Jenny Smith (Jessica Senlorlunadrawinakalakaladath Sigma Pond) is a 270 year old Time lord that has regenerated into a 4 year old's body right after the Time War. She lost her husband (Rullanafrolirelkorobi 271) and 2 children (Vanishjastvanquana {girl} 67), and Zenpokjynoianatarabygoeldri {boy} 62), and of course the rest of her kind. When she looked into the schism, the human part of her (which she got from her mom and grandparents; River, Amy, and Rory) didn't know what to do so it absorbed raw time, giving her special abilities (like Rose when she was Bad Wolf). After the Time War, she decided to take a break from travelling and she put the TARDIS coordinates on random and flew away. She wanted to be another person, so the Doctor helped her use the chameleon arch. But because she's part human, she remembers more than the Doctor did when he changed, because the human part didn't change so that part remembers. So Jenny ends up at the home of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson. (Eventually she will move on to other show as well, okay? Okay.)