Hug You, Squeeze You, Love You

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: K+

Genre: Romance, Family

Pairing: Dean/Castiel

Word count: 532

Summary: Dean and Cas have a moment, and, unknown to them, Sam observes it. Dean/Castiel ONESHOT.

AN: My class was cancelled this morning, so I ended up sitting in the dark corner of the library writing fluffy fanfiction. Hope you all enjoy some pointless Dean/Cas cuteness.

Again, big thumbs up to master of madness, and her willingness to read everything I write, regardless of whether it's good or not. :)

DISCLAIMER. I do not own Supernatural.

For as long as Sam could remember, Dean had never been an overly affectionate person. Even when they were really young kids, before they'd reached double figures, Dean already had some kind of grudge against anything that could be remotely interpreted as showing affection; stuff like hand-holding and hugging was a no-go, and God forbid you should forget that. The only people Sam had ever seen his brother hug were those that he considered family - which really wasn't that many people.

Which was why he was more than a little surprised when it happened.

He'd been sent out to the grocery store for supplies (because "How am I supposed to work without pie, Sammy?") and was carting the first load of groceries in the general direction of the kitchen when he stumbled across the scene. Dean and Cas were both perched at the bottom of the stairs, talking in hushed voices so that Sam couldn't hear what exactly was being said. Regardless, their subject of conversation sure seemed interesting, whatever it was. They hadn't even noticed that the younger Winchester was standing only a few metres behind them.

He was about to lose interest in his eavesdropping and interrupt so that he could dispose of the groceries still in his arms that were actually quite heavy, when a smile suddenly broke out across Cas' face in response to something Dean had said - it was so bright, it could light up a dark room, Sam thought - and the angel flung his arms around the elder Winchester in a bone-crushing hug; Dean didn't shove him away, but instead returned the hug, wrapping his arms firmly around the other man.

This fact alone wouldn't have surprised Sam in any way - Dean only felt comfortable hugging those he counted as family, and it was pretty clear that he and Cas were close. Why shouldn't he value Cas as family, after all? Those two sharing a hug shouldn't be a big deal.

Except the hug didn't seem to be stopping.

Eight seconds. Nine seconds. Ten seconds.

To Sam's surprise - or, maybe it wasn't so surprising, really, when he looked back on it in retrospect - the embrace between his brother and the angel started to drag on longer than he would have expected. He wouldn't exactly have considered himself an expert when it came to this sort of stuff, but he was pretty sure that family orientated hugs were not supposed to last this long.

Twelve seconds. Thirteen seconds. Fourteen. Fifteen.

Cas finally relaxed his grip after twenty three seconds, arms falling to his sides again. He stayed resolutely in Dean's personal space, however, that big, bright smile still on his face (Sam couldn't tell from the angle at which he was standing, but the smile appeared to have widened even more), mirrored in Dean's expression.

Sam watched them for a few more moments - just observing them smiling at each other whilst wondering how they hadn't either sensed or acknowledged his presence by now - before he slowly backed away, trying to get out of the way as inconspicuously as possible.

Probably best to leave the groceries until later.