| You're Lucky to Have Him |

"This one, you should wear this one," Mason said, holding up a black checkered on light-teal button-down shirt.

"Too many buttons," Liam replied.

"That's the point, Liam. You're going to dinner. A nice dinner. Where you need to dress to impress."

"It's just dinner at his house."

"With his sister. And Satomi. The oldest alpha ever." Liam rolled his eyes. "You still don't know how cool that is. Like, she was around in the 1940s, looking younger than my mom. You're gonna' age like that. I want to age like that."

"Alright, shh. Not in here."

"Then buy it so I can tweak out in the car."

"Just…keep your shirt on."

| y |

Liam walked through the front door of his home, two shopping bags in hand. He started to head

up to his room, his hand even on the railing when his mom called out. "Liam?"


"Come in here."

He dropped his bags by the stairs and walked into the kitchen where his mom stood. "Hi, mom."

"How was your date with Mason?"


"Sorry. Afternoon. Lunch. 'Trist to the mall.'"

"I'm going upstairs."

"Did you girls find something good for you?"

"Goodbye, mom."


"I'm dating a guy mom, not riding a unicorn and galloping into a wall of glitter."

"That, my son, was gayer than anything I just said. You have a peculiar imagination."

"Can I go now?"

"Are you ready?"

"Obviously not," he said, motioning at his clothes.

"I mean up here," she said, tapping her temple.

"I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay to be nervous. You're meeting his family."

"I've met his family."

"Okay, well you're having dinner with his family."

"I think they're ordering pizza or something. Can I go now?"

"Bye. See ya.'" Mrs. Geyer shook her head, looking at him annoyed but equally amused. Liam popped a toothy grin and raced out, waving at her as he did.

| y |

"Brett!" Lori yelled across the hall. "Liam's here!" The younger werewolf pushed off from her window facing the street and hurried downstairs, just in time as Liam's finger came within inches of the doorbell. "Hi," she said with a smile.

"Hi," he replied, his smile awkward and nervous, almost dropping the bouquet in his hands.

"Come in," she said, stepping to the side. "Brett, you boyfriend's here!" she yelled, Liam's cheeks flushing. "He brought you flowers!"

"They're, uh, they're actually for Satomi."

"Satomi? Oh, she won't be here until after dinner."

"I thought…Brett mentioned…I'm—"

"You must be Liam," said the woman walking towards him from the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel before sticking her right out. Liam took it and shook. "I'm Brett and Lori's godmother, Umeko Day. You can call me Ume if that's comfortable for you." Liam just smiled, the tremors in the corners even more profound than before. "I hope you're hungry."

"Err, yes, ma'am. Um, Ume I mean." She smiled at him and turned to attend to the finishing touches for their dinner. Liam leaned close to Lori, eyes wide and his tone irritable. "You guys never mentioned you had a godmother."

"What's the big deal?"

"I just, I don't know anything about her. Is she, like, is this like 'meeting the parents' or something? Does she even know about you guys? Is she one of us?"

"Take it easy," Brett said, slowly making his way down the stairs, his hair damp. "It's exhausting listening to your hysteria from upstairs." Liam just glared at him. "Just come into the kitchen. Get a glass of water. Relax," he said before pulling the shorter beta in for a hug and a kiss to his cheek. Liam returned it and was soon following the siblings further into the house. It was then that he noticed how nice the taller boy looked, clad in tighter pants than normal and wearing a pastel-pink button down.

Brett walked over to the cupboard and subsequently the refrigerator to get a glass of water, Lori taking a seat at the counter. "These are for you," Liam said, offering the flowers forward.

"That was thoughtful of you," she said warmly, stirring whatever pan of sauce was in front of her. Brett walked over to him and traded the glass of water for the flowers.

"Liam wants to know if you know about us," Brett said, retrieving a glass vase from another cupboard.

"About werewolves?" Ume said, looking at their guest. "I do."

"But you're not…?"

"No. I was born human, like yourself."

"And you're okay with them? With us, I mean?"

"I deal with it. It can be a struggle. Stressful. Especially when Brett walks in with arrow or bullet wounds that don't heal normally." Ume and Brett exchanged a look, Brett's expression apologetic. "As my kids, though, I love them no different, no less. I'm sure your parents will do the same when you finally tell them."

Surprise took over Liam's expression, shock even. "How…?"

"Brett's told me a lot about you," she said, smiling at the older boy. "He's fond of you," she said, turning back to Liam. "Now, get your plate. Food's ready."

| y |

"What're your plans after high school, Liam?" Ume said, holding her cup of tea close. "College?"

"Probably," Liam replied. "I'm not really sure what I want to do yet."

"You're a sophomore?" Liam nodded, not having touched his own tea yet. "You have time, especially someone like you."

"Like me?"

"A werewolf," Satomi answered. "I've been on this earth for a long time. You'll find that, in some ways, if you can live as humanly as possible, this world has a lot to offer and you can take those gifts as they come. Rather than seeking them."

"And even if you weren't," Ume continued, "you'd still have time."

Liam smiled lightly at them, trying the hot liquid before him again.

"Could I be excused?" Lori said, her empty cup sitting on the end table next to her. Ume nodded and when Brett looked at his guardian, she motioned with her head to follow. Brett got up from his armchair and as he passed Liam, stuck out his hand. Liam took it and stood.

"Thank you again for dinner," he said. "And the tea." Ume smiled warmly at him. He exchanged a respectful look with the alpha before Brett pulled him along, not having released the boy's hand. They climbed the stairs together, Brett still leading the other. They walked down a hallway, passing Lori's room and turning into another on the opposing side. The taller werewolf flicked on the light, let Liam pass in, and closed the door.

"Movie?" Brett said with a toothy grin.

"Meh," Liam said, walking over to his boyfriend's desk, looking down at the spread of papers and post-it notes around the keyboard.

"You still haven't seen Star Wars."

"Double meh."

"Mason would freak if he heard you say that."

"Which is why I said it to you and not him," Liam said, looking back with a cheeky smirk.

"We could...I got the new Call of Duty: Ghosts. Looks interesting." Liam shrugged. "Well what do you wanna'...Liam, we can't with everyone here. Satomi may be able to turn her super hearing off, but Lori can't."

"No, she can't," came Lori's voice. She knocked, opened the door, and looked at them. "You still have clothes on, that's progress."

"Out," Brett said, crowding her back until he could close the door. "She's turning more and more into a teenager every day."

"We're teenagers."

"Yes, but…whose side are you on?" Brett said after seeing the shorter beta's devilish grin. He slowly stlaked up to Liam, the latter taking a step back but crossing his arms, not standing down. Not submitting.

When Brett grabbed Liam and manhandled him onto the bed, pinning him, the latter looked up and smiled, his eyes wide. "Yours. Definitely yours."

Brett's lips stretched wide. "Good," he said, leaning down and kissing him.

"I thought you said we can't."

"I did, didn't I? I guess I'll just have to stop."

"You'd better not," Liam said, pulling Brett back down by the back of his neck.

They rolled over so Liam was now pinning Brett. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just watch Bladerunner or something? You haven't seen that either."

"Oh, shut—up." Liam grabbed the tuft of Brett's shirt with both of his hands.

"Don't you dare," the older boy said just before Liam pulled with a rip. "You're dead." Liam leapt off of Brett, off of the bed, and made for the first door he could find. As he almost slammed the door, he soon realized it was a bathroom and, despite the window, he couldn't fit through that. He had nowhere to go. "Get out here you little shit."

"Or what?" Liam teased. "What're you gonna' do?"

There wasn't a response immediately. Things went quiet on the other side of the door. He listened, only finding a bustling noise that was quite faint. And then there was a clacking sound, but not of metal, of plastic. Hearing fast footsteps, Liam stepped away just in time. With one shoulder-check to the door it flew open, and there, standing stark naked, was Brett Talbot holding a rapid fire nerf gun with a drum of 35 darts.

"Oh shi—"

Shirk, shirk, shirk, shirk…

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You win. Stop shooting me."

"Oh, I'm just getting started," Brett said, discarding the gun onto his bathroom counter and crowding Liam backward. The smaller werewolf tripped backward into the wall of the shower and Brett placed his hand on the nozzle.

"No, wait, just—"


"You suck!" Liam exclaimed, the icy cold water drenching the side of his shirt and pants.

"You might catch a cold, short stuff," Brett said. "Here, lemme' help you." He tore Liam's shirt over his head and tossed it behind him. Liam looked up at him, wide eyed. He made to undo the four buttons on his jeans when Brett turned him around by his shoulders and forced him flush against the cold tiles.

"Brett," the brunette gasped, feeling Brett's chest warm against his own as the taller boy reached around to undo his black jeans.

"I'm gonna' fuck you right here in this shower, just like this. Grab hold of something if you can, but you better not make too much noise. We wouldn't want anyone else to hear you, would we?" Liam shook his head, his eyes wide and his cheeks burning red. He was hard, Brett's thumb already on the head of his clothed dick as it stuck out at the top of his jeans. "Do you want that, baby boy? You want me, right here, right now?" Liam nodded eagerly and Brett obliged, pulling the buttons apart in one motion. He yanked them down to his knees, pulled Liam's green and dark green-striped boxer trunks down to his thighs, and pushed the boy even tighter against the wall, Liam's dick trapped facing downward.

Brett reached over and pushed in the nozzle, the water ceasing. In one motion he dropped down to his knees and leaned forward. That tongue had returned once again with a few swipes and Liam whined, the corner of his mouth trapped against the tile as Brett pressed a hand forward onto the boy's lower back. "Arch out, Liam," Brett urged, Liam complying in taking a step back, making his upper body heavier against the white squares. "Yeah, that's it. You're so good like this." With both his hands, he spread Liam's hairy cheeks apart and drove a firm and prolonged press of his flattened tongue upward across his hole.

The older werewolf didn't linger, despite his inclinations to do otherwise. He pressed in a finger, Liam still feeling the burn despite his changed physiology. "You want it, Liam?" He groaned as Brett pushed deeper, but it wasn't going in as easily as previous times. "You gotta' loosen up." Liam tried, even resorting to his mantra of control. It seemed to work, Brett slipping his forefinger beside his middle now. The pull out, though, stung, eliciting a sharp noise from the standing boy. "You okay?" Liam looked down at him, forcing a smile.

Brett stood, his dick pushing up against Liam's taint as the taller boy forced their bodies together to kiss him. Still with his back arched inward and Brett's hands now combing up his furry torso, Liam breathed in and lust surged him. The smell of Brett all around the bathroom, the scents seeping in from his bedroom, the boy himself right behind him. He wanted it. Bad. "You ready?"

"Fuck me, Brett," Liam whispered.

Brett released the shorter boy, Liam catching his forward motion with outstretched hands. Liam felt it at his hole, that hot flesh of skin, extra wet on the head from its dip into the floor of the shower. He felt the pull on his hips, the push at his pucker, the initial breach. His skin tingled, yearned with a heated need, but his entrance felt off. It did sometimes, and this moment was one of them. As the head slipped fully inside, Liam's hand went back to push against Brett's stomach. "Wait."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No…yes? Something feels off."

"Okay, just…here." Brett pulled out, kissing the boy's shoulder. He brought a finger down and light rubbed it over his hole. Instantly, Liam tightened. "You okay?"

"It's really sensitive. In a bad way." Liam turned around, his back finally feeling the cold of the shower wall.

"Do you wanna' stop?"

"No." Brett eyed him, his eyebrow raised. "I'm really horny," he whined. His head thumped back, his erection twitching.

"There's other ways to get off," Brett offered seductively, wrapping his hand around Liam's member. "Hand. Mouth. Friction. What's your pleasure, baby wolf?" Liam glared at him. Brett crowded him once again, wrapping his massive hand around them both. "Let me get you off. Let me take care of you. I want to."

Liam put his fingers against Brett's lips, silencing him. "I've got a better idea," he said, grinning. Brett's eyebrow raised again, ceasing his motions but not releasing them either. "You should let me do you."

"Do me?"

"Fuck you. I want to."

Brett's eyes squinted. "I thought I was punishing you."

"You are. I mean, you were. Consider me punished. Actually, last week you somehow turned the tables on me. You still topped. So, actually, I'm pre-punished."

Brett laughed. "You're a dork."

"Seriously. My turn. I want to fuck you. This," he said, enunciating his determination by slapping both his hands on Brett's ass, "this is what I want. Okay?"

Brett leaned forward and kissed his lips. "Okay."


"Yeah. For you, definitely." Liam blushed but retained his nerve. He grabbed Brett's shoulder, attempting to swap their places when the taller boy stilled him. "Not here, though. I'm not having my first time in the shower." Liam's heart skipped a beat. "C'mon," he said, pinching Liam's nipple and making his way toward the bedroom. The shorter beta pulled off his remaining clothes and followed. "How do you want me?"

"Everywhere," Liam said, popping a cheeky grin.

"How do you want to start?" Brett retorted.

"Like this," Liam said, placing a hand on those eight sculpted abs and pushing him back until he fell back against his bed. The taller boy looked up at the other, watching as Liam sank to his knees between Brett's legs and took his cock in hand. He watched as Liam wrapped those red lips around him, forcing his eyes to roll back and his head to fall against the bed. He felt as Liam went as far down on him as possible, only centimeters from reaching the base, only to intentionally but delicately drag his teeth along his skin as he pulled back up. Brett's hand moved to Liam's hair, tightening in those lengthening locks. His other was trapped, claimed by Liam's hand against his thigh.

He felt as Liam's finger started to press against him, against that uninvaded space beyond his perineum. His head turned and writhed. He pulled his hand from Liam's hair, grabbing at the sheets to shove in his mouth to bite down on, to swallow his groans. His hand returned to the brown strands just as Liam pressed deep inside him in one fluid motion. He tightened, his grip on Liam's head following the strict hug around the other's finger. Liam started to slide out, only to push back in with two.

"Nnnghh," Brett groaned, peering up at the devil before him. Liam had yet to release his cock and the ministrations just to the south were drawing forth his release. The brunette looked up at him, pulling back and releasing his dick. He pushed back in deep, though, and curled, his nail catching on that spot. "Fuck!" Brett whined, his head falling back and the sheet slipping to the side.

"Shh," Liam said, pressing a soothing hand on Brett's abdominal muscles. He wiggled his curling motion at Brett's prostate and the boy's whole body writhed, his dick jumping and flaring.

"Please," he tried under the hand.

Liam stood, removed his fingers. He spat on his fingers, rubbing them at Brett's hole. He repeated the motion, coating his dick, looking at the already wrecked-expression on his boyfriend's face. He grabbed Brett's calves and put them on his shoulders, holding them in place. He looked down at the bent boy before him and smiled. "I love you, Brett," he said just as he pressed forward.

Author's Note and SPOILER 6x13:

I'd been planning this for a long time, adding these last two chapters. With tonight's, episode, I'm glad I was able to get these out this weekend as opposed to next (as I had planned). I'm very sad with the loss of Brett Talbot in the canon; he was a fan favorite, a personal favorite, and I'll miss him. I get it, I accept it, I even expected it, but it was definitely a bummer. Thank you, Cody Saintgnue, for this character.