This story is around the time when Lucy changed her original hairstyle to pigtails. I welcome criticising just make it decent, I don't own FT and I did this as accurately in character I could. Enjoy.

"Uh guys, is Natsu acting strange to you or is it just me?" Lucy asked all too knowing of the pink haired wizard staring into her back.

"Now that you mention it…." Levy replied, trying not to look directly at the man of topic.

"How long has he been like this?" Mira-Jane asked.

"A while now, its starting to creep me out." She whispered hoping his dragon ears wouldn't hear. The script mage observed Natsu's vision direction.

"It seems to me that he is staring at you Lucy."


"(Gasp) maybe Natsu has fallen for you" squealed the bar maid.

The celestial mage's cheeks started to burn like the colour of Natsu's hair and at the temperature of his flames.

"Don't say that so loud Mira, there's no way, besides, that doesn't look like the gaze of an admirer." The three took note of this fact and continued.

"Well has anything happened recently between you two that might have triggered this?" Levy asked taking a sip from her drink. The poor mage shook her head and groaned.

"Not that I know of."


"What is it Mira?" Both mages looked up towards the thinking wizard.

"His position…." Both being confused, Levy and Lucy looked over at the grumpy dragon slayer. His scarf covered his mouth and went up to his nose. His arms were folded under his chin supporting his head and he was slouched in his seat.

"What about it?" Lucy asked

"It just seems familiar is all, maybe its nothing." She finished, now starting to clean the counter.

"Actually, it does look familiar."

"Really, will that help in some way?" Lucy's voice was coated in hope.

"Sorry Lu-chan but I can't really pinpoint on where I have seen it from."

"Groan." The blonde's head now rested on the counters surface, just like how her hopes had come crashing down.

"Hey don't worry Lu-chan, knowing Natsu, whatever the issue is he'll get over it soon enough."

"Yeah, I suppose."

Suddenly an idea popped into her head.

"Hey, maybe Happy knows." Lucy scanned the guild hall in search of the blue cat. Sure enough she found the little exceed munching on a fish a fair distance away from Natsu. Lucy got up from her seat and went over to ask a few questions.

"Hey Happy."

"Hi Lucy." replied the cat with his mouth stuffed.

"I'm just asking but, do you know why Natsu is acting weird?" Happy looked passed Lucy and saw Natsu still in the same position but his eyes clearly glaring at Lucy. He swallowed his bite.

"Actually I've tried asking Natsu about that, he seems to always be glaring at you." Lucy felt a chill at that last sentence.

"And, what did he say?"

"He just kept mumbling "I'm not good with change." Lucy was now very puzzled and disappointed.

"Is that all he'd say?" Happy nodded and continued to eat his fish. But before the confused Lucy walked away, Happy pointed out an idea.

"You could just ask him, but I doubt he'd say anything different." With that he ate his fish.