Japan slid back into his seat where he grab his untouched drink and took a large gulp of it. He made a face as he felt the mixture of alcohol burn his throat. Taiwan watched a bit surprised as she knew Japan wasn't much of drinker. "Is everything alright Japan?"

Japan only nodded his eyes looking over to the stage where it was currently empty. He bit his lip, he surely couldn't do this. Not in front of all these people, he couldn't sing…well he never had sang before it was just something he hadn't ever needed to do. What if he sang horribly and embarrassed himself in front of all these people...in front of Mei…

"Have you ever sung Karaoke, Japan?' I know your people love Karaoke but have you ever tried it out yourself?" Taiwan asked.

Japan shook his head and turned back to her. "No, I never had the time to actually go to one…However…" Japan saw how Korea walked back into the bar and plopped himself down on his seat. "I wouldn't mind trying it out with you." His eyes still looking past her.

Taiwan's eyes lit up like christmas lights hearing him say that not even noticing how he didn't seem to be looking at her. "Really Japan?!"

Japan looked at her again and saw how excited she look to sing with him, he let his nervousness wash away for a moment to give her a small smile. "Really Mei."

Taiwan couldn't help but to squeal when he said that. She then blushed at how much of a little girl she must've sounded like and then recomposed herself and shyly gave a smile to Japan. Japan smiled back but then when he saw how Taiwan was about to get up to choose a song he found himself reaching over the table to grab her hand stopping her. She turned and raised an eyebrow at his action. Japan suddenly felt his mouth go dry when he realized he was regretting saying yes. "Wouldn't you like to have something to eat first?" He said


"Eat?" Taiwan said puzzled. It wasn't until she realized Japan might've been hungry after such a long flight and then an even longer day going touring with her. She started to feel rude again. "Oh god! I'm sorry Japan I forgot you haven't had anything to eat yet!" She sat back down in her seat and called over a waitress. "I'm being a terrible host to you." She said bowing her head down in shame.

Japan gave a sigh of realize when she sat back down. "No no Mei, it's okay." He reassured her. "It's been a wonderful time touring with you."

She sighed and raised her head up again to look at him sincerely. "I'm still sorry."

Japan signaled for the waitress and once he and Taiwan ordered their food he slouched a little in his seat. He checked quickly if Korea was watching and weirdly enough he wasn't as he was too preoccupied with his phone. So he was good for a while and could prepare for what was to come later after lunch. Taiwan meanwhile took another sip of her drink and made a face as she did so.

"Ew! I can't understand how you could drink something as acidic as that Japan!" Taiwan pushed the drink away from her.

"It isn't all that great however of all my years I've tasted worst." Japan explained he took her drink and placed it at the edge of the table for the waitress to pick up later.

"Really? Like what?" Taiwan asked she sat up straighter.

"Mr. England's attempt at a root beer float." Japan said with a straight face. "Apparently, he did not know you weren't suppose to be actual beer in it…or roots…"

"Oh my god!" Taiwan looked between a mixture of grossed out and amused. "And you actually drank it!"

"I was sick for a whole week I had to go to China's house for some herbal medicine ." Japan remembered how his so called older brother had given a stern lecture about Westerner's drinks. "He gave me an earful even today when I called him earlier he brought the accident up again."

Taiwan let out a small chuckle then stopped.. "You called him today?"

Japan felt a playful smirk tug on his lips. "Yes, There was a scheduled meeting today with the other world powers however I called in sick and asked China to take notes for me in my absence."

"Japan! You did that!" Taiwan had her eyes wide in shock that the usual punctual Japanese man would lie so he wouldn't go to a meeting. "Well why would you do that?! If anyone found that out-if China found that out he'll have your head for lying to him!"

Japan's smirk instantly disappeared but not in fear that China would find out about his little lie but the reason why he even told it in the first place. He felt the heat rush to his face for what had to be the hundredth time that day. He cast his eyes away from the wide eyed Taiwanese girl who took notice of his actions and calmed down a bit.

"Japan? Why did you call in sick today?" Taiwan asked quietly.

Japan for a moment hesitated but took a deep breath and looked Taiwan in the eye. "Because you invited me to your country and….and I wanted to spend the day with you."

Taiwan was speechless. Japan would risk getting in trouble with the other countries just so he could spend today with her. She felt her cheeks redden again and felt the beating of her heart get stronger by the second. After what seem forever well in Japan's opinion Taiwan with her still red cheeks and still pounding heart spoke. "Japan…"

"Kiku…" Japan said he looked back behind her and was relieved Korea was not watching this scene. His eyes then locked in with hers. "You can call me Kiku, Mei."

"Kiku…" Taiwan whispered. She let out a small breath and continued. "That is so sweet."

Kiku couldn't think of a response feeling too flustered and decided to only nod.. Taiwan then smiled sweetly at the Japanese man. This made Kiku's heart jump a little, he shifted in his seat and was soon very thankful that the waitress came back with their food. Kiku took this chance to change topics as he felt like he was going to make a fool of himself any moment now and with Korea not too far away he didn't want the Korean man to hold anything else against him.

Speaking of Korea he's been unusually calm, Japan took a quick peek over the Korean man who still was furiously typing at his phone. Odd. Japan would've figured Korea wanted them to be already on the stage. Korea wasn't one to be patient but there he was just on his phone.

'Who is he even talking to.' Japan thought. 'Could he be talking to Chin-"

"Kiku, aren't you going to eat?" Taiwan interrupted that last thought. Japan looked back her and then to his food.

"Oh, yes I am." He responded picking up his fork and beginning to eat.

Korea looked back from his phone where he was currently having an argument with Hong Kong.

'Uggghhhhhh! Hong could be so frustrating sometimes!' 'He thought. 'That's it I'm calling!'

He dialed Hong Kong's number almost immediately the young man answered. "No"

"Come on Hong pleeeaasee!" Korea begged.

"You are not using my new camera Korea. You'll break it." Hong Kong said bluntly. "Besides what makes you think I'll go all the way to some Karaoke bar in Taiwan just to bring you my camara."

"To see some embarrassing shit go down!" Korea said loudly enough for the people in the table next to him to make a annoyed face at him.

That seemed to grab Hong Kong's attention as there was a paused for a moment. "Go on."

"Yes! Well I was in the Karaoke bar you know doing my thing but then guess who comes in!" Korea excited explained.


"Japan and Taiwan!"

"What? Like on a date?"

"'Well originally Japan came over to take pictures of her regions and all but from what I've seen so far it could much more than that.

"Take pictures of her what!?" Korea could tell Hong Kong did not like the sound of that at all. He knew Hong Kong cared deeply for Taiwan like a sister and wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

"Her regions, like the mountains and stuffs" Korea explained.


"Long story short I blackmailed Japan saying that I'll tell China about this whole little date thing unless he sings a song with Taiwan in front of all these people. And you know how Japan gets when he's in front of a huge crowd, he'll make a fool of himself in front of them and Taiwan! And get this after I told him I wasn't going to tell China guess what I did!"

"You told China." Hong Kong guessed.

"Well I just told him that there was something super important that he had to see. But he said he was in a meeting right now and that he needed to be there to take notes that he promised Japan he was going to do for him because Japan was supposedly 'too sick' to go to meeting. But then I hear America in the back saying how he wanted to go see what was up to and now I think China's coming with him and a few other nations!"

"Wait, wait, you mean to tell me the Japan lied to China." Hong Kong couldn't help but feel mildly surprised and impressed at that. Who knew Grandpa Japan would do something as risky as that.

"Yup! So not only is Japan going to get embarrassed in front of a crowd and Taiwan but he's also going to get in trouble with China and embarrass himself with almost the whole world!" Korea felt proud of his little plan now he just needed the Hongkonger to go along with him and record this soon to be beautiful memory.

"And you want me to come to capture the whole mess." Hong Kong said.

"Pretty pleeeease!" Korea begged.

There was a minute of silence as if Hong Kong was deciding whether or not to go. After what felt like hours Hong Kong responded. "Okay I'm in but I swear to god Korea if this whole thing blows up in your face and I end up getting in trouble with you I'll blow you up with my best fireworks, okay?"

"Okay okay whatever but please come quickly!" Korea said.

"Okay okay god I'll be there!" Hong Kong then promptly hanged up on Korea who was almost literally bouncing in his seat. Now all he had to do was wait for China to show up with the other nations!

This is better than anything Korea ever imagined!

My sister made a guess that this was going to end up more than just a two-shot fic...And she was right…


Oh well, here is the new chapter of Lucky-aru! I really hope you guys like it I know it's pretty short but it's something! Thank you for favoriting and following this story it brings so much joy that other people actually like my story! So please keep on favoriting and pleaassse review! It motivates me!