Hey everyone! Sooooo sorry for delay, I had computer problems so I had to write this at my public library! Hopefully my laptop is all set soon. Also changed my face for Annie, I feel like shes more Nina Dobrev ish than anything else... just my thoughts, anywho Please let me know what you think! xoxoxox

Annie was able to stand straight and get a good look at the man who was standing in front of her, he hasn't changed in the past couple of years she thought. He still had a sparkle in his green eyes and a smile that you couldn't help but return. She hasn't spoken to him since the night of their first and only date but she has seen him around town. She knew that he had joined the force just like his brothers and she was happy for him. In her overly buzzed and happy state she decided to give him a hug "It's my birthday!" She smiled brightly up at him "Well damn, Happy Birthday!" She absent mindedly took a seat at the bar beside him and asked him what he was up to. "God you look amazing, you haven't aged since that night.." Annie laughed nervously "Yeah that was something huh?" After a few minutes she realized that she needed to get back to her friends.

Just as she was about to say farewell for the evening she felt his hand land on her thigh "Im really glad I ran into you Annie, I've wanted to talk to you again but I didn't know how." She nodded her head and gently removed his hand looking into his eyes, she felt a little bad for him. After the night Jackson interrupted them she never reached out to apologize, she just let it go. "It was nice seeing you again Mason." She smiled a small smile and started walking away from the bar, as she turned away from him she instantly locked eyes with the steel blue eyes of Jackson Teller. He looked toward her now vacant seat and the man sitting next to it, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close before locking his lips with hers. He then looked toward Mason and smirked the slyest smirk, "Officer Andrews." He said with a nod. "Teller." He replied in a curt tone. Annie knew this would turn into a pissing contest so she turned in Jacksons arms and wrapped her arms around his neck "Come on, I want cake." She pulled Jax's hand and he went with her.

When they made it back to the group Opie spoke up first "What was dipshit number four doing here?" The guys were all looking at Mason and were on edge. "He's just having drink with a friend." Annie said and they all turned to her with questioning looks "What? He told me." Jax looked at her "Did he say anything else when you two were catching up or just fed you bullshit the whole time?" Annie looked at him with fire in her eyes Was he seriously still jealous? "Don't be an asshole." Jax shook his head and bit his lip in anger "I'm just sayin, that guy aint good for any one of us." Just as Annie was about to counter back with something Donna spoke up "Lets eat cake!" With that everyone relaxed and went back to having a good time. Annie and Jax were tense and stayed away from one another.

When the time came to go home Annie and Donna had downed at least four more shots and were both completely obliterated. "You sure you can ride on my bike tonight babe?" Jax said to Annie, she shook her head and giggled "I don't know but… I do know I wanna ride something else later.." She giggled again and Jax couldn't help but laugh with her. Donna wasn't any better, she was practically trying to rip Opie's jeans off in the street and he was doing his best to pry her off. No one heard the bar door open and someone approach them "I could drive them home for you guys." Their heads all went to the owner of the voice. "No thanks, officer, we got it." Jax spoke annoyed at the man standing before him. "Look, they clearly cant ride, I can drive them home and you two can follow." Jax looked at Opie and he gave him a small nod. Jax looked at Annie and knew she couldn't ride "Fine." Annie leaned against Jax's side and smiled at Mason "thank you Mason, you were always so sweet." She hiccupped at the end of her statement and that sent Donna into a fit of giggles. Both Jax and Opie walked the girls toward the cruiser and put them in the back "Bet you aint used to being the one to put someone back here huh?" Annie said while smiling to Jax. "You better be good or I may have to handcuff you later." Annie smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. She and Donna started looking at things on her phone in the back when they closed the doors.

Jax made eye contact with Mason and brought a cigarette to his lips "I don't need to tell you what happens to you if something happens to her right?" He said while pointing toward the back of the car. Mason shook his head "No need to worry man, I loved that girl before, I wont let anything happen to her." Jax didn't like the comment but he let it go for now. He and Opie made their way to their bikes and followed behind the cruiser. They made their way to the Winston house and then made it to Annie's home. Jax parked his bike and went to the back to open the door for Annie. She was laughing at whatever they were talking about and smiled brightly at him. She got out of the car "Goodnight Mason!" She waved and laced her fingers with Jax's, she could feel how tense he was and was relieved when Mason finally pulled out of the driveway. She felt him relax and he wrapped his arms around her, she looked at him and smiled the way she always did and he smirked at her "You still mad I ruined that for you?" Annie punched him jokingly in the gut and he hunched over "Hmmmmm… I was disappointed when jealous Jax came out but didn't push me up against the wall and take me then and there but…" As the words left her mouth she saw him stalk toward her like a man on a mission. "So let me get this straight… you wanted me to do unspeakable things to you… even then?" She nodded her head silently. Jax chuckled and shook his head.. "I got something for you." He took her hand and lead her into the house.

She was slightly confused because she assumed he was going to hike up her dress and rock her world up against the house but his mood changed dramatically. They walked through the front door and she took off her heels while he waited for her patiently. He brought her into the kitchen and lead her to the dining room table. What is he up to? Annie knew her buzz was fading "Here babe." Jax handed her advil , water, and a plate of food. She ate in silence and by the time she had finished she felt like herself again. Jax had cleared their plates and came back to sit at the table, Annie brought her knees up to her chest and watched him intently. He sat down with a large envelope and grabbed both of her hands in his own. "Annie, I didn't know what to get you. I… I went to stores and looked at everything and I just… I knew I couldn't buy you something stupid. You know that I love you, right?" Annie looked at him "Of course I know that." She whispered. He nodded his head and took out the papers and laid them out in front of her. She picked up the first set and her heart stopped.

Adoption papers. She was holding two sets of adoption papers, one set were for her to adopt Abel and the other set was for Jackson to adopt Aiden and Ryder. She couldn't speak, she felt tears spilling from her eyes and nodded her head. She put her hand over her mouth to calm herself down. "Is this real?" She asked in a strained voice. He smiled back "Of course its real babe, I told you I wanted this." Annie couldn't help the happy tears that were falling she got up and sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around her body while she snuggled into his chest. They sat there for a few minutes and she listened to his heart beat "Do you got a pen?" she chuckled. He handed her one and she signed her name without hesitation. "Damn, it feels really good." She smiled at him. He smiled back with a smile that took over his entire face, he kissed her lightly on the lips and mumbled against them "There's still one more part of your gift." He leaned toward the table and handed her another piece of paper, she looked down and her eyes went wide. It was a listing for her dream home in Charming, ever since she was a little girl she wanted the house at the end of Pepperal Lane. It was at the end of a cul-de-sac, two stories, white home with black shutters. It had six bedrooms and four bathrooms, and had an enormous fenced in backyard. She jumped from his lap and squealed "You got this house?! Jackson! Oh my God!" She jumped into his arms and he spun them around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately "I love you, Jackson Teller." "I love you more."

Annie looked at the clock and saw that it was the middle of the night but she didn't care. "As much as I would love to go another round with you… do you think it would be okay if we gathered up the kids and went to see Abel?" Jax held her in his arms "Let's go get our kids." He smiled back at her. She slid down his body and when her feet hit the floor she decided to go back to her room and change. Once she was ready they made their way to Hazel's house, they knocked on the door and Annie saw her mom coming down the hallway in her pajamas, she opened the door and looked worried. "Hi mom, I know its early but… I really want to see the boys, we're gonna go see Abel." Hazel smiled and was happy that Jackson and Annie were doing so well, they deserved it.

"Mommy?" Aiden stirred from his sleep and wiped at his eyes, he had a pair of batman pajamas on and his blonde hair was a mess "What you doin mommy? You okay?" Annie gathered him up I her arms and held him tight. "Of course I'm okay baby, I just missed you. Wanna go see Abel?" His little head snapped up and he smiled while nodding his head. "Go downstairs with daddy and ill wake Ryder up." He took off out of the room and Annie walked across the hall to her second borns room, she sat gently on the bed and rubbed his back, he started to stir in his sleep. He rolled over onto his back and his eyes shot open "Mommy! I missed you!" He said happily while wrapping his arms around her neck and she wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you more baby." He shook his head and looked at her face "No mommy, I missed you more!" Annie smiled and stood with him in her arms "Whatever you say baby, do you want to go see Abel with me and Daddy?" He smiled and nodded his head "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Annie walked down the hall and found Aiden and Jackson ready to go. Ryder reached out his arms toward Jax "Hi daddy!" Jax held him up with one arm and Ryder wrapped one arm around his neck. "Hey little man, missed you." Ryder giggled "Lets go see Abel!"

Annie watched as the three of them left toward the truck and looked to her mother, "Mom, thank you. For everything… I just, I couldn't have done any of this without you." Hazel wrapped her arms around her daughter "I love you baby girl, go see your baby." Annie smiled and headed toward the truck, Jax opened her door and she slid inside. They made their way to the hospital and were all holding hands while walking inside. Tara approached them with a warm smile and she met them in the middle of the hall "Hey Annie hey Jax, what are you guys doing here so early?" Aiden had tugged on her shirt to be held and she reached down to pick him up while speaking to Tara "We just really wanted to see Abel.." She said with a hopeful smile, Anne knew it was nowhere near visiting hours. Tara nodded her head in understanding "I'll take you guys up, I was actually headed there anyway… Who are these handsome boys?" She asked while looking toward the twins. Ryder was much more outgoing than Aiden when it came to meeting people and he had no problem speaking up "This handsome boy is Ryder and that handsome boy is my brother Aiden!" Jax laughed at the answer and Tara smiled brightly and reached out her hand for Ryder to take. Aiden lifted his face from his mother's neck after Annie had given him a squeeze and a look and he also took her hand. "Are you making Abel better?" Aiden asked Tara and she nodded her head "I am, but he is doing better all on his own. He can come home soon." Both Annie and Jax looked at each other neither of them had known he was doing that good yet while Aiden and Ryder squealed with joy.

Tara had stayed with the family for a while, in that time she and Annie had discussed having a dinner soon and Annie insisted that she bring her husband with her. Tara told them that she would be going to the carnival later that day and made plans to meet up with Annie and the boys. Jax wrapped his arms around Annie from behind and leaned his chin on her shoulder while watching their sons, one in the incubator and the other two looking in the other side at their brother. He placed his hands on her stomach and pulled her into him tighter, he couldn't help the thoughts running through his mind about having a baby of their own. He hoped that one day Annie would want to carry his baby, a part of him and her.

After a couple hours the boys started to get sleepy and they made their way home. Jax reached into his pocket to feel for his cigarettes and realized he didn't have any. "You mind if I stop for some smokes?" he asked while looking at Annie, she shook her head "of course not, I want candy anyway." She smirked at him. He pulled into the convenient store lot, it was still dark outside. He walked in and saw Louise behind the counter, she always flirted with him when he came in. "what can I get you Jax?" she asked while leaning across the counter suggestively. "Just some smokes, and…." He looked at the candy selection and decided on a few chocolate bars and put them on the counter as well "these." She rang up the items and just as he was about to hand over the cash he saw a smoke cloud burst into the sky, that was Bluebird. Fuck!

He tossed the cash on the counter "Keep the change Louise." He quickly made his way to the truck and got in "Did you see that?" Annie asked him and he looked at her. He nodded his head "Bluebird." Annie could see him starting to think and knew she had to calm him down "That's gonna be seen from at least three counties.. lets go home, you call Clay and the guys, go to the clubhouse, I'll get the boys all set. You call me when you know more." Jax was taken aback for a second but then nodded his head He fucking loved this girl. "Alright." They pulled into the driveway and Annie started getting the boys out of the back, she got them settled in bed and when she came down the hall Jax was hanging up with Clay. "Whats the plan?" Jax started to gather his things "We need to have church, we aint gonna get close to that scene for a while but we need a plan. Im gonna go talk to the guys, I'll meet you at FunTown later.." Annie placed her hands on both sides of his face and he stopped to look at her "Go take care of business. And please, be careful." Jax crashed his lips to hers and even though he didn't have time, he allowed himself to get lost in her for a few seconds. When their lips parted he gave her a nod and a smile. Let's handle business. He thought while starting his bike.

Annie woke up to the feeling of two little bodies sneaking into her bed, she rolled to her side and tucked the boys into the bed and they drifted back to sleep. Annie checked her phone, she had a text from Jax saying they were having a sit down with the Nords to figure out who was responsible.

Jax and the guys were pulling into the lot after the sit down with the Nords, they had a feeling Mayans were responsible but didn't have the proof, yet. Just as Jax was cutting his engine he saw a cruiser pulling into the lot. Everyone was on edge, the cruiser came to a stop and a familiar face stepped out. Jax saw Mason making his way toward him, the guys were gathered around as well. "What can we do for ya…officer?" Clay spoke first. Mason raised his hands indicating he wasn't here for trouble.

"Teller." He spoke with a nod.

"Andrews." Jax spoke back while folding hi arms over his chest, what the hell was he doing here?

"That explosion at the warehouse… im assuming it was yours?" He raised his eyebrows in question.

Juat as Clay and Jax were about to speak he raised his hand and shook his head "You don't need to answer that… look im just here because I know you guys have something to do with that place, I don't know much but what I do know is that they found cowboy boot prints all around… and they found…"

"What? What else did they find?" Jax asked eagerly.

Mason took a deep breath "Fire Marshall found two female bodies, look… I don't need to know any details but, if you guys have something to do with that place, RICO is gonna send you all away for a very long time."

You could hear courses of cussing and the guys saying shit under their breaths.

"Why are you tellin us this shit?" Jax asked.

"Because… she asked me to look out for you guys." With that Mason turned and headed back to his cruiser. He stopped and turned around, "Lunch break is at 12:45, entire scene will be clear of prying eyes for fifteen minutes."

They watched him leave the lot and Jax turned to Clay "What are you thinking?" Clay looked at him and smirked "I think I love Annie even more now than I did before… Church!"

They piled into chapel and took their seats.

"Alright first thing first we gotta pay the Marshall off, make sure he rules it as faulty wiring." Opie nodded and headed out the door.

"We gotta get up there and get rid of those bodies… who were they?" Jax asked.

"They were fresh outta Mexico, working on assembly." Tig spoke.

"What he mean about RICO?" Juice asked.

"Ummm. Well… I may have been hittin them before they kicked it. Let's just say their full of Tigger juice." Tig spoke quietly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jax asked with a deadly look in his eyes.

"Im sorry, alright." Tig said while raising his hands in defense. All of the guys shook their head slightly.

"Alright, so we go in and take care of the bodies, then we're in the clear." Clay spoke.

Everyone agreed that Tig would be the one to go to the scene at the lunchbreak to take care of it.

"Now onto other business, those guns were already paid for. We gotta set a meet with the Niners ASAP." Jax said with vindication.

"Call em up. Time to do business boys… Oh yeah, and if all of ya aint at that carnival you'll have a size 9 stiletto up your ass courtesy of my wife."

The gavel slammed.

Annie had gotten the boys dressed and ready for the carnival, they went to see Abel for a bit and headed toward Charming High School. When they arrived Annie found a parking space next to Gemma and she grabbed her boys hands while they walked down the field toward the matriarchs booth. "Grandma!" Both Aiden and Ryder screamed once they saw her and immediately let go of their mothers hand. Annie made her way over and couldn't help but smile seeing the queen put all of her ladies to work. "Hey baby, you look great, who you tryin to impress?" Gemma said teasingly while Luanne made her way over. Annie loved Luanne, she was always so happy and in good spirits despite Otto's fate in prison. "Damn sweetheart, tell me again why you wont work for me?" She said while poking and prodding at Annie who quickly shoved her hands away from her breasts. "Because Luanne youknow that I am way too shy to do what you do. I would be red as a tomato!" Annie joked and Gemma laughed. "Luanne, my son would have a damn heart attack if she ever set foot in front of a camera." Annie knew that was the truth. The women settled into easy conversation while the boys ate.

"Mommy can we go on some rides?" Ryder asked with his signature pout, Annie leant down and kissed him quickly on his chili covered lips, "Thought you'd never ask baby!" Annie gathered her wristlet and her sunglasses and turned to Gemma "Alright Gem I'm gonna bring them around, I'll see you later?" Gemma kissed her cheek "You can count on it baby." Annie held the boys hands and made their way to the ticket booth. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Tara standing there smiling at her. There was a man standing beside her who was also very happy. "Hey! I'm glad you could make it!" Annie said while hugging Tara. "Yeah, so am I, we needed to get out of the house and work for a while… Annie this is my husband Tyler, Tyler this is Annie." Tyler held out his hand and Annie accepted it "I've heard a lot about you, thanks for inviting us by the way. We just moved out here and I don't know anybody." Annie waved it off "It's no problem at all, trust me, I need all the adult interaction I can get." Tyler laughed and looked at Tara "Is that what we have to look forward to?" Tara smiled and placed a hand on her stomach. Annie caught it, she knew the smile! "OH. MY. God! You're pregnant!" The women hugged again and Annie let out a happy sigh "God, it's the best." Tara nodded and held hands with Tyler, "We've been trying so it's…pretty amazing."

The line had moved and it was Annie's turn to buy tickets. She decided to grab fifty dollars worth and let the boys have a blast. Tara and Tyler stayed with her and made their way to the kids section. Donna ended up joining them and Ellie and Kenny went on rides with the twins. They were all engrossed in conversation when Annie felt eyes on her, she turned around and saw Kyle Hobart watching her intently, she noticed his face had new bruises and hoped that the guys had something to do with it. He always creeped her out and she had no idea what he was doing here, she knew Donna didn't know the history he had regarding Opie being locked up and she wasn't going to tell her. Annie turned away from him and then she saw Jackson and Opie making their way down the field.

Annie jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jax's waist and looked at him while tilting her head "Someone. Is. Late." He smirked and pouted his lips "Im sorry babe, I had a lot of shit to do. You're in love with a very important man." He nodded his head and squeezed her bottom. She laughed and kissed him gently on the mouth. He ended up bending forward and she almost touched the ground, she laughed into his mouth and he finally put her back on her feet. She decided she would ask him about club business later. Today was a day to enjoy family and friends. She lead him to the group and introduced him to Tara's husband. Tyler was a restaurant owner and was planning on opening something in Charming. He, Jax, and Opie semmed to get along just fine and Jax congratulated him on becoming a father, he and Opie joked about what to expect and they were laughing. While the aldies continued talking about babies and being pregnant… Annie and Jax locked eyes and she winked at him, after he raised an eyebrow when overhearing her comment about wanting to be pregnant again.