First attempt at a fic. Let me know what you all think! Open to comments and some input for where you want to see the story go. I'll try and respond as much as I can but I'm doing this just for fun. Enjoy!

Annie woke to tiny fingers poking at her face, as she opened her eyes she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Both of her boys were giggling in her king size bed waiting for their mother to wake up and start the day. "Mommy it's time for pancakes!" Her eldest son said with a clap of his hands. "Okay babies let's go get some pancakes" the twins bolted from the bed after happy squeals and headed to the kitchen. Annie hesitated a moment and looked at the photo on her nightstand. "I miss you Thomas." Annie sighed and through her legs onto the carpeted floor. She rose with a trench and made her way towards her five year old twins.

While Annie was rinsing the bowl in the large sink she heard the front door open. "Where are my favorite future bikers at!?" The voice bellowed. Annie couldn't help the smile that came to her lips when she watched her boys leap into the arms of their uncle. "How are you this morning gorgeous?" Jax asked with a smirk that made every women swoon. "I'm doing just fine Jackson, what brings you by this early on a Saturday? Figured you would still need time to recover." Annie then piled three large pancakes into a plate and say them at the table for Jax. "Why don't you two go get dressed for the day and we can all go do something fun.." Jax spoke to the twins and they both ran as fast as they could down the hall to their rooms.

When they were gone Jax turned to Annie with a soft expression "How you doin dealin with today?" Annie almost missed the sad expression that crossed over his eyes; knowing she must have a similar one in her own. "I'll be okay, it just hurts a little." She turned to the sink and started working on the dishes when she felt strong arms wrap around her "You know that I will always be here for you. I miss him too Annie" Jax's lips touched her ear as he spoke and for a moment she allowed herself to sink into him before shaking it off. Annie turned while still in his arms and placed her hands on each side of his face "I know you miss him. I just can't tell you how much it means to me that you take care of us the way you do." Jax tilted his head into her hands and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Loving the feeling of Annie's hands in his skin. He realized what he was doing and stepped back out of her embrace. "You're family, Thomas loved you and that means all of us will be here for you." He sat at the table and started eating his pancakes thinking about the feelings he had toward the beautiful young woman standing before him.

Aiden and Ryder came down the hall both sporting dark washed jeans, plain white shirts, and white sneakers. They looked like spitting images of Jackson Teller. In fact, if people didn't know Annie or her history they automatically thought the four of them were a perfect little family.

As they piled into Jax's truck and got the boys set in their boosters thy started the drive to the new park. "Uncle Jax will you go on the swings with me?" Ryder asked with a smile. Jax looked in the rear view mirror and smiled "Of course I will little man!" Annie smiled and looked absent mindedly out the window.

Her mind drifted off to five years prior when she was just a fifteen year old girl that was in love with Thomas Teller. She had known the Teller brothers all her life, Jax was seven years older than her and Thomas and always looked out for them. Whenever she was hurt or sow one was bothering her it seemed that Jackson was always there to rescue her. Thomas wanted to follow in Jax's footsteps and prospect for the Sons when he graduated. Annie loved the club, and wanted Thomas to be happy because he made her happier than anything in this world. He was her first everything: first friend, first kiss, and first love. When Thomas died after battling with his heart defect for a year she was lost. A couple months later she realized that she was pregnant.

The only thing she had left of what Thomas and her once had was sitting in the back seat laughing and smiling while pointing to things outside. It broke her heart at times that they would never know their father and get the chance to love him the way she did. But when she looked at the man sitting next her and the hand he had on her thigh while his other gripped he strafing wheel.. She knew that her and her boys would be okay.