She always enjoyed to shop and be on top of the fashion trends. Usually, she went alone, but Mimi decided perhaps she'll take someone who wouldn't typically go shopping in order to pull him away from that laptop he's always tapping away on. Izzy was not typically seen at a mall unless he needed things for his laptop. Mimi found this as a way to get closer to him. They didn't communicate much out of the digital world topic.

When she lived in America, she and Izzy would occasionally talk over webcam. Of course occasionally meant probably twice a week. That gave enough time between their calls for things to happen. Mimi enjoyed the times she could spend time with the other digidestined through skype too, talking about her American friends, the fashion there, and the little things Americans do that are different from things in Japan.

That day, she stood at the train station waiting for Izzy. She had lied, saying others would be joining them, in hopes to coax him into it. He was on the fence about it at first, but eventually agreed to go. When spotting him, Mimi hurried over, "So you didn't flake! I was beginning to think you did."

"Well, it'd be rude of me to not show up or to suddenly cancel without reason, so here I am." He gestured his arms out and then let them down. They stood there for a minute, awkwardly looking at each other then looking around.

"Let's get on the train, I already got tickets." Mimi grinned at him and held up the little pieces of paper. He laughed slightly and thanked her.

"How much was mine, I'll pay yo-"

"On me, Izzy." Mimi put his ticket in his hand and held up a peace sign, "Let's hurry before we miss the train!"

Izzy smiled softly while they walked to the train. It was kind of her to pay for his ticket, they were friends of course, but he couldn't help but feel bad about it. However, he kept his mouth shut about it, he didn't want to upset her by pestering her to let him pay back. Instead he'd buy her ticket for the train back most likely.

When finally getting to the train, the two got on while they had the chance. They took some seats close to the door and sat together. Izzy broke the silence between them, "I'm guessing, based on the fact it's just us, that everyone else had to cancel?"

"No, I just didn't invite anyone else." Mimi shrugged, "Figured we should spend some one on one time together."

Izzy looked at her, his head tilted slightly down, "You know, I'm not entirely surprised at this. You talked about shopping with me many times in the past, only back then you wanted to do it to give me a better wardrobe."

Mimi giggled and nodded, "Yeah, but that isn't happening ever, is it?"

"Chances are slim." Izzy chuckled back to her. They sat in content silence on their way to the Shibuya district in Tokyo. Izzy looked at his watch then looked to Mimi, "How long is this train ride anyway?"

"Um, I think it said 50 minutes?" Mimi thought back to buying the tickets.

"Oh wow. This'll be awhile." Izzy looked out the window behind them.

"Yeah, now if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep. I woke up very early this morning and it's just starting to hit me." Mimi yawned and leaned on him ever so slightly.

"Oh, go ahead." Izzy nodded. She fell asleep on his shoulder, so he kept from moving his right arm as to make sure she didn't wake up from disruption. He would fiddle on his phone with his left hand, but there wasn't much to do. He somehow didn't realize he got a text from Tai earlier. Izzy remembered he'd been too preoccupied with meeting Mimi that his mind must not have realized the text. When he opened it, he laughed a bit.

'Yo Izzy, are you busy? Matt, TK, Davis, and I are going to the movies later. Joe can't come, he's studying.'

Izzy started typing away on his phone, 'Sorry, I'm going with Mimi to the Shibuya district so she can shop. The train ride can be up to an hour long. Why not take Cody, Sora, Kari or Yolei?' He sent the text and waited reply. A few minutes later, his phone buzzed in his hand.

'Well, Matt said Sora is spending the day with her mom and Kari made plans with Yolei to hang out with their friends. Cody is a little young for the movie we're seeing. Why'd you agree to SHOPPING with MIMI?'

Izzy shook his head at his energetic friend, 'She invited me and assumed others were coming, but she lied so we're on our own. She did it so we could have our one on one time, she's sleeping right now.'

Tai was quick to reply this time, 'Yeah, okay, but shopping with her will be busy. I mean BUSY. You better be ready to hold all those bags and boxes.'

Izzy rolled his eyes, 'Tai, it's nothing I can't handle. I helped her through a maze while she was extremely mad at me and we got through it fine. Shopping is no big deal compared to everything in the digital world.'

Tai's response only said, 'If you say so...' and if Izzy could remember correctly, Tai hadn't mentioned a shopping trip with Mimi. Then again, they all went to one before she went to America. She did buy a lot, but maybe things had changed.

Finally the individual on the intercom spoke, "We are now arriving in the Shibuya district." and Izzy shook Mimi awake.

"We're here?" She yawned.

"That would be correct. Let's hurry." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the train. Once they stepped off, he let go. Mimi hugged his arm. Shocked, Izzy looked to her.

"I don't want us to get separated, calm down." Mimi snickered. He knew his reaction was a little too much, he felt slightly embarrassed for the sudden response to contact.

Izzy finally replied, "Uh, yeah, good idea. Don't want an accident like the first time we all returned from the digital world."

"Oh when we got food? That may have been troublesome for you and Joe, but the rest of us enjoyed it." Mimi pulled him through the crowd and lead him across the station.

Izzy sighed, "Yeah, but we had no money left and weren't sure how to get home."

"Oh c'mon, we're still alive today. Speaking of food, let's get some!" Next thing he knew, Mimi was taking lefts and rights, looking for a certain place.

"What are you looking for?" Izzy finally asked when she took out her phone.

"A place called Tamawarai." Mimi typed the name in her phone.

Izzy looked around them to see if it was around them. Suddenly, he was jerked by Mimi who was hurrying towards the restaurant. Upon arriving, they were already mistaken as a couple.

"Table for two then?" The hostess asked curiously.

"Yes please." Mimi nodded, acting oblivious to the situation they were being put in.

"We have a nice table over here. A nice, romantic setting." The hostess set down menus and left the two of them.

"Why'd you want to come here anyway?" Izzy asked while taking his seat. Mimi sat across from him and pointed to something on the menu. Izzy groaned when he read it, "Natto soba?"

Mimi pulled back sharply, "I like natto and yakisoba, so why not? I read about it. I'm hoping it's as great as people make it out to be!"

After an hour or so in the restaurant, the two paid for their meals and left. Mimi latched onto him again, taking him to all the stores she wanted to visit. She would go back and forth on certain dresses or shoes, trying on several pieces of clothing, buying shirts, tights, most things she thought were cute. Meanwhile, Izzy had stayed patient with her, not complaining about carrying the bags or boxes. Although his expression did not match these feelings of patience, Mimi knew he was trying his hardest to stay tolerant to her constant whines when he is too far behind or when they don't have her size in stock. Izzy already knew what it was like for her to blow up on him and that, when she wanted attention, she could be very moody. Luckily, they both got through the day without angering one another. In fact, they could both describe the day as enjoyable. They had many laughs together and Izzy even allowed her to suggest an outfit for him to buy (needless to say, she sold it so well he just had to buy it).

The two were back on the train, on their way home after a long day of shopping. Izzy strategically found a way to reduce Mimi's amount of bags and boxes to only two boxes and three bags to carry by using space in the bigger bags. Izzy only had one bag compared to the amount Mimi had, yet he still carried her things. Perhaps he just got swept up in everything going on and forgot they were hers, but he knew that wasn't it. He convinced himself he was only being a gentleman.

Mimi noticed Izzy's troubled expression, "Are you tired? You can sleep if you want."

Izzy looked to her, "You don't want to sleep?" When she shook her head he grinned, "Yeah, that'd be nice to sleep. Wake me when we're close to Odaiba." He leaned against her slightly and closed his eyes. Mimi smiled to herself gladly and proceeded to braid her hair to pass time while looking out the window. Every once in a while, Izzy would stir or shift slightly, but he never opened his eyes from what Mimi could tell.

Upon hearing the word 'Odaiba,' Mimi shook Izzy awake. He slowly opened his eyes. Mimi smirked and told him, "We'll be in Odaiba soon, wake up!"

"Yeah, I figured. Thank you for waking me up." Izzy straightened up and yawned. The train came to a stop and the person on the intercom welcomed them back to Odaiba. Mimi and Izzy had their things in hand and stepped off the train.

"Thanks for not complaining or ditching me today. I had fun." Mimi told him.

"As did I, today was quite entertaining for it being shopping." Izzy nodded in agreement, looking down at her to reply.

Mimi rose a brow, "When did you need to start looking down at me?"

Izzy also rose a brow and then looked up, putting a hand on his chin. He thought for a moment before responding, "I'm not quite sure, sometime between your visit when Diaboromon returned and when you moved back I believe." Mimi puffed out her cheeks, causing Izzy to laugh, "The probability of me being taller was greater than you being perpetually taller."

She snickered and sighed, "Yeah, but it's still surprising on how fast it happens."

"I agree, so much can happen over years and we've both been around for each other for those events, but not always physically." Izzy continued walking with her, holding her things along with his own again.

"But it was still pleasant that way. It's always good to keep in contact with important people." Mimi hooked their arms when they went through a crowd.

"Which of us did you talk to more often anyway? I knew you talked to all of us often, but we all could never figure out who had the most contact with you." Izzy wasn't fazed by Mimi's actions at this point, they had been doing it all day.

Mimi thought for a moment, "Hm, I think it was you, Izzy. You were always easily accessible and awake at the later hours in this time zone. Also you listen more than you talk, so that let me vent more out to you."

Izzy blushed slightly but played it off with a quick response, "Yeah, that seems about right. There were times the others didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned the things you told me."

"Well, I'd tell you all information I wouldn't tell the others, so it doesn't surprise me."

"What are you implying?"

"I told you stuff I didn't tell Tai, Matt, or TK. I would tell Sora or Kari things I wouldn't tell any of you guys." Mimi shrugged.

"Seems reasonable." Izzy nodded.

Izzy had decided he'd walk Mimi home. It was close enough to his apartment, so why not? When arriving at her door, the two hugged goodbye and he parted holding a single bag containing the outfit Mimi suggested he buy. He called his home phone to inform his parents he was on his way back currently.

Soon enough he was at home and sitting in front of his laptop, staring at an old love letter he wrote in his younger years. He laughed when he remembered the events that occurred when everybody found out he was typing one. Mimi was so set on it being about her because she believed everyone liked her and that one day every boy on Earth will be bowing down to her. Tai was knocking down every possibility of it being Sora or Kari, even the digimon were involved. He decided he'd go back and read it. Every once in a while he'd cringe because of what he wrote, thinking it cheesy or just plain ridiculous. Izzy thought for a moment before making the choice of rewriting it, except this time he'd give it to the recipient he planned on giving it to years ago.

A/N: hello (n˘v˘•)¬ I have begun a fanfiction. I don't typically share the things I write, but I could use the critiques to help with my writing projects in the future! Don't hold back. I will also try to update as much as I can. It's difficult to find Koumi stories on occasions, so I hope I can stick with this! Also, the love letter from the past thing was from a drama CD ^^' I hope you all don't mind! Thank you for reading ∩(︶▽︶)∩