A/N: I'm trying something new again! This time, it's a Winx fairytale! Please, give it a shot, and let me know how I've done! And just FYI the rest of the story will not be written like the prologue; it will shift into normal story mode for the rest. XOXOX


Once upon a time, in the far away realm of Sparks, a celestial being named the Great Dragon descended from the heavens, settled upon the grassy valleys, and made itself a home. The Dragon was so full of wisdom and might that its power was felt across the land. Travellers from far and wide soon sought the creature out for advice. Warriors asked for aid in battle; kings from far off lands sought out good council for how to lead their people. Some even revered the Dragon as a god, leaving it offerings of silver, gold, and livestock. The creature lived for many years like this, in the service of warriors and kings and travellers. It was content to stay in the valley to spread its knowledge, and for centuries helped build a kingdom out of the surrounding lands.

But the Great Dragon was aware that, as the kingdom grew, the need for a king would soon arise, someone to rule with a fair and just hand. The Dragon scoured far and wide, down every corner and valley of the kingdom in search of such a person to lead the people. In the far western mountains, located along the furthest reaches of the borderlands, the Dragon finally found what it was searching for: a young peasant boy, barely old enough to be called a man. The boy's fear for the Dragon was immense, but he did not cower, instead choosing to kneel in acceptance of whatever fate the ominous beast had in store for him. The Great Dragon was moved by the boy's show of courage and humility, and when it stared deep into the boy, it found an untainted soul full of compassion and strength. Such a boy would grow into the kind of man to lead a nation. And so the Great Dragon descended upon the boy and blessed him, cleansing him in fire so that his lineage would hold the same purity as he, and when he emerged, he was a king.

Under the king's rule, with the Great Dragon at his side, the kingdom of Sparks grew to be the greatest in the land, far stronger and superior in nearly every aspect. The people were happy and well fed. The crops grew plentiful in the fields, and there was hardly ever a drought. They forged trade connections with nearly every other kingdom in the surrounding lands. For generations upon generations the kingdom enjoyed riches beyond belief and remained untouched by war, pristine and perfect.

As the kingdom flourished, however, the Great Dragon became less and less called upon. There was no need for its magic, as the kingdom wanted for nothing, and the wisdom of the king far surpassed that of the Dragon's, at least in the peoples' minds. So the Great Dragon retired to the valleys where it originally settled, and lived its remaining years in peaceful solitude. However, in that solitude the Dragon remained constantly vigilant, always willing to help the people of Sparks whenever needed, making sure that the kingdom still thrived even in its absence.

But the Great Dragon was a creation of the universe, and like everything else, it too had its time. When the creature was aged and tired from its millennia-old work, it decided leave the land of mortals. The Dragon chose to pass on its great power – a power now known as the Dragon Flame – to the Queen of Sparks, for it recognized a fierce determination and strength in the female sex that man did not possess. The power it gave her was great, so great that she herself took on the form of a dragon to wield its enormity. Bestowing this ability onto a mortal was a great honor, and the Queen bowed in acquiesces at the gift. The Dragon warned her not to abuse this power, for to turn one's soul over to the Flame was to forsake humanity and become a dragon permanently. The Queen promised only to use her power in times of dire need, and the Dragon accepted her vow. With its gift passed on and its power fading, the Great Dragon ascended from its perch in the valley and retreated back into the heavens.

For many generations after, the women of the Sparks dynasty wore their scales with pride. Nearly every citizen was required to know the stories of their reptilian founder, and so grew up respecting their dragon queens. They were fearsome women who could not be conquered, with heads of flaming red hair and senses of fierce independence. They were revered and honored as kin of the Great Dragon, and the people relied on their clear judgment and unrelenting strength.

Eventually, the belief in the stories of dragons and kings and queens began to wane. Without actual proof of the Great Dragon's existence, the people had long since stopped believing in it, and as the people stopped believing, so did the royal women themselves. The dragon form became a rare occurrence, and as the power of the Dragon Flame started to wane, so did the power of the kingdom. The Great Dragon had passed on all its power to the Queens of Sparks, and with that power came the ability to maintain the stability and prosperity of the kingdom. Without that key belief in the Great Dragon, the prosperity and peace the kingdom enjoyed began to dwindle. The crops started to shrivel in the fields; droughts came during the hottest and driest of seasons. The people started to riot in the streets at their discomfort as their jobs were taken from them when another trading partner was lost. Rivalries became evident – the jealousy of other kings causing skirmishes and wars on the borderlands. The years grew rougher, and the royal family strained to keep itself in power.

Then, on a bright and shiny day many generations later, a baby girl was born to the young King Oritel and his bride, the Queen Miriam. The couple had been trying for years to produce an heir after the untimely death of their first daughter, Daphne, and was overjoyed in their new, healthy little princess. They named her Bloom, and for the first time in years, the kingdom rejoiced.

The little girl grew in beauty and grace, but grew in another more sinister way as well. As she aged from infant to toddler, she began to change. Her skin would periodically sprout scales and her bright blue eyes would narrow into tiny yellow slits whenever a temper tantrum would arise. The royal family tried to keep their daughter's condition a secret, but eventually they could not deny the truth: their daughter was a dragon. Not always, but at times when she was very upset or distressed, her true nature would take over, and the little girl morphed into the beast she held deep inside.

To protect the people from the threats their daughter could bring, unaware of the true nature and heritage of her gift, they sent the young girl away to a tower on the outskirts of the kingdom. Though it pained them to do so, they told the child that for the sake of the kingdom, she must be kept a secret. Her identity was told to no one, and as far as the kingdom knew, their beloved princess ceased to exist. Eventually, after years of solitude, even the princess herself started to forget who she truly was.

An entire kingdom away, the royal family of Isis was facing a similar situation. Their land, known for its gem and coal mining, was being plagued not only by ruthless bandits, but by endless war as well. The area had made many enemies and crossed many lines over its long history, and the sins of the past were starting to catch up to the King and Queen. The royal couple feared for the safety for their only child, a young girl named Diaspro. The pair had heard rumors through secret channels about a young princess who lived kingdoms away, and how she was locked away in a tower to ensure her safety. Seeing no other option to protect their own daughter, they sought out the tower that held the Princess of Sparks. Once it was found and the rumors were validated, the parents whisked Diaspro there under the cover of night, sealing both girls inside the tower together.

For years, the two girls grew up with only one another for company. They were cared for of course, but with the highest level of secrecy. A guard was sent from both kingdoms every month carrying fresh foods, clothes, toys, and books for the girls. They were still afforded every privilege of a princess, except freedom.

While they attempted to like one another at first, it was evident that they would not grow to be close. Diaspro spent her years complaining about her situation, whining all the while Bloom was growing into a strong and independent young woman. Diaspro was nothing but a bully to Bloom, from taking her toys and brushes when they were children, to giving her the scraps of dresses and forcing her to sleep on the hard stone floor instead of the large plush bed – big enough for the both of them – as young women. Diaspro never saw Bloom as a princess, ignorant to her true lineage, and especially not after she discovered that Bloom was a dragon. She thought the girl was cursed, and so treated her like an animal more often than naught.

However, Bloom was more than content to keep Diaspro at bay, preferring to retreat to her dragon form and spend her days soaring in the clouds rather than enduring Diaspro's company in their shared rooms. She could not roam far, for when she was taken to the tower as a child, her wrist was branded with ancient markings that kept her from entering the kingdom limits in her dragon form. Whenever Bloom did return to the tower, it was to bathe or change into a new dress, and even then she waited until Diaspro was asleep to avoid hearing her shrill voice.

And that was how their life was for nearly fifteen years. As the time passed, the stories started to change. Instead of two young princesses being locked away in a tower, it was a singular princess, fair of hair and heart, guarded by a fearsome dragon that fed off those who dared cross its path. Though the stories weren't exactly true, their lives quickly turned to legend and folklore. It wasn't until their eighteenth years that something new came along to change their circumstances forever.

Rumors had spread throughout the kingdom that a young prince had set out on a quest to retrieve the girls from the tower, and whomever he rescued would win his hand in marriage. Bloom thought the whole thing to be ridiculous, but Diaspro could not stop her excitement over leaving the tower once and for all. The two girls were at odds, Bloom disinterested and Diaspro itching for escape, but they both knew that only one could gain their freedom at the hands of the prince.

And this is where our story starts…