Harry Potter and the time stop spell

Sorry it's been so long I had a real block on this one. Thanks to all who faved or followed!

Harry woke one evening, with his scar in screaming pain and visions of Voldemort killing Hermione. For the first time he did not allow himself to succumb to the pain. He fought on Tommy's mindscape. Harry took to the sky on his firebolt and pulled Hermione away from Tom. Then came the fight. Knowing it was not real had given Harry an idea, Learn Toms moves in a safe environment.

So the virtual Battle began. Harry realized first Tom tended to stand still depending on quick shields and unforgivable's, Harry then found the connection between them. He could see all that Tom knew, It was as if a part of Tom was encased in clear quartz in his mind, He cut the cord connecting them and the dream stopped.

Harry was now ripping through the shard of Tom, it didn't have the strength to resist because it was so small. Harry quickly learned Toms secrets and the placement of all his Horcruxes.

Back at Riddle house

Voldemort was screaming in pain, His head felt like it was going to explode at any second. With Severus dead he did not have an excellent potions master any longer. His minions had used up most of the potions stores returning from missions needing healed.

One of his younger followers headed to the apothecary in Hogsmead, to acquire what he could praying to Merlin they had pain potions for his level of pain.

Gryffindor Common room

Ginny Weasley was in a fuming snit, her only family left at school was headed on Azkaban on attempted murder charges, and her Harry was with Granger. How in the name of Merlin had everything gone so wrong? This was to be her year to snag Harry, her mother and Dumbledore had even set up the potions to make sure of it. She spent the entire summer contemplating the best year of her life. She had even gotten fertility potions to make sure the noble git would get her pregnant and marry her. Now he will not even look her. If she were to see, another boy to take care of her urges that would really mess things up. Ginny Weasley was frustrated in more ways than one. Yes little Ginny Weasley was now on a mission to snare one Harry James Potter if she had to kill to do it.

Room of requirement

Harry and Hermione were training hard; the room had provided all forms of exercise equipment, a running track and a large swimming pool. The two were working out every morning getting stronger by the day. The were now up to running two hours a day with out getting winded and Harry was regularly bench pressing 310 pounds. (The Wizarding world never accepted the metric system)

This particular Saturday they had already completed their homework so it was off to Hogsmead at ten for a little r&r.

Harry had cut toms connection for the most part, although he could still tell when the stupid megalomaniac's emotions were running high. While they were having a butter-beer in the three broomsticks, Harry felt a spike of anticipation from Tom and it was close. He peered out the window and could see a group of death eaters heading down the street. It was fairly deserted so what ever was planned had not begun just yet. The he saw the cloud of dementors coming in from the south. That is when he took Hermione's hand and stopped time.

Harry and Hermione disillusioned them selves and got behind the Death Eaters, Each was unmasked stripped naked and tied up in the street. The wands they carried were snapped and they were left defenseless. Harry started time again and they waited on the Dementors. It was but a few minutes before the dementors found the easy prey awaiting them. The Death Eaters were screaming as the Dementors approached. They found that several of the Death Eaters Had relieved themselves in fear and were now sitting in there own excrement.

The couple waited until the Dementors were as close as they could get and Harry stopped time. Then the two began shooting patroni down each dementors throat. Now they left for the three Broomsticks and sat back down to enjoy there respective drinks as Harry restarted time.

Back in the Street just above the Death Eaters the dementors were all in wild convulsions just above the Death Eaters Heads. Each dementor exploded one by one Leaving the Death eaters covered in there remains.

The Aurors having been alerted to the unusual magic in the area began arriving. Tonks being lead Auror on this detail began laughing uncontrollably at the sight she found. Fifteen grown wizards and one witch tied naked in the street covered in black sitting in piles of there own shit. The only thing that stopped the laughter was the smell. The entire Group was placed in magic restraining cuffs and port-keyed to holding cells in the ministry. She had no real idea how she would write this up.

Harry and Hermione Finished their drinks, and headed for the book store no one else knowing what happened.