"Watch where you're fucking going, you shithead!" I roared as a mini Coupe abruptly cut in front of me, causing me to slam on the brake of my silver Mustang, blaring the horn. It was almost eleven O'clock at on a Friday night and I was in a semi sketchy part of town where all the little ass wipes liked to drive. There was a stark lack of police presence, so the town was crawling with crime and bad drivers. I usually avoided this place like the plague, but my favorite night club, The Black, was nestled right in the center, and I was in the mood for some fun.

It took me about forty-five minutes to get from my house to the club, and it would be worth it if I could just get there in one fucking piece.

I did make it though, and I pulled up in front of the club, its black-out windows reflecting the night time traffic. The Black was a great club, especially for the area it was in. It had just the right amount of class not to be gross, but just enough raunchiness to suit my tastes. I got out of my car, slamming the door and locking it, before sauntering up to the front door of the club and walking in.

Immediately I was engulfed by flashing lights and pounding music. The smell of alcohol was sickly sweet in my nose as I made my way to the raised bar that overlooked the grinding dance floor. I took a seat next to a busty blonde and her equally well-endowed friend. The two batted their false eyelashes at me and I gave them a smirk before turning my attention to the bartender. They were pretty, but not my type; way too plastic. I had fucked around with enough women like them to know that they were too loud and obnoxious for my mood tonight.

I ordered a cheap beer that tasted like piss, but I wasn't looking to get fucked up so it didn't matter much. I shifted on the stool to peer out at the dance floor. Most of the people were reduced to one big moving mass, while others were spot lighted for a moment by the strobe lights flashing overhead. The whole place was bathed in deep blue light and a thin fog, creating a dreamy sort of fantasy world.

Finishing off my beer, I headed down the steps that led to the dance floor and jumped right in. I danced my way near the center, where the bass of the song was the strongest, and allowed several women to glue themselves to various parts of my body—namely my dick. None of them were really doing it for me, so our dances ended quickly as I moved through the crowd, loving all of the flashing lights and the fog and the heat and the smell of arousal that was radiating from everyone around me. I lived for this shit.

I'm not too sure how long I had been dancing before I saw her. She was near the outside of the circle of moving bodies, dancing expertly to the beat of the awesome mix the DJ was playing. I saw her dance with several partners—some men, some women, others somewhere in between. From where I was standing, it was hard to make out any of her features other than her amazing silhouette, though her eyes would catch the light every now and then, revealing dark orbs cloaked in what I was somewhat sure was called a smoky eye.

Licking my lips, I made my way over to her, hovering outside of her field of vision as I stared, transfixed, as her hips swayed this way and that, her dark hair moving around her head in wild waves. She was wearing a long sleeved dress that was lace from a few inches below her collar bone all the way to her wrists, showing off numerous tattoos that inked her arms and chest. I noticed that her legs, which were bare past mid-thigh, too were tattooed. She looked sexy as hell.

I made my move when the music faded into a heady, slow electric tune with heavy bass that encouraged grinding. I caught her by her waist, pressing my crotch into her ass just as she began to rock her hips in time with the music. The sensation of her against me was fucking glorious and I rocked with her, pressing her back into me. She threw her head back to look up at me and a piece of metal in her left nostril glinted at me. She had a nose ring. I gave her a suggestive smile that she returned full force as we danced together, her leaning her head back onto my shoulder, exposing her neck to me. I wasted no time in delving my face into her neck to inhale her intoxicating scent. My tongue flicked out to taste her and I was rewarded with a soft groan from her and a deep rolling of her body against mine.

I spun her around to face me and we were back at it, grinding shamelessly against one another as our eyes locked. Surprise made itself obvious on her face when she registered the color of my violet eyes. Most people thought I wore contacts, but the color in fact was natural for me. I grinned at her, loving how I had caught this gorgeous woman off guard. She grinned back at me and tucked some of her long hair behind her right ear, showing off several piercings that ran up and down the shell of her earlobe. This chick seemed to have a thing for piercings.

The song ended then and I took her hand, pulling her off the dance floor and into a secluded hallway that led to the lounge area. In a split second my hands were on her waist, pushing her back against the wall and I was pressing my body against hers once more. I was grinning like a fucking idiot when I asked her, "What's your name?"

Her hand wrapped around my bicep when she answered, her pink lips turning upward as well. "Lilly. And you are?"


I watched as Lilly licked her lips before repeating my name slowly, as if she was tasting it. "Hidan…" My name sounded fucking amazing coming from her and I decided that I wanted to make her say it again. I ran my hand up her ribs, stopping right beneath her left breast before kissing her hard. Her lips parted for me and soon our tongues were twirling around each other in a sexy little dance. I felt her hands drift up into my silver locks, before tugging at them from the roots.

"Mmm," I moaned appreciatively and pressed her harder into the wall, grinding my erection into her hot core. Her leg lifted up to my hip as she tried to rub into me as well, seeking some much needed friction, but I held her hips in place and smiled into our kiss when she whined in frustration. I continued to move against her at my own, slow, agonizing pace until I decided I had had enough for the moment.

I pulled away from her, dislodging my tongue from the inside of her mouth. When I looked at her, her brown eyes were hooded with shameless lust, as I'm sure mine were as well.

"Wanna get a drink?" My voice was a husky whisper.

"Sure," came her breathy reply. I peeled her off of the wall and together we made our way to the bar. We sat next to each other and I asked what she wanted, but Lilly turned to the bartender and ordered for herself. It was something I had never heard of, but I ordered another beer and turned to her. In this light, I could see that her skin was a light olive color, and her tattoos and piercings were more prominent. She looked exotic as hell and it turned me on.

I was the first to speak. "You come here often?" It sounded like a cliché way to start of a conversation, but it was a legitimate question. I came to The Black pretty often and I had never seen Lilly before, and I sure as hell would never miss her.

"No, this is the first time I've been here. The area is pretty shitty, but this club is awesome." She had a nice voice, I thought, and I wondered what her moans sounded like. Just then the bartender brought her drink, which was in a rather large martini glass with white smoke rolling over its rim, and was topped off with a ball of pink cotton candy.

"What the fuck is that?" I laughed as I handed the bartender money enough for both of our drinks. Lilly smiled, squinting up at the drink menu overhead.

"I believe it's called a 'Cotton Candy Vodka Explosion'." She took a sip of the strange drink and moaned when the drink hit her tongue. My cock twitched. "It's good! Here, try some," Lilly handed me the glass and I took a sip, sucking down some of the dissolving cotton candy.

"Ugh!" I said as I swallowed the drink. "It's too fucking sweet!"

Lilly burst into laughter, taking the too-sweet drink from my hand and took another sip. "Don't have much of a sweet tooth, do you?" She crossed one leg over the other and I caught a flash of what I was certain was a thong. I bit my lip and did my best not to stare.

Not for cotton candy, sweetheart. I bet her pussy tasted absolutely divine, and I had every intention to find out.

But for the moment, I tried to change the subject to something less arousing. "So, Lilly," I started. "I like your tattoos."

She smiled at me. "Thanks, I love them too. Do you have any?"

As a matter of fact I did. I had quite a few actually. I rolled up the sleeve of my black shirt up to my bicep, revealing a sleeve that I had gotten about a year ago. It was a collage of flowers, thorns, birds, and skulls that wrapped around my entire arm.

Lilly's eyes lit up and I held back a shudder when she grabbed my arm and slowly turned it as far as she could, taking in my ink with curious eyes. "Sick. Was it expensive?"

"Fuck yeah it was expensive as hell. But worth it." I had loved tattoos since I was little, and my sleeve was by far one of my favorite pieces.

"Do you have anymore?"

I nodded. "A few on my other arm, some on my legs, one on my chest and a pretty big back piece. How about you?"

Her smile was wry when she said, "All over." It sounded like a challenge: Can you find them all? It was one that I would accept without hesitation.

"So when did you get your first tattoo?" I inquired, leaning in closer to make it easier for her to hear me over the music.

"When I was eighteen."

I smirked. "Ooo, a rule follower," I teased, secretly hoping she wasn't such a good girl in bed.

Lilly rolled her eyes before asking, "What about you?"

"When I was sixteen."

"Do you regret it?"

"Nah, it's actually a pretty good piece. Not as good as my newer ones, but still."

Lilly nodded as she sipped her drink. We talked like that for some time, longer than I had expected to. She was pretty exciting to have a conversation with, and for once I wasn't bored with a woman. After a while I had forgotten the throbbing in my groin and just enjoyed getting to know her. She pulled me onto the dance floor when a good song came on and you would think we were lovers by the way were dancing—always in sync, always with hungry gazes and silent conversations. It was…intimate, for lack of a better word, and after a few songs I was so incredibly hard for her. I needed her so fucking bad. I told her as much and she giggled and we made our way out of the club and to my car.

The night air was cool and sobering and when we reached my Mustang, I turned to her and asked, "What about your car? You drove here didn't you?"

I was surprised when she shook her head no. "My roommate dropped me off here. My car's in the shop and this isn't exactly her kind of scene. She's supposed to pick me up in…" Lilly pulled out her phone and checked the time. It was twelve thirty. "About a half an hour. I'll just text her and tell her not to worry about it."

Sweet. I unlocked the doors and we both climbed in. I watched her as she took in the interior of my car—all soft blue lights and black leather. "Nice car," She told me.

"She's my baby." I replied as I started the car and backed out of the space before getting on the road. "Is my house okay with you?"

"Mm-hmm," She hummed in a sweet way. That was possibly the most innocent thing she had said all night. I turned on the radio and we drove in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"Going home with a guy you barely know doesn't bother you?" I don't know what made me ask that; I took girls home all the time and I never gave two shits about whether or not they thought I was a psycho killer. But it just bothered me for some reason, thinking that this girl sitting in my car with a good head on her shoulders would ever put herself in such a dangerous situation.

A smile broke out on her lips. "No, this is actually the first time I've done this sort of thing,"

"So why now?"

Lilly shrugged. "You don't give me any weird vibes. You'd tell me if you were crazy, right?"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Of course."

"Good." I saw her rummaging through her purse out of the corner of my eye. "But don't get me wrong. I'm not stupid." I looked over to see her holding a menacing looking Taser. Well fuck.

"Trust me, you won't need that tonight." Really, I was being honest. I may be a bit of a man whore, but I would never take advantage of a woman, or anyone for that matter. That shit wasn't cool.

The rest of the ride was smooth and I avoided the crazy drivers well enough. We talked and laughed, and Lilly told me about some of her tattoos and what they meant. She told me that each of her tattoos represented a significant change in her life. She had tattoos in all different styles: American Traditional, Rockabilly, Japanese, Tribal, New School, Pin Ups, and a bunch of others. I thought it was awesome to find a girl who was as into tattoos as I was. There weren't many people like her in the area I lived in.

When we finally pulled up to my house, I felt as if Lilly was more like a new friend than an easy fuck.

I unlocked my front door and let her in ahead of me. She pulled her heels off of her feet and looked around. My front door opened into the living room which I had furnished with two plushy couches and a flat screen TV with a nice sound system. My house was a good size for someone who was fresh out of college.

"Nice house," Lilly complimented as I stared at her ass for a moment. She planted herself on one of my couches, stretching her arms up over her head. "Where do you work?"

"A publishing company. It pays pretty well." I had gone to school to become a publisher, something I hadn't realized I wanted to do until my senior year of high school. I was lucky enough to have gotten a steady job right out of the gate, interning with a well-known company.

I made my way into the kitchen, which was next to the living room. "Are you hungry?" I didn't know why I was playing host. Usually when I got a girl to my house, we stripped, we fucked, and she left. What the fuck was my damage tonight?

Lilly appeared by my side and made her way to the fridge like she owned the damn place. "Yeah, actually. What can I have?"

"Pretty much anything." I stood behind her, reaching past her to grab a can of soda. I deliberately let my crotch brush up against her ass. I smirked as she shivered and pressed her ass back into me for a moment, before emerging from the fridge with a soda as well. I went to the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips and handed them to her, which she dug into.

We sat back on the couch and shared the chips and drank our sodas in silence. Somehow we ended up locking eyes and neither of us was willing to look away. We held each other's lustful gazes as if it were a game. Her eyes were unrelenting and for some reason I found myself getting hard.

"Hidan," Lilly said. "Why are you staring at me?"

"'Cause you're fucking beautiful."

The blush that broke out on her cheeks was adorable. "Well you're not too bad yourself."

I grinned and moved closer to her, cupping my hand over her exposed, inked thigh. "Really? And what is so attractive about me?"

"What isn't?"

My lips were inches from hers now. "Good answer." I kissed her then, more softly then I did back at The Black, cupping my hand over her cheek and taking my time. It was a slow give and take, and it went on for what seemed like forever. Her lips were perfect and soft, her taste was addicting, and I felt her shift herself so that she was straddling my lap. It was then that our kiss became wild and hungry, all biting and sucking and tongues tangling. My hands were at the small of her back and she was tugging at my hair again, enticing moan after moan from my lips. I reach down between us where her center was flush with my straining erection and stroked her softly through the fabric of her panties. Lilly's breath hitched before she let out the sexiest moan had ever fucking heard. I worked her in small circles and I could feel how absolutely wet she was for me. The smell of her arousal filled my nostrils as I pulled away from her lips and suckled at the skin on her neck.

"Your tongue feels so fucking good," I heard her whisper as she rocked her hips into my hand. I brought my mouth to her ear and whispered.

"My tongue can feel good in other places."

Lilly shuddered over me and she looked straight into my eyes and said, "Your room. Now."

With a chuckle, I picked her up by her ass, letting her wrap her legs around my waist, and took her up the steps to my bedroom where I all but threw her on my bed.

Lilly laid there, legs spread wide open as an invitation. I got on the bed, positioning myself between her legs before pulling my shirt over my head. I caught her staring at my toned torso, something that I had worked hard to get in the last few years.

"Like what you see?" I asked her. She nodded and I came down on her, capturing her lips in mine once more and working my hands under her dress. I cupped my hands over her breasts while our tongues danced once again, until I decided that she was wearing too many clothes. I sat her up and yanked her dress over her head, turning it inside out as I did, and threw it off of the bed. Lilly was on her back again, staring at me while I stared at her, my eyes grazing over the tattoos that were scattered along her torso, one in particular caught my eye. It was a Japanese style dragon that snaked its way from her back to her waist, accentuating the curvature of her body. It was fucking sexy as hell.

I managed to shrug off my jeans and boxers while still stationed between her perfect legs. I glared at her when I saw that she was still lying there, staring at my now visible erection. "The bra needs to go."

Lilly listened, and within the span of a few seconds, her black strapless bra was tossed aside as well, leaving her in only a matching thong. Her dark areolas and nipples looked appetizing as hell, so I dived right in, sucking her left nipple into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. She tasted heavenly.

I sucked on her, rubbing my dick against her wet sex until she was reduced to nothing more than a writhing mass of labored breathing and moans. I was so incredibly ready for her, but I wanted to take my time with her, I wanted to watch her fall apart beneath me.

"Hidan, please!" I heard Lilly whine. "I can't take it anymore!"

I chuckled against her breast, still continuing my systematic torture for a few more moments until Lilly all but screamed my name. "Alright, alright." I mumbled before I released her nipple from my mouth and made a slow decent to her center, kissing her all along the way. Her chest rose and fell in harsh gasps as I made it to the spot just above the line of her thong. It was then that my fingers grazed over something as they passed her hips. What a saw made a huge smile crack my face in two. There, embedded right in the center of the dimples that marked where her hips met her pelvis, were two shiny metal studs.

"You've got piercings here too, huh?" I looked up at Lilly and caught her biting her lip.

"Yeah," She breathed. "You like them?"

"Fuck yes, I like them!" I told her as I kissed the two gems that sparkled in her skin before turning my attention to the wet puddle that had formed in her thong. I kissed her right above where I knew her clit was and was rewarded with a sigh from Lilly and the bucking of her hips. I kept that up until even I couldn't stand being that close to her pussy without actually seeing it anymore, and I hooked my fingers under the straps of her barely-there thong and gasped when I saw it. You had to be fucking kidding me. There is no way in the fucking world that she had that. Not there. No fucking way.

Right on the hood of her clit sat two small silver balls.

She had the fucking hood of her clit pierced.

Oh my fucking God.

I heard Lilly giggle at my reaction. "What, you've never seen a VCH before?"

My breathing was becoming a bit erratic. "No I haven't seen a fucking VCH before."

"You don't like it?" There was a hint of worry in her voice.

I flicked my eyes up to hers and said in the calmest voice I could muster, "No, I don't fucking like it." Lilly's expression fell and I felt her tense. "I fucking love it." Before she could respond, I was attacking her soaking wet pussy with my mouth, kissing and sucking, and biting and moaning into her hot folds. I had always had a thing for women with clit piercings—I thought it was so fucking sexy to look at, and even sexier to know that she was brave enough to get it done. I had never actually seen a woman with a VCH in real life, just in pornos, but now that I had seen Lilly's I was a fucking beast.

I flattened out my tongue and swirled it around right under her clit, groaning as her taste filled my mouth. My earlier assumption was right: her pussy tasted like fucking heaven, and I couldn't stop myself from dipping my tongue into her throbbing entrance, pulling a sweet moan from Lilly's lips. She was practically riding my face now, gasping and pulling in huge gulps of air. She hissed when I sucked her clit and the small metal balls into my mouth and flicked my tongue against it, and I started to tease her with my index finger. I rubbed the digit along her opening, chuckling when she started to push herself onto it, trying to force it inside her. I knew she needed me, but I wasn't ready for her to have me just yet.

"Hidan, come on!" Lilly growled at me. She sounded so cute when she got angry. "Please!"

I rolled my eyes before slamming my index finger into her and her screams filled my bedroom as I pumped my finger in and out of her at a blinding speed. "Is that what you wanted?" I heard her whine as she fought against the onslaught of pleasure I was forcing on her. A little bit longer and she would be done, I knew because of how harsh her breathing was and how much her pussy was throbbing around my finger. It would be nice to feel her come around me, but I didn't want this to be over so soon.

Lilly whimpered when I slid my finger from her and pulled my face away from her swollen clit. I ignored her and got off of the bed.

Her dark eyes were misted over with lust as they followed me as I circled the bed until I was standing in front of her face, my cock hanging over her. "Get on your stomach." She rolled over a little slower than I would've liked, but I gave her a break since she was still recovering from her almost-orgasm. When she finally did, I saw that most of her back was inked with a large tattoo of wings. The one that started at her right shoulder blade was gracefully feathered, while the other on her left shoulder blade was jagged and thin like that of a bat.

When I was done staring, I turned my attention back to Lilly, who was looking up at me innocently, my dick obscuring part of her face from my view. She was so fucking cute. I grabbed my dick in my hand and pumped it a few times before saying, "Open your mouth." To my aggravation, she didn't listen to me, instead she clamped her lips together in the form of a challenge and I felt my temper flare. Oh hell no.

Before I thought about what I was doing, my hand shot out and collected a fistful of her dark hair, yanking her face up to the head of my dick. My voice was deadly when I spoke.

"You have three fucking seconds to open up your goddamn mouth before I pry them open myself and skull-fuck you."

Lilly's eyes went wide and I heard her whimper at my threat. Arousal was evident on her face, which I was surprised at because I hadn't said something like that to a woman since…

I decided to let the thought go; there was no way she was into…that. Hardly anyone in this godforsaken town was.

Lilly slowly opened up her mouth for me. "Wider," I told her and she obeyed immediately that time. Her mouth looked so fucking good. I slid my dick into her awaiting mouth and groaned when I felt her lips wrap around me. She was looking up at me as if she was waiting for me to tell her what to do next. That look she was giving me…she looked so…but there was no way that…

"Suck." I breathed and she complied, pulling me farther into her mouth and swirling her tongue around me. It felt fan-fucking-tastic, and I moaned softly as I watched her work me. She was making direct eye contact the entire time and that same thought kept pushing its way inside my head. But it simply could not be possible—she couldn't be a—

"Shit!" I halfway roared when she began to deep throat me expertly, bobbing her head up and down my length and letting me hit the back of her throat each time she went down. My head was spinning as my hands found their way back into her hair as I started thrusting into her mouth, past her gag reflex which she was incredibly good at suppressing. Her eyes never left mine as my hips snapped forward again and again. "Fuck the hell yes!"

Shit, if she kept this up I was gonna come, and I really didn't wanna do that just yet. I yanked her head away from my throbbing cock and practically jumped back onto the bed, flipping her back over and settling between her legs.

Lilly spread her legs wide for me, panting as we locked eyes. "Tell me what you want."

"Your dick, Sir," Both of our eyes went wide at her slip up. 'Sir'? But I hadn't been called that since…

A shudder of arousal racked my frame and I felt my dick get even harder, if that was even possible. "Is that so?" I yanked her hips closer to mine as both of our arousals met. She was so incredibly wet. Lilly was panting and so was I because holy fucking shit, there was no way that she was in to what I was thinking. I rubbed my dick up and down her slick folds, both of us moaning at the sensation. "I can feel how much you want me." I whispered. "Can you feel your pussy clenching for me? Can you feel yourself opening up for me?" Watching her expression the whole time, I slowly slid into her wet heat.

"Oh, fuck!" Lilly whined when our hips met and I was fully sheathed inside of her. I growled deep in my throat and lowered myself halfway on to her so that we were eye to eye. I started out slow, but soon I was pounding into her, our slick skin slapping together as we collided over and over.

"You're so fucking wet," I whispered huskily to her. "You feel so fucking good."

Lilly's breathing was getting ragged. "Faster! Please go faster!" I was all too willingly to do as she said and soon I felt the beginnings of her climax squeezing around my dick.

"Don't you fucking dare," I growled into her ear. "Don't you dare come!" My thrusts were getting harsher and I felt Lilly start to tremble as her orgasm threatened to engulf her. I was expecting to feel her clamp around my cock any moment, but when she didn't, I had to fight not to stare at her in astonishment. She held her orgasm. She fucking held her orgasm. There was absolutely no way in hell that she would know how to do that unless my hunch was right.

She was a submissive. Lilly was a fucking trained submissive. That explained her reaction to my harsh threat, her amazing control over her gag reflex, her calling me "Sir", and now the fact that she knew how to keep her orgasms at bay.

Oh my fucking God. I thought as I thrust into her with renewed vigor, lifting her leg up onto my hip and gripping her ass hard. At this angle I could reach her deeper and it was easier to find that spongy circle of tissue that made Lilly cry out in ecstasy. I bit down on her neck hard as I felt another one of her climaxes begin to take hold of her.

"Hidan!" She cried out in warning, asking me if she had permission to come.

"Not fucking yet!" I let out a loud moan as her convulsions calmed and I flipped us over so that she was on top of me, straddling my waist. "Fuck me, you dirty little slut."

She did as I told her and began riding me hard and fast, her breasts bouncing in my face. She looked fucking gorgeous on top of me like that. I moved my hips in time with hers and we moved together, moaning and screaming as the threat of another orgasm shook the walls of her pussy.

"Come for me," I told her, deciding to be nice as I grabbed onto her hips and slammed her down on me. "Come for me right fucking now!"

Lilly let out a harsh, broken moan as she came undone, convulsing around me thousands of times as I felt the result of her orgasm run down the length of my dick. So she was a squinter, too?

I couldn't fully appreciate how sexy that was because before I knew it, my climax slammed into me full force and I roared, holding her tight to me as I continued to rock into her, riding out my completion.

After we were both done, we collapsed together, a panting mass smelling of sweat and sex. I was the first to fully recover and I propped myself up on my elbow as she rolled off of me and to my side. I grinned at her like a mad man and she blushed adorably.

"So how long have you been into BDSM?"

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "About two years, maybe a little less."

So she was still pretty new to the scene, then. "Have you always been a Sub?" "Sub" meaning "Submissive", the one in the BDSM relationship who allowed themselves to be completely controlled by the Dom (male)/Dommes (female), or the Dominant.

Lilly nodded and chewed her bottom lip pensively. "I'm sorry…you weren't supposed to find out…"

I gave her a coy smile. "Baby, I've been a Dom for quite some time. I would've found out anyway."

She turned her body towards me. "How long have you been a Dom?"

I thought about it for a moment before saying, "In hindsight, since I first became sexually attracted towards women. I would always imagine ordering them around before fucking their brains out. Hell, the first girl who ever gave me a blow job never spoke to me again because I tied her to my bed and sat on her chest and face fucked her." The memory made me laugh. "But I didn't start to actually train to become a Dom until I was about seventeen."

Lilly frowned at me. "Who the hell trains a seventeen year old to become a Dom?"

"This college dude I had known since I was thirteen named Itachi." I told her. "He had been in training for a while and by the time I was seventeen, he was an official Dom. He let me train with his Sub—her name was Sakura—and I've been a Dom ever since."

Lilly nodded and began to chew at her fingernails. "Hey, what's wrong?" I pulled her hand from her mouth and turned her face towards me. She wouldn't look me in the eyes. "Lilly, what is it?"

"It's just that…my time as a sub wasn't exactly…enjoyable."

My brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Lilly scratched her arm absent mindedly before elaborating. "The Dom who trained me—he was my boyfriend—was new to the whole BDSM thing, too. And he was…rough."

"So he enjoyed Sadomasochism." That was the term given to the practice of deriving pleasure from giving or receiving pain and humiliation. It wasn't something that should be done by a new Dom who didn't understand how dangerous it could be when done incorrectly.

"Right," said Lilly before she continued. "I mean, I was and still am in to it as well, but he moved too fast. He just kind of threw me into it. Like, if he was spanking me with a paddle, he didn't gauge his strength before hitting me with it. It was more like a beating than training."

I nodded in understanding. It was common mistake for new Doms to make. It was also a common mistake for two people who were new to BDSM to attempt to learn together, rather than apart first. It was never a good idea to pair up two inexperienced people when chains and whips were involved; someone could get hurt. It was always best for one of them to be trained.

"So did you ever finish your training?" I asked as I played with a strand of Lilly's hair.

She shook her head. "No, we broke up before either of us could finish. That was a few months ago. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about finding a new Dom to train me."

I gave her a dazzling smile. "Well, you've got an excellent Dom right here." After all, I hadn't had a Sub for a couple months myself, as my last one decided I wasn't a good fit for her. The physical attraction was there, but the emotional one was starkly lacking. I didn't try and fight her; it was important to have an emotional connection to the other person in the relationship, and I couldn't force her to feel that for me.

I expected Lilly to smile back, but instead she shrugged and looked away from me. I attempted to lighten the mood. "Never mind, we can talk about that later." With that, I brought her lips to mine and kissed her until she yielded to my advances, wrapping her arms around my neck and tugging me to her.

We spent the rest of the night rocking together, satiating each other over and over again. I let her come as many times as she wanted, and she never failed to disappoint me either. It was probably one of the most satisfying nights I had had in a long time.