A/N-I'm pleased to say that this is now the unedited version. The chapters are going to have a bit of a different split so please go back and read or you may become confused, Enjoy!


Pan sat in her dark room crying softly. Tears ran down her cheeks and dripped down on her soiled torn clothing. She slowly lifted the razorblade to her arm raking it across it. Pan barely felt the white hot pain as the blood started to flow from the cut. She cut herself again the blood leaking down to join the small puddle gathering on the floor beneath her. Against her will Pans mind ran back to why she was so upset.

"Dan-kun!" said Pan happily her boyfriend came up to her at a party. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close for a passionate kiss.

"I didn't think you were coming" he said slightly slurred. It was very obvious that he had been drinking. Pan forced a smile.

"I wasn't planing on coming... but I wanted to see you so I did" she said softly. He smiled as well.

"I'm sorry Pan... but I was just gonna go home... I don't last long when I drink" he said. Taking his keys out of his pocket, "I'll give you a ride home if you want though" he added, Pan shook her head.

"Please Dan your not in any shape to drive, let me drive you home?" Pan asked sweetly. Dan pushed away from her.

"What you don't think I can drive?" he said irritably. Pan shook her head quickly.

"Of course not Hun. you know I love to drive your car... Please?" she asked again. This time Dan handed her the keys.

"If you really want to..." he slurred. Then Pan helped him out of the party.

'I knew this would happen... oh Dan why do you keep drinking? You know you can't handle it...' Pan thought to herself as she took Dan and put him in the passenger seat of his car. Pan walked around to the other side of the car and got in. Dan mumbled some incoherent drunk talk before he passed out. Pan started up the car and headed to Dan's place. Out in the boonies of Satan City. About a twenty minute drive away. Pan was very quiet on the drive. Doing her very best not to wake Dan up. No matter how much Pan loved him that didn't change the fact he had a terrible temper when he drank. When they finally arrived at Dans house, Pan gently shook him.

"Dan Hun were back at your place.." Pan cooed softly. Dan woke up a bit.

"Huh.. When did we leave the party?" he asked, he seemed to have sobered up a bit.

"Hun when I got there you were about to leave and I offered to drive you home. Come on I'll help you inside then I'll head home" Pan said placing her hand on his face gently. Gaining a slight smile from him. She got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side helping Dan out of the car, she realized how much she had been wrong about him sobering up. She practically carried him to the house. Pan helped him to the door and took the hidden key from underneath the welcome mat helping him through his house to his room laying him down on the bed, she took off his shoes and smiled.

"Your home now Dan" Pan said, Dan muttered something and Pan leaned closer to hear better. "What was that?" Dan's strong arms came down and pulled her down to him. Pressing his lips against hers roughly. Pan was shocked and tried to pull away.

"Dan what are you doing" Pan said pulling away from his arms. Only to have them pull her back more forcefully. Dan rolled over and pinned her down. "Dan what are you doing let me go!" Cried Pan too shocked to move. Dan didn't stop. He tore at her clothes forcefully. Tears started to flow from Pans eyes.

"Dan stop please your scaring me" Pan cried, but Dan didn't comply he forced her skirt down and pulled off his own pants. He forced himself into her and Pan screamed out in pain. Losing her innocents in a second.


Pan cried softly unable to stop the memories from flooding back to her.

'How could he do that.. How could he hurt me like that.. I thought he loved me... but he can't if he did that.. I'm so worthless... No one will want me.. I'm used... a peace of garbage' Pan thought to herself as she brought the blade down on her arm again... and again. The blood of pool growing around her on the floor. Pans tears continued to fall until she heard someone stir in the hall. A few seconds later there was a light knock on the door.

"Pan hunny are you okay?" Videl asked from outside her door. Pan groaned as though she had just been woken up.

"Huh? Mom? What do you want? It's the middle of the night?" said Pan with fake grogginess.

"I'm sorry Pan I thought I heard you crying, I must be hearing things, well I'm sorry for waking you" said Videl. Pan heard her footsteps pad back to her and Gohan's bedroom. Pan looked at the time. 4:30 am, she had to be up in an hour anyway... She decided to take a long hot shower... to get the dirt, blood... and him... off of her. She'd blame it on not being able to go back to sleep. Pan took off the ripped clothes she was wearing and used them to wipe up the blood from the floor.

"I'll burn them tomorrow..." Pan muttered to herself before she wrapped a towel around herself and walked to the bathroom for her hot HOT shower. Pan stayed underneath the water scrubbing each inch of her until it was red. Well after the water had started to run cold. Pan walked out of the shower and back to her room. Putting on a long sleeved shit, followed by a sweatshirt and jeans. She didn't want anyone to see her arm... nor her bruises. She walked into the kitchen seeing her mother and father sitting at the table.

"You were up pretty early Pan, and you were in the shower for over an hour" Gohan noted.

"Yeah I couldn't go back to sleep after mom knocked on my door and I wanted a hot shower to wake me up. Guess I got kinda carried away." said Pan. Gohan nodded.

"So are you still planing on training with your uncle and Trunks today or do you have plans with Dan again?" Gohan asked. Pan looked away from her dad.

"I won't be seeing Dan anymore..." Pan said Quietly. Both Videl and Gohan looked at her with sympathy.

"We're sorry Pan..." said Videl hugging her daughter. Pan just laughed.

"Naw it's okay mom, these things happen right? But I promised to meet uncle and Trunks early so we can beat Vegeta for the Gravity room" said Pan, she grabbed a piece of toast off her dad's plate and grinned.

"Love you bye bye!" she called as she ran out the front door. Her parents unaware of the horrible depression lurching in their daughters young heart. Pan took to the sky and flew off towards capsule corp. Tossing the toast into the forest on the way. She landed heading for the gravity room knowing Trunks and Goten wouldn't be there for at least half an hour. So she decided to do a little work herself. She changed into one of her training Gi's. Very thankful that they were all long sleeved. And turned the gravity up. She started to attack an invisible opponent and trained until the gravity turned off and Goten and Trunks arrived.

"Yo Panny! What are you doing here so early?" asked Goten.

"I couldn't sleep this morning so I left the house early to make sure we could steal the gravity room from Vegeta" Said Pan quietly. Trunks smiled at her.

"You didn't need to worry about that mom dragged him off on a cruse this week" said Trunks with a bit of a laughing tone. Pan plastered on a fake smile.

"I feel sorry for the poor crew" Pan said.

"Yeah well Come on you guys! I'm itching to get some work done!!" said Goten. Trunks just laughed.

"You just wanna see if you can win against Pan now with all the "secret" training you've been doing" Said Trunks. Pan smiled again.

"You two go ahead I want to take a bit of a break anyway..." said Pan Goten nodded and threw off his shirt and went to the middle of the room. Trunks on the other hand cast Pan a somewhat worried look. Although he didn't say anything. Then went to spar with Goten.

'No one cares about me...' Thought Pan as a silent tear crept down her cheek and her hope and will to live slowly dwindled.

Pan stood up and walked to the control panel she turned off the gravity and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going Panny?" asked Goten, Pan shuddered at the use of her pet name.

"Out" she said simply and resumed heading for the door. Until Trunks grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Pan flinched when he grabbed the arm she had cut and was brought closer to Trunks.

"Pan there's something wrong now what is it... please tell me" Trunks asked. Despite the pain Pan pulled her arm back.

"Let me go, there is nothing wrong, now just leave me be I'm leaving bye" she said and walked out of the gravity room not bothering to change back into her normal clothes. Trunks watched her retreating figure.

'What the hell is wrong with her? Is she on her rag or something?' Trunks though to himself (A/N-sorry to but in but that is SOOOO like a guy blame everything on PMS ^-^) then he felt something sticky on his hand.

"Blood...?" he whispered to himself as he noticed the stick red liquid on his hand. Trunks looked out the door where Pan had disappeared. What was going on?


Pan cried as she flew she didn't know where she was going, she didn't care much either. All she knew was that she was all alone and didn't know what to do. After flying for some time she landed on top of a tall cliff, sitting on a rock she looked over the edge.

"Why didn't I stop him... I know I could have... I just sat there... I let him do that to me it's my fault." Pan cried to herself. "How could he do that I thought he loved me I thought he respected me and my decision" Pan continued. Pulling up her sleeve to look at the cuts, they were only a few hours old and already starting to heal 'damn saiyan healing' Pan though, although several of them had reopened at Trunks's pull they were healing. Pan looked over the cliff.

"I could jump, I could jump right now and no one would stop me, no one would care, I'd just disappear." she said to herself. "But I can fly... I'd probably stop myself at the last moment" she muttered. "I could slit my wrists and let myself bleed to death. But with saiyan healing I don't know if the cuts would close up first.." Pan sat down again. "OD won't work my bodies's too strong. I could blow my brains out but I don't have a gun. Damn it what am I going to do!" yelled Pan intent on finding a way to end her life. She sat there for the rest of the day trying to find a way but everything she came up with there was some way her being a saiyan would ruin it. Except one and that wasn't going to be easy. She had to get someone stronger than herself to kill her.

Pan looked up at the sky. "I don't know if you can hear my Grandpa but you were the only one that understood me... the only one that trusted me. Without you here there's no one for me I don't want to live anymore..." she said, then she wiped away her tears and looked at her arm again. As she thought the cuts had healed over the day and hardly left a mark on her skin. Then Pan flew towards home.


The second Pan walked through the door she knew she was in trouble.

"Where have you been!" yelled Gohan. "Trunks and your uncle called me at 8 this morning to tell me about you odd behaviour and that you had left without telling anyone where you were. Pan we couldn't even trace your Ki! You can't just take off without telling anyone like that? What were we supposed to think!" Gohan finished and Pan stood there unfazed.

"Are you done?" Pan asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you showing me such disrespect?" yelled Gohan.

"I went off because I needed to think, I didn't want to be bothered so I didn't tell anyone. Father I'm 19 you don't need to know where I am 27/7 I'm a grown woman" Pan said simply and then walked passed him. Gohan stood there dumbfounded as Pan walked up to her room. Pan opened her closet and picked her most slutty outfit. She had bought it for a Halloween outfit the year her and her best friend Bra had gone as hookers. It was a backless halter dress that tied around her neck and went very low on her back, and just barely came low enough to cover her butt. All in black leather. Pan put it on with a pair of black boots coming up to her high calves. She ran a brush through her hair and walked downstairs in front of the still shocked Gohan.

"I'm going out clubbing I'll be back around 3 probably but don't wait up" said Pan. Gohan was just about to yell about how she wasn't leaving his house in that but she just walked out the door. Grabbing her black purse containing a bit of makeup and some cash. Pan took to the sky and landed in an ally outside of one of Satan cities most popular clubs, she paused to apply some red lipstick black eyeliner and mascara. Then entered. Automatically attracting a lot of attention from the male crowd. She walked onto the dance floor and started dancing with the first guy she saw.


Trunks sat at the table surrounded by girls but almost too preoccupied to notice. Goten had dragged him out to this club to meet some girls. Goten was so busy slamming back drinks and flirting to even realize his friend wasn't doing the same. Trunks had gone up to the bar to get another drink when he saw her. Pan. She was in the middle of the dance floor dancing with some guy Trunks didn't recognize, she was receiving a lot of hoots from the crowd. Trunks starred in shock. That was little Panny. The tom-boy who loved to fight. The straight A student, the ivy league University student. acting like a slut on the dance floor. Trunks walked over too the dance floor. Ignoring the several women trying to dance with him. He walked right up to Pan and pulled her off to a dark corner. The other guys just booed and moved on to the next girl on the dance floor willing to give them a good show.

"Pan what the hell are you doing? This isn't like you at all? You never come to clubs alone where's Da..." before Trunks could finish he was cut off by Pan.

"First of all Trunks Briefs it's none of your damn business what I'm doing here. I came to have a good time like everyone else here. As for Dan I don't give a flying fuck where the hell he is, the rat bastard can rot in hell for all I care." Pan said bitterly. Trunks was taken aback he had never in all his life heard Pan talk like this.

"I know something's wrong Pan you can tell me really" said Trunks Pan Laughed and Kissed him right then and there. When it ended Trunks was shocked.

"The only thing wrong Trunkie is the fact no one see's me as more than a child, and that I don't care what they think anymore, I'm gonna do with my life what I want for once" Said Pan. 'Even if that means ending it...' she thought to herself as she walked away. Leaving Trunks to only stare at what had just happened. And what Pan was slowly Becoming.

Pan made her way back to the dance floor and walked up to the first good looking guy she saw.

"Wanna dance?" she asked, the guy nodded and took her around the waist. They started to dance. Pan knowing full well that Trunks could see her. She moved against him seductively. For about four songs Trunks watched on before he couldn't take watching anymore, he went back to Goten's table trying to decide if he should tell him of his nieces actions or not.

'Goten would flip. He'd march right over there and drag her out... but Pan wouldn't go... could result in blowing up the club... I won't tell him... but I'll keep an eye on her' thought Trunks to himself. He looked over at the dance floor he could still hear the hoots and hollers Pan and her dance partner were getting. Trunks slammed down his drink. Was he ever gonna need a lot of those!

Pan was dragged off to a dark corner by her partner. He brought her towards him and kissed her deeply. At first Pan was going to slap him and leave, but then she thought 'hey why not... not like it's doing any harm might as well have a little fun' she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with passion. His hands started to roam over her body and she aloud hers to move from his shoulders to other parts of his body. He stoped kissing her for a moment and whispered in her ear.

"Wanna go to the bathroom and have a little fun?" he whispered. Pan looked at him her eyes wide, but then smiled and nodded. He stood up and pulled her towards the bathroom.


Trunks walked around all the dark corners of the club trying to find her, but he lost her.

'Damn it Pan where did you take off too...' Trunks thought as he went and collapsed back at the table. Slamming another drink down in frustration.

"Whoa man slow down on those drinks you may be a saiyan but your not gonna last forever" laughed Goten. Trunks shrugged.

"I don't care might cheer me up a bit" said Trunks. Goten slapped him on the back.

"C'mon man! You have ladies hanging all over you. Your at one of the best clubs in town and your all mopie what's wrong with you?" said Goten. Trunks shrugged and slumped back in his seat. Goten sighed.

"Fine man be a downer I've gotta head to the bathroom anyway" he said and walked toward the bathroom.


Pan and the guy, she still hadn't asked his name, were all over each other the second they had entered the bathroom. He swung the door closed not even bothering to lock it. He placed Pan up on the counter and preceded let his hands roam over her body. He pushed her dress up and started to slide her panties down. Pan lead her hands down to her his pants and undid the zipper and pulled them down along with his boxers. His erection already very evident. He broke contact with her lips.

"Are you on the pill?" he asked breathlessly. Pan shook her head. "Okay" he said as he reached down and pulled out a condom out of his pocket and, with a bit of effort, put it on. After he had he went back to kissing Pan and pulled her forward onto his erection. Pan moaned into his mouth as a pleasure she never felt before overtook her. As he slowly started to pump into her Pan moaned again. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Knowing it could be like this... hurt her more than the man she had loved had forced her into not having any pleasure at all in her "first time". Pans will to die grew even more. She felt his pace grow faster and the pleasure began to rise. She could feel herself growing fast towards her climax she broke the kiss and threw her head back panting slightly. Then Pan opened her eyes startled as she heard the door bang open.