Hey everyone! I am working on multiple stories, but I wanted to put this out. I love working with new topics so what better way than getting ideas from all you lovely people?

If you have any ideas for any type of Gravity Falls one-shots, just put it as a review or PM me. I will try to type it out and put it up as fast as possible.

Here are the rules:

You can give as many ideas as you want.

Any AU is fine. Just let me know.

Any genre. Romance, Family, Friendship, etc. Just let me know.

PLEASE no Pinecest. I really don't care for that so sorry if you do. I won't write any of those. But I will do any other ship.

That's it! I'll make sure to acknowledge you at the begging of the one-shot unless you say otherwise. So give me some ideas! I'm so excited!