It was hard to say when the others first noticed that something was not right. A few caught on more quickly than others. Some buried their suspicions inside and carried on as usual. Others began to work frantically to solve an unanswerable riddle that grew heavier a burden on their minds each day. To be accurate however, one must start with the disappearance of Wang Yao.

Everything was as it should have been that day. One by one the G8 lined up outside the World Conference Hall for their monthly discussions and debates. America, with a clip on tie sporting his national flag and set of blueprints tucked under his arm, called out a greeting to Spain and Greece, as he usually did to all the nations in the morning.

"Hola America." responded Spain with a grin, "How's the market?"

"Doing good dude, how 'bout you guys?"

"Er, well, we're getting there, you know." he said, scratching his head.

He gave them a thumbs up and rushed off and down the hall. France, as usual, was flirting with the cleaning staff outside the meeting room. England gave him a sideways sneer and grumbled something indecent.

"Excusez moi Monsieur?" France cried, placing a hand on his hip. "What was that, black sheep of Europe?"

"Will you shut up about that already!" he cried, smacking France in the head with a rolled up newspaper he had moments before been skimming.

America grinned widely as he came bounding past the two old foes and stopped outside the door as he spotted his friend Japan, who seemed to be in a deep conversation with Russia. Rudely Interrupting their conversation, he greeted them loudly.

"Hey Japan! Hey Russia!" he called. "What up, dudes?"

"Oh," said Japan, sighing softly, "nothing much. Russia was just asking me if I had any idea on where China-san might be."

America shrugged, "I don't know, maybe he skipped out on the meeting and went to build another Chinatown or something?"

Russia shrugged.

"I don't know America," he said. "He hasn't been answering his cell phone for the past two days now."

Japan nodded vigorously. "He never goes this long without answering. I'm starting to worry."

"Aye, don't worry bros! Im sure he'll show up!" America said, patting them both on the shoulders.

"Anyways," he added in the same happy-go-lucky tone. "he can't stay hidden for long. He still hasn't delivered my merchandise yet."

Russia and Japan glanced at one another and then back at America.

"Thank you America. You're probably right."

"No prob dude." he said,before bounding back down the hall to go pester England.

A little while later, after the rest of the G8 had arrived, everyone settled into their seats around the oval table as they prepared themselves for the first lecture. China, America noticed, was still no where to be seen.

The first speaker was Germany, who was setting up several diagrams bearing statistics on international trade and tariff. As he fumbled with a rolled up poster board, Italy yawned loudly.

"I didn't sleep at all last night!" he complained to whoever was sitting next to him. "My stomach was hurting so bad, I felt like I was going to be sick!"

"Maybe you should cut back on all that pizza you're eating," England suggested. "You most definitely cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle with all that cheese you're consuming."

America and France snapped their heads around. "Are you making fun of me?!", they accused simultaneously.

"Not everything I say is about you wankers, you know!"

"Can you all quiet down, I'm trying to present here!" growled Germany.

"You've been talking?" America asked innocently.

Germany clenched his teeth together as he practically fumed. "Maybe if you all listened for a change we would actually get things done around here!"

"What's there to discuss?" Russia asked. "Just sign over everything to me and we can all leave early, da?"

"For the last time, you're not getting Italy!"

Almost no one noticed amongst the noise that a visitor slipped through the doors into the large meeting room, frazzled and out of breath.

"Hey!" he shouted, waving his arms toward the G8.

"Hong Kong?" Japan replied, confused by his sudden interference.

"Excuse me, but we are in a very important meeting right now," Germany explained sternly. "If you were to come back in an hour or so-"

"It's about China. Something's gone horribly wrong!"


As if in unison, Japan and Russia sprang from their seats, chairs loudly scraping against the floor and rushed towards the door, following Hong Kong.

"What?" Germany howled, accent growing thicker. "You can't just get up and leave during-"

"Hey dudes, wait for me!" America yelled as he raced off after the trio.

"Now what did that boy do?" England hissed as he and France followed in America's footsteps.

"Maybe I can help in some way?" a voice asked from the corner of the room.

"Canada?!" Germany exclaimed. "When did you get here?!"

"Ve~ C'mon Germany!" Italy complained, clinging on to his arm. "Let's go, let's go!"

Germany frowned as he rubbed his temples. Why must I be stuck with these imbeciles? Brushing Italy off, Germany grinded his teeth and made his way for the door, him and Italy having to dart to catch up with the others.