AN: This one is super fluffy. Hope you don't choke on the sweetness. I am a bit disappointed that not very many people have written reviews. Do you like it? Hate it? Does it have spelling errors I overlooked? Please, tell me what you think. I even take suggestions.

Jupiter hummed quietly as she snuck in the front door of the house, hoping her later-than-planned return would elicit no comments. She replayed their date in her mind, reliving each word, each look, each kiss and each glorious moment of flight. She could still taste his kisses, feel the slightly rough texture of his calloused hands, and smell his musky scent.

She felt giddy. All first dates should be this amazing. Caine's wings were incredible. Flying was so much fun. Although technically she hadn't been flying, she'd decided that it was close enough and so much nicer to say than gravity surfing. Although "gravity surfing" did have a cachet of its own.

But the thing that made her the happiest of all? Caine had stopped waffling and decided he wanted the relationship she was offering despite the differences between them.

She floated up the stairs, thinking dreamily about kissing him again. "In the arms of my love, I'm flying, over mountain and meadow and glen, and I like it so well that for all I can tell I may never come down again," she sang under her breath.

"Jupe!" A sharp whisper pulled her back down to earth.

"Mikka? What are you still doing up?"

"Waiting for you. I want to hear all about your date." Her eyes shone in anticipation. "I'm pretty sure everybody else is asleep, but I just couldn't wait until tomorrow."

Jupiter sighed happily. "It was so amazing. I felt like Cinderella at the ball."

Mikka grabbed her, pulled her into her room and closed the door behind them. "Cinderella?"

"Yeah," Jupiter replied, a soft warm smile curving her lips. "You know, from that musical you made me watch a few weeks ago?" She hummed a few bars of the song she'd been singing as flopped onto the bed.

"Oh right. Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella. You really feel like that?" Mikka sighed in envy. "If it really does happen in real life, I hope it happens to me someday. So, what did you do?"

"Well, there was an incredible view of the skyline and afterward we had a picnic and watched the sunset."

"So he took you to the John Hancock building or the Sears Tower?"

Jupiter, absorbed in her reminiscence, paid only the scantest of attention. "No, we went flying."

"He has a plane?" Mikka demanded in excitement. "Maybe he would take me up sometime?"

That brought Jupiter's attention abruptly back to the present. Mikka was crazy about all things related to flying. "Um, he doesn't own the plane. He said he was borrowing it from a friend."

"So maybe if things keep going well between you and..." Mikka looked thunderstruck. "I can't believe I forgot to ask his name!"

"His name is Caine." Simply saying his name sent Jupiter back to her happy place.

"So, tell me more about him," she demanded eagerly.

Jupiter smiled dreamily. "He's gorgeous. A little over six feet tall. Dark blond hair, beard, well-built. His feathers are so soft."

"Wait, what? Feathers?" Mikka asked in confusion.

Jupiter yawned hugely. "Sorry, Mikka, but I'm beat. It was a long day before my date started. I must have been drifting off." She forced herself off the bed. "I need to get at least a few hours of sleep before work tomorrow. See you at breakfast."

Moments after closing Mikka's door quietly behind her, she dropped into her own bed and fell asleep fully clothed.