Six: Hello and welcome to a new story.

Three: Hi, I am going to help co-author.

Six: ...Sssssure, why not, got nothing better.

Three: See, we can live in peace.


Six: Say that again and you go in the cage.

Three: What cage?

Six: The one in the basement that everyone forgets about!

This story was inspired by 'Reploid Nation'. Go read it, it's a good story.

While zoid genesis is where I am taking most of the information for this story, I will be taking some stuff from other places as well. Also, while I shouldn't need to say this, this is an AU with a timeline I made, stuff was changed to make this story. What was changed will be made known throughout the story.


In recent years, laws and methods have been put in place to decrease population growth throughout council space. The reason for this is the amount of space available was dwindling at a rapid pace. If something wasn't done, council space would have a population crash by the year 2178. Chaos would spread, death would rise, and council space would collapse into its self.

It did not look good.

Seeing only one way to stop it, the council appealed law 82-5J, forbidding anyone from activating dormant mass relays. As the council did not want a repeat of the rachni wars, the law was only appealed for a few short years. The time was made public to avoid any, accidents, from happening. Military escort was made mandatory in case of hostile contact.

During this time, the various races governments and several corporations opened dozens of mass relays throughout known space. Dozens of worlds were found ready for colonization and a magnitude of systems were found rich with resources. With the new space and resources, the threat of over population had passed.

One such company called Zek Heavy Mining, opened three mass relays with protection from the eclipse. The relays were located away from everyone else, to the southeast of council space while everyone else opened from the northeast to the west. This allowed them free rein because everyone kept their sights away from them. The found several systems with tons of resources, including a few prothean ruins. All the artefacts were sold or donated to various places.

However, the system the third relay was in, held something special. The second world from the systems star is classified as a tier two garden world. A world ready to be colonized, expect for a few flaws. This one was only around halfway green with the other half desert, not the best but could be worst. The other reason, the giant creatures roaming the world.

At first these creatures were believed to just be some wild animals. But, several scans and images of them said differently. Shortly after learning that they were some kind of biomechanical lifeforms, they wished to capture and study one. Biomechanical technology and the research into it was nearly none existence, expect for biotic amps.

An outpost was constructed half a dozen miles from a small group of them to conduct research and experiments. However, halfway through the building process, two of them attacked the half built outpost. The outpost had five tanks, three heavy mechs, and squads of armed troops. The tanks fired first, but when all five rounds hit the first one, it didn't leave a scratch. They thought for sure that it would have left some damage, but there was none. When the creatures finally arrived a minute later, it was a slaughter. No matter what they did, no matter what they fired at them, they wouldn't stop. The creatures even breathed fire at the eclipse and other personal.

A frigate was developed to destroy them. The creatures didn't have any ranged attacks nor could they get close, and were obliterated. A strange thing though, it took five shots each to take them down. For something of that size without shields, it was unheard of... even with shields it was unheard of. Whatever they were made of, it was strong, and they wanted it even more. Likely would have taken another shot if they weren't already damaged.

A funny thing about the creatures though. When they died, they dissolved into a paste like material. The paste was collected and found to be mostly unusable, mostly. Seeing the cost it would take to destroy them by conventional means or to capture one alive, they choose to simply kill a small group of them and study the paste they leave behind.

After collecting the paste from a total of 15 different creatures, flying versions of them appeared. It was decided that they had collected enough, and pulled out. They didn't want any more unnecessary risks or costs. They took what they had collected and transported it back to Noveria for research. Afterwards, they collected everything else they could find of value before leaving the system altogether. Two weeks later, no one was in the system anymore.


Two Weeks Later

Migrant Fleet

Yoh'Weesa nar Nodin was recently working for Zek Heavy Mining as an engineer for a special project. What he had learned during his time there could very well changed everything for the migrant fleet, and may even help them reclaim the home world from the geth.

"Unknown vessel, you are approaching the migrant fleet, state your business."

His head shot up when the speakers barked to life. He spoke into the coms unit and replied "This is Yoh'Weesa nar Nodin returning to the fleet with gifts from my pilgrimage. Requesting permission to dock at the Raya."

"Yoh'Weesa, please verify." The coms barked.

"After time adrift among the stars, along tides of light and trough shoals of dust. I will return to where I began." He spoke.

"Permission granted, welcome back Yoh'Weesa. Your parents will be happy your back."

His parents are the lead doctors and medical expects for the fleet. Currently leading 15 medical ships. A lot of people look up to them. It also gives them a lot of power among the fleet.

"Yes, I am as well. However, I need to speak with the admiralty board over an important matter. The information is for their eyes only."

He checked his information the forty-second time while waiting for everyone to gather in one of the cargo holds of the Raya. Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema, Admiral Zaal'Koris vas Qwib Qwib, Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay, and Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh had already. They were waiting on Admiral Rael'Zorah vas Alarei now.

"Yoh'Weesa." His head shot up when he heard his name. Walking towards him was a female quarian with a mixed blue and silver suit. The silver marked her as a medical officer.

"M-mother. What are you doing here?" He said shocked. "Is father here too?" Looking around. He wasn't certain he could speak to him now, his father always had high expectations of him.

Neeli'Weesa vas Nodin said "Don't worry, he has work that needs to be done and won't be able to come." Yoh greatly relaxed after hearing that. Seeing this though "Come now, your father isn't that bad. He just wants you be the best that you can." With a hint sympathy and playfulness in her voice. Yoh scratched the back of his head at hearing this. "Come here you." She spread her arms and gave him a hug.

While nervous, Yoh returned the hug. If you could see inside his helmet, you would see him blushing from the act. They kept hugging for several more seconds before separating. "Better." She said in a soft tone.

He nodded. "Thanks."

"Good. Also you better get ready." He grew confused, they were still waiting on Admiral Rael'Zorah to arrive.

As if reading his thoughts, Neeli nodded her head towards the entrance, just as the final Admiral arrived. She gave him a pat on the back and said "Good luck." Before leaving.

Yoh grew a bit more nervous after she left, but was better than before she came. He started giving last checks to everything and setting it up. He would only get one shot at it.

A few minutes later everyone was taking their seats.

"Five years ago I was hired by Zek Heavy Mining for maintenance. Not the best job, but one none the less. It was mostly normal until a short while ago."

"When the relays started getting activated again?" Stated Admiral Rael.

"Yes. They opened relays as well, but away from everyone else, not too sure why. Either way, what they found in the final system is important. They found this." He clicked a button on his Omni tool, and activated the wall projector, displaying an image of strange creature with size measurements next to it.

Everyone was confused "What are we looking at?" Admiral Zaal said.

"A biomechanical creature."

Mostly everyone was confused at this "A bio-what?" Said Admiral Zaal. "I don't believe I am familiar with that term."

"Biomechanical. It is the combination of biological research and mechanical research. It takes the strength of both to destroy the weaknesses of the other." Said Admiral Daro proudly. "It is considered the best and most powerful field of research."

"If that was true, then the protheans would have used it." Said Rael disbelievingly. Daro was angered at what he said, but held her tongue. It was true, other than biotic amps, biotechnology was a dead field. Even the prothean didn't research it, so why would anyone else. "I thought so." Smiling trumpetly.

She pointed at him and was about to reply but was interrupted "Will you two stop fighting, you are interrupting the presentation." Looking around, they found out that Admiral Shala was the one who said it. Rael had the descent to look ashamed and say sorry, if softly. While Daro turned her head to the front and said nothing.

Shala turned to the front once she was sure they wouldn't fight again. "Please continue with your presentation Yoh. You were saying something along the lines of this creature" gesturing to the unknown creature "being a biomechanical organism."

Yoh got scared when the two admirals started to argue and didn't know what to do. It took him a moment after Shala told him to continue for him to get out of his shock. "Umm... ah, yes. Of course." No one payed any mind to him taking a moment. "This creature is a biomechanical organism of unknown origin. As biotechnology is a dead field, the heads of Zek heavy mining wanted to see what this creature was and if there was any value in it. They did. These things could tank six shots from a F102-B salarian frigate."

There were gasps heard throughout the bay. "As you can no doubt tell, this is impossible even by our standards. The smallest vessel that can survive that, with shields, are frigates. As you can see from the scale, they are much smaller than that, about a quarter. That makes them incredibly durable for something of their size. As you can tell, Zek heavy mining wanted to know."

"With such armor, our ships would be unstoppable." Admiral Han'Gerrel said amazed. "We would never have to fear pirate attacks again."

Rael shook his head and replied "That armor has an upper limit Han. Our ships would still be at risk, just smaller." Han pouted at having his fun taken away and gave a small glare to Rael. "Still, this armor is impressive. I'm assuming this is your pilgrimage gift."

When Yoh shook his head no, everyone grew confused. If the armor wasn't the gift, what was? "Explain?"

"I don't know why, but every time they were destroyed, they dissolved into some kind of paste." Everyone grew concerned at this. "After enough samples of this paste were taken, they transported them to Noveria for research. I never got close to it."

"I did learn one thing though. This paste had almost all the information needed to recreate the armor destroyed. With what they collected, it will likely take decades to a century for them to recreate the armor, albeit, in a crude and weaken form. Without intact material, it would be impossible for anyone to recreate it."

Daro had a neutral tone when she spoke "This is all well and good, but how does this help us?"

"It seems you're all forgetting something." Everyone turned their heads towards Neeli when she spoke. "Something must have created these creatures. Am I not mistaken?"

While it took a moment for some, everyone understood what she meant. "Yes, that's right. Even Zek overlooked this fact. On that world somewhere, is the ruins of the civilization that made these creatures and the armor. If we look, we could very well find the plans on how to create the armor without having to fight them. We just need to look for it." If they agreed to look, and found the plans. The help it would bring to the fleet would be tremendous. He had a small smile of his face and was happy for this. And because he would be remembered and documented in quarian history.

Nobody ever said he didn't want to prove himself to be a bit better than most. Nobody.

"This would work, however, if we ran into those things while searching, we would be destroyed. Only our ships have the fire power and they can't fire with our people in the way." Said Han frustrated, no doubt by the fact that he still wanted that armor.

"The risk may be worth it." Replied Rael. "What resources would we need to commit to this?" Asking Yoh.

"A single ship is needed. Zek has left the system and is unlikely to return anytime soon. We just need some engineers to search the ruins to recover the data. I have even taken measures so that we would have protection during our time there." Yoh said happily. Glad they were considering it.

They all nodded at this. "Let's put it to a vote then." The admirals nodded before taking a moment and casting their vote. "Four to one in favor. It is decided and approved. Now what ship will be sent and who will lead the mission."

The admirals began to speak amongst themselves for a while, trying to decide on what ship and who to send.

After two minutes, Yoh worked the courage to speak up "Umm... I have a suggestion. The scout ship Iktomi could be sent. It is fast and is unlikely to be found as easily. Also... I could... um... lead the mission." He fidgeted in place when they all looked at him. "It's a thought." He wanted to prove his worth.

"That could work." Zaal replied thoughtfully. "I don't see any problems with this, does anyone else."

"Yes, I do." Daro said. "Why should we send him? He just returned and is a youngling. There are many more qualified personnel for the mission than him."

"Yes, you are right, but should something happen, we don't lose anything to valuable."

"My son's life is valuable." Neeli said softly and angrily in the background. But they didn't hear it or ignored it.

Zaal turned to Yoh and said "Yoh, in a few days the Iktomi will be supplied and ready for departure along with the crew selected. Hopefully the protection you got will be enough. Good luck."



One Hour Later

Wrex was sitting in afterlife waiting for a message for nearly ten hours. He was waiting for the message to tell him the job was ago or not. In preparation for the job, he got in contact with some people for support and called in a few favors on some. He was told to pack heavy and expect to fight powerful foes. He didn't know what that meant, but a tough fight is a good fight.

His omni tool beeped, signaling a new message. He liked what he saw. He sent the needed messages to the people he contacted.

He picked up his large glass, drinks the last of his ryncol, pays the bar keep, and leaves. He checks the coordinates for the job destination. He has a job to do, and he wasn't going to miss it.



Bio Armor: Hell Armor

Hell Armor is a special organic armor used solely on the Bio Zoids. It has immense resistance to energy weapons and high resistance to projectiles and edged weapons. However, it is highly vulnerable to weapons made of or utilizing Metal-Zi. Being organic it will dissolve when the Zoid it is attached to dies.


Hello everyone, thank you for reading this story and leave a like, review, and favorite.

Posting: At this point, I have 5 stories. I switch between them often, so updates will likely take two or so months. Please don't say update soon or the like. Just don't.

Also again, go check out 'Reploid Nation'.