AN: Danny Fenton is my baby, and he is such a angsty baby, so I wrote some angst. Here, have some self harm and implied suicide. I hated writing this, I really, truly did, because I do both those things and I just. I had to stare at this and try not to write all my feelings down lol. This is a short thing, but it's a trip!

** I changed an iiiitty bitty thing, but it makes all the difference, just read the last few paragraphs to those who already read it! Next chapter will be out today or tomorrow **


I sighed and looked around the room, making sure everything was in place. My nervousness was palpable, I couldn't stand it anymore.

It it was now or never...

I turned on the video camera and sat down at my bed. I smiled and did a little wave before resting my elbows on my knees. "Alright... So. I've thought of preparing a speech or to just leave a little note behind, but. But no one would know then, would they?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "I mean... You all will probably hate me for doing this unless you already do..."

I looked down and whispered, "I'm going ghost." The two bands encircled my body,leaving me with my white hair and green eyes. I stood up and turned in a full circle before sitting back down. I sighed heavily and looked directly into the camera. "Well, whoever finds this first, this is the first secret you'll see. I, Danny Fenton, am your alleged hero-slash-ghost disgrace of the town." I chuckled weakly.

"The second secret is that... I'm so tired." I sniffled and changed back, rubbing at my nose. "I'm so god damn, fucking tired, you wouldn't believe. Everything hurts, all the time. My whole body aches when I lay down from all the ghost battles and how I have to avoid so many ghost hunters. I can't sleep because of the pain, and then, if I do manage, I get nightmares!

"Every night, it's something different - ghosts finally overpowering me, not getting strong enough, my own fucking parents ripping me apart limb from limb - all of it! I think of it all and lately, it's become such a fucking paranoia that I'm not sure what to do with myself. I go to class only to focus on tensing up and get a ghost or tensing up when it's Dash and his little fucking gang.

"And then... You don't know how much it hurts to... To have one half that you know your parents won't accept." I sniffled and rubbed at my eyes, ashamed that I even had the nerve to cry. "I'm so tired going out to kick ghost butt, saving the town yet again, and then coming home only to be bombarded with ghost fighting machinery and talk of how much my parents hate them!"

I clutched my hair and pulled, frustrated. "I mean, I know I'm causing damage, and I'm so sorry for it! I'm so sorry that I'm not perfect, I'm sorry that I have to teach myself all of this fucking shit and the only one who actually wants to teach me, the only one who can teach me, they just want to lead me into being their fucking evil apprentice!"

I sighed and shook my head. "I just... think that sometimes I should have taken his advice sometimes, consequences be damned. Then you would all actually be afraid of me, then you would have a reason to hate me like most of you do..."

I rubbed my eyes and fought the urge to flop onto my bed. "I'm sure you've all noticed my clothing change too... I've told Jazz and Sam and Tuck that it was really just to hide the bruises from ghost fighting. And that was believable because you know, some of them were. Mostly they...

"They were mostly cuts actually."

I sighed and slowly took off my shirt. I looked up at the camera and forced a smile as I saw myself through the view finder. "Don't I look handsome?" I chuckled lowly and rubbed my forehead.

My torso was littered in deep purple and some yellowish bruises and my arms with cuts. "Most of the ones on my body are from ghost fighting. And most of the cuts are self inflicted. When you have a body like mine, you're pretty numb to pain, so I cut a lot. When... When I first started, I couldn't... stop. At one point, I cut for hours, I wouldn't leave the bathroom." I chuckled at the memory, slumping forward, a futile attempt to hide my disgusting body. "I told you guys I wasn't feeling well and... y-you all believed it."

I sighed, resting my head in my hands. "Sometimes, all I wanted was a response. "Are you sure you're okay?" or "Why are you tired?", just anything to let me know I was loved," I said with a glance up to the lens, "but no one ever did. No one really... n-no one really thought that I would be afraid... afraid to die, to never be good enough, ashamed of what I am, no one talked, no one listened. And so."

I sat up straight, folding my hands in my lap. I looked straight into the camera, smile on my face. "And so, the final conclusion would be, I'm fucking done. I can't... stand this anymore. I can't stand the helplessness, the hopelessness, the stress, the hatred, how everyone would be ha-appier if I was just go-ne." I cleared my throat, not bothering to wipe my eyes. "I'll be gone when you find this. And when you bother to watch it, I'll - I'll be dead."

I smiled through the tears streaming down my face. I finally felt calm, I finally felt like I could do something that I had control over, something that no one else could affect... And no one would care. My face contorted and my shoulders started shaking as my body was wracked with sobs. I buried my face in my hands and cried, shirtless, battered, bruised, undignified. Just like how I felt inside. They would all finally get to see the real me.

I grabbed a tissue from my bed side table and wiped my face before continuing on. "I-I-I have no clue if I die that my ghost half dies or vice versa. But, I'll take all precautions and grab one of your signature ecto guns dad... And I'll be falling off the south bridge an hour after I finish this, just to be sure."

I pulled the shirt back over my head and wiped my face one more time before smiling. "Goodbye everyone." And with that, I shut the camera and walked over to me desk. I put a little note reading 'watch me' and left.

I had one last job to do, one that everyone would love. I would finally be gone.

I smiled.