CH.13: Berk and the future finale

The thunder clapped above and Hiccup could swear that Thor was having a bad day; he wasn't having the best day either. His father had told him some startling news and as he stood there with a few other archers he stared out at the boat that was carrying a body along to Vahalla. Snotlout was crying but he blamed it on the steady downpour of rain. Tuffnut and Ruffnut appeared uncertain how to feel but they held back any comedic remark or anything about their bodies, thankfully. Fishlegs was with Meatlug and he was crying into her. The loss of one of their own was never an easy thing.

Right now Gobber had fitted him with an eyepatch for his eye. The cornea had been scratched up pretty badly so it would take a bit for it to properly be used. And it was because of this he had been grounded till his eye healed enough for him to fly properly. He had taken a risk using his dragon flight suit to save Roland and get control of Hookfang…it was also that reasoning that also kept him off the back of anyone's dragon to boot.

"Today we send a brave soul to Vahalla…their deeds in battle were truly ones Thor himself would clap upon. The steady downpour of rain is the deep sadness we all feel…some more than others. This is a heavy loss for us and we will always treasure this person for what they gave us…what they still give us by their legacy. We carry a part of this person in us…and till the day we go to Vahalla ourselves there is no stopping the bond we share for that individual…furthermore…"

Hiccup sniffed as he looked on at the boat and pulled back on the bow watching as the arrow lit on fire was readying its path to sending the person to Vahalla. Biting on his lower lip to keep himself from falling apart he let loose the arrow along with several others till it hit its mark lighting the boat up and another thunder clap followed.

Lowering his arrow he places his hand down and someone slides their hand into it. "Sorry I was late…Gobber kept asking me if I wanted his handiwork on my arm, but I told him it was in need of mending that was all."

Hiccup smiled as he gave Astrid's hand a squeeze. When his father had told him the news his first reaction was that it was Astrid that had passed. She had been severely wounded along with Alvin…whom was now heading to Vahalla. The wounds he had suffered against Roland were too severe and he passed a little after he was into the race with Roland.

"It is with great sadness that we send Alvin the Treacherous…a friend, a brother, a member of this family that we shall never forget to the next life. Let his greeting to Vahalla be grand and loud just like him…he might have been an enemy of Berk…but he redeemed himself and came to our aide a number of times. Rest well my friend…you earned it."

"Dragons…light a way for our friend!" Hiccup wiped at his eye and all the dragons fired a few shots into the sky. It was hard for dragon's to understand the concept of human loss but they did comply with the request to help out when needed. Hiccup had personally trained them all to do this on cue…it was not the first Viking funeral they had overseen…and it likely would not be the last.

"Go be with your father Hiccup…I'll be with Gobber…he looks like he needs someone right now," Astrid moved off to join him and Hiccup saw him breaking down. Smiling softly he goes over to where his father stands overlooking the ocean as the boat disappears from sight.

"You think you get used to seeing loved ones go away," Stoik says as he sniffs, "but when you reach my age…it becomes a constant burden on your heart. The day your mother was taken from us…I wept till there were no more tears to cry…from that day I hardened myself to never let that kind of hurt enter my life again. Every now and then though some hurt seeps in…opens old wounds and I am reminded of your mother…"

"I miss her too dad…but…it is ok to cry. Oh sure Vikings are strong and hide their emotions…but…then again they also killed dragons and other Vikigns…and we don't do either anymore. I think it is ok to cry…when the occasion calls for it…I mean it makes us human right?" Hiccup placed a hand on his father's shoulder and smiled.

"When did you become the parent?" His father asked incredulous. Hiccup shrugged as he hugged his father and the two of them just stood there for a bit.

"I just know keeping things bottled up does no one any good…we'll get through this dad, we always do. Alvin may be gone…but…you and Gobber can still tell tales of him to keep people reminded of who he was."

"You are right son…Alvin will not be forgotten. You know…you'd make a pretty good Chief you know that?" He wore that grin of his and Hiccup knew this was not a conversation he wanting to have right now.

"I think I'll go see what Astrid is up to…we'll talk about this later dad," Hiccup hurried along not sure why as he left but he had a feeling this topic would be broached again soon. He wasn't sure he was ready to be Chief…just the idea seemed permanent, which it was, still…there was still so much left to explore and find in that great expanse.

"How did it go with your father?" Astrid asked once he joined her. Taking her hand in his he led her away from everyone so they could grieve in their own way. It looked like Snotlout and Fishlegs were both hugging Ruffnut.

"He is dealing…more or less…" Hiccup didn't feel like telling her what his father had brought up, whether it was a joke or not or just simple fatherly praise he'd learn more than tell her. It could be the whole losing someone thing too…but…the thought of losing his father, no, he refused to think of that as he had already lost a mother.

"Gobber was the same way…though I might need a new shirt…" Hiccup noted the tear stains and cracked a smile. "Oh you think this is funny do you…well…yeah I suppose it is."

The two of them smiled and stopped walking once they were far enough away. The rain continued to pour down all around them and Toothless and Stormfly brought their wings up to help them out from getting drenched, well, more then they were.

"Astrid…you and I have been through a lot together…through high and lows…and I just want to say thank you. You were patient with me…saw through all my flaws and imperfections and you never once pushed me down for them-."

"Well there was that one time…but yeah you are right…go on," she said with a playful smile. Hiccup went to place his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes with his one good eye, he liked what he saw and he kissed her softly under the wings of their dragons.

He wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted but as he pulled back he placed his head against hers. "Astrid…I know this is lousy timing for me to say this now of all places…but…"

Astrid placed a finger to his lip and he mumbled what he was about to say. "Save your breath Dragon Master…we'll have plenty of time to tell each other how we truly feel. Right now I just want to be kissing you…ok?"

Hiccup nodded his head and kissed her again. The rain was finally beginning to let up and the sun began to poke through their dragon's wings. As the wings parted Hiccup wasn't even aware that people were watching them till Toothless made a noise. Pulling back he blushes and he holds Astrid close to him.

"It is about time," Snotlout grinned, "I moved a lot faster than you but…I couldn't picture Astrid being with anyone else but you Hiccup. Well done."

"It appears Thor approves of this," Stoik chimed in, "the thunder and rain are gone and he is smiling down at you two. When is the wedding?"

"Uh dad…Astrid and I will be taking this slowly…right Astrid?" Hiccup looked at her and saw she was looking at her hand.

"You know Hiccup your father does have a point, so, I was thinking the sooner the better right? I mean c'mon, we waited this long to start dating…if we wait as long as we did when it came to dating we'll be pretty old don't you think? Gobber think you can fix me up something bridal like for my hand?"

"Astrid…dad…anyone?" Hiccup ran his hand through his hair and everyone started to laugh. Astrid then punched him in the arm and he smiled.

"Relax babe…we'll get there…just not today." Astrid kissed his cheek and together the group made their way back to the village…for now it looked like things were finally turning up good for the better.

Roland groaned as his blindfold was removed and he saw he was in the court of the very person who gave him the assignment in the first place. "What is the meaning of this?"

"You were brought here for failing your mission," Eret pointed out, the young man was one of Drago's trusted. He was muscular and quite sure of himself; skilled at capturing dragons for Dragon and his purposes, to which he only had snippets of guesses at his disposal. Drago was not a sharing type of guy.

"Look I captured the son of Stoik and was holding him for ransom…how was I to know a rescue mission would be held by Berk brats…including my nephew-."

"You also failed to bring in any dragons," Eret pointed out with his hands splayed out, "I mean Roland I thought you said you came from Berk…knew your way through it…would take care of Stoik personally-."

"Complications arose…I sacrificed my second in command to attack the Berk Guard…but I was foiled-."

"I am hearing excuses…and if Drago were here he would not be tolerable of all this failure." Eret was working on his last nerve and as he rose up eyeing the room to see what his chances were of strangling him he saw a figure rising up from the shadows.

"I have heard enough," the raspy voice said, "step forward Roland…and accept your judgement in the court of Drago Bludvist." Roland shivered and as he brushed past Eret he climbed up the steps, they were now outside and the figure walked away with his back to him.

"Look Drago it was a minor set back…send me back and I'll do it right this time," Roland stopped short of bumping into the man with the long hair and an arm stiff and unmoving at his side.

"Failure does not opt for another chance, for you would likely make the same mistakes and stumbles and what do I gain from that? A war is coming Roland and everyone here plays an important role, your role has ended."

Roland glowered at him and as he thought to leap at him the man was buck to bring a blade just under his chin, aimed right at his jugular. "How did you-?"

"I could smell your intent, anticipate your moves, you are easy to read Roland. You want power…but power comes from obedience and you are always out for yourself…especially when you are set to follow someone else's rules. Who provided you with the ships necessary to take Berk…who gave you the man power to cut through to the village? Some of my finest men went with you…and they either fell or were captured. Your fate is…death."

Roland would contend with that but Drago was already done with him as he waved some sort of staff in the air and his voice rang hoarse like. Down below he noted the churning bubbles and he felt a sliver of fear claim his body. "What is down there?"

"It is not Vahalla…if that is what you seek," Drago stood behind him then as he inched closer to the edge out of curiosity. "A war is coming Roland…a war that will surely pave the way for my rule, you however won't be around to see it."

Roland looked back and then was shoved off the edge. Flailing his arms about he saw the massive jaws of a huge dragon reaching out for him. Fear enshrouded his eyes and a cry escaped his lips but was lost as soon as the jaws set forth around him and all he saw was darkness…and all he felt was death.


The journey continues in How to Train Your Dragon 2

Authors note: So, I hope everyone enjoyed this tale. Somehow this one came out on top over my other stories for some reason, but I am glad so many were intrigued enough to follow it long as they have, and I thank those who reviewed and favorited and of course followed. I meant for this to be filler leading to or around the second film. I imagine there is a bit more time after this one till the beginning of the second film like Astrid and Hiccup becoming more romantically involved, much of this story was about two different paths leading to the moment of Hiccstrid. I am not sure how Hiccstrid will come into the picture but like I said I imagine it will happen in the second season perhaps of Dragons: race to the edge. Also the characters Ry, Bones, and Roland were specifically made for this story and I realize there wasn't much love for Ry or Roland but they did present the challenge necessary for the characters to overcome. Yeah not sure about Alvin's fate to be honest whether or not he'll turn up again in the dragon series, but, I found it a fitting end to his character. I realize this is a long author's note and you don't have to read it all, mostly the top half. Anyway here ends the journey for this story, I might write another or move on to another series. Anyway later.