Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling and do not claim to own anything that is copy written by her. This disclaimer is for the whole story.


November 1, 1971

The Wizengamot convened. Worried parents filled the audience.

"Bartemius Crouch Sr.," Dumbledore said, "please present your argument for this body." Mr. Crouch stood and walked into the center of the assembly.

"It has been one year, almost exactly, since my oldest son-Caspar-died. We send our children off to Hogwarts every year, we believe they should be safe there. But it was within those walls that he died," Crouch said, voice resonating around the room.

"It's that filthy mudblood fault," someone whispered in the crowed.

"It could have happened to any child," Couch continued. "Pushed to hard. The magic of an eleven year old is not stable enough. We cater to them and dumb down the magic just because they have the capability of levitating a feather at eleven. But the books are there, the magic is there and so it is not safe in that castle. If a pureblood from an ancestry as old as this assembled body can die in Hogwarts, should we really be sending off eleven year olds whose cores are still so volatile?"

"What would you have us do?" Edgar Bones called from the bench of the Wizengamot. Crouch held back a smile.

"I have worked with the Board of Governors and Hogwarts staff. Research shows that by thirteen every magical core has settled. That means the classes could move faster, not waiting on the magical ability. I am told if the student started at thirteen, the staff would be able to teach them all of the current curriculum for first four years in only two years. It would not hold them back, merely make the learning safer."

The audience made almost completely of purebloods, mulled over the ideas presented for them. If the son of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight could fall victim to pushing magic too far at such a young age, what protection was their for their own heirs. Sure, muggle-borns had had this issue before, but for a pureblood to die as well. It shook their community.

"And what of wands?" someone posed.

"I see no reason to change the current law," Couch answered. "It would be up to the digression of the parents when they would receive it once they turned eleven."

"And the muggle-borns?" Couch still hid his smile.

"They would still learn of magic with their Hogwart letter," he replied.

That sat well with the assembled body. Punishing all muggle-borns for taking one of the pure-blood princes, while also providing a way to protect them in the future. The vote soared through.

The eleven year olds who had started in September would be the last to do so. Over the next two years while the next set of Hogwarts students waited, the curriculum was changed. September first of 1973 saw the first group of thirteen year old starting Hogwarts as the newly assigned first years.


October 31, 1981

Sirius Black felt a clenching in his chest, an aching in his bones. He knew better than to leave the feeling alone, so instead headed straight to James and Lily. Every sense was screaming that they were in trouble.

He pounded on the door as his heart strained.

"Sirius?" James questioned as his friend pulled him into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" James asked once they were tucked into the house. Lily handed him a cup of tea.

"I don't know," Sirius answered honestly. "I just knew I had to be here. Can I stay the night?"

"Of course," Lily answered.

A few hours later, Sirius knew why he was there.

"Lily, get Harry out of here," James commanded.

"I hold him off," Sirius offered. Lily sprinted up the stairs to her son.

James and Sirius were blown back when the front of the house exploded.

The house was engulfed in flames as Voldemort roared and left the property. The Potter family was another wiped out by the dark lord. Still the fear of the prophecy chilled his bones.

Voldemort went to the Longbottom's estate. It is there he met his defeat after attempting to kill young Neville, just 15 month old. The curse rebounded. The dark lord was dead, but so was his parents.

Mrs. Longbottom, the boy's grandmother, came as quick as the warning went out that the wards had been penetrated. She lifted the child from his crib and shielded him from the sight of his parents.

"I'll protect you," she whispered.

AN: I am throwing out this story to see how it is received. It is completely AU. The update schedule is once a week. It'll be a long story, covering at least 5 years in the magical world. Please let me know what you think. If people do not care for it, I may back burner it for another story. That is not a threat, I just don't want to spend months and months and maybe more on something no one really cares for. Thank you so much for reading.