A/N- Please Review, this is an old story from before FF.net deleted all the NC-17 stuff, unfortunately all my old reviews were deleted, :( Almost 200 reviews all gone, I'd really apreciate constructive critism but be kind about it, I don't like flames. They make me cranky and make updates few and far between.

Chapter 5

Bra had just payed the pizza delivery... boys. As 5 of them had come to deliver the pizzas, Bra managed to get them to the kitchen table just as Pan and Trunks made their way into the kitchen.

"Aww... now isn't that cute" Bra said as the two lovers walked in. Pan managed a smile at her friend as she sat down. Bra pointed to the piles of boxes.

"Those are Peperoni, those are Hawaiian, those are meat lovers, those are cheese lovers, and those two are Gotens, they've got everything the place had on them" Bra said. Pan laughed lightly.

"What makes Goten so special?" She asked. Bra smiled at her.

"He whines the loudest!" Said Bra before she broke down into giggles. Both Trunks and Pan laughed. After their laughter had subsided Pan went up and Hugged Bra.

"It's good to have you back B" She said. Bra smiled.

"Good to be back, good to see you're back to your senses," Bra put one hand on Pans still flat stomach. "And congratulations, I so better be the godmother!" Bra said laughing. Pan hugged her again.

" I wouldn't Think about asking anyone else!" Pan said, then she turned to face Trunks. "No objections?" she asked.

"Of course not, Little sis would be the perfect Godmother, although she'd better keep Goten in line as a godfather!" Trunks answered laughing, The three of them then sat down to eat. Each of them polishing off a lot of Pizza. About half an hour later, they surveyed the mount of boxes.

"Did we leave Any for Goten?" Bra asked meekly.

"I don't know... I can't find any full boxes.." Said Trunks shaking a few of the empty Pizza boxes.

"Quickly! Hide the Evidence!" Yelled Pan in a joking tone. And the group of three started to tear up Pizza Boxes and put them in the garbage compacter. After they were done the group went and collapsed on the couch.

"There now he'll never know" Said Pan.

"Yeah, oh well he'll probably stop for Pizza on his way home anyway" said Bra. Pan cuddled into Trunks a little bit.

"So what do you girls want to do?" Asked Trunks.

"Sometime today I have to go and get my stuff from the hotel and check out... man I'm afraid of the bill, I left that place a complete mess" Said Pan, a little shame showing in her voice.

"Why don't you go shopping with Bra, you two haven't got to spend any time alone together since she got back I'll go and take care of the room for you" Said Trunks, protectively pulling her closer.

"Are you sure?" Pan asked looking up at him. "I mean that place is gonna hit the roof when they go into that room"

"I'll take care of it" Trunks said kissing the top of her head. "I want you to have as little stress as possible" he finished. Pan sighed.

"I'm not a china doll Trunks" Pan said defensively.

"Yes you are, to me you're a beautiful and rare one" Trunks replied a soft look on his face.

(A/– Sorry to but in but I just had to say, I got that china doll comment from my own boyfriend, isn't he a sweety ^______^ well back to the story)

Pan couldn't help but smile. She batted his chest playfully.

"Fine, but you do realize your sending ME to the mall with BRA, your not gonna see us until every mall withing driving or flying area is closed right?" Pan said.

"Hey! I've gotten better since I was In Europe!" Bra said defending herself. Trunks and Pan laughed.

"Listen Hun, anything you want charge to the Capsule Corp account okay/" Trunks told Pan.

"I've got my own money.." Pan said.

"I know, but save it I'm the one sending you out on a shopping trip" said Trunks. Pan sighed and finally nodded in agreement. Bra dragged Pan away from her brother by the arm.

"I'm tired of watching lovey dovey stuff, c'mon Pan we got a lot of shopping to do. I say we check out that baby store in the mall! Get an early start on your nursery!" Bra said excitedly. Pan paled a little.

"My nursery... wow this is gonna take some getting used to" Pan said, Bra put her arm around her friends shoulder.

"Don't sweat about it Pan, you've got Trunks, me, Goten, and I"m sure mom will be behind you. After we talk to Gohan and Videl I"m sure they will be behind you too." Bra told her.

"Wow... can we wait a bit before we tell all of them... I don't want to face my parents yet" Pan said.

"We can wait, but just remember they need to know sometime." Bra said, with that the two girls got into one of the cars, and Bra started towards the mall.

Trunks watched them leave through the window.

"My poor Panny... she's going to have a lot to put up with.." Trunks said, then he went out himself to deal with the Hotel.


Bra and Pan arrived at the mall and, of course, ended up parking a good trek away from the mall, but the girls didn't care, it was a beautiful day. Bra was recounting her trip to Europe, and the many new friends she had made. Pan was only paying half attention, as her mind was really thinking about how she was going to tell everyone she was pregnant.

Bra poked her bringing her back to reality. "Yo Pan you awake" She asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I've just got so much on my mind" Pan answered. Bra smiled.

"It's okay, come on we're here to get your mind off stuff, cheer up! I'll treat you to an ice cream!" Bra said. Pan had to laugh, as a child people had always cheered her up with an Ice Cream cone. It still cheered her up sometimes, although she was sad to remember her Grandfather being there, he was the only other person that had seemed to cheer up more in the presence of Ice Cream. Pan followed Bra remembering the happy times of her past.


"Yes I know the room is a mess sir, I'm willing to pay for all the damages just don't add this to her credit record" Trunks argued with the hotel manager.

"I'm afraid I have to sir, it's hotel policy. If we were to make exceptions for miss.." he glanced down at the hotel records. "Son then we'd have to make exceptions for anyone" He finished.

"Do you have any idea who she is? She's Son Pan, granddaughter of Mr. Satan, and my fiancee, the heir to Capsule Corporation" Trunks said. The Hotel manager paled slightly.

"I guess we could make an exception just this once Mr. Briefs" He said quickly.

"I thought as much" Trunks said inspecting the bill. "This seems awfully high for a bit of a mess" Trunks said.

"I assure you it's not sir, we'll have to replace the carpet, the blood stains are impossible to remove" Said the manager, Trunks held out his credit card.

"This stays under wraps now doesn't it?" Trunks said keeping a firm hold on the card as the manager tried to take it.

"Of course Mr. Briefs" He said. Trunks let the card go, and the manager swiped it in charging the bill to him.

"Well then, now that's all taken care of, I'll be seeing you sir" Trunks said Taking his card, and placing it back in his wallet. He walked out and got into his car, starting towards home. Stopping when he saw a small store, it seemed to call out to him..


Bra and Pan ran laughingly from one store carrying their wide array of bags, the girls had gone a bit overboard, those were clothes for themselves, maternity clothes for Pan when the time came. And bags and bags of baby clothes, both for boys and girls. They had ordered a cradle and crib to be delivered the next day. The girls had, had an amazing time though. While shopping Pan had come to terms with the fact she was going to be a mother, and she was extravagantly happy. She was going to view this baby as a blessing from Kami, to make her realize what she was doing to herself, that she was important and one stupid man wasn't going to change that for her.

"Pan you have to see this!" called Bra from across the hallway of the mall, Pan ran over as quickly as she could with her bags, Bra was pointing to a teddy bear through the window, it was an angel bear with a silver halo and trumpet, and tiny white wings. The front of the bear had written in silver letters. "For the Birth of My baby the angels sound their Trumpets" Pan looked at it.

"It's perfect! It doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl either!" Pan exclaimed. Bra dragged her into the store and handed her the teddy. It was amazingly soft, probably the softest teddy bear Pan had ever felt, leaving her bags with Bra's in the store's corner they went up to buy it. The sales clerk looked at the bear and smiled.

"Which of you is the lucky mother-to-be?" She asked. Pan smiled broadly.

"I am" she said. The woman rang in the bear. Pan handed her the credit card.

"Congratulations, I'm sure your baby will be beautiful" She said. Accepting the card.

"Me too" Said Pan proudly. As the woman pulled out a silver gift box.

"I'll throw this in as a gift for your baby" the woman said putting the bear gently inside and then bagging it for them.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu!" Pan said Taking the bag. "Have a nice day" Pan said Taking the bag.

"You too, good luck young mother to be!" The lady called after them as the girls left the store, with their aray of Bags.


Trunks Parked his car and went into the shop. It was a tiny jewellery store, but the engagement rings in particular had caught his eye. He looked at the display. They were all so beautiful but he wanted to find one that screamed Pan. A sales clerk came over to him.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, I'm interested in an engagement ring... but I want one that seems right for my girlfriend." Trunks said not looking up from the display.

"Well these are the regular rings, I could show you our signature collection if you don't find what your looking for there" she said. Trunks looked up from the rings.

"Well none of these seem to grab me, let me see that collection" Trunks said. The woman went behind the counter and picked up a box, using a key from around her neck she opened it up.

"These are one of a kind rings, each of them is made by my husband" the woman said a hint of proudness in her voice.

"They are very beautiful" Trunks said nearly mesmerized. These Rings were like nothing he'd seen before, most were in white gold, but the jewels on them were made to look like flowers. Trunks picked up one ring, made of blood red rubies, emeralds and two diamonds. It was shaped to look like a rose.

"This is perfect" he said in a quiet voice. The woman smiled.

"You have very good taste, that's the same style of ring that my husband gave me on our 10 year anniversary... it was so beautiful I told him he should make one like it as an engagement ring" The woman told him. Trunks smiled.

"I'm very glad you did, this ring just seems to whisper Pans name... I'll take it" Trunks said. The woman smiled.

"Okay... It's one of our most expensive rings, if you need a payment plan I'd be more than happy to help you" She said afraid he wouldn't be able to afford the ring.

"I'm sure the price won't be anything I can't handle" Trunks said holding out his credit Card. The woman rang it through and then looked at the name.

"Trunks Briefs... wow you're the Trunks Briefs, I can't believe you came to our little store.." she said shocked.

"Well I"ll make it known that you have the most beautiful rings I've ever seen, I'm sure business will boom for you and your husband" Trunks said kindly. The woman smiled and handed him a beautiful ring box.

"No extra charge, I hope you and your future wife will be very happy together Mr. Briefs." She said.

"I'm sure we will, have a nice day!" Trunks said opening the box to take another look at the perfect ring before he put it in his pocket and once again got in his car and headed home.


"Think that's enough?" Asked Pan when they left the shop.

"For today" Laughed Bra.

"What do you mean for today!" Pan laughed back.

"Think about this Pan, this baby is going to be the most spoiled in all the world! It's my mothers first grandchild, your grandfathers first great grandchild, your parents are going to be grandparents, and your grandmother chichi is going to be a great grandma!" Said Bra. Pan laughed again.

"You are so right" Pan laughed. "I really hope it doesn't go to baby's head" Pan said looking down and talking to her stomach. Bra laughed at that.

"Come on lets get home Trunks'll worry if we're gone for too long!" Bra said and she and Pan started out back to the car. When they arrived, Bra took it upon herself to pack the bags into the small sports car, Pan stood laughing at her and drinking a Pepsi. When she felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around her waist.

"Hey babe, haven't seen you in a few days, were ya been"

Pan's eyes grew wide and she let out a scream..


"Come on lets get home Trunks'll worry if we're gone for too long!" Bra said and she and Pan started out back to the car. When they arrived, Bra took it upon herself to pack the bags into the small sports car, Pan stood laughing at her and drinking a Pepsi. When she felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around her waist.

"Hey babe, haven't seen you in a few days, were ya been"

Pan's eyes grew wide and she let out a scream.

Bra turned around quickly, And saw someone she never thought she'd see again, Dan.

Pan was frozen in shock and fear, images of that night flashed through her mind, Pans Ki flared pushing the monster behind her back.

You stay away from her! You monster!" Screamed Bra as she ran to Pans side.

"What the hell is your problem?" Dan asked angrily. Pans eyes were blank, tears streaming down her cheeks. Bra stood between Pan and Dan (A/N: Wow I *just* realized those names rhymed... where have I been LOL).

"Get lost creep, Pan doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore, you'd better go before my brother shows up! He'll kick your ass to the next Dimension!" Bra threatened, her voice not showing any of a waver in it.

"What has gotten into you, you blue haired freak! This is between me and Pan, not you or your brother." Dan said menacingly. Bra didn't back down one step, she was acting like a true saiyan, Vegeta would be proud.

"She's none of your concern anymore" Said Bra leading the shaken Pan towards the car. Just when she had gotten Pan inside Bra felt her arm be jerked back, and she was tossed to the ground of the parking lot. Dan went to the car.

"Pan what the hell is your problem! I'm your boyfriend for Kami's sake!" Yelled Dan pulling Pan out of the car as well. Just then Pan's Aura flared, and she went into super saiyan.

"I never want to see you again you Bastard!" She screamed pushing him away with such force that he flew into a nearby car. Dan slowly stood up from the impact.

"You crazy Bitch!" yelled Dan, although his voice weakening. Pan ignored him, and walked over to help her friend up. Bra accepted her hand and turned to glare at Dan, who was limping his way over towards them.

"Why you..." Dans words were interrupted by a tall lavender haired man, who landed in front of him and immediately grabbed him up by the collar, and preceded to punch him in the face.

"You Asshole! You must have a death wish showing your face after what you did to her!" Yelled Trunks as he hit him again.

Pan slowly made her way over to Trunks, her glowing yellow aura fading, and her flowing blonde hair floating back to black and falling down her shoulders once again.

"Trunks... stop he's not worth it... he's not worth the trouble" Pan said her voice strangely distant. Trunks glared at the badly beating "man", and let him fall to the ground, hard.

"Your lucky..." Trunks muttered, kicking him once in the ribs for good measure. "You are a lowlife piece of scum, you committed the worst crime against a woman there is, now I assure you, watch your back because if you EVER try something like that again, against anyone any person you won't live to see the sunrise of the next day. You are the worst piece of scum on this planet remember that, and keep a careful eye over your shoulder." Trunks threatened. Pan approached him, a cold gaze, full of rage and hate was fixed on the bloodied Dan.

"I never want to see you again, I assure you I'm powerful enough to send you to the next Dimension, and if I ever see your ugly face again, I won't hesitate" said Pan as she went to Trunks. Bra just as payback walked over to the man and spit on him.

"I told you my big bro was coming" Bra said smugly, and she left the bloodied man and got in the car and headed back to Capsule Corp. Pan was silent the whole trip, as was Trunks, who had taken it upon himself to drive home. Bra sat looking out the window, trying to understand what had happened.