A sea of green spread out for miles before her huge, Amber eyes, further than even she could manage to see. It made her feel safe, calm, at home. She could feel the wind brushing lightly against her skin, refreshing her body during the wonderfully long journey. There was nothing in the world more satisfying than flying above it. Familiar noises surrounded her, helpfully guiding her on her way until – wait! What is that? She raced towards the unfamiliar sound, not knowing what it was and yet she just knew that she had to find it. She needed to find it. Almost there, Almost there. About to finally reach it-

The tinkle of the bell which was connected to the top of the door entrance to the shop rang loudly throughout the cluttered room and forced her out of her delightful slumber, robbing her of finding the thing she most desperately desired and sought in her dream. She ruffled her feathers, giving a small hoot of annoyance, and put her head back under her wing to rest without even glancing at the new strangers. She could feel the vibrations of their steps as they walked along the rickety wooden floor, approaching her keeper with the wild mane on her head. She could sense there to be two earth-walkers, though one's foot stomp sounded as though it was far larger than the other one's.

As she desperately attempted to get back to her wondrous dream the earth-walkers began to exchange words. This made her extremely irritable and she wished that she could fly away to a more peaceful place just to get away from them. Nothing in the world was ruder than waking another in her very high opinion. Removing her snowy head from beneath her wing in utter annoyance, she opened her large amber eyes intending to let the earth-walkers know how angry she was with them. How dare they, the insignificant earth-walkers, interrupt her perfect slumber.

That was when she saw him for the first time. He was across the room from her surveying another owl. No more than a miniature of most earth-dwellers and yet, never before had she been so fascinated by one of them. His eyes were shining with excitement as the other one ruffled his feathers at him, attempting to entice the earth-walker in to being his companion. A small smile played across the boys face as he stared at the other bird, blinded by the feather rustler and poking his fingers through the cage as he stroked the other bird's feathers.

For some strange reason this infuriated her to no end. This could not be allowed to happen, she thought. In order to stop the small boy from making the mistake of choosing him, she gave a loud hoot in an attempt to gain his undivided attention. As he turned she suddenly had an epiphany – he was the thing she'd been looking for in her dream. His eyes, still shining with excitement, found hers as he walked towards her cage to examine her more closely.

For a few minutes he interacted with her, whispering words of comfort through the thin, metal bars. He stood back, contemplating her for the moment. She stared at the small boy, trying to convey what she couldn't say without words. He stared straight back at her and somehow she knew that he understood.

"Hagrid, I think this is the one I'd like."