A/N: I have been delaying writing this if I'm being honest. Its actually been in my head for a while but especially since I finished the last chapter. I'm so sad to see this story go, and who knows? Maybe one day I'll write a sequel story.

I want to get to either one of two stories - the spring break au I started and I really do want to continue or this other idea that I have for literati. Its a Luke/lorelai wedding one and that hasn't been done before - that I know of - so its actually really interesting. I'd love your thoughts on which you want next.

But again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything. You all mean so much and you are a writer's dream. I hope you stick with me with future stories as well!

Rory slowly opened her eyes and tried to peek out the windows. She couldn't see it but she sensed it. A smile lit up her face as she rushed out of bed and opened up the curtains.

There was definitely snow outside. The streets of New York had a pile of white over it as cars drove past or people moved around the slush. Rory smiled even bigger as she looked at it come down and land without a sound.

"What are you doing?" She heard a muffled voice from behind her.

Rory turned around and saw a Jess had moved so his front was angled at her but his face was still in the pillow. "It snowed."

His head perked up from the pillow as he tried to see out of the window. "Doesn't seem like that much."

"It's still coming down," she pouted. "Come see."

"Its 7 in the morning, Ror," Jess put his head back in the pillow. "Come back to bed. If its really snowing that much, it'll be there in a couple of hours."

Rory pouted again and with one last glance out the window, she walked back to bed and climbed in. "Will you take a walk with me in it?"

"Maybe," he mumbled.

She slid into her side of the bed and was surprised when Jess had moved from the pillow and closer to her. He put his arms around her and she smiled into his shirt. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"I was cold," she snuggled closer.

"You were sitting beside the window admiring the snow," Jess pointed out.

"Yes," she replied.

Jess laughed and kissed her head. "You are crazy."

"I may be crazy but you're the one marrying me," Rory countered.

"Yes, I am," he nodded in agreement. "Which reminds me of something."

She stiffened in worry. "What's that?"

"Are you by any chance planning on telling your mom we're engaged?" Jess said in a low voice. It sounded strange to her ears, like he himself was worried.

"I am," she looked up at him to let him see the truth in her eyes.

"Its been two months," Jess said.

"I know," she said and looked down at her left hand.

A week after Christmas, Rory and Jess went back to New York. The first thing he did was go to the best jewelers and designed a ring for Rory. She winced when he told her not to worry about the cost but didn't press on the price.

He proposed all over again that night and they had spent the dark hours making love until early hours in the morning. Rory was afraid to ever take the band off but she somehow did. Her and Jess had went back to Stars Hollow a few times since December and she had put it on a necklace.

In New York again however, it rarely left her finger. At work, she flipped it around so no one would ask questions. A few of them seemed like they guessed but said nothing as they waited for her.

If Rory had to be honest, she'd say she liked it as is. It wasn't that she liked lying to her mother. And it wasn't even exactly lying really. She'd just not told her an important piece of information.

Lorelai and Luke had their hands full with baby Emily. She was a fussy baby and wasn't sleeping through the night. She woke up more frequently than both Rory and Evan had. For now it seemed like they needed their family time with the new baby.

And it wasn't even just that. It felt like she had this special secret, something that no one else but Jess knew. It was their thing and as long as she didn't tell anyone, it would stay their special thing. Rory loved the feeling of closeness she got from that.

"You fall asleep?" Jess nudged her softly.

"No," she smiled. "I was just thinking about when I tell people about us."

"What about us?" He wondered.

"When I tell my mom, Luke will know," she admitted. "And when mom and Luke know, my grandma will know and Lane will know which leads to Zach and then it will go to everyone else..."

Jess suddenly sat up and his arm moved from around her. "What's wrong with people knowing?"

"Nothing," Rory shook her head and sat up with him. "Its just...I like only us knowing."

He gave her a questioning look. "What does that mean?"

"I can't explain it," she bit her lip. "Its like our secret. Its just for you and me. But when we tell people, they're gonna be asking questions and we won't get to be alone and be just us."

"I don't understand but I guess that's part of the Gilmore charm," he smirked.

"I suck at explaining," Rory pouted.

"No," Jess touched his lips to her quickly. "I think, to you, it makes sense so I'll just agree with it."

"You're not mad?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Why would I be mad?"

"Because I haven't told anyone yet," she replied.

"Do you want me to be mad about you not telling anyone yet?" Jess countered.

"Not at all," she shook her head. "But...I don't know."

He stared right into her blue eyes. "What?"

"That's how I know this is right," Rory smiled.

"You mean my charm isn't part of it?" He smirked.

"Its you," she said. "Its everything about you."

"You're cheesy in the morning," he commented with a smile.

"Its because my brain hasn't worked up enough to not be," she said.

Jess laughed and put his arm around her again. "Let's go back to sleep. You just tell your mom when you're ready. I'm not mad."

"Okay," Rory snuggled into him. After a few seconds, she speaks again. "Jess?"

"Hmm?" He sounded like he had already fell back asleep and she almost lost her nerve.

"What if I want to go tell mom today?" She whispered.

Jess smiled against her hair. "I'd say that sounds good."


"Those people are insufferable," Michel said as the guests he'd just checked out walked away.

"Michel, they're not that far away," Lorelai said.

"I don't care," he retorted.

"They're paying guests," she replied. "Our salaries."

"Fine," he huffed and looked over at the door.

Lorelai watched his expression and guessed the guests he dubbed insufferable were back. "What?"

"For you," Michel said.

"Huh?" She asked and turned them gasped. "Rory! You're here!"

"I'm here!" Her daughter said and hugged her mom.

"What are you doing here?" Lorelai beamed.

"Just wanted to come see you," she smiled but it faded as she noticed Michel's expression. "Why is he making that face?"

"Ignore him," Lorelai waved it off as they walked to the common area and sat on the couch. "So...any special reason or you just miss me?"

"Would you believe me if I said both?" Rory asked.

"Ooh," she extended the word the way a kid would. "And what, pray tell, would the special reason be?"

Rory bit her lip, suddenly nervous. "Where's Emily?"

"Big Emily or little Emily?" Lorelai asked. She could tell her mom loved having another person named Emily around. If she had to guess, she'd say it reminded her of there being more than Lorelai.

"Both, actually," Rory answered.

"Big Emily is at her house, I think," Lorelai ticked off on two fingers. "Little Emily is with her father at the diner."

"So she's where Jess went," Rory said and smiled at the thought of Jess with baby Emily.

"Jess is here too?" Lorelai gasped.

"I didn't come alone," Rory laughed.

"I'd hope not!" Her mother said. "Now, tell Mommy what the special reason is or I'll go mad with curiosity."

"Jess proposed to me," she confessed.

"Oh my god," Lorelai said. "I was not expecting that."

"What were you expecting?" Rory wondered.

"I don't know," she said. "Having a baby?"

"You expected me to tell you I'm pregnant but Jess proposing is a shock?" She felt the urge to laugh.

"Give mommy a second to process," Lorelai pointed her finger at her daughter as she teased. "I never pictured Jess as the marrying type."

"Me, either," Rory shook her head once with a smile.

"So I'm guessing you said yes?" She asked. "Because if you said no, he might not have come back with you."

"I said yes," Rory smiled bigger as she pulled on a chain that was hidden by her shirt. Once it was out, Lorelai could clearly see the diamond sparkle.

"Wow," she said as she looked at it. "So he really did propose."

Rory opened the necklace and tool the ring off the chain and onto her ring finger. "Yes, he did."

"When?" Lorelai asked. "Last night?"

"No, um..." She felt her throat go dry. How could she explain she didn't tell her mother, her best friend, she'd kept her engagement from her for two months?

She noticed the silence. "What's wrong? Do you not want to marry Jess?"

"It's not that," Rory looked at her mother. Her eyes were wet. "He proposed to me...on Christmas."

"Christmas," her mother whispered.

She whispered back, "Yeah."

"And you're worried I'll be upset you didn't tell me?" She asked.


"I'm not."

"You're not?" Rory asked.

"No, sweets," she smiled softly. "I understand not being ready to tell people."

"You told people when you and Luke were getting married," she pointed out. "And when you and Max got engaged."

"I know," she said and wiped a wet spot from her daughter's face. "But I know what its like to not be ready to tell your mother."

Rory felt a stab at the comment. "It's not that I'm worried you'll judge or about your reaction. I just wanted to keep it between us for a little while."

"I understand that, too," she moved a stray piece of hair from Rory's face now. "Is Jess telling Luke?"

"No," she laughed. "He's waiting for me and you."

"Okay," Lorelai said and put her arm around her daughter. "What do you say you hang out here and we'll go down there together?"

"Sounds good," Rory nodded.


Jess sat upstairs and watched baby Emily. She'd only been home a few weeks now and he felt unprepared to take care of her. As he stared down at her, he looked at the little face and imagined what if it was his and Rory's kid? What would he do?

He'd never seen himself ever being a father. Hell, he'd never thought he'd even be a husband. But here he was, engaged and taking care of this two month old baby as he imagined his own child.

A smile appeared on his face as he thought to the future. Of all the things he never expected, nothing compared to his number one. Never had Jess expected to be with Rory again.

After what happened in Philadelphia nearly ten years ago, it seemed very much over. To Jess, it seemed more over after that visit then when he went to her dorm. Because when he went to Yale, he knew he still needed to work on his own shit.

But in Philadelphia... He was who he needed to get to. And she rejected him and chose Logan and had crushed his heart more than he cared to admit. That time at her dorm and in Truncheon killed him more than anything. His hope had vanished after that last visit.

Jess put his hand on Emily's belly and smiled. She was adorable. He shook her slightly and rocked her. It wasn't so bad to look after her after all, he thought.

His thoughts kept on their path, however. Jess thought of his uncle's wedding to Lorelai. He remembered talking to Richard and how Richard had caught him watching Rory. He remembered that conversation with Lily on the phone.

He thought of the ceremony itself. Rory had smiled at him as she walked down the aisle. The urge to smile back at her, to be like old times, was strong. But when he looked at her, all he saw was her walking out that door and he heard her words - "I'm in love with him."

So instead he kept a neutral face and didn't smile back.

His mind searched through everything that had led them here. The good, the bad, the really bad. Jess had believed any chance with Rory was gone long ago. He couldn't explain what happened to let the hope come back.

Maybe it was when she walked in the diner all those months ago. Maybe it was the phone call where she confessed her marriage was over.

Before his thoughts could continue on, Jess heard the doorknob turn and he looked up. In walked Luke, and behind him, Lorelai. Finally, Rory trailed in behind them and he couldn't help the smile that came at the sight of her now.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," Rory smiled back.

"Here we go again," Luke rolled his eyes but smiled.

"The Later years," Lorelai commented as she strolled over to Jess and her baby.

"Now why did we have to rush up here?" Luke asked. "Lorelai came running in, requesting she know where Jess is."

Jess smirked. "She knows?"

"She knows," Rory nodded.

"Knows what?" Luke asked the two of them and looked at his wife.

"So oblivious," she smiled affectionately. "Just the way I like him."

"Go ahead," Jess encouraged at his girlfriend turned fiancee.

Rory smiled and looked over at Luke. "Jess and I are getting married."

"What?" He asked and as to prove her words, Rory held out her left hand and showed him the ring. "Wow."

"I know," she said as she looked at her own hand then to Jess. He smiled at her.

"So Jess proposed?" He asked with his own smirk. "Can't honestly say I saw that coming."

"Neither did I," Jess added.

"Hey, mother of the bride here," Lorelai said and hugged baby Emily to her chest. "That sounds nice to say."

"It's nice to hear," Rory ducked her head shyly.

Jess watched her. He saw pride and happiness on her face. It was that moment he knew for sure he misinterpreted why she didn't tell anyone. She wasn't ashamed of anyone knowing she was marrying him. It was just the opposite, whatever that meant.

Rory seemed beyond happy - over the moon even - to be engaged to him. And he had felt the same way about her.


"You're getting married?" Emily gasped.

"Yes," Rory smiled at her grandmother. "To Jess."

She waited patiently for the screaming to happen, for the disapproval. Emily was quiet, thoughtful. Lorelai had told her to call to tell her the news but Rory shook her head and said she wanted to do it in person.

Emily had been there when Logan proposed at her graduation party. However, she had also loved Logan. Rory wasn't sure how she would react to this news.

"Congratulations," Emily smiled.

It was a genuine smile, too. Rory smiled back, surprised and replied, "Thank you."

"Have you thought of a date yet?" The elder Gilmore asked.

"No, not yet," Rory said. "It's still very new."

"Why, yes, of course," she agreed. "But you know a season you might like the wedding to take place?"

She frowned. She wasn't fond of a fall wedding, not after her and Logan's had been in the fall. "Maybe spring. It doesn't have to be this spring, though. It might be too soon."

"Nonsense," Emily disagreed. "It can never be soon when you love someone."

"Grandma?" Rory asked mostly out of making sure that was really Emily Gilmore and not some kind of alien look-a-like.

She looked at her granddaughter. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, of course," she replied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Rory thought carefully before she answered. "Because I thought you'd mad."

Emily looked scandalized. "Why on earth would I be mad? My beautiful granddaughter is getting married."

"Yes, but to Jess," she added.

"Yes, I know that," Emily said.

"And you're okay with that?" Rory asked. "Its Jess."

She rolled her eyes dramatically. "I don't know why you keep pointing out its Jess you will be marrying. I know that."

"Because its Jess," Rory was still stunned.

"I don't think you understand," she said.

She shook her head. "Not at all."

Emily smiled and began to explain. "I've learned a lot of things in my lifetime, Rory. Ever since I found out about Pennilyn Lott or what your great-grandmother thought of me, I've had a different perspective."

She sighed and continued. "When I lost your grandfather, it hit me how important it was to find someone you truly love. He was everything to me, Rory. He was everything and I lost him."

Rory sat quietly and watched the older woman's face. Emily composed her expression, aware of the emotions written all over it.

"I've seen how much you love him," she said. "I've seen how much he loves you. And he's a changed man, I've noticed. A far cry from that monosyllabic punk who came to dinner with a black eye."

Rory smiled. "He has changed."

"I'm glad to hear that," Emily smiled in return. "And I do mean it. If you are lucky enough to love someone so much, you should take the chance."

"Thank you, grandma," she said and wiped at her eyes before she moved to stand up.

"Oh, Rory, won't you stay for dinner?" She asked.

"Evan should be home right now so I was going to tell everyone else my news," she replied. "But...if you want to, you can come to Stars Hollow. Have dinner with all of us."

She looked surprised but pleasantly so. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all," she said.


Back in Stars Hollow, Jess had just gotten off the phone with Matt and Chris. He wasn't sure if he'd wanted to tell them right this second but then he figured it out - they were his best friends. He'd never had best friends before. It was actually a nice feeling, he thought.

Matt hadn't had the expected reaction. He'd been happy for Jess, maybe even happier than Chris was. Partly it was because he was glad to proved wrong. There was also knowing how much Jess loved Rory and he was glad to hear his friend was happy. He planned on going to Liz's later to tell her, as well.

Next he called Lily, Jimmy and Sasha. Lily screamed so loudly into the receiver he thought he'd lose his hearing. Both Jimmy and Sasha sent their congratulations and told him they expected a wedding invitation. He was surprised they would come to Connecticut but also found himself happy about this, too.

It felt like finally, after thirty two years, Jess Mariano had a real family. And it was really only beginning, too.

Stashed in a pocket of the luggage, there was an envelope sticking out. Jess looked at it curiously as he put the phone down and walked to it. He tugged on it and realized it was that letter from the party. The letter from Logan. It was still sealed, untouched.

He grabbed it and put it in his back pocket where his current reading material would usually go. Then he walked down the stairs and spotted Rory walking to the diner with...her grandmother. He smiled against his will it seemed as he saw his fiancee come into focus.

Lorelai, Luke and everyone in the room turned to see who was there at the sight of Jess' smile. They figured it'd be Rory but looked anyway. Rory smiled brightly as she walked into the diner and held the door for Emily.

"Hi, mom," Lorelai said and actually stood up to hug her mother.

Emily hugged Lorelai then Evan. He was quieter than usual which was their first suspicion. "Hello, Lorelai. Luke."

Like waved from behind the counter at his mother-in-law. "Can I get you anything, Emily?"

"How about a Cobb salad?" She asked and Lorelai snickered as she remembered the lunch they had at the diner years ago.

Almost everyone was in the diner. After they had eaten, Rory stood up and motioned for Jess to as well. Specific patrons inside - her mother, Luke, Sookie, Jackson, Gypsy, Lane, Zach, even Mrs. Kim, Miss Patty, Babette, Morey, Kirk, Lulu and Taylor - to be exact looked at them.

"We have an announcement to make," Rory cleared her throat. "I wanted to do it with all of you here and I can guess my mom ran out and got you."

They nodded in agreement as they waited. Jess stepped in front of Rory. "Rory and I are getting married."

"Oh my god!" Lane gasped and jumped out of her seat to hug her best friend.

Loud chatter filled the diner as each customer stood and went to the couple. Most hugged Rory, some attempted a handshake to Jess. Miss Patty tried to hug him but he stepped backwards and Rory laughed.

Lorelai and Luke stood on the side with their son and daughter in her bassinet. They knew the news. They let everyone else approach now.

People asked if she was pregnant. They asked when they wedding will be, if she'd begin planning. Kirk eyed her ring suspiciously. Luke was about to kick him out as he thought of buying Lorelai's ring from him years ago but resisted when his wife told him not to.

At some point, the chatter died down and just Lane and Zach sat at their table. Mrs. Kim had gone home with their three children and they eased into normal conversation. Emily sat with them and watched with happiness how content her granddaughter seemed.

Jess excused himself to get more food and Rory moved to kiss him. The kiss lingered and he smiled again as he went into the kitchen. She finally remembered her grandmother was right there and countless others watched as she blushed.

"You definitely got better at giving it a little something, honey," Babette commented.

Rory blushed wildly and Emily was confused. "What does that mean?"

"Its an old joke, Mom," Lorelai waved it off but Emily was just left mystified.


After everyone had left, after Rory even called Paris to tell her the news, she and Jess went upstairs to the diner apartment.

"This is kind of our place," she remarked. "I mean, we spent so much time here the first time we were together. We first slept together here, you proposed here, told me you're coming to New York..."

"I guess it is our place," he smirked and sat beside her.

She snuggled into his arm. "I want a spring wedding. It doesn't have to be this spring. I'd never plan it in time but...it just sounds really nice."

"So we'll have a spring wedding," he agreed.

"Just like that?" She asked.

"Just like that," he replied.

"I love you so much," Rory kissed him.

Jess smiled as she pulled away. It felt like the smile permanently replaced his old scowl. "I love you, too."

They sat for a few moments before he remembered the letter in his back pocket. Jess moved, Rory turned to see what he was doing and he pulled out the envelope. She bit her lip nervously. "Where was that?"

"It was sticking out of the suitcase," he handed it to her. "I think you should read it."

"I wasn't sure if I was going to," she admitted. "So I just kept it in there just in case."

"Why are you so worried?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," she said. "I'm not worried. I guess I just don't know what he would have to say."

He shrugged. "Read it or don't read it. Its up to you and I'm supporting whichever you do."

Rory nodded and stared at the paper in her hand. "I think I'm gonna read it."

She opened it carefully, as if it was fragile. Jess watched as she read the words in her mind. He watched her expressions and reactions change. He watched as minutes later, she finished and folded it back up.

He sat up straighter. "What did it say?"

Rory sniffed and that's how he finally realized she had begun to cry. "He got help. Real help, this time. And he heard about me and you."

"Oh?" He asked in an indifferent voice. He didn't want Rory know how curious he was.

"Yeah, through families," she nodded. "Honor didn't know, apparently. But he wanted me to know he was glad I moved on. That losing the baby was harder than anything he'd ever went through and he knew it had to be worse for me."

Jess nodded. He wasn't sure what to say. "And?"

"And he wished us well," Rory sniffed. "Logan said he knew there was something between us. He said maybe he had never been the one for me, that's really why it didn't work. He wishes me happiness and congratulated me about becoming editor."

"And that's it?" He wondered.

"Pretty much," she nodded. "You can read it if you'd like."

"No," he held a hand up. "Its yours. Its personal."

"I don't mind," Rory said.

"Its okay," he told her and kisses her lips softly. "I'm glad about what it said, though. Its good he got help."

"Yeah, it is," she agreed. "And, Jess, what he said about not being the one. I think I always knew he wasn't. I wanted him to be. I was always scared of me and you and now here we are..."

"Engaged," he smirked.

"Engaged," she grinned. "And it's not as scary as I'd expected."

"I hope not," he said.

"Not even a little," she promised.

"So we're getting married in spring 2017," Jess commented after she had gone silent.

"Spring 2017," she whispered with another smile. A hopeful smile.

He pulled her closer to him. "It sounds nice, doesn't it?"

"More than nice," she said.

"Who would have thunk we'd end up here?" He asked. "All these years later."

"I think there was a part of me that knew we'd always be in each other's lives," she leaned her head on him.

"But engaged?" He grinned, too. "Planning a family?"

"I didn't say I knew what capacity," Rory replied.

"Well, whatever capacity, I'm glad it happened," Jess said.

She nodded. "Me, too."

"I love you," he said again.

Rory looked up at him and smiled before she kissed him. "Always have, always will."

"Not that again," he groaned.

She laughed. "Oh, get used to it. Matt and Chris told me the book will be out soon."

"I can't believe you finished the edit," he sounded amazed.

She nudged him playfully. "I told you I could do it."

"I never doubted you," Jess replied. "I got an idea."

"What?" She asked.

"How about we make some new memories up here?" There was an evil smirk on his face that she loved.

"Sounds like a good idea," Rory sat from her position and both relaxed as their lips came together, as they would for the rest of their lives.


A/N: And its over! Thank you again, I hope you like this. And I hope I wrapped it up okay. I'm gonna miss this story so much and hopefully I won't have to miss you all. You seriously really rock. Thanks for being so awesome, really. Youre the best I could ask for.