Hey there. So I saw Jurassic World not that long ago and it got me super inspired. I grew up watching the movies and being in love with dinosaurs so here I am. Just a warning, future chapters will get a little smutty but mostly just in flashback scenes and they'll be in italics. Thanks so much for reading please favorite and follow, and comments are always welcome.

"Emma Elizabeth Peterson, please tell me you're joking. You are not going to that dino-island to be a… a vet."

Emma rolled her eyes at her mother from across the dinner table and let out a sigh. "First off Mom, the island is Isle Nublar and it's Jurassic World. Second… I am not a vet! I already told you, they want me to watch them… study their behaviors. Besides, it's safe, they have been running for five years." Her mother scoffed and looked down at the table. Emma watched her for a second then stood from her chair and collecting her dishes from their grilled chicken and steamed vegetable dinner. "I've been there before, Mom. It looked great, secure." She headed towards the kitchen wishing her mother would just drop the conversation.

"They said that twenty years ago and look what happened." Her voice was hushed as if she didn't mean to say it. Emma brushed it off, knowing that things were different now. Besides, dinosaurs were her life. Ever since she was a kid she loved them. By the time she was five she could name Ankylosaurus to Stegosaurus and tell you what they ate. Her mother didn't always encourage it but she never stopped her.

"So are you taking me to the airport or should I just order a cab?" She asked as she opened the dishwasher and put her dishes inside.

Her mother let out a deep sigh and stepped into the kitchen with her plate in her hand. She looked Emma in the eye. "What time do you need to get up then and I'll make you breakfast?" Emma grinned. "I'm not letting you go hungry, we both know that airplane food isn't what it used to be."

"You got that right." Emma said while pulled her mother into a hug.

"Why couldn't you have just gotten into dolls like a normal girl?" They both laughed and Emma hugged her mother tighter.

Two Years Later

Emma woke up to the sound of her alarm. With a smile on her face she pulled herself out of her bed and walked across the wooden floorboards of her bungalow towards her bathroom. She shed her clothing and turned on her shower then hopped in and started washing up. Every day was like this. Emma loved her job and looked forward to each new day at work. The longer she watched the dinosaurs the more she realized they were a lot like normal animals. She had seen things on that island that she would have never believed if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. The park had a petting zoo for god's sake. She had been working there for a year and still couldn't wrap her head around it all. The thing that fascinated her most were the raptors they had on property. The four they had were just astounding.

Emma turned off the running water and wrapped a towel around her before stepping out of the shower. She walked over to the mirror and wiped it off with her hand so she could see herself. The vanity in her bathroom was so disorganized but without looking down she could pick up what she needed. She applied the small amount of makeup she always did and smiled at her reflection before she opened the bathroom door and stepped out with the towel still around her so she could get some clothes. As she reached her small closet she heard the floorboards by her front door creak. She whipped around and almost screamed when she saw someone standing there. She leapt behind the door of her closet and peaked her head out. "Have you heard of knocking, Grady?" The man with brown hair and green eyes stared back at her and grinned.

"I did, several times actually… you just didn't answer." Emma disappeared behind the door and let her towel fall to the ground. She pulled her underwear out of the small dresser she had inside the closet and put them on quickly followed by her cream colored tank top and her dark olive green cargo pants. "And I thought we agreed, no last names."

Emma rolled her eyes and stepped out from behind the door with a pair of socks and her belt in her hand. She sat on the bed and pulled her socks onto her feet as he walked closer to the bed. Owen Grady was the only real friend she had on the island. They were so close that their colleagues thought they were together. She met him the first month she was there and knew they were going to get along fairly well. He was a goofball and sometimes a complete idiot but he was really the only human interaction she had. It was a bonus that he was hot. She had often thought about what it would be like if they were together but quickly shook that thought away. They had been "together" before but didn't call it a relationship. To put it nicely they were friends with benefits, that was until Emma started having feelings for him and decided to call it off. Besides she almost lost him then and if it it didn't work out again she could lose him forever then she would be alone. "So what was just so exciting that you had to barge in and scare me to death?" She glanced up at him through her thick lashes and watched as he picked her necklace up off the nightstand.

"Your mom never told you who he was?" He was talking about her father. She shook her head as he handed the necklace to her. She looked at the gold shark tooth charm and smiled before putting it on. She never went a day without wearing it, knowing it was the only thing she had from her father.

"Mom used to say I got my love of dinosaurs from him." He nodding knowing that her mother was no longer around either. She had died not too long after Emma started working on Isle Nublar from a sudden heart attack. She cleared her throat and looked at the ground. "Now, you gonna tell me why you're here of not?"

"So demanding." She grinned and rolled her eyes. "I was in the cage with them." At first wat he said didn't register then her eyes widened with realization.

" .Way." She stood from the bed and looked at him in disbelief.

"Yeah fucking way." He grinned and she laughed.

"That is so amazing. What was it like? Did they listen to you? Did they tried to stare you down? Were you scared?!" The questions would have kept going if Owen didn't put up a hand to stop her.

"One question at a time sweetheart." He told her making her sigh.

"Fine… What happened that made you go in there?" Her excited hazel eyes landed on his green ones and she smiled.

"One of the feeding guys fell in. They surrounded him so I went in to call 'em off." So many questions were going through her head still. "You should have seen it, Emma."

"I don't know… I probably would have been scared to death." She said while putting on her belt.

"I'm glad you care for my safety." She elbowed him in the gut and walked over to the door where her work boots sat. "Why are you so mean to me?" His voice was filled with sarcasm.

"No, scared because who else would help me figure out what's up with my bike? And because I can be." He chuckled and she led him outside to where her motorcycle was. "You were supposed to come over and figure it out a long time ago but you never did." About a month ago Emma's bike started having some trouble and started stalling a lot.

"It still run?" She nodded. "We'll take it to my place, all my tools are there."

She looked around to see if he had driven his there. "You taking up walking?"

"Thought it would do me good for a day." She shook her head and chuckled.

"Let me go get the keys." She ran back inside and grabbed the keys off her nightstand before running back out, shutting and locking the door behind her. She tossed the keys to him then waited for him to get on the bike so she could get on behind him.

"You better hold on, Princess." She grinned as he revved it up and sped off. They arrived at his bungalow moments later. They got off her bike and Owen went to work on it almost immediately after he changed into a simple off white shirt. "When do you have to be to work?"

Emma shrugged. "I don't really have a scheduled day today. I was just going to walk around and waste time really." Owen chuckled. "I know, hard work, right?" She sat down in one of his many outdoor lounge chairs and smiled as she looked at the view of the lake. Her house was just out in the middle of the jungle. "How on earth did you get a better spot for your home than I did?"

"That's easy… I'm hot. It also helps that I was here a lot longer than you." Emma let out a short laugh and closed her eyes, letting her skin soak up the sun. If she wasn't mistaken Owen had been working on the island for about five years whereas she had only been there for a little over a year. She found herself thinking about the first time she had met Owen.

Claire was showing Emma around the island and they had made it to the raptor cages. "Mr. Grady can be a little… blunt, but he is really good with the raptors." At first Emma thought she meant he was just good at feeding them and watching over them but when they approached the stairs up to the catwalk above the enclosure she saw that there was much more to it. On the catwalk stood a man with a clicker in his left hand and a bucket near his feet. Emma looked over the railing to see four raptors staring up at him as if waiting for a command. She watched as he threw dead rats to them, one at a time. "Mr. Grady." Claire spoke up.

This "Mr. Grady" looked in their direction but quickly turned his attention back to the raptors below. "Alright, head out." He whistled once and the four animals ran off, calling to each other. "How nice of you Claire, you brought me a present."

Emma could see Claire roll her eyes making her want to laugh. "Mr. Grady this is Miss Peterson. She is here to study the behaviors of our assets on the island." Just then Claire's phone rang, just like it had almost every five minutes on Emma's tour. She answered it and stepped to the side.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Peterson." He stuck out his hand for her to shake.

She smiled as her hazel eyes landed on his green ones. "Please, call me Emma. Miss. Peterson sounds too much like my mother." She took his hand and shook it.

He grinned. "Owen." He let go of her hand and studied her. "I was hoping you weren't another last name freak." She let out a short laugh and glanced back at Claire who was oblivious to their conversation.

"It's pretty impressive, what you do." She motioned to the enclosure below them and rested her hands on her hips in a comfortable position.

"I know." For a second his expression was plain and very "matter-of-fact" but it eventually turned into a grateful smile. "Thanks, really. It's a lot of work."

"I can understand that. They respect you." His brow lifted in something that resembled amusement.

"They do. You have to give to get ya know? That's what a lot of these people don't understand. They think I command them but it's much more than that." Emma nodded as Claire walked over to them with the phone still near her ear.

"Mr. Grady, Miss Peterson, I am needed elsewhere right now and I'd hate to cut your tour short…"

"I could show her around the rest of the island." Owen said while glancing over at Emma.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind that. You seem pretty busy anyways, Claire." Emma put a hand on the other woman's shoulder.

"You wouldn't mind?" She shook her head. "You're a life saver." She looked over to Owen who smiled in response. "Thanks." She whispered before going back to the conversation on her phone as she walked back the way they had come.

"So… I bet she hasn't shown you any of the fun parts of the island." Emma bit the inside of her lip, fighting back the urge to smile at this good looking man. She shook her head and watched as he motioned for her to follow him. "Well that just won't do." As she followed him off the catwalk she knew this was the beginning of a great friendship.

Emma was pulled from her sleep but something hard landing on her lap. She sat up in her chair and looked at her lap to see a glass bottle of Coke. She looked over to see Owen smiling back before moving back to the bikes, now working on his own. "Mornin' sunshine. Have a nice siesta?"

"Sure did. How long was I out?" She suddenly heard the sound of tired of a gravel road and watched a car pull in and park about ten feet away from them. Emma squinted her eyes trying to see who it was through the glare on the windshield. "Is that Claire?" She asked when seeing the red colored hair of the woman in the driver's seat.

"Looks like it." He sighed. "What do they want now?" He asked loud enough so Claire could hear him.

"Miss Peterson, good you're here too. I need you two to come see something." Claire said while standing in front of them in her pristine white clothes.

"How many times do I have to tell you Claire, it's Emma, or even Em, I don't care which as long as it's not "Miss Peterson."" She heard Owen let out a short laugh making her grin.

"Alright, Emma… Owen… If you two aren't too busy..." She began.

"We're pretty busy." Emma stood up from her chair and gently hit Owen's arm.

"What is it Claire?" She asked, feeling Owen's gaze on her.

"We have a new species... we… made." She was swatting at a bug that was buzzing around her head. Owen walked up and swiftly caught it in his hand making Emma almost laugh.

"You just went and made a new dinosaur?" He sent a skeptical look towards Emma and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah it's kinda what we do here." Claire took a deep breath and continued. "The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks, Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you… well both of you." She looked from Owen to Emma.

"Consult with me?" Emma asked then paused. "And him? Have you met him?" Owen stuck his tongue out at Emma and she grinned in response.

"Mr. Masrani thinks that since you have studied the behaviors of all of the species we have and know what they're like you could help us evaluate its actions. And he thinks that since Mr. Grady can control the raptors that maybe he could…" Emma cut her off.

"Control it? Not the same." Owen was in the porch of his bungalow listening to the whole conversation. "Raptors are an intelligent species, they aren't controlled."

"It's mutual respect." Emma nodded, agreeing with Owen's words. "That's why we never had a second date." Emma's jaw dropped open and she looked at Claire and back to Owen. "Who prints out an itinerary on the first date?"

Claire was getting defensive. "I am an organized person!"

"And what kind of diet doesn't allow tequila?" As confused as Emma was, she still kinda found this entertaining.

After a while of their bickering Emma interrupted. "Alright kids! Shall we get this over with?"

Claire sighed and nodded then walked closer to Owen. "You might want to change your shirt. They're sensitive to smell." Emma snickered and watched as she walked back to her car to wait for them.

"Why did you ever have a first date with her anyways?" Owen chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Because I knew you wouldn't go with me." His tone wasn't sarcastic but it wasn't serious either.

"Ha ha very funny." She was standing just in front of him. "But she's right…" She inhaled through her nose. "You should change." She was joking of course and he knew that. He ducked into his bungalow and returned moments later with the same shirt he was wearing that morning. "C'mon hotshot, let's go see what all the rave is about." They walked over to the car and Emma got in the back set while Owen took the passenger seat.

"Seatbelts." Claire said making Emma want to roll her eyes. She clipped it on anyways and sat back, trying to contain the excitement she felt for being able to see a new species.