A Not-So Perfect Modern Fairytail

It was a cool September morning. The birds were clearly singing through the crack in the window, and a breeze was blowing the curtains to the side. The owner of the house sighed, feeling slightly cold as he curled into his silk sheets further. He frowned, opening his eyes.

He couldn't remember opening his window. In fact, he wouldn't have left his window even unlocked, because it would mean robbery. He was smart with his money, and he wasn't about to let anyone take from it.

He sat up, his chest bare as the blankets pooled to his waist. His frown deepened as he took in the state of his room. Jace Herondale was a neat man, labeled as OCD by his coworkers. By the looks of his room, it certainly looked like someone broke in. Clothes were piled on the floor, the drawers they were once in open hazardously. He sighed heavily, grateful he was smart enough to buy the best safe in the market. It would be the first place he checked.

He reached for the pistol underneath his mattress, preloaded, but left uncocked and on safety.

Mr. Herondale first walked to the window, but was disturbed. It was still locked. There was no crack in the window, and was unable to be lifted. "What the hell?" he muttered.

Nonetheless, he walked out of his bedroom, heading to the closet where his safe was first. It was left locked, and $4,829 remained in the safe, as well as his shotgun.

It couldn't have been a breakin, as his most valuable possessions still remained in place and in his home. Surely he would've been alerted during his sleep by loud noises.

A tinkling giggle was heard behind him.

He whirled around, and a tiny girl sat on the counter. He lifted the pistol, his aim perfection.

The girl tutted, and Jace took a moment to examine her properly. She couldn't have been older than he, and he was only twenty-seven. Her red hair was like fire, and was as wild as one. Her green eyes were unique, and seemed as if they burned into his soul. "Silly prince," she giggled. "You know only iron can even injure our kind."

His eyebrow furrowed. Prince? It was wrong. Sure, Jace was the CEO of two companies, one obtaining to perfume and the other having to do with men's clothing. "Excuse me?"

"Oh my!" she giggled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, and sliding off the counter. "He doesn't remember. Isn't that funny, Isabelle?"

The air shimmered for a moment before a black haired beauty appeared next to her.

Jace stumbled back in shock, tripping over the rug behind him and landing flat on the floor. The two girls erupted into laughter, clapping their hands excitedly. "I'm going insane," he breathed.

"Yes!" the black haired girl chortled - Jace assumed her name was Isabelle based on the red haired girl's calling. "Yes!"

Jace swallowed thickly, feeling woozy. He was supposed to be getting ready for work, not talking to imaginary friends. "You know what, I'm going to close my eyes and you're both going to be gone."

"Whatever you say, Jace," the redhead sang.

He closed his eyes, breathing in and out three times before opening them again.

They were still there. He wanted to scream in frustration. It was only at this moment he realized how oddly clothed they were. Isabelle was dressed in pure leather, a hood placed on top of her black hair, and her hair spilling out of it. The hood casted shadows across her face, revealing nothing her pale skin. A bow was strapped to her back, along with a quiver of arrows. a dagger was sheathed into belt. Wings protruded from her back, a black mixed with purple. She gave off an air of danger.

The redhead, however, was dressed beautifully. Her gown was silver, long sleeved, but leaving her shoulders bare. The sleeves were ombre from silver into blue. Golden markings inked her skin and on the left side of her face were intricate markings framing her hairline. A crown made of flowers and leaves sat upon her head. Her hands and feet were bare, and red markings inked both. Wings also sprouted out of her back, light and delicate. They were a mixture of white and gold. She was beautiful from a second glance.

He swallowed thickly. For some odd reason, he felt a connection to the small girl in front of him. "Okay, I'm officially insane. I'm imagining faeries. I'm going to go get dressed." The two girls giggled, and as Jace walked down the hall, he heard Isabelle speak, "I must go return to the seer of all. You are to watch over him."

The redhead responded into a sad and remorseful voice. "I just got him back after a thousand years. Must you really think I would leave him? Besides," her voice took on a rougher tone, "I'm your princess, you do not order me around. Is that understood, General Lightwood?"'

"Yes, ma'am," the other replied.

A flitter could be heard, and the redhead flew above him before landing on his bed. Jace blushed, realizing he was only in his underwear. He scampered to find some slacks amidst the mess on the floor. It was terribly hard to remember that the magnificent creature before him was just a pigment of his imagination. She felt so real.

She chuckled dryly. "Jace, dear, you realize I have seen you in much less."

He gawked at her, his mission to find pants forgotten. He cleared his throat awkwardly before muttering, "Of all things I conjure up, I imagine a damn faerie who claims to have gotten into my pants. Well, I have something for you, Red! I've got a fiance!"

Her mouth opened in shock, and a hand went up to cover it. She swallowed thickly before turning away. From behind, her wings looked much more beautiful, but Jace didn't have time to process this. Instead, she vanished into thin air. All that was left of her was a single sob.

Once Upon a Time

"You must think I am stupid!" The dark prince roared angrily.

The small faerie quivered below him. She was a light faerie, from another faerieland across the deep oblivion that separated the two lands. Her head was bowed and the white flowers that circled her flaming hair announced her as a princess.

He, however, was one of the most terrifying in both lands. He seemed light, his blonde hair and golden eyes, but inside his soul was black. He made even serial killers shake in their boots - regret their actions.

"No," she said, and though she was quivering, her voice remained strong. "My mother-"

"Can go rot in hell," Jace hissed. "You come to the Dark Lands and expect not to be kidnapped. You're a Light Faerie, and a princess!"

She looked up. Her eyes remained closed, and for this, he was grateful. Light Faeries could blind the Dark by opening their eyes. The eyes revealed the soul in the Light, something to pure for the Dark to see. "If these knights do not let me go, I will blind you, Dark Prince."

"I fight blindfolded. If you make me blind, it will only make me angry," Jace growled. "Take her away."

The knights nodded and the black doors closed behind them.

The Dark Prince sighed, content with his duties. "Lauren?"

A young human servant appeared next to him. "Yes my Prince?" she asked, not meeting his eyes.

He grinned cruelly. "Take me to bed."