After not sleeping all night due to a nasty cold, I figured I might as well do this, so here is the final chapter of this story, part two will cover the TMNT and their family in the Humanimal World and Part Three will conclude the saga

After all these years I still remember that night and how badly we screwed up our mission, in defusing the bomb of raicial tensions we cut the wrong wire and it blew up in our faces.

From the Memiors of Hamato Donatello

Belladonna flew deep into the Forest and her Herd Siblings had to run like crazy to keep up!

Donatello was trying desperatly to keep up with the Fellowship Herd, he had always been the slowest of his brothers and despite his best wishes love would not give him the speed to run faster.

Belladonna then floated down by a pond unable to go on any longer collapsed into a weeping mess.

Her Herd caught up to her, Ichabod and Marzipan were riding on Bill's back and Edward was about as fast as Kong and so ran along side the Gorilla.

"Belladonna..." Matoaka said as she trotted up to the Water Dragon "Is that really what is was all these years?"

Belladonna didn't say anything, merely burried her face in her hands as the rest of her herd gathered round her.

"Belladonna!" Her Herd Siblings courused "Don't be sad Belladonna! We still love you Belladonna!"

This only caused Belladonna to weep all the louder...

"Belladonna..." Bill said nudging her "Is this...Is this of my attitude towards humans when we were younger? Is that why you kept your past from us? I've changed Bell-Bell! I don't hate Humans anymore...And I certainly could never hate you!"

"It's not that." Belladonna sobbed "It's because my Dad is a very powerful man in the Wrangler Empire...If he knew I participated in the Humanimal Rebellion we could all be in very grave danger, and..."

"And what?" Matoaka said quietly

"Ever since our escape from Nuthanger...I've felt like imposter! I'm not a real Humanimal! I'm a Human in a Humanimal Body! Why should I live when so many other worthy Humanimals died when they called the Nuthanger Humanimals? Remember all our friends we left beind? Percy and Hogarth and Blackberry and Daffodil? Why should I live when they died and got turned into fur coats? I wasn't just a Human I was the daughter of one of their enemies!"

As Ichabod heard Belladonna he reconized this all to well as 'Survivor's Guilt' compounded by the fact she felt like an imposter...At that moment even though Belladonna was the Herd Member he knew the least, he felt as though they were one and the same in a way he slid off Bill's back walked up to Belladonna and nuzzled her like a Humanimal would.

"No one should have to go through what you went through." He said "Even though I don't know you as well, you are still my Herd Sister and it's my duty to love you."

"Belladonna." Matoaka said "You are not an imposter! You are as much a Humanimal as the rest of us, yes you were born a Human...But you journeyed with us to find Paradise Valley! You fought and shed blood with us! Once a Beast of Nuthanger, ALWAYS a Beat of Nuthanger! The fact you were once a Human does not diminish the value of your contributions."

"Yeah!" Said Jim "Remember when we had to cross that river but Bob and I were too worn out to swim? You found that floating piece of wood for us to ride on!"

"And if it weren't for your quick thinking I would have strangled to death in that snare!" Said Bill.

"My friends..." Belladonna said just as Donatello was reaching to pond

That's when it happened, Bishop came strolling by

"How sentimental..." He sneered "I'm know you creatures are all from another dimenstion, I'm going to dissect all of you."

Matoaka lowered her horn "You can't do that!" She yelled

"Oh but I can..." Bishop chuckled "I find you particurally fasinating, maybe it's true what they say about Unicorn Blood giving eternal life."

Don drew his Bo Staff hoping Bishop didn't notice him here...Sometime it seemed like Bishop had god-like omnisance

But before he could do anything, he heard Ichabod scream in a voice that sounded like thunder "NO ONE HARMS CAPTAIN MATOAKA!"

Ichabod's green eyes were glowing! So was his read hair! He started to wave around his arms and that when things got...Freaky...

The beautiful wildflowers sprang forth and wrapped themselves around Bishop's arms and legs! Bishop tried to break free but Ichabod reenforced his bindings with ivy, thistles and nettles! He then began to wrap Bishop up in the plants like a mummy, Ichabod then saw an old oak tree with a large crevice in the trunk Ichabod then placed the mummified Bishop in the crevice and with a wave of his hand he sealed up the crevice completly and utterly encasing Bishop in the tree!

Don's jaw dropped, of all the things he had seen in his life he never saw anything quite like this.

"Ichabod!" Bill exclaimed "How...How did you do that?!"

Jchabod's eyes and hair ceased glowing when he realized just what exactly he had done, he looked at his hands, then he felt a warm feeling on his rump, precisly on the mark Morgan had put on him.

"I don't know." Ichabod said, even though he was beginning to understand what had happened "I just felt so angry and that I had to do something..."

"The shell!" Came Raphael's voice, Donatello's three brothers had finally caught up "What kind of voodoo happened her?"

"Ichabod..." Don said "...Basacally mummified Bishop in plants and sealed him up in that tree."

"Whoa really?" Asked Mikey "That's some serious superhero stuff!"

Don trotted over the the oak tree and studied "You did a pretty good job sealing him up Ichabod." Don said "It's going to be a long time before he gets out of there."

"What do you mean?" Ichabod asked "How can he breathe in there?!"

"Unfortunatly Bishop has some...Unique properties." Don said "I'm not sure he's entirely organic still...He's not getting out anytime soon."

After and akward moment of silence Leo said "If we're certain Bishop is stuck in there for the time being, we need to head back to the Mansion, Eleanor is about to make sure speech."

Matoaka turned to Belladonna "Do you think we can head back?" she asked her Herd Sister.

Belladonna who was just as shocked as everyone else by what Ichabod had done nodded and thus they headed back to the Mansion where Eleanor was waiting for them

"Head to the back garden." Eleanor said "I'll be there shortly..." She then looked at Belladonna "You...Really were born a Human?"

Belladonna blushed "Yes." Was all she could say

Eleanor shrugged "Oh well, no one's perfect." And she headed back into the Mansion

In the back garden, the Mutants were packed like sardines! the Residents of Masion De Fauna had the privilage of standing close to wear Eleanor would be speaking the Non-Residents had to perch on the garden wall or in the threes behind the garden wall, at that moment Bill took what looked like a ring out of his pocket, put it on his finger and started fiddling with the jewel.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked

"Recorder ring." Bill said"Recording incase we need this moment later."

Elenor then appeared, standing the fort the Mutant Childen played in, she held up her arms indicating she as about to speak

"Can you count Mutants?" She asked loud and clear "I say the future is ours! If you can count!

She then started climbing the ladder into the fort, a Mutant somewhere called "Come on Eleanor! We're with you!" Another shouted "Go ahead Sister!"

"Look and see..." Eleanor said "What we have here before us...We have the Mammals...Sitting next to the Birds...We have the reptiles...Right by the Amphibians..." She took a look at the many species before her "And nobody...Is eating anybody...THAT is a miracle! And miracles are the way things ought to be!"

She cimbed furthur until she reached the fort "You're standing with nine delagates, from a hundred tribes of wild mutants...And there's over a hundred more... That's twenty thousand hard core mutants...Forty thousand counting affiliates and twenty thousand more not organized but ready to fight...Sixty...Thousand...Soldiers."

The Mutants gave murmurs of excitment

"And there is only but twenty thousand police in all of New York..." Said Eleanor "Can you dig it?" She asked

The Mutants cheered

"Can you dig it?" Eleanor asked again

The Mutants cheered louder

"CAN YOU DIG IT?" She asked loadly

The Mutants roared their approval, all the Mutants except for Turtles

"I don't know what disturbs me more..."Don said "That she's planning what I think she's planning, or that she plagerized her whole speech from The Warriors."

"Uh what?" Bill asked

"It's a movie..." Leo said "One we frequently watched as kids."

Eleanor got down from her post and trotted over to the Turtles

"Come with me." She said,and she led them to her secret chamber

"That was quite a speech you gave." Leo said

"Yes." Said Eleanor "It's mavelous that we could have so many Mutants in one place it's all thanks to this." Eleanor gestured towards a green crystal on her table that looked like a crystal ball."

"What is it?" Don asked

"It's a gift from Morgan...A Psionic Stone...It can enhance my hypnotic suggestion powers to expand to a 50 mile radius, I speak my hypnotic commands into the Stone and it broadcasts them telepathically to anyone who does not get a formal invitation to my Mansion for instance I speak into the stone "You don't want to go into the forest, there is something dangerous in the forest, you will die if you go too deep into the forest...And anyone who has not had a formal invitation will feel cripling panic attacks if they try to enter my forest."

Leo gulped "That is...Some defense you've got there...I presume you want to talk to us about your plan."

"Indeed." Morgan said "You see, I've got a plan to win freedom for all of Mutant Kind."

She took something out of a secret compartment and put it on her, the Turtles gasped, a simple string of gold beads and a small cloudy emerald.

"If you looked closely..." Eleanor said "...A deligates from the wild tribes are not very inclusive while civilized Mutants are generally open to all species, Mutants born and raised tend to stick to creatures like themselves...Rodents with Rodents, Birds with Birds, Ungulates with Ungulates and all though they managed to be civil at the ball they're not likely to cooperate with each other in battle...With this jewel I shall be able to get my many forces to work together in harmony, to syncronize...United we shall march on New York, armed with advanced weaponry, we shall take New York hostage! The ransom...The total emancipation of all Mutant Animals!"

The Turtles felt a chill go down there carapaces as Eleanor calmly poured herself a glass of brandy.

"I know that some...Both Humans and Mutants will die." She said sombrly "But I see this as the beginning of a new world order...One where Animals run the world, a world free of hate and bigotry where all species can live in peace and harmony."

Leo stood up "You can't build a utopia on the bones of the innocent!" He yelled

Atthat moment, Eleanor shattered the glass of brandy in her hand she was NOT happy!

"You don't believe in my dream..." She said sounding hurt "...If you will not help me willingly I'll have no choice but to force you! Dance for me!"

At that moment, the Turtles were no longer in control of their bodies, they started dancing wildly, whenever Eleanor gave them a spefic command they had to do it!

"Kick up your legs Donatello! Stand on your hands Raphael...All of you lay down your weapons at my hooves!"

The Turtles were terrified! They had no control over themselves as they took belovedweapons and lay them down at her hooves

"Bow to me!" Eleanor commanded "On your bellies!"

The Turtles were forced flat on their bellies

"You do not know how important this is to me!" Eleanor said as she placed her dainty hoof on Leo's head "I have worked for years to bring this plan to fruition...I WILL NOT LET YOU STOP ME!"

Just then there came a sound of shattered glass, Eleanor looked up and saw her table had been knocked over and the Psionic Stone was shattered, Ichabod and Edward had come into her secrert chamber, Bob had seen what was happening in a vision and he also saw in his vision how to get into her secret chamber...Ichabod and Edward had been sent because as Humans the Gaia Emerald had no power over them

With her Psionic Stone shattered Elenaor was furious! "My Mutants!" She yelled thus summoning all the residents of Maison De Fauna "Come to me!"

Even if they couldn't hear the Command where they were...The Mutants of Maison De Fauna felt themselves move towards the bookcase in the vestibule against their

"The Turtles are traitors!" Eleanor said "Kill them and the two Humans!"

The Mutants very clearly didn't want to kill them, they tried to fight against the command but they slowly inched foreward baring the teeth and claws against thei will.

At that point the Turtles tried to stand up but they were still under orders to lay flat on their bellies, Ichabod and Edward drew their weapons and were quickly backed into a corner

The Turtles were completely helpless as theey bore the brunt of tooth and claw and beak and hoof, Mikey and Raph cried out in pain as the blood began to flow and Leo in his terror felt this was where it was all going to after all these years, after surviving near everything the universe could throw at them, this was how they were going to die, helpless, unable to fight back, being torn apart by their fellow mutants.

That's when a familar roar shook everyone to their core

Belladonna charged up and blasted frost breath at the attacking Mutants, Matoaka, Bill and Kong came in and Matoaka, Bill, Kong and Belladonna each picked up one Turtle and fled with Ichabod and Edward.

"After them!" Eleanor yelled though that command was delayed as her Mutants were covered in ice and had to break free

What followed was a mad dash through the forest, the, Mutants quickly broke free from the ice and chased the Fellowship Heard through the Woods, the Turtles were starting to black out at the point they weren't even comprihending anything

"We're almost to the well!" Matoaka called "Everyone! We're almost there!"

When they reached the well, they all dove in, the Mutants peered into the well, but they couldn't see or smell anything but mud and well water.

"I don't get it." One of them said "It's like they...Vanished."

None of them could comprehend that they had gone into another universe, and thus they decided to return to Eleanor claiming that they were drowned in a well.

And thus the Mutant Riots began.

Look forward to part 2