Thanks for bearing with all the angst. Here, have a 7,500 words of smut as my thanks. :)

The pizza box was empty. Jimmy ate nearly as much as Dean and Cas combined, complaining about what a weird combination of flavors it was even as he inhaled slice after slice. The conversation over dinner had been wonderfully irrelevant, and though there was still an edge of tension in the air – things still had a ways to go before they felt normal and natural again – there was now at least a sense that things might return to normal soon. At Cas' insistence, Dean had been downing water like his life depended on it, which mostly meant he had to use the bathroom every fricken half-hour, a schedule that happened to coincide precisely to the intervals at which Cas was icing Dean's swollen knuckles. Being babied and coddled was endearingly irritating.

Really, it was impossible to stay annoyed with either of them about anything at the moment.

The feeling wouldn't last. The usual whispers warned Dean of all the ways things could go wrong. There would be still be mornings to come when he'd wake up unable to believe this relationship was real. There would still be days when he'd forget all the proofs that Cas and Jimmy had given him of their affection and belief that they refused to see him, couldn't accept him. There would still be days he'd lash out, unable to accept that which was freely given him. He tried not to let the prospect of all the ways he'd find to fuck up in the future scare him. There was an essential truth underneath it, and he understood implicitly that it was the most important piece, the only thing he really had to make sure he hung on to, clung to, as inviolable truth.

No matter what happened, it wouldn't mean they loved each other any less.

Forever is for children. Forever is for rom-coms. Forever is for lonely housewives. Forever is for books with beefy blondes in kilts on the cover. Forever is for fantasies.

Seeing the way Cas' eyes lit up every time they fell on Dean drove such thoughts away. Hearing the tenderness in Jimmy's voice even when he delightedly attempted to push every button Dean had drove such thoughts away. That was the same look, the same tone, that both men had directed at him for 15 years.

Even if it's not forever, it's enough for today. It just has to be enough for every single day.

The lamp was on, the muted TV played re-runs of Chopped, and Dean slouched into the couch cushions contendedly, his feet crossed on the coffee table, wonderfully surrounded. On one side, Cas lay slumped exhaustedly against Dean's side, chest rising and falling with the even rhythm of sleep as Dean slowly, repetitively ran a hand along the curve of Cas' back. On his other side, his eyes were locked with Jimmy's, and each was running a single, teasing finger over the other's inner thigh. Jimmy's erection was growing steadily more firm and prominent, raising a tent in the loose linen pants he wore. Dean's matching hard on was shielded by his jeans but only a little more subtle for that.

Lazy exploration brushed lightly over the stretched cloth, causing the enticing flesh beneath to twitch as Dean skimmed by and splayed his hand on Jimmy's belly. Jimmy dropped his head back against the couch cushions and slid his hips forward, surrendering the initiative, letting his hand still teasingly close to Dean's crotch. Determined not to disturb Cas' rest, Dean did his level damnedest to ease Jimmy into needy arousal, rubbing at the slight curving swell of Jimmy's belly, scraping finger nails through fabric as Dean gave attention to every perfect inch of Jimmy's body. The soft cloth of Jimmy's tunic top was ideal for adding tantalizing friction to every touch. Dean took his sweet time circling one nipple and then the either, touching neither yet drawing each into a hardened peak until Jimmy was panting, fingers tensing and relaxing against Dean's thigh.

"You promised him a blow job," Cas mumbled, words slurring together.

"I did at that," Dean turned a cocky grin towards Jimmy, who missed it, his eyes closed, mouth open to release a whimper at the thought. "Ready to collect?"

"Yeah," Jimmy drew the word out long as Dean finally took mercy on him and gently rolled a nipple between his fingers through the cottony soft abrasion added by Jimmy's shirt. "Yeah, let's do that."

"Gonna have to move, Cas," Dean suggested kindly, shifting the arm he had around Cas' waist. He felt rather than saw Cas nod against his side. Cas shifted his weight to the other side slightly, and as Dean turned in his seat to face Jimmy and leaned forward, bending double to mouth at Jimmy's cock through his pants, Cas moved with him, clinging to him, draping himself lightly over Dean's back with a contented sigh. It would make administering the blow job more difficult – Cas was practically dead weight on top of him – but it was worth it to feel Cas' all-encompassing warmth, to feel Cas rise and fall against him with every breath, to feel the early twinges of hardness in Cas' pants. Unable to bring himself to protest, Dean wrapped his lips around the head of Jimmy's dick and sucked at him through the cloth. Jimmy moaned, shimmied his hips closer to Dean's face, and Cas' cock gave a decided twitch against his back.

Sneaking a hand beneath Jimmy's loose waist band, Dean wrapped a two-finger ring around the base of Jimmy's cock even and he continued to mouth at the head through the cloth. A limp hand came to rest on Dean's head – he thought it was Jimmy's but he wasn't sure – urging him deeper gently, caressing at the base of his skull. The feelings he'd largely ignored bloomed to life and Dean became exquisitely aware of his trapped cock, wedged at a painful angle by his pants and constricted by the way he held his legs. Fingers traced over Dean's t-shirt, following the lines of his muscles, tugged the hem of his shirt up to lay cool touch against his heated skin. Dean stroked up on Jimmy's cock as he lowered his mouth around it and started what he knew to be an inadequate rhythm, used a light touch, left the fabric between Jimmy's need and Dean's hot, wet mouth, until Jimmy was whimpering.

"Dean, you damn tease..." Dean hummed his agreement. "You know your mouth is awesome, don't you?" Dean hummed again. "If I keep saying things you agree with will you keep doing that?" Again. "Was that a yes or a no?" By way of answer, Dean snagged the cloth of the pants with his teeth and drew it away. Jimmy's cock was flushed red, thick, tip damp from saliva absorbed through the cloth. Dean wrapped his whole hand around that beautiful length and gave a loose stroke, rough with unlubricated friction. "I like the way you think." Grinning, Dean watched with satisfaction as clear liquid oozed out of Jimmy's slit, and Dean's cock twitched and imitated that early release, liquid absorb into Dean's boxers, as the whisper of desire grew louder and more insistent.

Cas slid up Dean's back, reached his head over Dean's shoulder, wrapped his lips around Jimmy's tip, and sucked hard.

"Sweet mother of fuck," gasped Jimmy, hips straining up towards Cas' mouth. With a wicked grin, Cas drew away again and slumped back into place. "Dammit, Cassie..."

"I was saving that," muttered Dean, continuing to stroke Jimmy's shaft.

"He'll make more," giggled Cas.

There was no arguing with that logic. Jimmy would release more the more diligent Dean was in his attentions, and with that in mind, Dean began to stroke more firmly. Already, thicker liquid pooled amidst Cas' saliva, and Dean felt buzzed on the realization that when he leaned down once more he'd taste both of them. The prospect was too enticing to resist, and Dean leaned down, wrapped his lips around the entire head at once, and swallowed hard. Flavors washed over his tongue, salty and sour, sweet traces of the sauce from dinner, the unique taste of Cas that Dean had never been able to put a name to but that always shot desire through him. Jimmy groaned and the hand around Dean's neck tensed encouragingly.

With Cas' weight on him, Dean's range of motion was limited, but he didn't need much to drive Jimmy wild. His mouth played over the head of Jimmy's cock. Dean kissed around the raised ridge separating shaft and head, teased his tongue at the tip and licked at the divot at the base, scraped the faintest hint of teeth over sensitive flesh, and closed his lips over each every spot systematically and tenderly, lightly sucked. His hand pulsed an easy rhythm around the base, spit slicking the way. He loved the weight of Jimmy's cock in his grip and pressing against his tongue and cheek. He loved the way Jimmy twitched under his ministrations, the way Jimmy trembled as he held his hips still in an effort not to thrust into Dean's mouth. He loved the gentle circles Jimmy was tracing over his scalp. He loved the sounds that leaked from Jimmy's mouth, half-articulated encouragement broken off in moans, "yeah...oh! Just like...Dean, your mouth...your fucking, fuck, your tongueand your hand...fuck that feels..."

He loved Cas' hand resting securely and comfortingly on his belly. He loved Cas' heat and weight arched protectively over his back. He loved the slight rut of Cas' hips putting the merest tantalizing pressure on his crack. There was no way he was up for anal that night, not after the morning and evening before, but that didn't stop the teasing from driving him higher, didn't stop the tingling slowly spreading through his skin or the insistent aching need in his cock.

There was nothing about this he didn't love.

Slowly, gently, Dean used his mouth and hand to work Jimmy up, gradually increasing his speed and the pressure with which he sucked until Jimmy throbbed in his mouth on the edge of his orgasm. The cock straining against Dean's lips felt glorious. Dean loved giving blow jobs to those he cared about, loved subverting skills he'd gained so unhappily and using them in the name of producing bliss. It made him feel valuable and worthwhile, made him feel like the sacrifices he'd made served a purpose, since he could use them to make Jimmy and Cas feel so good. A steady stream of pre-come leaked onto Dean's tongue and he drank it down eagerly even as he backed off, slowed down, eased Jimmy away from the brink with languid strokes and tender kisses. Over and over again, Dean drove Jimmy to the edge and pulled him back, inching Jimmy closer to orgasm every time. Jimmy's words gave way to panting, breathy moans and the occasional grunted complaint when Dean stopped short of giving Jimmy what he needed to achieve release.

Dean felt his own arousal as a throb behind his eyes, a burst of pleasure in his gut each time he swallowed, an ache in his crotch and ass that was increasingly difficult to ignore. Cas undulated his whole body enticingly against Dean's back and ass, urging Dean on, and whispered in Dean's ear, "I love watching you do that, Dean, you're so good to us. I can tell how much you like doing it, and that's so beautiful. I can't believe how much you give, how freely you give it, how freely you give everything. I want you so much right now, want your arms around me, want your mouth on mine, want your lips on my dick, want to be inside you. Yeah, suck Jimmy down, just like that – it's like I can feel you doing that to me, feel it everywhere, it feels so good. Feel like I'm burning up for you, Dean. Isn't he making pretty noises? It's because you love Dean, right brother?"

"Yeah," gasped Jimmy. "I do – love you, Dean, love you, love you so much." The words hit Dean powerfully and he took Jimmy deeper and groaned, sound reverberating through Jimmy's desperate flesh. Jimmy moaned loudly, the sound trembling through Dean's body until he thought he might be echoing it, Cas might be echoing it, it might be all three of them moaning as one. He squeezed his eyes shut against tears and began a steady up and down, lifting Cas' weight each time, taking Jimmy into his mouth and throat as deeply as he could, dark pubes tickling his nose and lips.

"So strong, Dean," Cas continued the irresistible litany in Dean's ear. "So beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful, your body, your mind, your stainless soul, all of it is absolutely perfect, every imperfection adds up to make you perfect." Lips brushed against his neck and the modest contact tingled sparks of heat down his spine, along his ribs, straight to his laboring heart. "What if I wanted to give you something I've never given anyone else?" Dean adjusted the angle on his head and swallowed Jimmy down, and despite all his efforts at stillness, Jimmy rolled his hips into the contact, scraping the back of Dean's throat with his tip. Holding his breath as his lungs began to ache, Dean held still and let Jimmy move inside him, gasping and squirming and moaning at every slight change in pressure.

"What if I wanted you inside me?"

A huge groan tore through Dean and he gagged, pulled back and choked even as Jimmy shouted and came in Dean's mouth and over his chin. Coughing raggedly, splattering Jimmy's crotch with come and spit, Dean desperately tried to catch his breath as images flooded his mind.

Cas on his hands and knees, Dean thrusting into him, Cas rocking back against him at every stroke, urging him deeper, urging him faster.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Cas exclaimed, leaning back and dragging Dean upright as he continued to choke. Jimmy slumped into the couch, moaning his way through a second burst of pleasure that streaked semen over Jimmy's shirt. Hands held Dean securely, easing him through convulsive inhalations. The world spun, and even his distress couldn't quell the excited jerk of his cock at the new-found freedom of him sitting him. "I didn't mean to..."

Dean on his back, Cas straddling him, riding him hard, Dean's hands on Cas' hips begging him for him.

"Yes you did!" Jimmy wheezed.

Cas bent over, ass thrust towards Dean, hands gripping the kitchen counter, sexed-out voice telling Dean precisely how he wants Dean to move, how fast he wants Dean to thrust, describing how he wants Dean to fill him.

"You serious, Cas?" Dean managed hoarsely, using the back of his hand to wipe his chin. Dizzy and disoriented, Dean took each breath slowly as he waited for his equilibrium to return. The way Cas was stroking his chest definitely did not help, nor did the drawn out pause with no response, leaving Dean alone with his fantasies.

Fingers deep in Cas, working him open, slicking his hole. Cas taking it until he couldn't wait any longer, Cas begging Dean to fill him...easing his way in to Cas' tight hole, rocking Cas' body back and sinking in as deeply as he can. Cas crying out as Dean finds his prostate, moaning Dean's name, splattering come over Dean's belly.

There was a hand on Dean's crotch, lips on one of his nipples, his shirt was hiked up to his armpits, fingers cupped and massaged his breast, and a hot voice steaming sultry over his ear, "Would you like that, Dean?"

"Yes," he whimpered. "God, yes, if you want me, Cas...if you want me, fuck, please, let me fill you!"

A smack of lips and a rush of cool air marked Jimmy leaving off his attention to Dean's chest. "You sure, Cas?"

"Can you get the lube, Jimmy?"

"Sure can," Jimmy hopped up. The moment he was gone, Cas pressed into Dean, urged him through gentle pressure to lean back against the couch, positioned him with nudges and taps until Dean sat square, his thighs together, his feet on the ground. Satisfied, Cas straddled Dean and drew him into a deep, searching kiss, tongue lapping at the spit and come still pooled in Dean's mouth.

"Tastes good," Cas said breathily as he broke off the kiss. Dean barely had time for one deep inhale before Cas was back on him, kissing him eagerly, rutting his erection against Dean's belly, rubbing his ass over Dean's cock. Constant touch after the long neglect to Dean's cock cascaded pleasure through his body, and at first he surrendered to the sensations, the joy of Cas' lips on his, the rhythmic pressure on his cock, the warm glow of Cas' presence and interest. More quickly than he'd have imagined, his fantasies combined with his horniness to leave him panting on the edge, and reluctantly Dean pulled back from the wonderful sensations rather than risk lasting approximately four seconds on the very first time he got to be inside his boyfriend.

"No!" gasped Cas as he broke off the kiss.

"Huh?" Dean breathed, confused.

"It's okay, Dean," murmured Cas, nibbling along Dean's jaw line. "Don't withdraw from me. I don't need you to put on a performance. However long this lasts, I know it'll be amazing."

"Bull," said Jimmy cheerfully as he returned, tossing the bottle of lube in the air and catching it. "First times are always rubbish. You'd know that if you weren't a virgin."

"I'm not a virgin," said Cas defensively.

"Ever had a cock in your ass?" Jimmy replied pointedly. Cas flushed, and Dean blinked in amazement.

"I'm your first?" The sense that he had to do well for Cas' sake multiplied several times over.

"I've been fingered," Cas muttered, refusing to meet Dean's eyes. Hastily unbuttoning his shirt as if he could use stripping as a distraction – not a bad theory, really – Cas shrugged it off and tugged his undershirt over his head, baring is chest.

"Trust me, it's not the same," said Jimmy to accompaniment of the lewd sound of lube squirting into his hand. "Drop trow, bro, I'm going to prep you."

Nodding, a defiant gleam in his eye, Cas rose from Dean's lap and lowered his pants, kicking them off. Dean used the opportunity to undo his jeans and, with a relieved sigh, he finally freed himself from the confines. Before he could remove his pants further, he suddenly had a lap full of Cas again, straddling him. Grabbing a hold of Dean's cock, Cas smeared his hand in Dean's pre-come and Cas' own, grasped them both together in a wide grip and stroked gently. Fucking fireworks burst behind Dean's eyes in uncountable shades of brilliant blue, and he groaned and slid his hips further down. Leaning forward, wrapping an arm around Dean's shoulders, Cas caught Dean in a possessive, deep kiss, holding eye contact all the while, Dean so distracted by the was a predatory gleam in Cas' eyes that he awkwardly bumped their noses together. The clinical knowledge that Dean should hold himself back into order to better serve Cas' pleasure couldn't compete Cas' eager brushes over their cocks, the urgent working of Cas' lips on Dean's, or the way Cas used his entire damn body to push Dean closer and closer to the edge before the main event even started.

Their kiss broke off as Cas hissed. Dean could only partially tell what Jimmy did, view mostly blocked by Cas' body, but he could see that Jimmy had taken a seat on the coffee table, one hand apparently resting on the small of Cas' back, the other stroking up and down. Cas moaned and tightened his grip on their cocks, rising and falling slightly to rub them together, rising and falling in time to Jimmy's attentions to him.

"One finger," murmured Jimmy warningly, and Cas went stiff against Dean and froze. "I'm not sure this is a good idea, Cassie. You're very tight."

"Do it, Jimmy."

With a slight shrug, Jimmy raised his eyebrows and then caught his lip in his teeth intently. Cas quivered.

"How you doin'?"

"Feels good," Cas whispered. "Always feels good when you do this to me."

"We're going to take care of you, Cassie," Jimmy promised.

"Yeah," echoed Dean. "We gotta be really careful, Cas, and you must tell me if anything I do hurts you."

"I will, Dean," Cas vowed. Settling back on his heels, Cas drew away from Dean, breaking off their kiss, releasing their cocks to drape both arms loosely around Dean's shoulders. Back ramrod straight, Cas' eyes slipped shut, his head fell back, and the muscles in his legs twitched and visibly engaged as he lifted himself and then lowered himself onto the finger inside him. Jimmy went still, and Dean's eyes went wide as he watched Cas effortlessly rise and drop again, again, again, fucking himself on his brother's hand. Each time, their cocks rubbed together, and Dean felt helpless to do anything but stare, mustering only enough to settle his hands on Cas' waist and feel the slight spasms of pleasure that quaked through Cas' body as he moved. Taken as a whole, it was fricken awe-inspiring sight: Cas' lean, muscled chest flat before Dean, his mouth slightly parted against panting breaths, eyes open narrow to reveal blue overwhelmed by pooled black lust, the powerful ease with which he took what he wanted.

He's going to do this to me. Exactly what he's doing to Jimmy's finger right now, Cas is going to do to my cock. Holy shit.

Dean groaned, his cock twitched with anticipation each time Cas rose and fell, his mind conjuring up the feeling of tight muscles surrounding him, compressing him, massaging up and down his length. Slowly, Dean began to rub his hands along Cas' sides, movements a down-and-up counterpoint to Cas' up-and-down movements, and Cas moaned, low and guttural, at the feel of Dean's rough hand against his deliciously smooth skin.

Stiffening abruptly, Cas' body went still.

"Two fingers," Jimmy explained helpfully.

"Thanks for the updates," Dean huffed.

"My pleasure."

"Would you shut up and prep me already?" Cas snapped.

"Always so demanding," said Jimmy with a grin. Judging by the satisfied sound that rumbled in Cas' chest, Jimmy did as he was told. Dean could hear the wet smack of lube-coated fingers thrusting in and out. Cas leaned towards Dean, tightening his embrace, and thrust his ass towards Jimmy, and Dean rubbed his hands over Cas' sides, along the rippling muscles of Cas' abs, down the soft skin of his belly, up his firm back, glorifying the feel of soft skin beneath his work-roughened hands.

"Beautiful, Cas," he breathed. "You're so fucking hot right now. Can't wait to fill you up. Can't wait to feel you all around me."

"Three fingers," demanded Cas.


"Now, Jimmy!"

Every muscle went rigid and Cas groaned as Jimmy obeyed. Dean could feel the quivering tension tightening Cas' muscles and did his best to soothe Cas' stress, palming and massaging. Jimmy leaned forward and peppered kisses along Cas' shoulder and along the curve of his neck. "Order me around all you want, but I'm not letting you go so fast you get hurt," Jimmy murmured in his brother's ear. "I don't care how much you want Dean's dick, you're not getting it until you're good and open."

"I'm fine," gasped Cas. Suiting action to words, Cas settled back once more, leaving Dean feeling deprived by the small distance opened between them, and pressed down against Jimmy's hand. "Wow...that feels..." Slowly, Cas lifted himself up, releasing a shuddering moan as he even more gradually was filled again.

"Yeah, I know," said Jimmy tenderly. Catching Dean's questioning look, Jimmy added, "First time I've ever done three."

"Seriously?" Dean shifted nervously. "Cas, I don't know about..."

"If you're not going to say anything helpful, then be quiet," snapped Cas authoritatively, and Dean moaned at the tingle Cas' tone spiked through his gut. "It's for me to say what I am up for and what I'm not, and I want to do this."

"Fuck," muttered Dean. "Not a scene, Cas..."

"Right," Cas grunted, beginning to speed his movements as he chased pleasure on Jimmy's hand. Sweat beaded on his forehead, created a thin layer of moisture slick beneath Dean's hands as he ran them over Cas' back, clutched at the smooth skin between Cas' shoulder blades, brought them around to palm at Cas' nipples. "We're not. You don't have to do as I say." A deep chuckle tangled with a groan to produce a sound that shouldn't be fucking legal, it was so sexy. "We both know that doesn't mean anything, though. You love obeying me, don't you, Dean?"

Swallowing his answer, Dean nodded emphatically.

Brushing a kiss against Dean's lips, tightening his grip around Dean's shoulders, Cas whispered in Dean's ear, "Nothing turns you on like doing as I say, right?" Dean nodded, knocking his nose against Cas' cheek in his enthusiasm. "So you'll follow orders, just like the good sub you are, right?" Dean nodded a third time, desperately. "In that case, you will keep silent." Biting back a moan, Dean nodded one last time. His heart raced, his body throbbing in time to the rise and fall of Cas' body as he opened himself on Jimmy's fingers. Even with no hand guiding them, Dean and Cas' flushed, sweaty bodies were close enough together that their cocks bobbed together, brushed, rubbed, every time Cas rose and fell. Exquisite pleasure accompanied each, the feeling amplified now that he no longer had permission to voice it. Suddenly, it felt like the headiest moans in the world were trying to claw free of his throat, and repressing them left him giddy with bliss and expectation.

Panting heavily, Cas pumped up and down rigorously, moans leaking from his lips. Dean's hands fell to Cas' hips, fingers resting in the curve of Cas' pelvis, offering the modest encouragement that was all he felt comfortable giving. Each time Cas rocked back, Dean's entire body tensed in anticipation, and the sound of Cas' voice drowned out the world. He choked back every needy, desperate whimper that tried to escape him, but couldn't suppress the voice reminding he couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't come until Cas told him to.

"No other rules, Dean," Cas rasped, somehow reading his damn mind. "Unless you want them. I love watching you obey because you enjoy doing so, but I won't ask you to delay your orgasm for me, not today. Move as you will, come as you will, and trust that I will tell you if I'm alright. Nod if you agree." Before he could answer, Cas sucked a kiss over Dean's throbbing pulse and then sank his teeth in, biting hard, and it was all Dean could do to channel his groan of mingled pain and pleasure into a frantic nod. A pulse squeezed along Dean's cock, threatening him with climax.

I'm just the same, just the same, Cas, I love that you give me orders because doing so brings you pleasure, love that my obedience gets you off, love how gentle you are even in command. Love how you give me everything, Cas, love how you want me...want you, want you so much, all of you, right now!

A hand on Dean's cock drew him back to the moment, his blurred vision swimming into focus to reveal Jimmy guiding Cas' hips, steering Cas into place over Dean's erection.

"Slide your ass back a little, towards the back of the couch," Jimmy instructed. Dean did so, skin finding an unpleasant damp spot he'd left when he moved forward, old sweat cool against his skin. "Pivot your hips forward, Cassie. Alright, reach down and take Dean's cock from me, hold it upright, try to aim your ass towards it if you can. I'm going to hold you open and line you up. Dean, be ready. This is gonna be damn tight – I don't care what Cassie told you, if this is too painful for you, speak up, okay?"

"I might hurt him?" All the command vanished from Cas' voice, replaced by concern. It might have been the single most endearing thing Dean had heard Cas do, and he couldn't help but grin, place a hand on Cas' cheek, and steer him into an affectionate kiss. Worry and surprise gave way to a sigh as Cas eased into Dean's tenderness. "If it's too much, you have to say something," Cas breathed against Dean's lips. Dean nodded his agreement decisively and went to kiss Cas again...

...only to break off and throw his head back, mouth open wide around a soundless cry, as fingers brushed the head of his leaking cock, guided him against Cas' hot, wet hole, and encouraged their bodies together, urged Cas down surrounding him. Dean could feel the thumb catching and stretching Cas' rim, touching both of them, connecting them. The hand Cas had on Dean's dick tensed, and each breath that escaped Cas was increasingly vocal, a low moan with each exhale. It was all Dean could do not to follow suit, and his chest heaved with each rushing pant. He'd waited a fucking lifetime for this, and every second longer was agony. Hands tensing around Cas' hips, it was all Dean could do not to scream frustration, not to rut up into Cas' body, not to chase the tantalizing hints he'd gotten of what was to come.

Need to be in him right now.

"Hold still, Dean," muttered Jimmy distractedly.

No. Can't. Want. Need. Now.

The thumb slipped away as the taut ring of muscles slid over Dean's head, constricted his sensitive flesh, and bliss coursed through Dean's entire body, pre-come bursting out to further lubricate the way.

Now, Cas, now!

Infuriatingly slowly, Cas enveloped him, entrance as tight as Jimmy had warned, a compressing ring that edged down Dean's length painfully, culminating in ever-increasing pleasure as each bit of him won through to the lesser pressure within, the greater heat and wetness that Dean knew craved the friction that only his thrusting cock could give.

Have to have you now.

"Dean," whimpered Cas. "God, you're so big. You said it was both said...but I didn't realize...I don't know if I can...I don't..."


Frustration howled in Dean's head, but hurting Cas was unthinkable. The downward movement stopped, and tears leak from Dean's eyes. His raging thoughts drowned out Cas' breathing, the desperate rush of need coursing through his blood and tingling along his skin blocked out the feel of Cas' arms around his shoulder. His mouth snapped shut and he snagged his lip painfully between clenched teeth. He needed something to ground him, something to pull him back, something to remind him that Cas came first and that under no circumstances would it be alright for him to tense his grip on Cas' hips and pull Cas down onto him hard even as he thrust up from the couch and fuck did he want to do that, to own Cas as Cas had owned him so many times, to give Cas the pleasure Cas had given him over and over again.

Please, please, now!

"It's up to you," Jimmy said from a world away.

I'm begging you, Cas!

Strong fingers wrapped compressingly tight around Dean's upper arms, bringing him back to himself. Gentle lips urged Dean to release the vicious bite he ground into his lip, and silently Cas began to lower himself once more. A relieved breath burst from Dean's lungs. After a fucking lifetime, Cas' ass rested against Dean's thighs. Cas whimpered at every breath, hints of pain mingled with his obvious pleasure. Once he was fully seated, he went still, and they waited through the long, slow process of Cas' body acclimating to the greatest intrusion it had ever experienced.

Fuck if it wasn't perfect to be inside Cas. Now that he was fully within, Dean could tolerate waiting, even thrive on it, as the delay gave him time to pull himself away from brink of orgasm where he'd been tottering for so long. Gradually, Dean felt muscles loosen, relieving the pained clench around Dean's cock until there was nothing but the glorious feeling of Cas' narrow, constricting, virgin channel, hot and wet and applying friction to him everywhere. He'd dreamed of doing this with Cas more times than he could fricken count since he was fucking fourteen years old, and now he was finally, finally, buried balls deep in one of the two hottest men on the planet. On the verge of laughing, a cocky grin spread over his lips.

Fuck, yeah! No regrets with my life!

"You ready, Dean?" A finger brushed tenderly over Dean's chin, and he nodded, shrugging tension from his shoulders, easing his grip on Cas' hips. "Good. So am I."

Lifting himself, easing Dean out maybe an inch, Cas slid down again with a guttural groan. Every movement was slow, Cas' muscles clenched and taut with the effort as Cas moved just the same over and over again, a little up, a little down. Each thrust rolled the tight ring over the lower part of Dean's cock, rolled pleasure through his body, and Dean found his breathing, his heartbeat, everything syncing up with the pace Cas set. His hips rolled up slightly from the couch each time. As Cas settled in to the steady movement, he began to make slight changes, adding a pivot of his hips, shifting left or right, wiggling his ass hilariously, rocking backwards as he settled. Every variation was accompanied by pleasured gasps and faint groans increasingly tinged with frustration.

The reason for Cas' actions defied Dean's comprehension, and though at first he thought of little beyond how he felt one hard thrust from bursting come into Cas' channel, as he accustomed to the rhythm and tiptoed back from the danger of spontaneous orgasm, he began to worry at Cas' irritation. Cas sounded like he was enjoying himself, his closed eyes leaked tears, his expression rapt with concentration and effort, his chest arched slightly forward as he rode Dean eagerly. However, something was missing.

I'm not getting his prostate.

Jimmy hovered behind Cas, curiosity and uncertainty battle on his face, his eyes wide and dark with lust as he watched his fucking gorgeous, absolutely perfect brother fucking himself on their shared boyfriend. Dean could imagine what voyeuristic fantasies he and Cas were fulfilling at that moment, knowing how he'd felt the night before holding Jimmy as Cas made love to him for the first time. Catching Jimmy's eye, Dean silently suggested that Jimmy move close behind Cas. It took a couple attempts to get the message across, but Cas was so absorbed in his own efforts he didn't notice. As Jimmy took his position, a look of understanding suddenly lit his face, and he gave Dean a smirk and a thumbs up.

Firming his grasp on Cas' hips, as Cas rose, Dean jerked him forward and rolled Cas' ass back, knocking Cas off balance backwards, where Jimmy caught him easily. Cas gave a startled cry as settled back again. The angle wasn't radically different, but it changed the angle between their bodies, tilted Cas' channel as compared to Dean's thrusts, just enough forward that Dean had leverage for a firmer thrust. Settling his hips into the couch cushions, pulling out a few inches, Dean snapped forward and filled Cas. The head of his cock glanced fucking stupendously off something solid and pleasure whitewashed the room.

"Oh my God,Dean!" Cas' body shook around Dean, shook through him, and he barely gasped back his orgasm.

"That what you were looking for, Cassie?" Jimmy said smugly. The brothers came back into focus, Jimmy slipping hands beneath Cas' armpits, Cas still obviously dazed. No matter how many times Jimmy had fingered Cas, there was no way it had felt like that. Smugly proud of himself, Dean drew back and drove home again, and Cas cried out wordlessly.

Dean and Jimmy managed to hold onto control for four solid thrusts, four strikes that had Cas' face contorted in pleasure, his eyes unfocused and full of tears, his chest heaving, before Cas snarled at them both and seized the initiative. Cas shrugged off Jimmy's hold, took a bruising grip of Dean's hips, rocked back on his heels and did a perfect imitation of the movement Cas had down. With a grunt of irritation to mark his failure, Cas tried again, shimmying himself slightly further back, using the strength of his entire legs to lift himself, and the thrust down again hard.

"Got it," he snapped triumphantly.

Without a moment's pause, Cas repeated the movement, again, again, shifting himself as he needed to take exactly what he wanted. Each thrust was shallow and quick and still so tight, and within two strokes Dean's awareness narrowed to the friction of his cock in Cas' tight body, the strength of the muscles surrounding him, rippling, clenching and unclenching, and the tide of bliss attempting to drown him. Every slight shift was electric, every thrust felt earth-shaking.


His grip on Cas' hips went limp, it was all he could do to hold back his orgasm as Cas took exactly what he wanted from Dean's body, as he so often did, and it was fucking perfect, like it always was. The slap of flesh on flesh, loud even over Dean's breathing, accompanied the rise and fall of Cas' body. Though Cas still didn't get Dean over his prostate every time, the sounds leaking from Cas made it clear that Cas' aim was getting progressively better, and each time Cas cried out or moaned, Dean had to bite his lip to keep from doing the same. His eyes raked over Cas' body, flushed and sweaty and straining, and Dean's gaze suddenly found Cas' erection, curled tight and red and desperate along Cas' thigh. Shame flitted through Dean, that he had neglected such an obvious means of increasing Cas' enjoyment, that he'd been so focused on himself he hadn't even thought of Cas' cock. Fumbling, Dean forced his aching hand to move, tracing along Cas' thigh, smearing his fingers with the leaking, dripping pre-release to the accompaniment of Cas gasping and breaking his rhythm in shocked pleasure. Wrapping his hands around Cas, Dean stroked eagerly, and Cas went limp and still for a moment, a moan breaking into a sob of relief and joy.

"Yes, Dean!" Weakly, Cas resumed his pace, and Dean mimicked the movements of Cas' body, stroking up when Cas rose, twisting and jerking down when Dean penetrated Cas deepest. "God you feel so good. Why'd we wait a year to do this?"

It felt like Dean's entire being pulsated in time to the movement of his hand over Cas' cock, the movement of Cas' body around his dick. The feeling throbbed and built, each pulse billowing out only to concentrate thick and rapturous as he filled Cas over and over again.

God, Cas!

"What is it, Dean?"

Dean's stroke picked up urgency. He craved the feel of Cas' muscles, already so tense, tightening spontaneously and then easing around Dean as Cas reached his climax, needed to feel that before he could let himself go.

Going to fill you...going to come...


Cas was so rigid around him it was painful, his skin felt afire, and a groan ripped from Dean, gravel over sandpaper.

"Castiel! Aw, fuck, Castiel!" The words burst from Dean's lips, rapture and prayer straight to heaven as his orgasm slammed into him, stole his breath away, flattened him like he'd fallen from a fucking airplane and plummeted into fucking paradise.

"Dean," panted Cas. " me, Jimmy...oh, Dean..." Hips stuttering to a stop, fingers closed over Dean's benumbed hand, and Jimmy's firm grip worked both their hands over Cas' cock. "Jimmy!" Hot come landed thick on Dean's hand and Dean screamed at how tightly Cas' muscles contracted around him, ecstasy so powerful it felt like a second orgasm seized him. Cas was actually fucking sobbing, and somehow Jimmy must have sensed something of how much pain was mingled in with Dean's bliss, because in moments Cas was off him, lifted free by his brother. Relief and disappointment shared equal parts as Cas' weight came away and Dean's cock pulled out, and Dean moaned weakly and flopped bonelessly to his side on the couch, gasping for every breath.

"That...was fucking...awesome..."

Sweaty weight settled half next to him, half on top of him, as limp and replete in every half-assed movement as Dean felt.

"Yeah..." murmured Cas.

"You guys remember when I joined you for the first time, and I spent like two days afterwards babbling about how watching Cassie fuck you, Dean, was the hottest thing I'd ever seen?"

Dean bungled a nod against the couch cushions, felt Cas nodding against his side. Awkwardly, Dean lifted an arm and dropped it heavily onto Cas' side and shoulder, and Cas collapsed into the contact with a sated, contented sigh.

"Guys, this was the hottest thing I've ever seen."

The flick of Cas' chest against Dean's back as Cas chuckled felt weird, and Dean couldn't help but laugh weakly as well. Their skin smacked together and pulled apart with a ridiculous wet sound, flesh sticky with drying sweat.

"I'm being serious," Jimmy whined. "Guys, I'm hard again. This is like the fifth time in 24 hours or something. I'm all for an active sex life but this can't be healthy."

"You'll be fine," muttered Cas petulantly with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Go do something about it. Somewhere else." Dean wheezed another laugh.

"Really?" snapped Jimmy. "Really? Hey, did I object when you asked for Dean to be your first? No, I didn't, cause I'm an awesome brother, and I know how to share. Did I complain when he was with you for months before I got a shot at him? Of course not, because I'm an awesome brother, and I know how to share. Did I mind lubing up my hand and giving Dean one hell of a prostate massage last night, even though I'd already gotten mine? No, because...

"'re an awesome brother and you know how to share," mimicked Dean and Cas simultaneously.

"Exactly. And now, you're just gonna leave me hanging?" Jimmy snagged his pants and lowered them to reveal his erection, thick and drooping heavily, most definitely hanging.

"He's right," Cas murmured thoughtfully.

"It does seem a little unfair," Dean conceded reluctantly.

They didn't say a thing, they simply shared a single thought as Cas shifted and rose, Dean followed suit, and before Jimmy could process what had happened, two sets of lips were on his cock, Cas mouthing against the tip, Dean licking down the length, taking a testicle into his mouth and sucking hard.

"Holy fuck," groaned Jimmy. "I fucking love you guys, you know that?"

"Yep," Cas drew away just long enough to speak, and then enveloped Jimmy's head with his lips.

"Sure do," Dean added smugly, sucking kisses against the base of Jimmy's cock.

"You two are gonna kill me," whimpered Jimmy.

"I've heard four orgasms in a day can do that to a guy," said Cas.

"Liar," Jimmy muttered. "I've had way more than thaaaaaaa..."

There wasn't much more room for conversation, Dean and Cas' mouths both otherwise occupied, and Jimmy's thoughts dissolving in pleasure, his words fragmenting into pleasured moans and random babbling. Utterly aroused by Dean and Cas' display, two mouths had Jimmy coming hard in minutes, climaxing so hard he ended up on his knees on the ground with Dean, shivering and moaning as he slumped against Dean with a happy sigh that exactly mirrored the one Cas had made earlier. Jimmy's weight inordinately heavy against his exhausted body, Dean drooped against the base of the couch, and Cas slid to the floor with them and wrapped his body over them both as if doing his best imitation of being a blanket. It was particularly ridiculous considering Cas was naked, the only one of them who hadn't somehow managed to retain clothing through all of that. Worried that Cas might be cold, Dean enfolded his waist and pulled him close, encouraging Cas to nestle against his body, urged Jimmy to do similarly against his side.

"You're ours," murmured Jimmy giddily, leaning down to barely glance lips over Dean's forehead. "No one else gets to have you."

"We'll share with Sam," added Cas sleepily. "Platonically."

A laugh that felt fucking amazing burst from Dean's lips.

"Come on, Cassie, we've talked about this," a hint of petulance entered Jimmy's voice. "You said if Sam really wanted to join in, and Dean was cool with it, we could totally go there. You promised me!"

"In your dreams, Novak," said Dean, grinning.

"All the damn time, Winchester," sighed Jimmy. "You have no idea."

"We'd need Sarah's consent, too," Cas' murmured.

"Takes five to orgy," Jimmy shrugged.

"You'd know."

"Yeah, well, I gave all that up for you," Jimmy said. With an awkward lift of his shoulders, Jimmy tried to get up, apparently having forgotten that Cas was laying mostly on top of him. The effort ended abortively with Jimmy collapsing back against Dean, giggling. "Best decision I ever made." Dean grinned and wrapped an arm around Jimmy's waist, pulling Jimmy close. "Cool with you if I sleep right here?"

"Yup. Cas?"


"Takin' that as a yes."

"We're going to regret this so much in the morning."

"You know...I really don't think we will."

Utterly fucking perfect.

...and *done!*

Dudes, I so didn't think this fic was gonna get so long. :) If I'd realized how much was going to come out of "the morning after" I'd just have incorporated the whole thing into "Sticks and Stones" as one story. Ah well.

I have a few ideas for future stories, two in particular that are trying to eat holes in my brain (both prequels) but I have no idea what I'll write next, for all I know I'll end up doing something else entirely, I'm so done guessing cause seriously every time I'm like, "expect this next!" ...I'm so, so wrong.

But...something will be next! Either for this or one of my other stories! Promise! :)