**Ok, so I know what my followers and regular readers are probably thinking: "Sapphie?! What the hell is this?! You haven't updated any of your other fanfics in months yet you decide to slap us with a Big Hero 6 fanfic?! What happened to all the FMA?" Well I say NO! I NEEDED A BREAK FROM ALL THE FMA ANGST AND SHIT SO WHAT DO I DO? I write an equally as sad Big Hero 6 fanfic, that's what I did. What can I say? That movie was fucking awesome and it woN'T LET ME GO GODDAMN IT HELP ME. Anyway, so here's a ghost!Tadashi fanfic because that nerd didn't deserve to die but there are lots of alive!Tadashi fanfics already out there. Yes, I know there's a bit of a surplus of ghost!Tadashi fics as well, but this one is a lil different, I promise! At least I hope it is. Maybe once I complete this thing BH6 will finally let me rest!**

Anyway, just to make this clear! This is NOT a Hidashi fanfic! Everything here is purely innocent brotherly love! (Also this chapter was rushed so it may be a little poopy) With that, I hope you enjoy this fanfic!

"For everything that could have been, at least we took the ride. There's no relief in bitterness, might as well let it die."

(Pendulum –Encoder)

Someone has to help.

Tadashi Hamada could hear his little brother calling after him as he ran. He didn't want to ignore Hiro, but he had to go. He had to save his professor, his mentor, his borderline father-figure. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't try.

Tadashi threw open the doors to the burning building and felt the rush of blazing heat. He paid it no mind as he dashed inside, still hearing the cries of his baby brother.

"Professor Callaghan!" He shouted hoarsely as smoke filled his lungs. "Professor, where are you?!" The young man continued to call out as pushed his way past flames and debris, struggling through the wreckage.

He heard a thunderous boom and turned his head to look, but a sudden wave of excruciating heat washed over him, then a blinding flash of light...

Then there was nothing.

Tadashi woke with a gasp, breathing heavily as if he had just run a mile. He stared up at the blackened spires of twisted metal that had once been a roof. There was thick smoke in the air but the flames seemed to have calmed.

With a groan, the young man pushed himself up to sit and looked around. There was still fire burning around him, but judging from the violent stream of water being pumped into the building from nearby, the firefighters were working on it.

Tadashi had the weird feeling that he was forgetting something, but he brushed it off. He shakily stood from the ground and took a stumbling step forward. The young man slowly made his way toward the nearest exit, which was a gaping hole in a wall a short distance away.

Only one thought filled Tadashi's mind: "I have to find Hiro."

Paying the firefighters just outside the building any mind, the man stumbled out and down the steps. He saw the flashing lights of a couple ambulances in the dark and walked toward them, dread pooling in his gut. Was Hiro okay? Did he get hurt?!

Tadashi practically ran to the ambulances and frantically looked around at the paramedics that rushed to care for the injured. He quickly spotted the messy black hair of his baby brother. Hiro was sitting in the back of an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a styrofoam cup in his hands. He stared down at whatever drink was contained in the cup, his eyes wet with tears and his expression lax.

"Hiro!" Tadashi shouted. He ran over to his brother and scanned him for injuries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?!"

Hiro seemed to ignore him and just continued to stare at his drink. Tadashi grew increasingly worried at his brother's silence and opened his mouth to ask again, when he heard a frantic voice call out behind him.

Tadashi turned around and saw his Aunt Cass rushing toward them with tears streaming from her eyes. "Hiro!" She sobbed.

Tadashi quickly tried to move out of the way so their aunt could see that Hiro. He wasn't fast enough, the man only gave a sharp yelp when the woman ran right through him, leaving him feeling violated and out of breath as if the air had been sucked out of his lungs.

Tadashi's heart stopped dead in his chest and his eyes widened. "No." He choked, spinning around to stare at his Aunt who was now hugging Hiro tightly and crying into his hair. "Aunt Cass!" Tadashi called desperately, stepping toward his brother and relative. "Please, answer me!"

No response.

Tadashi reached out a hand and frantically swiped at the huddled Hamadas, staring in horror as his arm passed right through them as if they were nothing but thin air.

"No!" The young man shouted hysterically, his heart thundering in his ears and his mind clouded by horror. "This isn't real! I must be dreaming!"

Loud, heart-wrenching sobs broke Tadashi from his frantic thoughts and attempts to touch Cass. He looked down at his little brother and saw him hugging their Aunt back with tears streaming down his cheeks as his shoulders shook with sobs.

"He can't be dead!" Hiro cried out in a broken voice. "T-Tadashi wouldn't just leave me! H-He can't be gone!"

Aunt Cass held her nephew tighter and tried to hold back her own sobs for the sake of the boy in her arms. "I'm so sorry, honey," She choked, tears falling from her eyes onto Hiro's hair as they both cried.

Tadashi felt as if an icy hand was squeezing his heart until it was sure to pop. He had tried to convince himself that he was wrong, that somehow this was all a dream, but he knew, with a cold weight in his chest, that it was true. He was dead. He was a ghost. No one could see or hear him. He had died in the fire. And Hiro watched it happen. He made his baby brother watch him die of his own idiocy and leave him all alone. Hiro was alone.

And it was all his fault.

**sorry for the shortness of this chapter, but the next ones will be a bit longer, I promise.

Please leave some feedback of whether or not you liked this! I'm not sure if I should continue if it isn't something you guys would want to read!**