Yay! My first Hetalia Fan fiction! So basically, this is my magical OC causing havoc and whatnot on the countries lives. I don't own Hetalia. If I did, this would be real.

"DumbleDora the Explorer!" Chanted England in his odd room of magic. Last World Meeting a few of the other nations were making fun of his eyebrows. Again. He was going to unleash a monster on them. Not one that would kill them but one that would be annoying as heck.

Something was coming from the light circle on his floor. "Yes! Yes!" Yelled England. Now the full figure was in form. Not quite the creature he was looking for.

It was a 13 year old with neon pink hair like Poland's, black cat ears, a black tail, and black paws instead of hands. Her mouth looked like one of a cat and had two small fangs coming out of them. She wore black non-high heel boots, a black sparkly strapless dress that had a fluffy bottom. She also had black tights and a big witch like hat. Black of course. A small sapphire pendant dangled from her neck as she floated on her broomstick. Next to her on the flying stick was a pastel pink cat with blood red strips. A black collar was around its neck and it has a sparkly black bow on its tail.

"You called?" Both of them said. The cat sounded older then the owner. Maybe by a year or so.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Yelled England

"I'm Sapphire. This is Skitty." She said pointing to the cat. She turned back to England. "If you haven't noticed, I'm a witch."

"And I can talk!" Yelled Skitty

"Well, now that you're here, time to put you two to work!" Said England "What I want you to do is-"

"Work? No, no, no, no, no." Said Sapphire. "You should know, you can't summon a witch and make her do what you want!"

"Yeah, your thinking wizards." Said Skitty

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do at the World Meeting tomorrow!" Yelled an angry England.

"I don'-" Sapphire interrupted herself "World Meeting?" She asked mischievously.

"A meeting where all the countries of the world gather and try to solve the world problems. Emphasis on 'try'". Replied England. He then saw the sly smile Sapphire and Skitty had on their faces.

'I maybe shouldn't have told them that.' Thought England. Sapphire reached into her boot and pulled out a dark blue sparkly wand. She turned it into a frying pan and knocked England out cold.

England woke up with his head hurting like heck. He some how ended up in his bed. "Ouch…what happened?" He looked at his clock. "CRAP! I'M LATE!" He got up and quickly got dressed for the meeting was being held in England. He grabbed a scone and coffee in a travel cup. Right before running out the door he shot a glance to his magic room remembering he let out a witch into the world. A teenage one at that. He shook his head. That'll have to wait. He'll find her later.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU GIT!?" Yelled England as he entered the meeting room. It didn't take long to find her.

Oddly enough the room was empty minus Sapphire, Skitty, himself, and a small blond toddler in Sapphire's arms as she rubbed his arm with her paw. Wait, England recognized the small blonde.

"And why is Amer-" He looked at the toddler again. "Canada a toddler?"

Sapphire rolled her eyes "Honestly, why don't you guys notice Canada more often. Or at least not mistake him for America."

"Sapphire turned him into a toddler because she thought he would be adorable." Said Skitty.

England sighed "What did you do last night after you knocked me out?"

"Well, first me and Skitty got you back to your bed. Then, Skitty hacked into your phone-"

"A cat hacked into my phone?" Said England skeptically.

"Yes. Yes I did." Said Skitty

"Moving on, we got all the addresses of your country friends and paid them a visit." Said Sapphire playing with Canada's curled hair.

"But why aren't they here? Minus Canada. And ether way, why are you in the meeting room?" Asked England.

Sapphire thought for a moment. "Well, we couldn't find Canada's address on your phone so he was the only one that came to the meeting. I'm came before him because I wanted to see the country's reactions to each other." Sapphire kissed the back of Canada's head. "He told me he was surprised I could see him because to everyone else he's either ignored or forgotten. So, I wanted to spend time with him so I turned him into a toddler." She started baby talking him "I'll never forget you! No I won't! No I won't!"

"Just stop." Said England

"We have no idea why the others aren't here though." Said Skitty. England looked at the two with a face that said 'oh really?'

The two looked at each other, then burst out laughing. "Ok, maybe they were too embarrassed to come to the meeting." Said Skitty

"What did you guys do?" Asked England putting his hand on his head.

"Honestly, I forgot." Said Sapphire putting Canada on her shoulders. "Most of them had something to do with animals though."

Skitty started giggling "Come on, you can't remember ONE?"

Sapphire thought for a moment then giggled as well. "Oh yeah! Poor Austria." She said.

England looked at her in surprise "What did you-"

"We gave him an infinite hunger curse!" Said Skitty.

"He should be the size of a whale by now!" Said Sapphire. She and Skitty fist bumped.

"You two are mean!" Yelled England

"Thanks, we try." They both said.

England grabbed his phone and started dialing. "I'm going to explain the situation to everyone and call them here so you two can turn them back." He said.

"Do we have to?" Asked Skitty disappointed.

"Yes." Said England firmly. He began to call the others. Prussia and Austria greeted normally. Others sounded like an animal, literally. It took England a little while to talk to the animal ones as he figured out who they were. And Skitty said he should text America rather than call him. Once he got done with it (It helped that he forced Skitty and Sapphire to help as well) He waited in the meeting room for the others. He didn't know what to expect.

Oh boy, was he not ready for this.

"What the hell!"

Skitty and Sapphire were just plain laughing.

Canada walked to one of the countries how were turned into a dog. "Puppy!"

The dog growled at the little blonde so Sapphire flew over and picked him up. From what England got while calling everyone, the dog was Germany. Besides him, Japan (Who was a tabby cat), Italy (Who was snake), Romano (Who was a snake, in fact they were part of the same body just with two heads), And France (Who, to England's amusement, was a frog), all the nations were turned into an animal from their country. Although, America, Prussia, and Austria weren't there yet. Neither was Sealand, since Sapphire said they did some thing to him as well and Sapphire was the one one who called him.

"At least France is a frog. Good job Sapphire." Said England as he tried to get everyone into the room. He was trying to not get punched by Australia who got turned into a kangaroo and was a little peeved that England was the one that brought Sapphire here.

France leaped onto a table near England and slapped him with his tongue. "Well that was disgusting!"

"It was funny to me and Skitty." Said Sapphire as she and Skitty played with Canada's curl therefore not helping England in anyway.

"Well I don't care!" Yelled England avoiding a punch from the kangaroo. "And were the hell is-" England was about to say 'Austria' but everyone was paying attention to something behind him. Along with that Skitty put Canada on one of the meeting tables since Sapphire was laughing like a hyena.

"Ruff!" Barked Hungary. She was a Transylvanian Hound and seemed very surprised. England turned around and saw why.

Austria was there and looked a bit chubbier, to put it nicely, then usual. He was also eating a croissant because of that infinite hunger and stuff. England turned to Sapphire "Are you sure you just gave him a hunger spell?" He asked

"Okay, maybe I added a spell that made his metabolism a little (cough) a lot (cough) slower." Said Sapphire as she got back on her broom she seemed to love so much.

"As long as no one laughs I'm fine." Said Austria as he came into the room wearing a dark blue hoodie in an attempt to hide the new weight.

"How can they? They're animals" Said Skitty

"Yeah. Besides, the excess weight will come off when I change you back to normal." Said Sapphire. Austria was relieved, until… "I think." Continued Sapphire.

CRASH! The group heard that in the hallway before the room. Stumbling into view was Prussia and America was behind him. "The great and awesome Prussia is he-" He smashed into the wall just missing the door by a few inches. He stumbled backwards and America lead him into the room. The Albino's eyes were white instead of red.

"Oh yeah, we made Prussia blind and America mute." Said Skitty.

America let go of Prussia making stumble again. Prussia hit one of the tables and stumbled backward. He would have fallen if he didn't grab hold of one o Austria's new love handles. Austria's face was more red then one of Romano's tomatoes. Hungary started to growl.

"America is that you?" Asked Prussia. America waved his arms around franticly in protest not being able to do much else since he can't talk. With that Sapphire went into full hysteria. She fell off her broom and landed with a THUD!

"Ouch!" She yelled

"Serves you right for making me like this!" Yelled Austria. He turned to Prussia "And get off me!"

Prussia let go and America got him to a seat. England turned to Sapphire "Okay, now where's Sealand?"

"Oh yeah, about him." Said Skitty "He might not be able to fit into the meeting room."

"What do you mean, 'He won't fit into the meeting room'?" Asked England.

Suddenly, a huge, light blue dragon head crashed through one of the windows. "Am I late?" It asked in Sealand's voice.

"Okay, two things. Number one, why is Sealand a dragon? Number two, why did you let him talk while you just made the others make animal noises?" Asked England.

"Well, all dragons talk no question there." Replied Sapphire. "And since Sealand is the world's smallest country-"

"HE'S NOT A COUNTRY!" Yelled England. Sealand took a deep breath and breathed fire right on England. When Sealand was done England's face was as black as his scones. "(cough) Go on Sapphire…"

"As I was saying, since Sealand is the smallest country, I wanted him to be the biggest animal I could think of!"

"The biggest animal ever is the blue whale." Said Prussia his back turned away from Sapphire. America turned his chair around so he could face Sapphire.

"Well that would require a lot of water. That's why we didn't turn anyone into any purely aquatic animals like the whale." Skitty said. She looked at Austria "Not literally at least."

"JUST CHANGE US/THEM BACK!" Yelled Prussia, Austria, and England. America tried to say that but, well you know, so he just mouthed it. The rest of the countries barked or mooed or meowed or hissed or ribbit..ed? or etc. to agree.

"Fine!" Said Sapphire. She got out her wand and flew around the room changing everyone back starting with Canada. She turned a panda into China, a wolf into Russia, Austria was skinny again, America could talk, Prussia could see, etc.

"There, happy?" Said Skitty. The countries nodded.

"Thank goodness I'm not a dog any more." Said Germany

"I couldn't stand being attached to Italy any longer!" Said Romano.

"Now, let me send you back home!" Yelled England as he tried to catch Sapphire with no avail. She just flew higher out of any one's reach.

"Go back? No, no, no, no, no." Said Skitty and Sapphire. "We're staying!"

"WHAT?!" Yelled the countries.

"You guys are great to play with!" Said Sapphire. "I'll let you guys be for the rest of the day but I'll be dropping by one of your houses from now on! And I'll be stopping by every World meeting!"

She flew next to England "Thanks a bunch for summoning us!" Said Skitty. Sapphire flew the broom next to Canada as England got some angry glances from the others.

"And FYI, if any one says 'who's Canada' or 'hey, that's Canadia'," Her eyes became flames and her voice became demoniac, "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" The countries flinched. She went back to her usual self, kissed Canada on the cheek, and flew off. "Have a nice day!" And she was gone.

Canada was blushing while smiling. 'Finally, someone notices me.' He thought.

Everyone else looked at England with faces that said they were about to pummel him. "Hey" He said defending him self "If you guys never made fun of my eye brows none of this would have happened!"

So true England. FYI, the first place Sapphire and Skitty are going to visit is… AUSTRIA'S HOUSE! So I'm thinking Sapphire will visit 5 houses before another World Meeting. If there is any countries in particular you want to see Sapphire annoy leave them in the reviews because ten bucks says I'll mainly focus on the G8, China, Prussia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein (SO CUTE!), and Austria with out your reviews.