Hello! I'm back and with a new chpter! I hope you like it! Also because i wrote it before we learn more about Hayden's life i put diffrent background story.

Shoutout from Chapter 1:

Guest: Thank you for reviewing! I hope you like this chapter!

Renesmee's Theory: Thank you for reviewing! And i ship them too! Also i like your user name! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

heidilovesreading: Thank you for reviewing! I want more stories with them too! I hope you like this chapter!

bxnsheedunbxr: Thank you for reviewing! I hope you like this chapter!

SibunaGleekR5er: Thank you for reviewing! I hope you like this chapter! And i love your name...and i'm an R5er too! Also i used to want House Of Anibus too!

Thank you for reviewing and the 4 favorites and 5 follows! I hope you like this chapter too!



Hayden POV

I was with my friends, Mia and Marcus and Leo. Mia and Marcus were twins while Leo was my ex boyfriend who is now dating Mia…yeah it was not an important relationship so I can keep grudges so we continue being friends.

So me and Mia were showing the guys the latest dance routine we learnt in our dance class with the song Come and Get It from Selena Gomez. When suddenly we heard a sound of cans being knocked over, we run to look what it was in my back yard but we found nothing….which was suspicious for me.

Yeah, I used to take karate classed in order to survive in the foster system which was pretty awful till I manage to get placed into a group home with six other kids and my friends.

Suddenly Daniel jumped behind the garage's door and scared us to death!

"You! Stop it!" I yelled at him who was laughing his ass off and on the ground while holding a camera.

"You girls dance like strippers…you should consider it as a carrier, you know!" He said as she stood up and run as I started chasing him.

He run out of the house when I manage to put him down and stand on him.

"Give the camera, Daniel!" I said panting from running.

"No! Make me!" He said laughing and shook the camera on my face took it away when I attempt to take it.

"What do you want? Money? I'll do your chores for a week!" I told him looking him serious.

"Kiss me." He said suddenly sober.

"Excuse me?" I asked caught off guard.

Daniel was the same age as me and he was one of the six kids living in the group home I was in. He was the trickster in the whole house and unfortunately I shared my room with him…

"You heard me. Kiss me, now!" He said serious but the part where he said "now" was a whisper.

He was looking at me expecting…then I leaned in and kissed him, he kissed back but we were cut by a sound of a gasp and a bike falling down.

"Hayden?" a voice I knew all to well said…Liam.

Liam and I never gotten along…but right now judging by his face…which was like he got hit the worst news of his life…I felt guilty.

Why he is acting that way?

"Hey, Liam! What's up?" I said casually…faking it actually.

"I will see you inside…and you don't get the camera, sucker!" Daniel said and run inside but I made a step to chase him when I remembered Liam.

"I was riding my bike and I fell because you two decided to make out in the middle of the road! I didn't know you dated Daniel?" Liam said angry!

"Why you care if I date anyone or not? And you don't look hurt to me so take your ass and continue your ride! See you at school!" I told him as started walking away. I heard him saying something under his breath which I couldn't understand.

Why he acted like a cheated on him? Does he have feeling for me?

Why I felt guilty? Do I like him? I mean I used to have a crush on him a few months ago but I thought I got over it why suddenly I feel like I did something wrong?

Those thoughts kept replaying in my head all day and at night I saw the weirdest dream…


I was walking in the halls of my school when suddenly I saw Liam and a blonde girl talking but when he looked at me his smirked and kissed that girl. I froze in place.

I felt something wet dripping off my face when I saw it were my tears. I was crying.

"You liked that, didn't you? This how I feel when I see you with that Daniel guy! Why can't you see I like you?" Suddenly Liam's voice was heard from behind me and I turned surprised to see him like I saw him this morning with his bike in his hands.

"W..What do you mean?" I asked dumfounded.

"I like you, Hayden but you are too oblivious to notice it!" He said and looked at me slightly angry.

"Y…you like me? That's impossible! You hate me! We are supposed to hate each other!" I told him as I tried to shook him by his shoulders but my hands past through him like he was a ghost.

"Liam?!" I asked confused and scared.

"WAKE UP, HAYDEN!" A voice was sound from the speakers of the school.

I looked around me and suddenly I was wet with water!

Dream end:

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled once my eyes flew open and I saw Daniel with a basket of icy water and a smirk on his face.

"Liam?! Oh! Liam?!" He mimicked my voice and kissed the bucket.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You were dreaming about a guy named Liam? OH! The guy we saw this morning! He looked pretty pissed!" He said as he followed me around but stopped at the doorway of the bathroom.

"He was pissed because we were the reason he fell off his bike! We were in the middle of the road!" I yelled to him from inside the bathroom.

"I would say otherwise! He was pissed because he likes you and he saw you kissing me!" He said laughing. My eyes widen and I open the door and glare at him!

"He doesn't like me! WHAT'S UP WITH EVERYONE! I DON'T LIKE HIM AND HE DOESN'T LIKE ME!" I yelled at his face which had a smirked and I growled and smacked the door closed to his face!

Time Skip:

As I walked inside the school and went to my locker I found Liam there talking with Mason about something super important but scenes from my dream and his face when he saw me with Daniel came back like a flood that cause me to blush….so I hurried away but bumped into someone once I looked up I saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Alina….I'm new. Do you know where the Principal's office?" She said with a shy smile.

"Um…yes! Follow me. I'm Hayden by the way." I told her with a smile and we passed in front of Liam and I catch him looking at me angry.

"Emmm…without wanting to put my nose somewhere it shouldn't….who was the hot guy that looked at you?" Alina asked and I felt my blood boil.

What the hell?

"His name is Liam but he is bad news…you better stay away from him. You'll get in trouble if you don't…I know I did." I told her with angry tone and she looked at me with sympathy and curiosity mixed all together.

Why did I do that? I mean I don't like Liam so why I want to keep the fan girls away from him?

"Here is the office! See you around, Alina" I said with a fake smile but as I turned to leave Liam's hand grab me and dragged me to the nearest janitor's closet.

Once we were inside he looked at me really angry and he grabbed me and pushed me into the wall and then kissed me hungrily.

What the fuck? Why am I kissing him back?

Why do I enjoy it so much!?

Holy Shit!

When he pulled away I looked at him lost and shocked and not to mention he was so close I couldn't move an inch further away from the wall. Also his hands held tight my waist and that send sparks all over my body and my mind going blank.

"Now, why you said to that new girl to stay away from me? Because she was kinda hot!" He said with a low angry voice that made me gulp and looked at him from my eyelashes.

"Because you are trouble and a dick head!" I said with my best strong voice and tried to push him off me.

"Oh! Here I thought you wanted me for yourself…I guess the feeling isn't mutual then." He said with a low voice and smirked when my face became confused.

Wait, he wants me for himself? What a man cave behavior!

"What?" I whispered and he sigh and stepped back giving me room to breathe fresh air and stood up from the wall I was pinned on.

"Hayden, I'm sick of this! Do you like me or not?" He said and his usual self.

I stood there looking at him. Do I like him? Maybe…because I feel like keeping all the fan girls away from him so just he can pay attention to me and only me.

"Let me make it easier for you… do you feel jealous when you see me talking to other girls? Even when you know they don't mean a thing?" He said and he came closer again causing me to glue to the wall.

"Yes, I do." I told him with a whispered and I saw him smile.

"What? I didn't hear it…" He smirked and I huffed at him.

"YES! Yes I like you!" I told him and he smiled and kissed me again.

Unfortunately our kiss was interrupted by the principal looking at us angrily.

"You two, detention after school! Now back to your classes!" She yelled at us and we both hurried off but once we were out of hearing range, Liam kissed me again and then wave as he walked into his class while I run for my PE lesson.