mixed group of Indians and Castle's crew the battery had been captured and the guns turned against their former owners. At first light the Viper sailed into the cove with her guns run out.

The majority of the British had rigged shelters on shore. On Castle's command the battery had fired into the camp. With the Viper sitting in position to rake his ship and the battery captured Captain Sir John Trevor had no choice but to surrender. Castle found twelve Americans that had been pressed into British service and fifteen Irish all who were happy to escape the British.

Castle had taken the captain's sword and his pistols, taken all the small arms off the ship and given them to the friendly Indians along with powder and ball. Castle took the officers aboard ship but before he could leave, a delegation of the village chief and his councilors approached. Except for their coppery skin the Indians didn't look any different than their white neighbors, dressed in wool or cotton shirts and trousers. Some wore moccasins others shoes and boots. They were farmers and fishermen just like their white neighbors. The Indians asked for justice. Two sailors had dragged two of the Indian girls into their camp and raped them while the third lieutenant watched and did nothing to stop them. Castle asked if the men could be identified. They were and didn't even deny it, boasting about it. The two men and the officer were brought aboard the viper and a court-martial convened. Their arrogance was such that they claimed, "They're only savages and we gave them good silver afterward." The court sentenced the two sailors to fifty lashes each and then be turned over to the tribe's women for their punishing. The officer was hanged

Returning to Boston the Prize courts awarded Castle and his crew the appropriate values of his prizes and the Navy bought the Poseidon and took her into service as the U.S.S. Retribution. Castle was an honest man. When he submitted his report he stressed that the capture of the Poseidon was mostly luck. While the Navy board wasimpressed with Castle's skills and abilities they also realized that a lucky captain was a major asset so they offered him a regular commission as a Captain and command of the Retribution. TheAmericans and Irishmen he had rescued readily joined Castle's crew, eager to teach the British that payback was a bitch.

Chapter One

Lady Katherine Beckett, legally she was Katherine Wilkes but still thought of herself, as Beckett was a very angry and unhappy young woman. Married to a man she didn't love, in fact despised. Basically sold to her husband to settle her father's debts, she considered the last four years of her life a form of slavery and legalized rape. She was a tall, slender Irish beauty, an aristocrat. Harry Wilkes, correctly Sir Harry Wilkes was a jumped up merchant who had basically purchased his knighthood.

Harry was short, four inches shorter than his wife's five-nine, fat, florid-faced and bald. Selfish and ill mannered but obsequious to his betters he was verbally abusive to his wife. Kate was thankful that his pathetic attempts at sex had not resulted in a pregnancy.

Kate's sister Colleen had come with Kate as her companion only fourteen when their mother died and Kate was forced to marry, she had grown into the same type of beauty that Kate was. The two sisters were strolling along the deck of the English packet Maid of Jersey, enjoying the fresh morning air avoiding Sir Harry as much as possible. He was in his cabin going over accounts. He was being posted to a government job in Canada there were rumors that he'd fled England to escape angry investors and the threat of lawsuits.

It was a lovely morning, the deep blue of the sea contrasting with the lighter blue of a sky blessed with fluffy white clouds. The tang of the salt air was refreshing after being confined to their cabins by three days of foul weather. Kate's bonnet hung by its' strings as she let her long chestnut tresses blow in the breeze. The thrum of the wind through the ship's rigging was a pleasant accompaniment to the chatter of the sailors as they went about their tasks.

The Maid of Jersey was in convoy with three other ships. One was a brig of war the Truculent and two merchant brigs the Emily Brown carrying arms and munitions for troops in Canada and the Fair Lady carrying iron goods, and tea.

Aboard the Truculent, Captain George Smyth had just come on deck when the lookout cried out; "Sail Ho!"

"Where away? Captain Smyth asked.

"Four points off the starboard bow sir." The captain called for one of his midshipmen to take a glass and go aloft. The young man scampered up the ratlines to the maintop.

"Can you make her out Mr. Carson?"

"Aye sir, she's a frigate and she's got a bone in her teeth."

"Aye and the weather gauge too. It will be bad for us if she's American.

"Sail ho four points off the Port bow, four sail." The lookout aboard the Retribution yelled.

"Can you make them out? Captain Castle said.

"Not without a glass sir." The captain sent a midshipman to the fighting top with a telescope. "Sir, there appears to be a brig of war and three merchantmen."

"Steer to intercept their course, Mr. Caldwell, beat to quarters if you please. Set fighting sail, hoist the colors." The calm ordered deck of the frigate erupted in a disciplined frenzy as men ran up the ratlines to man the yards. Gun crews ran to their stations as boys carried powder bags up from the magazines. Other men placed buckets of water and tubs of sand on the deck. The big warship heeled over to her new course under the press of her sails.

The Retribution was one of the newer frigates, only four years old. Bigger than the normal frigate, yet built for speed and sturdiness the British had taken lessons from the American Constitution class ships. The number of guns they carried in their broadsides rated warships. Of course, the larger the ship the larger caliber guns they could carry.

The Retribution was originally rated as a forty-four but actually carried fifty guns in her broadside. Twenty-four long twenty- four pounders on her gun deck, fourteen long twelve pounders and twelve thirty-two pound carronades on her spar deck. In addition to her main and secondary batteries she carried two long twenty-fours as bow chasers and two more as stern chasers.

In addition to her large crew she had fifty marines under a lieutenant on board. As the captain had some discretion as how his ship's crew was armed there were twenty model 1803 rifles on board in addition to the standard muskets. In addition to his naval officer's sword Castle, in action carried a pair of somewhat rare at the time, rifled pistols.

Aboard the H.M.S. Truculent Captain Smyth blanched. In the twenty minutes since she'd been sighted the frigate had closed the distance significantly. Captain Smyth could see her clearly from his quarterdeck, especially the American national ensign flying at her peak.

He knew that unless he got incredibly lucky, his brig had no chance against the frigate's heavier armament. Not only did the frigate throw a far heavier weight of metal, her guns outranged the brigs. Still, since there was no way for the much slower merchant ships to escape, in the best tradition of the Royal Navy he continued on course.

On board the Maid of Jersey Lady Kate Beckett chanced to look up and saw the approaching warship. Of course, she didn't know that it was a warship. Seen bow on she couldn't see the broad white stripe outlining her gun ports. Still it was a beautiful sight to her. The cloud of white canvas against the blue sky, the white water at her bow. She heard the rattle of drums from the Truculent as she beat to quarters. The situation became very clear when two white puffs of smoke appeared at the oncoming ship's bow and a heavy double report rolled across the water. Two waterspouts erupted about fifty yards ahead of the Truculent.

Although he knew that it was a futile gesture, Captain Smyth ordered the bow chaser to fire. Even if it hit, the nine- pound ball had lost so much velocity at this range that it would do little if any damage. As it was, it was well short and wide. The Truculent was one of the heavier classes of brigs of war. She mounted twenty-four guns in her broadside. Sixteen of the large bore but short ranged thirty-two pound carronades and eight long nine-pounders. She also carried two long nines as chasers, one in the bow and one in the stern.

Aboard the packet, Lady Katherine was spell bound as she watched the two warships began their dance. She knew nothing about naval tactics but the two ships under sail beneath a clear blue sky were beautiful. Her husband had come on deck when he heard the cannon fire. Neither one knew it, as they watched but someone aboard the Truculent had made a crucial mistake. As she tried to tack across the wind, she went "In irons." That is she lost the wind and went still in the water, unable to maneuver.

Captain Smyth watched, in horror, as the American frigate heeled into her turn, and then straightened, "Crossing the tee." That is; crossing the brig's bow where only a single gun could bear but the frigate's entire broadside could be used. Dirty gray-white smoke bloomed at the muzzles of the frigate's guns.

Aboard the Retribution Captain Castle strode along the deck coolly calling out;

"Aim high, I want to cripple her, not sink her. Fire as your guns bear. Steady boys, steady." All the guns on the spar deck were loaded with grape shot and chain shot intended for damaging the rigging. Only four of the big twenty-four pounders had been loaded and those were loaded with solid shot. They had not been fired.

Captain Smyth saw his doom approaching as the dirty gray-white smoke erupted from the frigate's gun muzzles. At first he was elated. The enemy was shooting high. Then he heard the whistling, the thumps and men's cries and realized what the American was doing. Bits and pieces of rigging were falling on the deck, as were the bodies of top men and two of his ten marines. With a crack and a groan the foretopmast fell over the side, still attached by some of its' rigging the main topmast soon following it, significantly reducing the brig's ability to maneuver. Captain Smyth slumped against the quarter -deck rail. Whatever the outcome of this battle, his naval career was over.

The frigate circled, out of effective range of Truculent's guns and came up behind the brig. "Ahoy the Truculent: I am Captain Richard Castle United StatesNavy I have you under my guns and can sink you at will. I have no wish to cause further death or destruction. Strike your colors or be sunk. You have five minutes."

Captain Smyth knew that refusal to surrender meant nothing but death for his crew with no chance of helping the merchant ships. He didn't hesitate. He called his first lieutenant.

"Mr. Withers strike the colors and raise the white flag. Assemble the crew in the waist."

"Aye, Aye sir." The Union Jack fluttered to the deck and a white flag rose in its' place.

"Men, as much as I hate to admit this, even a Royal Navy brig is no match for a heavy frigate. With a heavy heart I have surrendered the ship."

The brig's crew threw out a sea anchor. From the Retribution's deck, Castle ordered,

"Your guns are loaded and run out. Fire them and secure them. Signal your merchant ships to heave to and hold position. If I have to chase them down, I will sink them."

The brig's guns were fired and secured. The signal flags were run up and the merchant ships hove to. The Truculent lowered a boat; the Captain and his first lieutenant were rowed over to the Retribution. The two men climbed aboard and were escorted to the captain.

Captain Smyth and Lieutenant Trevor doffed their hats to Castle then handed over their swords. "I am Commander George Smyth, captain of the Truculent. This is my first lieutenant Rolfe Trevor we are you prisoners and the ship is yours." Handing the swords to his steward, Castle said; I regret that I will have to hold you in the brig but you will be well treated." The Retribution's Long boat was lowered; ten marines, ten armed sailors and the third lieutenant were rowed across to the Truculent. All muskets, pistols, cutlasses and boarding pikes were collected and taken to the Retribution. Then, under the watchful eyes of the American crewmen repairs were begun. With that underway the Retribution sailed over to the merchant ships, putting ten marines on each of the brigs.

As the Retribution pulled abreast of the packet Castle was shocked to see two beautiful women lashed to the mainmast and a short, fat man standing beside them holding a pistol on the captain. The man was also holding a speaking trumpet. He raised it to his mouth.

"If you are a man of honor, Captain I suggest you come aboard to confer with me or I'll shoot this first trollop and her blood will be on your head." Castle hunched his shoulders and twisted his head, a sure sign that he was furious. "I'll come"

They lowered the jolly boat and the captain was quickly rowed the short distance between the ships. While they had been hosting the boat off the deck castle had a quick conference with his lieutenant of marines. As Castle climbed the side of the packet, a sergeant of marines quietly took one of the 1803 rifles from the rack and took up a solid position.

Stepping onto the packet's deck he got a good look at the women. His initial impression was correct. They were both beautiful. The older of the two looked to be in her early twenties, tall but still small framed. Long chestnut tresses framed a fine-boned face. Large expressive hazel eyes were stormy and what would normally be a sensuous mouth was set in a thin line. The other woman, obviously a sister to the first had black hair and green eyes.

"You are the captain? Wilkes asked, surprised at Castle's relative youth. Castle nodded.

"Captain Richard Castle, United States Navy. To whom am I speaking?"

"I am Sir Harry Wilkes and I have urgent business in Canada. Therefore either allow us to pass or these trollops die when you sink this ship. But I am a businessman. If you allow us to pass, you can have these two beauties as your doxies." He suddenly reached out and grabbed the neck of Kate's dress and ripped down, exposing the pale, rose tipped mounds of her breasts.

Kate spoke, "Do what you must Captain. I am, unfortunately the wife of this monster. Death would be freedom for me."

"And you are?" Castle asked. I am Lady Katherine Beckett Wilkes and the other lady is my sister Colleen." Castle bowed to the ladies and doffed his hat to them, which was the signal to fire. A single shot rang out, the heavy .54 caliber bullet striking low in Wilkes's abdomen. He screamed, dropped his pistol and fell to the deck, writhing in agony. Castle stooped, picked up the pistol and tossed it overboard. He then pulled a clasp knife out of his pocket and cut the ladies free. Kate rubbed her arms to restore circulation, then pulled a hatpin out of her bonnet and pinned her torn bodice into place.

"I am sorry that you had to see that, Lady Katherine but he left me no choice. A man who would abuse a woman and threaten her life is not a man, he's a pig."

"You need not apologize, Captain you have done my sister and I a great service. My life for the past four years has not been pleasant; I was not born to be treated as a slave."

Wilkes was now moaning weakly, nearly bled out. Kate walked over to him and spit in his face. "You finally got what you deserved Harry. Old Screech is waiting for you with a nice hot pitchfork." Wilkes moaned once more and died.

Castle looked at a couple of seamen. "Throw this offal overboard. It doesn't deserve a Christian burial." Kate watched as Wilkes' body hit the water. She pulled her wedding band off her finger and dropped it overboard.

"I am finally free. No more Wilkes. I am Katherine Beckett." Colleen Beckett, bolder than her older sister walked over to Captain Castle and smiled, touching his arm.

"Captain Castle, my sister may not know how to thank her deliverer properly but I do." She went up on tiptoes, placed her arms around his neck and kissed him. Castle was taken aback. He wasn't expecting this kind of boldness out of a woman of her class. A trollop or a doxy perhaps but not a lady. Kate was outraged but was it because of what Colleen had done or because she beat her to it?

"Colleen Deirdre Beckett. Stop that unseemly behavior this instant! Colleen wasn't about to be cowed, even by her sister.

She huffed. "Showing gratitude for a chivalrous act is very seemly. What other way have I? And while the captain was surprised, I don't think he found it unpleasant."

Colleen was amused by the look of surprise on Castle's face and pleased by her sister's reaction. She knew that despite her tough talk, Kate was unnerved by what had just transpired. Jolting her out of it was necessary. Getting Kate focused on something other than Harry's death was helpful.

Kate curtsied to Captain Castle. "Captain Castle I thank you most sincerely for your chivalrous act, my sister and I are forever in your debt. I do apologize for my sister's forwardness."

Castle reached out, took Kate's hand and raised it to his lips.

"You owe me no debt Lady Katherine. I only behaved as a gentleman should and no apology is needed. I understand that the young Lady has suffered an emotional shock."

Colleen looked at Castle and thought. Emotional shock? Ridiculous. That is one fine figure of a man. One who just saved our lives. If Kate isn't smart enough to pursue him I certainly am.

Castle finally had the time to really scrutinize the two women standing in front of him. The older sister, Lady Katherine was a little flustered under his gaze and upset at her sister. A blush tinted her creamy skin. She was lovely, chestnut curls framed a delicate yet strangely strong face. Large hazel eyes mostly brown but flecked with green and almost golden bits. There was anger in them at the moment, a keen intelligence but something else he couldn't quite define. A dress of white sprigged blue covered her slender figure, with white Irish lace at wrists and throat.

The younger sister, Lady Colleen's facial features bore a strong resemblance to her sister's but her hair was black and her eyes a vivid green. Her figure was a little fuller than her sister's and she was maybe a half- inch shorter. Her dress was very similar to Lady Katherine's but a deep forest green. Both women were tall.

As much as he was evaluating them, they were evaluating him. Tall and broad shouldered, he was ruggedly handsome. Dark brown hair drawn back but cut short and a pair of the bluest eyes either woman had ever seen. A broad brow, hawk nose and square chin. The tight white breeches revealed a powerful pair of legs and the blue coat bore the twin epaulettes of a captain.

Kate's stomach fluttered, as it hadn't in over four years. There was something almost elemental about this man. Oh it was well camouflaged beneath the polished manner of a gentleman but it was definitely there.

"Ladies, I do apologize but I must search your cabins for any documents pursuant to government affairs. You may accompany my bos'un and me if you wish. I am a naval officer not a pirate. Your personal property will remain your own. He turned to the ship's captain. You will accompany us Captain to assure that all matters of decorum are complied with. We will give you a few minutes to change your dress, Lady Katherine."

Kate Beckett drew a sharp breath. This American captain was nothing like the stories that had been told in London. There was nothing piratical about him. His uniform was as neat as that of any officer she'd ever seen and his manners were better than many British officers she'd encountered. After she had changed her dress, his search of her cabin was quick and efficient. The only things he took were a cased set of dueling pistols and an ornate sword.

He smiled apologetically. "I am sorry Lady Katherine but I cannot allow these weapons to stay on board. I shall give you a receipt for them and return them to you ashore or sell them and give you the money." She looked into the captain's ocean blue eyes and saw there, something she hadn't seen in a very long time, a genuine concern for her.

She returned the smile with a soft one of her own. "That will not be necessary Captain Castle, I don't know why Harry owned those, and he certainly did not have the courage to use them. I do know that they are finely crafted and should belong to a man of courage. Please take them as my gift for the chivalry you have shown my sister and I."

"I cannot accept such a gift, Lady Katherine." Castle said. Kate's spirit was returning quickly. "Where are your manners Captain Castle, haven't you been taught that it is not polite to argue with a lady in public and churlish to refuse her gift, freely given?"

Castle took her hand and raised it to his lips. "You are correct lady Katherine. My apologies, I accept your gift with thanks." Neither of them noted the slight narrowing of Colleen's eyes. Oh and a competition is it sister mine? Well, let the better girl win.

"Captain there is a trunk in the hold with most of my clothing and a case with household goods, china, silver ware and such, another trunk with Colleen's clothing, and two strong boxes. The smaller one holds our personal funds and the larger holds payroll and documents for our troops in Canada. I would consider it a great boon if you would have them swung up and transferred to your ship. And make room for Colleen and me. This packet has become odious to me." She might not have had much practice at it in the last four years but Kate knew how to appeal to a real man. Nothing fake but she opened her gorgeous eyes as wide as she could, used a softly pleading voice and placed one hand on his arm.

"My ship is a warship, Lady Katherine we have no accommodations for passengers and our fare is a bit rough for a lady's palate."

Kate smiled and said; "Haven't you sent a few of your officers with the captured ships Captain? We could use their cabins and we brought our own food with us."

Castle shook his head, his eyes showing his worry.

"It wouldn't be safe for you ladies. We might encounter another warship or even a squadron before we reach port. You will be safer on the packet." Colleen decided to join the discussion. "We might be safer on the packet but we will feel safer on your ship."

Castle sighed in exasperation. "Very well ladies I still advise against it but if you insist on this course of action, on your own heads be it. I will protect you as much as I am able but I don't control random chance."

Kate smiled widely at her first real victory in four years and deep within her, something fluttered to life that she thought had died. Hope. Hope for a future free of torment and humiliation, a life where she could be happy. Looking at the powerful yet chivalrous man standing in front of her something else she thought had died flared up. Desire, sexual need but more than that the need to be held, comforted and valued. She grasped his bicep and turned her face up to his. "Thank you Captain, thank you with all my heart."

Captain Castle smiled gently at the beautiful young woman standing in front of him, seeing the hope and something else he couldn't quite define come to life in her eyes.

"You are welcome Lady Beckett I'm glad to be of service. I trust that you have the wherewithal to make yourself comfortable aboard the Retribution."

Castle turned away and began barking orders. The Chests were located, hoisted out of the hold and transferred to the Retribution. The rest of her things and Colleen's were removed and transferred. Finally the ladies were assisted into the jolly boat, Castle dropped lightly into the stern and the ship was reached in short order.

The ladies climbed aboard the frigate with the assistance of the boat's crew and the luggage hoisted aboard. A number of the sailors openly stared at the ladies until the second lieutenant barked orders to them:

"Back to work men, this is a man o' war not a merchie you'll not be lollygagging around my deck." His own eyes were a little wide as he lifted his hat to the ladies. Castle came through the entry port. "And you'll not be lollygagging either, Mr. Ward. See these ladies to Daniel's and Sinclair's cabins. Bos'un see that those chests are secured, the two strong boxes in my cabin. Mr. Cole, steer to the brig of war. We will assist in replacing their topmasts. Bos'un after the chests are secured pipe the starboard watch to dinner."

Chapter Two

It took some four hours to get new topmasts set, undamaged spars and sails fished out of the water and damaged one replaced. It was late afternoon before the little convoy set sail for Boston. The supper that night, in the captain's cabin was livelier than normal. The Retribution hadn't been that long at sea and the food was fairly fresh. They had ham, yams and boiled peas, ship's biscuit that didn't have weevils in it, butter that hadn't turned rancid and a cobbler that the cook had made from crumbled biscuit and dried apples.

The two women managed to somehow rise above the events of their traumatic day, providing a lighter conversation than usually occurred around that table. One of the Bos'un's mates was a fiddler and he volunteered to play for the captain's guests as they lingered over their desert, coffee and wine. Although Kate was more reserved, Colleen was in a fey mood and openly flirted with Captain Castle.

Kate couldn't quite understand it but she didn't like Colleen flirting with the captain, not even a little bit. It wasn't until she was lying in her bunk that night that the reason came to her. She was jealous. She'd been denied affection and care for so long that the chance to have it again, even from a man that she'd just met under trying conditions was something she wanted fiercely and not even her sister was going to deprive her of it. Surprising her was the heat she felt in her core as she thought of what lay concealed beneath the captain's tight white breeches.

Four years of Wilkes had suppressed her sexuality but hadn't destroyed it. It came back in a rush. Kate had always been an affectionate, passionate girl. She'd had to put that in a mental box and lock it away and just endure life. She was free of Wilkes and starting tomorrow she was going to pry the lid off that box. She smiled to herself. The poor captain was never going to know what hit him and Colleen had better stand clear.

That night she got the best sleep she'd had in years. It had rained during the night and the ship's water barrels were full. Kate awoke, arose and got a bucket, filled it and asked the cook to heat the water for her. He was happy to oblige. She returned to her cabin, stripped and washed herself, dressed and applied perfume. She bit her lips to get some color in them and she was ready. She took her small blocks of cheese and links of smoked sausage to the captain's table when she was invited to breakfast.

She smiled prettily at him as he seated her to his right, Colleen to his left and two of his officers beside the ladies. Captain Castle was caught by surprise at Kate's appearance. He could hardly believe that a woman who had endured so much the day before could appear so lovely. Not only appear lovely but also apparently cheerful.

"Good morning Lady Beckett, Castle greeted her. I trust that you slept well." Kate smiled and gave Castle a sultry look. "Oh so very well Captain, better than I have in such a long time. Did you?"

"As well as expected, I stand watch just as my officers do." The meal was simple. Oatmeal with bits of dried apples in it, slices of ham, biscuits and coffee with the cheese and sausage added. It was a simple meal but to Kate, one of the most delicious she'd ever eaten. Kate gifted Castle with a coquettish smile and a gentle touch on his arm.

"If you're not on watch Captain, would you please show me around your ship? I am interested in her and I'd also like to take the air." Colleen narrowed her eyes. She knew very well that Kate cared little about ships. Having a handsome virile man at her side was another thing altogether. She knew that Kate had just stolen a march on her.

She was upset with her sister but knew that Kate had been deprived of care and affection for more than four long years. She at least had Kate. Kate had no one. The third lieutenant, Rawlins was not handsome, like the captain but he was attractive and seemed to have a pleasant personality. She decided to ask the same favor of him.

The two couples strolled around the spar deck the officers pointing out the various parts of the ship and each part's function. The day was pleasant, slightly cool, just enough to make Kate grateful for the warmth of her shawl and the warmth of the man next to her. She rested her hand in the crook of his elbow, relishing the clean masculine smell of him. He was one of the few men of his time and place that bathed daily when he could. That was in contrast to Harry Wilkes who had bathed only once a week and often went three days without changing his linen. They stayed on the spar deck, Castle pointing out the various features of the ship and each piece's function. Kate had a keen mind and paid attention to what she was shown and retained the explanation, asking appropriate questions and generally charming the crew. She had a good head for math and understood the quartermaster better than some of the quartermaster's mates. The stroll around the ship was invigorating relaxing for her. Noon meal was simple, boiled salt beef, peas and ship's biscuit. Kate was content to return to her cabin for a nap after the noon meal as captain Castle went on watch. She awoke to the shrill of the bosun's whistle and the rumble of gun trucks across the deck. She sat up quickly, frightened but was reassured when she heard Castle's roar, "Look lively there; Mr. Woodcock your section is slow. Tis only a drill I know but it could be real at any time. Do you want to be kissing the gunner's daughter? The young midshipman blanched.

"Oh no sir. We'll be faster, I swear."

"Very well than. Starboard battery, run out your guns." This time Woodcock's four- gun section was ready in record time. Kissing the gunner's daughter was slang for the miscreant bent over the breech of a cannon and having a cane applied to his posterior.

Kate came on deck and stood on the quarterdeck watching the gun drill, fascinated by the ballet like precision of the gun crews serving their pieces. Captain Castle had taken all of the powder and shot off the Emily Brown and was using it to replenish his own stocks and the remainder to exercise his guns, firing at empty powder casks floating in the sea.

She also watched with great interest as, later in the afternoon as Lieutenant Rawlins conducted a navigation class for the midshipmen. That evening dinner was again a pleasing and lively meal with much laughter as Rick told about his first days at sea in the merchant service. Kate and Colleen were both openly competing for the captain's attention with Kate getting more of it.

They were five more days at sea, only twice encountering any hostile sail, one of them a twenty-eight-gun frigate and the other a twenty-gun brig of war, neither of which showed any inclination to tangle with the powerful American warship. In the late afternoon of the fifth day the little convoy reached Boston Harbor, Retribution exchanging salutes with the harbor forts. As soon as the warships dropped anchor and the three merchant ships tied up to the pier Castle went ashore to deal with the naval authorities. The British naval crew was marched off to a prison and the merchant sailors given a chance to sign on other ships. It took several weeks but the navy purchased the Truculent and the three merchant ships were condemned by a prize court and sold to private investors the money received distributed to the crew of the Retribution.

Kate and Colleen stayed aboard ship that night, as did half the crew. The other half went on liberty. Captain Castle didn't return until late so Kate and Colleen ate with only two of the officers. The next morning an elegant carriage and a wagon appeared on the dock.

Kate and Colleen watched with interest as the two conveyances rolled down the dock and stopped opposite the Retribution. Her trunks and the British government trunks were hoisted out of the ship and loaded into the wagon. Then the clothing and personal items that she and Colleen had in their cabins were also loaded into the wagon. An older woman and a redheaded little girl got out of the carriage and waited on the dock. Captain Castle approached Kate and Colleen and said; "Are you ladies ready to disembark? Captain Castle escorted both ladies to the dock. First he embraced the woman and kissed her cheek. "Mother, it is so good to see you I am so glad to be home." The woman, smiled through her tears.

"You are home safely my son; the good Lord has answered my prayers." He then picked up the little girl, hugged and kissed her. "Alexis Papa is home safe." He set the girl down and said; "Mother May I present Lady Katherine and Lady Colleen Beckett ladies, my mother Mrs. Martha Rodgers and my daughter Mistress Alexis Castle.

Mother, these ladies were passengers on the packet vessel we captured, they were en route to Canada. We will need to arrange temporary lodging for them."

Martha smiled at Kate and Colleen. "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, ladies. I am sure that you will find it strange when I say welcome to Boston. But Welcome. I am quite sure that you certainly have no desire to be in an American port, especially after the traumatic experience of being captured.

There are however, a few problems. With the influx of so many people into Boston there are no inns for respectable ladies to stay in. Secondly I am not sure that pretty young ladies such as you are entirely safe, being English. My son's house is large and has several guest rooms. You would be welcome to stay with us."

Castle raised an eyebrow at his mother's offer. It was his house not hers but he'd been raised to respect his mother so he'd hold his tongue for now.

Kate made a pro forma protest but was secretly glad to have a safe place to stay. Especially that she'd have access to a man she'd become interested in.

The ladies were helped into the carriage then Castle climbed in, seating himself beside his mother, holding Alexis in his lap.

Kate smiled at the little girl, who was watching her with a strange look of longing on her face. Suddenly it dawned on Kate. Where was the girl's mother?

The curiosity was plain on Kate's face but Rick just raised an eyebrow and mouthed later. The ride to the house was relatively quiet but Alexis' big blue eyes never left Kate's face. Arriving at the house Kate was awed by the large yet simple house. Built of red brick with a slate roof and black iron fencing. They turned into the yard and several servants came out to unload the baggage. Once done, the Canadian government trunk was forwarded to navy house under guard. Kate and Colleen were shown to guest rooms and their clothing and other possessions brought up to them. He brought Kate to the basement where he showed her his strong room. It was well hidden from casual view. He locked her chest with her money into one section of the strong room and gave her key to that padlock.

She was shown back to her room where a warm bath was drawn for her and the same courtesy provided for Colleen. Servants gathered all their dirty clothes and soiled linen for washing allowing the two young women to come down for lunch freshly bathed and in clean clothing. Kate smiled as she noticed that Rick too had bathed and changed into a pair of fawn colored breeches a white ruffled shirt and a claret colored frock coat

He rose as the sisters entered the dining room, smiling at them, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. Out of uniform he seemed younger. Martha and Alexis were already at the table, which even for lunch was set with a white tablecloth, fine china and sparkling stemware.

"Good afternoon ladies, I trust that you found your accommodations satisfactory. If not simply ask one of the servants for anything you might desire."

Kate and Colleen curtsied, honoring the master of the house. Then both smiled. Kate spoke; "Thank you so very much Captain Castle, my room is more than adequate it is quite luxurious, more than I could have ever expected. I don't know how I can ever repay your kindness and generosity." Colleen said much the same thing as her sister but was thinking: Maybe you can't think of a way to repay the captain but I certainly can and I plan to do so at my first opportunity.

Castle smiled again. "There is no matter of payment to be discussed, ladies. You are guests in my home and it's not a public house or an inn." Both sisters were overwhelmed at Castle's generosity; it had been so long since either one of them had experienced a gentle, generous man. It's too soon, too soon. It's not yet been a week and I'm developing feelings for this man. His eyes are so blue and that crooked smile. I want to kiss it off his face. I'm no blushing virgin, Harry saw to that. Aloud she said; "My sister and I thank you for gallantry."

The meal was simple but filling, clam chowder, roast pork with applesauce, roasted potatoes, spiced apples for dessert and coffee. Coffee was a strange beverage for Kate and Colleen as they were tea drinkers. It tasted bitter to her until Castle added sugar and fresh cream. Doctored like that, Kate took an instant liking to the beverage, it would last the rest of her life.

After lunch Alexis was sent upstairs for her nap, and the adults settled in the salon with glasses of wine. Martha smiled at their guests and said;

"I hope that now you are safely ashore you will be able to put the ordeal of your capture behind you. You may stay with us as long as you like. I know that our respective countries are at war but you are civilians. It should not prove difficult to arrange repatriation." Kate shook her head in negation, her eyes set in determination.

"Mrs. Rodgers, our capture was no ordeal. In all truth Captain Castle recued us from our ordeal. My late husband was a selfish venal man, who essentially bought me. Although legally his wife, it was no marriage, I was essentially chattel. There was no love lost between us. Our countries are not at war, I am Irish, poor Eire is no willing part of Britain. Forced to be where she is. I have no wish to be repatriated to any part of the empire. If I am allowed I will stay in America."

Martha put a hand out and touched Kate's shoulder. "Oh you will be allowed, there is no doubt of that."

Castle stood. "If you ladies will excuse me, I have affairs to attend. Business matter that I need to address." Martha smiled and gave her son a fond look.

"Go tend to business Richard I am sure that we ladies can amuse ourselves without you present." Castle replied, with some snark;

"Well thank you for your kind permission, Mother."

When Castle had left the room Kate looked at Martha and said;

"Mrs. Rodgers I would not want to embarrass Captain Castle, but may I ask a personal question? Feel free to refuse to answer if it is too personal."

"Oh, please call me Martha, Lady Katherine. Ask your question." Kate blushed a little.

"I can't help but wonder about the captain's wife. Where is Mrs. Castle?"

Martha shook her head, a sad expression on her face. "There is no Mrs. Castle. Meredith did not want to be a mother. She ran away with a mountebank while Richard was at sea, leaving a six month old baby with me. A year later we found out that the two of them were killed by highwaymen while traveling. Alexis has never known a mother. I think that is why she was looking at you so wistfully. I tried to fill her place as much as I could but I am only her grandmother. Alexis is a painfully smart girl. She knows the difference."

Kate thought of the aching void in her own life that still persisted, nearly five years after losing her own mother. How terrible it must be to never know a mother's love at all. Her heart went out to Alexis, even though she didn't know her and the situation brought tears to Kate's eyes.

Martha continued; "It is hard on Alexis but it is very hard on Richard as well. He is a very good and loving father when he is home but the sea is our business and now with the war he is at sea so often."

Kate wanted to say something to comfort Martha but she couldn't think of anything that would help. Telling her own story would sound like she was asking for sympathy. All she could do was put a hand on Martha's shoulder and squeeze gently.

Colleen was thinking: What an opportunity. Captain Castle is rich, handsome and so very kind. I could easily learn to love him. And I could certainly make love to him. In fact I would do that tonight if I thought I could get away with it but I know I can't. He would think me a trollop. There is no reason at all that I shouldn't set my cap for him. I think I shall.

It was nearly four hours later that Castle came home, very excited about something. He walked into the salon, where the women were having coffee. Alexis had been allowed to join them and was sitting close to Kate, her big blue eyes following Kate's every move.

"Good evening ladies. He leaned down and kissed Alexis, then Martha. Mother, I have some wonderful news. Depending on the time it takes to refit the ships I'll be in port for three weeks to a month then I'm to have command of a squadron! I'll have the Retribution, the Harpy a twenty-eight gun frigate, the Truculent, my old command the Viper we captured and a twelve gun schooner, the Copperhead. The Truculent is being renamed the Cottonmouth. I'll be able to hoist the broad pendent of a commodore!

Of course it's only a temporary rank but I feel so privileged to hold it."