Hey guys, what's up :) I've been in a Transformers Prime mood lately, but also a How To Train Your Dragon mood as well.

So I decided to make a fanfic about it ;)

I hope you guys enjoy my all new story, Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, Rise of the TechnaFury.

Also, updates will be coming to my other active story, Princess of the Stars.

I do not own any elements of How To Train Your Dragon that I may use in this story, nor do I own Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters. I just own the TechnaFury Predacon natural evolution idea, and I own my OC Talus.

This chapter takes place after the episode 'Thirst', but before the episode 'Evolution'.

If you want to see Talus' TechnaFury form, or her alternate humanoid form, go to my deviantart page guys, link is on my profile.

Well onto the show folks!

Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!

Chapter One: Prologue

Iacon Hall of Records: 5 Earth years ago

Smokescreen was bored.

He was so very bored.

No action whatsoever, not even Scraplets were a problem.

Smokescreen soon started to look through another data-pad of what he felt was useless knowledge to know. After all, who would want to know how to dust off your own pedes correctly before you enter a building, as long as you try you should be good.

Smokescreen sighed in pure boredom as he shut the pad off and threw it in a pretty large pile of data-pads that he had found.

Alpha Trion looked at Smokescreen out of the corner of his optic and gave a knowing smile, ahh what it was like to be young. Alpha Trion looked at a drawer at his large desk, in his opinion, that drawer held one of his most priceless artifacts.

Alpha Trion looked at Smokescreen again and he raised a metallic browridge as he saw Smokescreen look at another data-pad, but this time he had an interest in it.

Smokescreen looked over this data-pad and he smiled, oh this was some good fragging info right now, it was about Predacons!

Smokescreen wouldn't say anything about it to anyone, but he loved the topic of Predacons. Ancient beast-like Cybertronians that were so mighty, it took a Cataclysm extinguish them.

Smokescreen scrolled through the data-pad and he slowly frowned, it was scrap that he already knew. Smokescreen groaned in frustration as he gently smacked his faceplate with the data-pad before he shut it off and threw it into the ever growing pile.

Alpha Trion observed his young guard/pupil with a keen optic, maybe he could be trusted with the knowledge that Alpha Trion had held to himself for all of these stellar cycles.

The last one that he had shared this knowledge with was young Orion Pax, before he became Optimus Prime through the Matrix of Leadership choosing him.

Alpha Trion gently leaned back in his large chair, was young Smokescreen able to be trusted? If the Decepticons got their hands on this discovery he had made while he was a young mech, it might change the face of the war should it be used.

Alpha Trion looked at Smokescreen before he said "Smokescreen come here please, I wish to speak with you"

Smokescreen jumped a bit, before he got up quickly and speed walked over to the front of Alpha Trion's desk before he stood at attention and asked "Yes sir?"

Alpha Trion chuckled softly before he asked "What do you know of Predacons Smokescreen"

Smokescreen, confused by the question, asked "What do you mean sir?"

Alpha Trion rephrased his question "What is your collective knowledge of Predacons? After all, that was a Predacon data-pad you just threw into your...pile"

Smokescreen winced softly, he had hoped that the older mech wouldn't have noticed that. Smokescreen then went to explain himself, but Alpha Trion raised a servo to silence the younger mech.

Alpha Trion then explained himself "Smokescreen, I just merely wish to know of your knowledge of Predacons, nothing more"

Smokescreen relaxed a bit, with a large smile that a sparkling would wear when presented with an Energon Rust Stick treat, he explained, "Well sir, I know that the Predacons were a race of ancient Cybertronian beasts. The Predacons were the largest Cybertronians to be born from the Well of All Sparks, emerging from its depths on the final day of the genesis of Cybertron's original populace.

Enormous, savage, and beastic in form, these creatures were once among the mightiest beings on Cybertron, second only to the last surviving members of the Thirteen. However, tragedy struck their kind during a disaster known as the Great Cataclysm, in which dire circumstances rendered the entire race extinct.

That is all I know basically sir."

Alpha Trion smiled softly before he commented softly "You love the Predacon race, don't you Smokescreen?"

Smokescreen felt his faceplate heat up a bit before he coughed and with a smile answered "Yes sir, I loved the species all of my life, I don't know why. But the subject of Predacons always bring a smile to my faceplate, sir"

Alpha Trion smiled softly at Smokescreen before he asked "And I also do believe that you like learning new knowledge of Predacons, is that not correct?"

Smokescreen couldn't control the smile that opened itself on his face plate and he gave an eager nod before he said "Yes sir!"

Alpha Trion continued softly before he slowly frowned and he said "Smokescreen, the war is tearing our homeworld asunder. I do not know how much longer our core can stand the pollutants that come from both sides.

But, the Decepticons have no respect for the past, and they will not keep discoveries from staying innocent. Should the Decepticons find an object such as this, they will destroy it, or corrupt the discovery itself"

Smokescreen raised a metal brow ridge before he asked "Sir, what does this have to do with the Predacon subject?"

Alpha Trion gave an exhausted smile before he explained "Smokescreen, the Decepticons will come soon, I wish to keep a discovery I have made a secret, especially from Decepticon audio sensors"

Alpha Trion saw that Smokescreen was confused, but paying attention, so Alpha Trion continued "Smokescreen, I have only shared this information once, with a young Orion Pax"

Smokescreen's optics widened in awe, Optimus Prime?! He was going to find out something that only Alpha Trion, Optimus Prime, and soon himself would only know!

Smokescreen asked excitedly "What is it? What is it?!", Alpha Trion looked at Smokescreen and he stood up and walked over to Smokescreen and looked down into the young mech's optics.

"Smokescreen, I need you to keep this a completely secret, what I am trusting you with is a good amount of work I have done among the course of my life. I must have your word that you will never tell another spark, not even our fellow Autobots"

Smokescreen blinked before he steeled himself and he said with as much truth and commitment he could "Alpha Trion sir, you can trust me with this knowledge, I will not allow anything to happen to the knowledge you bestow on me, nor will I tell another living spark about it while my spark beats in my chassis"

Alpha Trion observed Smokescreen's optics hard, he found what he was looking for, someone who would not tell, nor would he use it until they absolutely had to, he was the one to carry it.

Alpha Trion nodded and smiled softly before he gestured with a servo for Smokescreen to come over to the side of his desk, Smokescreen cocked his helm and he walked over as Alpha Trion opened a very locked drawer and he took a data-pad and a large metal box.

Alpha Trion then opened the box and inside of it...was a claw?! Not just any claw either, judging by the rust and sediment around the claw, it was old...it was a tip of a Predacon claw!

Alpha Trion lifted a metal chain that was attached to the old Predacon claw tip and he held the large claw, it was about two and a half Espes (A Cybertronian Inch) long.

Alpha Trion looked at Smokescreen and he explained as he held the claw tip "This claw tip is a very special and rare specimen of Predacon I had found, but it is no ordinary Predacon Smokescreen"

Smokescreen looked at the claw tip with wide optics, observing it, he heard what Alpha Trion had said and he asked softly "What makes this Predacon so special sir?"

Alpha Trion smiled softly and he explained "From CNA tests and data calculating, this is a very close cousin of the Predacons, in fact, it is more advanced along in a multitude of subjects than older Predacon fossils."

Smokescreen's optics widened when he realized what Alpha Trion was going to say next. With a smile, Alpha Trion continued, "This creature, was an evolution of Predacons, a new race of Predacon Smokescreen"

Alpha Trion held up the data-pad he had also taken out of the drawer, "This is all of the information I have discovered of this new race Smokescreen", he handed the data-pad to Smokescreen and Smokescreen immediately turned it on with a large smile on his faceplate.

Only to frown softly as he turned to Alpha Trion and say "There's not much sir, just a few facts and an...original Prime text?!"

Alpha Trion nodded and he ordered Smokescreen "Read it. With the lessons I have given you, you should be able to make due with the text"

Smokescreen nodded a bit nervously before he read it carefully out loud "It says, 'The unholy offspring of cyber lightning and of the Pit itself. Never engage this Predacon. Your only chance, hide and pray it never finds you.'"

Smokescreens optics widened as he said in awe "Woah"

Alpha Trion smiled before he said "Keep reading"

Smokescreen nodded enthusiastically, "It goes onto say,'This Predacon only comes out at sunset and during the night, not a single spark knows what it looks like. For this, we call it the Night's Fury''

Smokescreen looked at Alpha Trion with a smile and Alpha Trion explained "I gave it a name long ago, the scientific version. Predicous-Technalogicous-Furious, or for shorter purposes, a TechnaFury"

Smokescreen's optics were wide with awe and Alpha Trion smiled exhaustedly before he said "Smokescreen, I need you to do something for me"

Smokescreen cocked his helm in confusion and Alpha Trion quickly explained "The Decepticons are nearly here young one, and I do not wish for this poor creature's legacy to die with me. That is why I wish for you to have this claw tip Smokescreen, so you can help the creature to live on through science, discover more about it, look for more of it if you must. But Smokescreen, make sure you try and never use this for the war"

Smokescreen was in awe as Alpha Trion gently put the chain around Smokescreen's neck and the claw tip hung off of his chassis.

Smokescreen gently grabbed the claw tip and observed it, it was thick, even after millions upon millions of vorns, it was in pretty good shape. Alpha Trion gently put his servos onto Smokescreen's shoulder armor and he commented softly "Smokescreen, you now have the information, I am putting my trust in you that you will do the right thing when the time comes"

Smokescreen raised a brow ridge before he asked "When the right time comes? What does that mean sir?", Alpha Trion smiled softly and he said "You shall find out in time Smokescreen"

The Hall of Records suddenly disappears out from under Smokescreen's pedes and he yells in alarm as he falls into pure darkness.

Autobot Base: Present Day

Smokescreen shot up with a sharp intake of air, he looked around rapidly and he realized that he was with Optimus and Team Prime on Earth now.

He was in his berthroom, and he had been deep in recharge.

"Whew, what a dream...well memory I guess", Smokescreen said to himself as he opened part of his chest plates, an object fell out of his chassis and into his servo as he gently caught it.

It was the TechnaFury claw tip that Alpha Trion had given him, he didn't want to keep it in his subspace for fear that something would happen to it.

After he woke up on the Decepticon prison ship, the claw had immediately become one of his most prized possessions.

Smokescreen observed the claw tip, Predacons used to fascinate him just a short while ago, until the Decepticons cloned their Predacon, now the Autobots were losing the war very badly. They needed a miracle.

Smokescreen got up, according to his internal clock it was 6:30 am. He wasn't going to go back into recharge now anyway, he quickly moved his chassis armor again and he made sure the TechnaFury claw tip was secure before he closed his chassis plates and walked out of his quarters.

Smokescreen walked slowly before his optics blinked as he heard talking, he quickly tiptoed to the door, it was Optimus' quarters.

Smokescreen put his audio sensor to the door and he listened softly, he could hear Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus having a meeting of sorts.

Ratchet: "Optimus, by now we may not have any other choice, especially if Project Predacon is in effect, we need a miracle"

Optimus: "Old friend, I know of your concerns, but we are not like the Decepticons. We cannot condone it should it choose not to fight for us"

Ultra Magnus: "Sir, if I may speak?"

Optimus: "Permission granted Ultra Magnus"

Ultra Magnus: "Thank you sir. We need help with the war, if this could help us, as much as I do not like the subject of it, I truly believe we must act on it soon.

Ratchet: Optimus, we have the resources right now, we must do it while we still can.

Smokescreen could hear Optimus sigh loudly.

Optimus: Very well Ratchet, is there anything else we direly need in order to accomplish this feat.

Ratchet: Well a good amount of Energon is a start...

Smokescreen backed away from the door and he walked down the hall, while he was curious, he didn't want to be caught...'Peeping Tom' as Jack had called it.

Smokescreen went to the Energon storage and he got himself a cube before sealing the door behind him as he left. Smokescreen soon came to the training hall and he sipped his Energon cube while he practiced some moves that Arcee had taught him.

Three Hours Later:

Optimus had called a team Prime meeting, everyone was there, even Fowler. Optimus looked at his entire team and he knew that this was a tough decision.

Optimus started his explanation as to why the entire team was there, "My fellow comrades, I call you here because, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, and I have come to a decision...Team Prime is going to get another member soon"

Reactions were different.

Bumblebee immediately started to buzz sayings "*Another member? Who is it?*"

Arcee smiled and said "Good, we need the help"

Bulkhead patted Smokescreen's shoulder plating "Hey, you won't be the rookie anymore kid"

Smokescreen chuckled and he said with a smile "That sounds good to me!"

Wheeljack raised a metal brow ridge before he commented "Let's hope it's another wrecker"

Miko also perked up from her place on Bulkhead's shoulder plating at Wheeljack's comment "That would be so sweet!"

Jack and Rafael smiled at the thought of Team Prime finally getting reinforcements.

June was a bit worried, another giant robot around her son and the kids, she didn't know if that was good or not.

Fowler sighed, great, yet another robot to look after.

Ratchet walked out and he said as a grump bucket, "Actually, there isn't going to be another member, not unless we can find a bone to clone from!"

Everyone immediately got confused, a bone to clone from? Optimus sighed, he had wanted to let the team know slowly, but there goes that idea.

Miko was shockingly the first one to get it, because her eyes got wide, a giant smile plastered itself on her face, and she yelled excitedly "Whoo Hoo! We get our own dragon! That's definitely going to be a new wrecker!"

Everyone except Optimus, an annoyed Ratchet, and a calm Ultra Magnus, looked at Miko with a confused expression.

Until Wheeljack's and Bulhead's optics widened, Miko had called the Decepticon's Predacon a dragon, so did that mean...?

Optimus saw the look on their faces and he started to explain "Everyone, in response to your questions. Yes, we prepared to clone a Predacon, but from what Ratchet just said, I am afraid we cannot"

Team Prime's eyes and optics were wide in surprise.

Soon the objections and reactions started.

Wheeljack: "I don't even know what to say to that"

Bulkhead: "Primus Optimus! You can't be serious! A Predacon will chew us up and spit us out!"

Bumblebee: "*Optimus, this is suicide! Predacons are dangerous!*"

Arcee: "No way! That thing will hurt everyone, especially Jack and June Optimus!"

June: "You can't let a wild Cybertronian walk around here Optimus!"

Jack: "Holy scrap. A Predacon of our own"

Raf: "Wow, to see a Predacon up close, just wow"

Miko: "Awwww, no Predacon!"

Fowler: "Prime! You can't be serious!"

Optimus raised a servo and ordered loudly "Quiet all of you!", everyone immediately shut up and paid attention.

Optimus explained as soon as he lowered his servo, "While we may have the materials to do so, because we do not have a fossil to clone from, we will not have a Predacon among us. Your concerns are noted, but now because of circumstances, they are not needed"

Optimus had noticed that Smokescreen was the only who hadn't said anything, and he also noticed that Smokescreen had a servo gently on the right side of his chassis.

Smokescreen was thinking hard, his processor going miles a minute, they could clone a Predacon, they had the resources...just no bone they owned to clone from.

Smokescreen's optics widened a smidgen as he put a servo to where the TechnaFury's claw tip was securely held. They could clone the TechnaFury, Alpha Trion's work could be completed with a living specimen!

Ultra Magnus suddenly came out and asked Smokescreen "Soldier, are you paying attention?"

Smokescreen snapped out of his thoughts before he said "Uh, yes sir"

Optimus soon asked "Do you have anything to say Smokescreen? You have been very quiet this entire meeting"

Smokescreen looked around, everyone was looking at him. Smokescreen gulped a bit as he found his vocal processor and he asked "So we can't get a Predacon because Ratchet doesn't have a fossil of a Predacon?"

Optimus nodded as Ratchet said sarcastically "Yes, and why do you ask it like that? Can you magically pull out a bone from your spark?"

Smokescreen smiled softly, his mind made up, the TechnaFury would live again, Alpha Trion's work will be completed. After all, Alpha Trion did say 'When the time comes', well there was no better time than now.

Smokescreen looked at Optimus and asked "Optimus, do you remember anything about the Predicous-Technalogicous-Furious?"

Optimus' optics widened before he asked "How do you know that name Smokescreen?", Smokescreen smiled softly before he opened a small part of his chassis and he took out the TechnaFury claw tip and explained "Alpha Trion didn't want his work to go to the Decepticons"

Ratchet walked over and went to grab the claw tip to examine it, but Smokescreen pulled it back a bit against his will, he was very protective over it still.

Optimus noticed this and he asked "Smokescreen, did Alpha Trion give that to you?", Smokescreen nodded his helm softly.

"Uh hello there? Confused mechs and femme over here?", Arcee's voice cut into the conversation.

Optimus turned to his team before he explained "Alpha Trion found a very rare Predacon CNA sample, it is the evolution of the Predacon race. The claw tip Smokescreen carries, and an ancient Prime text, is the only proof we have of it ever existing on our planet"

Bulkhead then asked "But uh, why have we never heard of it then?"

"Because it is one of Alpha Trion's best and most rare finds, he did not want the knowledge to be corrupted or to be used", Optimus explained softly

Ultra Magnus walked over and he asked Smokescreen "And you kept this a secret from your teammates?"

Smokescreen's door wings went down as Optimus stood up for him "Ultra Magnus, Alpha Trion made sure that no others would know about this, myself and Smokescreen had to take oaths of silence, I do apologize for the secret of this magnitude", Optimus apologized for himself and Smokescreen.

Ultra Magnus nodded softly in understanding before he said "Very well, carry on then"

Soon all of Team Prime got their opinions in, especially June, and soon everyone went to do their own thing. Except Smokescreen, Optimus, and Ratchet, whom were all in Ratchet's medical area, there was a large tank, big enough to hold the Decepticon's Predacon, so they hoped that the TechnaFury was not that much bigger.

Rachet put the claw tip under a scanner and he sighed in relief before he said "There's enough CNA here to make a clone"

Smokescreen smiled and he said "Well then let's clone it, I want to see it!", a ghost of a smile ghosted over Optimus' features as he said "Ratchet, commence the cloning precedence"

Ratchet nodded and he immediately set out to work.

Two Months later:

Everyone was in Rachet's medical bay, waiting for the finally fully cultivated TechnaFury clone to be revealed. Rachet looked over the large form, it was much different than the Decepticon's Predacon, but the symbols on the tops of both of the TechnaFury's shoulder armor proved otherwise.

Ratchet turned to Optimus and he asked "Your call Optimus, should we wake it up", Optimus looked over the large form with a stern expression, observing every detail about the clone.

Optimus looked at Ratchet and he said "Yes old friend, let us see if it will awaken", Ratchet gave a single nod before he typed codes into the control console.

Electricity arced down from the wiring above and went into the chamber before it surged around and into the TechnaFury, making the body twitch and move in tiny bits. The electricity gave the TechnaFury a spark that hummed to life within the mighty chassis.

Once the electricity went away, both Ratchet and Optimus prepared for the worst, after about five seconds, they both heard a metallic growl and the clone's optics slowly opened.

Instead of the yellow they expected, the optics seemed to be made of multiple layers of glowing blue shades, the pupil of the optic, would relax and get large before it would almost flex and become a pure slit.

It's armor was very thick, about half of an Espe thicker than the other Predacon's armor. It also had many more muscle cables in it's entire body than the other Predacon as well.

The clone's piercing optics landed on Optimus and Ratchet and just stared observantly, where was it? What was it? Why was it here? The clone did not know these things.

Optimus observed the evolved Predacon before he said "Ratchet, release it", Ratchet nodded a bit nervously before he released the water, allowing it to drain.

The clone blinked, what was this liquid it was floating in? Why was the level of the liquid dropping? Oh, was it suppose to move now?

The clone looked down, it looked at it's body, it was made of...a metallic substance like the other two beings in front of it.

It clenched it's claws and moved it's limbs as it slowly got feeling of them, so this was it's body? Why didn't it look like the other two beings in front of it?

The clone's back legs and tail soon touched the bottom of the tank, Optimus gave Ratchet a nod and the glass chamber lifted up for the first time in two months.

The clone gave a warbled growl of alarm as it fell forward, that clear thing wasn't supporting it anymore. The clone blinked when it did feel an impact of the ground of it's front limbs, supporting it's body for the first time ever.

Optimus walked up to the TechnaFury clone as it slowly got to it's shaky fore and back limbs, the TechnaFury growled again and it's...horns moved up?!

They moved upward and the TechnaFury's head snapped over to Optimus and it stood up fully, Optimus could see that it was about as long as the other Predacon, but it was a bit shorter in height, but it was still much taller than himself.

The clone looked around, what was this place? Why were the beings in front of it so small?

The clone took a first shaky step, a large metal on concrete sounded, the floor had cracked? Why did this floor crack? Was it just that big, or was this world that small?

Optimus walked over to the evolved Predacon, he needed to be sure it could be trusted at all, he gently put out a servo to touch the TechnaFury's small muzzle.

The clone's head cocked instinctively, why was the being reaching out for it? Would it hurt it? The clone growled softly at the being, keep that limb back, it didn't trust the being.

Optimus pulled his servo away gently and he said softly "Easy, we do not wish to harm you, so please do not harm me", he reached out slower this time.

The clone's audio things went down all the way instinctively, and it growled softly. The being then said something that it didn't understand, maybe...maybe this being didn't want to hurt it.

The clone whimpered softly before it allowed the being's limb touch it's muzzle.

Optimus' optics widened as he felt the TechnaFury's sharp intakes, it was scared, and the whimper it gave right before he touched it's muzzle was evidence to that.

Optimus gently started to gently rub it's muzzle, the TechnaFury's optics widened for a second before they slowly closed and the evolved Predacon started to purr, yes purr like a giant Earthly cat.

The clone started to feel the rubbing on it's muzzle and it...felt good! Oh wow that felt good, it pushed it's head into the limb and it instinctively made a sound from it's throat area.

Optimus smiled softly and he said "Ratchet, I believe this Predacon is trustworthy"

Ratchet nodded with a gruff smirk before he said "Right Optimus, but I still need to run tests to make sure it's healthy"

Optimus nodded and he said "Very well Ratchet, I will be observing from here, please examine your creation"

The clone blinked as it understood one word 'Creation', isn't that what you called your offspring? It is! So the orange and white being in front of it was it's creator?

Ratchet noticed that the TechnaFury was looking at him strangely, and he didn't like it. He sighed and asked "What?", he noted how it cocked it's helm and looked at him still as strange.

It then did something that Ratchet never expected, it's mouth opened and it's dark black glossa rolled out and it gently licked him on the cheek.

Ratchet blinked with wide optics as Optimus' optics widened as well as he saw this.

The clone gently put it's large helm into Ratchet's chassis and it gently nuzzled him with it's optics shut, it would be a good offspring for it's creator.

Ratchet looked at Optimus and he asked "Optimus, any thoughts on why the Predacon just licked me?"

Optimus looked at it and his optics widened for a second before he said with a ghost of a smile on his faceplate, "I believe it thinks you are it's creator now Ratchet"

Ratchet's optics widened before he said "Oh no! Not me", he pushed the TechnaFury's head away and it looked at him in confusion.

The clone cocked it's helm, why did creator not like to be comforted? Was it doing something wrong?

The TechnaFury gave a small whimper as it's audio sensors went down and it looked like a kicked Earth puppy.

Ratchet and Optimus saw this and Ratchet sighed softly as he muttered under his outtake "Oh Primus give me strength"

Optimus chuckled and he gently pet the evolved Predacon again, it started to purr softly, only for it's pupils to become slightly slitted, it's audio sensors raised up fully erect at attention, and it gave a small growl.

A metallic knock was heard and Smokescreen's helm poked in and he said "Hey everyone's waiting...", he stopped once he saw the TechnaFury as it stood to it's full height, it could definitely give the other Predacon a run for it's credits.

The clone growled as it glared at the intruder, this new being didn't belong in here...or did it? The new being of blue and gold slowly walked towards it, the clone growled softly.

Smokescreen smiled, so this was what a TechnaFury looked like, well the dark blue armor would blend in perfectly with the night sky. Alpha Trion would be pleased to see his work was completed, there was a live specimen now.

The clone glared at the newcomer, why was that being looking at it so weirdly? It looked at the expression on the being's faceplate and it cocked it's helm, could it do that?

The clone slowly pulled some parts on it's faceplate up, it was a bit of a struggle, but it soon got the fame expression that the new being had on it's face.

All three mechs stood in amazement, the TechnaFury, had imitated Smokescreen's smile, just five minutes after it was 'born'?!

Smokescreen was more amazed over something else, "It has no denta?!"

Optimus and Ratchet also noticed this and they thought that something had gone wrong with the cloning precedure. Smokescreen gently put a servo out and suddenly razor sharp teeth shot out of the holes that occupied it's mouth and it growled at Smokescreen.

Ratchet said in awe "Remarkable, retractable denta?", Smokescreen thought for a second before he pulled out a Rust Stick out of his subspace and he gently held it out to the TechnaFury.

The clone cocked it's head, what was that the blue and gold being was holding out? The clone gently sniffed it, it smelt good? Was it edible?

The clone gently opened it's mouth and it took the object from the blue and gold being's limb with very fast speed, it bit the stick thing in half before swallowing them whole rapidly and it used it's glossa to lick it's lip plates, that was a good stick.

Smokescreen made sure all of his digits on his servo were still there, thankfully yes they were. The TechnaFury purred in what seemed to be satisfaction, Smokescreen gently put his servo out again.

The clone looked at the being and it grumbled softly, the blue and gold being gave it a nice treat, might as well be nice back.

The clone gently put it's muzzle into the being's servo and it purred gently, it's tail started to wag, only to knock over a large piece of equipment.

Ratchet of course yelled "Awww I needed that!"

Optimus looked at Smokescreen and he said "Smokescreen"

Smokescreen went into attention and he said "Yes sir?"

Optimus smiled and he said "Since it was the claw that Alpha Trion had given you to clone this mighty Predacon, I believe it is right that you should name it"

Smokescreen's optics widened and he smiled before he looked the TechnaFury in the eyes, he smiled softly and he said in a proud tone "Talus, it looks like a Talus to me"

Ratchet and Optimus nodded, agreeing with the name choice, and soon the TechnaFury, now Talus, was introduced to the rest of Team Prime.

After showing that it wouldn't harm anyone, Ratchet checked it over and Talus didn't like that too much.

Soon after that, the evolved Predacon with the designation Talus, was welcomed into Team Prime, not knowing of the journey that lied ahead of it.

Well I think that was a good intro to my new story.

Thank you so much for reading guys, please leave nice reviews or things I need to work on in the Reviews. I'll just ignore flamers from now on.

Thank you guys again for reading! New chapters coming soon for both Princess of the Stars and TFP: BH TROTTF!

Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!