Later that night, after Allie had fallen asleep and Stiles and Malia had managed to tear themselves away from watching her, they sat in the living room.

"So…" Stiles started, reaching a hand to rest on her knee. She looked at him, a smile playingat her lips.

"We're going to be parents again." She whispered.

"I know we talked about it but I never imagined it would happen now."

"Stiles, I just…I have to say, I want this time to be different."

"Different? How?" Stiles was confused.

"I mean, when Allie was born, that was when everything went bad. I don't want to hurt you again."

"Oh." Stiles was quiet for a moment before taking hold of her hands and looking her straight in the eyes. "I promise you, this time around, I won't let you be forgotten."

"Promise?" In answer, Stiles leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, putting as much promise and passion into the kiss as possible.

"I promise." He whispered when he pulled back. She smiled a little and gently placed her hand on his cheek.

"Thank you." They were silent for a moment, just letting everything sink in.

"Should we tell Allie?"

"Not yet. I think we should wait a little bit, to make sure we're really having another baby before we get her hopes up."

"I guess." Stiles looked at her for a moment, as if deciding on something, before pulling her up. "Com with me." He said. Laughing a little, she followed as he dragged her out into the backyard, over to the old wooden swing that they'd spent so much time relaxing on before Malia left.

"Why are we out here?"

"You'll see." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again, his hands exploring every inch of her back. She responded in kind with her own hands tangling into his hair. For a moment, they were all alone in the world. It seemed as if it was just the two of them, standing there in the warm evening light with the stars glittering above them. Malia let out a disappointed groan when Stiles finally pulled away but the groan turned into a gasp when he knelt down on one knee, clasping her hand firmly between his own.

"Malia, I know our relationship hasn't exactly been traditional. I mean, when we met you weren't even human. But I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the love of my life and the mother of my daughter. I promise to spend every second of the rest of my life loving you and making you the most important person in the world to me. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Malia had tears streaming down her face by the time he finished and could only nod as he stood up, embracing her tightly so he could spin her around.

"What took you so long?" She finally said with a tear-filled laugh. "Of course I'll marry you."